The Alternative Hebrew Dictionary
The Alternative Hebrew Dictionary
Hebrew slang - a part of
The Alternative Dictionaries collection.
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- b
- ben zsona
- +
son of a bitch
- e
- Eize melekh!
you're great! (literaly means - what a king!)
often used in irony, but also when over-praising someone.
- h
- hantarish lakerda
the most favorite reudor menashes curse
- hulio , tobleron , eduardo , haargaz
the names of reudor menashes
- i
- Inahl Rabak Ars Ya Choosharmuta
Go to Hell With your Fucking Father
- j
- Jiffa (masc. noun)
garbage, filth
Everything that is a little bit dirty is reffered to as "Jiffa".
- k
- Khappes mi ye'na'a'ne'a ot'kha!
literaly means - go search who will jiggle (rock) you!
When you want to tell someone off, or just take them off your back...
- Koos
- ++
also used in phrase "Koos ummek", your mother's pussy. From Arabic
- l
- La'a'za'zel, aani gommer! (phrase)
- +
Damn it, I'm ejaculating (coming)
- Lekh teda
- ++
Go fuck yourself
- m
- Magneev
A very positive interjection
- s
- sh-tok(masc. phrase), shit-kah(fem. phrase)
- +
shut up
The masculine phrase is one syllable, the feminine is 2 syllables with the emphasis on the second syllable.
- sheretz mekori notef mugla
an original creep with infect wound
- t
- T'kharev betak
- +
Drop dead
Yemenite slang. Literally "May your house be destroyed.
- tembel
stupid morron
- Tizdayen/tizdayeni
- ++
Go fuck yourself
Tizdayen to a guy/tizdayeni to a gal
- Tsafdina (noun, female)
A teacher
Originates from a host-show, starring a male dressed as the cliche female teacher.
- y
- Ya Ben Sharmuta
Son of a Hore
- Ya khatikhat khara
- ++
You piece of shit!
Said in anger or when talking about the dumb fucker whose boyfriend you are
- Ya Man Maniak
You Fucking Meniack !
- z
- Zayin
- +
Dick, cock
Common slang word for penis

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