The Alternative Dutch Dictionary
The Alternative Dutch Dictionary
Dutch slang - a part of
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- a
- aardappels afgieten, de
to go for a pee
It literally means "to shake the potatoes dry" and refers to a mans testicles.
- achter het raam zitten
to work as a prostitute luring customers from behind an illuminated window
This expression means literally "to sit behind the window".
- afberen
- +
to masturbate
This is a mix of two expressions "aftrekken" and "masturberen".
- aflebberen
to kiss intensely in a public place
Usually used reciprocally (elkaar aflebberen). Derived from "lebberen" which is a somewhat old-fashioned word meaning "to lick".
- afrossen
to thrash
Used when someone is giving a severe beating. Also "In elkaar slaan" meaning "To beat up".
- afrukken
- +
to toss off
This word is stronger than "aftrekken". The literal sense is "to tear away" or "to rip off".
- aftrekken
to toss off
The normal meaning is "to subtract"
- afwerkplaats
A public place where street prostitutes have sex with their customers
The word means literally "finishing place". It is usually a parking lot or a public park. In larger towns in the Netherlands the local council often semi-officially designate an area on the outskirts of the town or near an industrial area where this kind of business is tolerated.
- afzeiken
put down
To shit all over. "Ik voel me afgezeken" meaning "I feel shit on (lit. pissed on)".
- afzuigen
to give a blow job
The word is derived from "zuigen". The prefix "af" carries the idea of "taking something away" like the English "off".
- anderhalve man en een paardekop
a very small audience
This expression means literally "one man and a half and a horse head". It is used to express that a meeting or theatre performance is badly visited.
- Anita (noun, fem)
A non-intellectual female person
Pejorative use of the female first name once popular in Dutch working class. Often used in conjunction with its male equivalent 'Johny'. Example: "Moet je die Anita zien."
- asbak (noun, m.)
ass man
Literally, "ashtray". But, this an archaic slang term (particularly in Zeeland) from World War II, when "as" was rendered as "ass" and "bak" as "back" or (in Dutch) "reet", hence "ass man".
- aso
An anti-social person
A abbreviation of "asociaal" (anti-social).
- b
- bagger schijten
- +
to be very afraid
The literal meaning is "to shit mud."
- balen
to be fed up with one's designated task or more generally with the current situation
This word was originally used by conscripts in the Dutch army, then it became popular with school-children and now it is generally used. "baal" means "bale" or "bag"; perhaps it is a reference to the work of carrying bales?
- bedonderen
to deceive
Derived from donderen (to thunder) because of negative associations.
- befborstel, de (noun)
refers to the use of a moustache in stimulating the clitoris
- beffen
to stimulate the clitoris with the tongue
- bekken
to French-kiss
- belazeren
to deceive
- besodemieterd zijn
- +
to be out of one's mind
This expression means literally "to be deceived" (see "besodemieteren") but has shifted in meaning.
- besodemieteren
- +
to deceive
This word is evidently derived from "Sodom" which stands for corruption in Christian/Hebrew tradition.
- beurt
- +
A fuck
Literal meaning is "turn" or "turn out". Usually used in the expression "een beurt geven" (to fuck).
- boemelen
to go out boozing
Also "Aan de boemel zijn" "To be out boozing".
- boerelul
- +
an asshole
Literal translation is "farmer's prick"
- boerenpummel, de
- +
a boor, an uncivilized peasant
A combination of "boer" (farmer) and "pummel" (boor). The word "boer" (from which the English "boor" was derived) is used to build a number of Dutch words with a negative connotation.
- Bokkelul
- +
Insult: jack ass, scum bucket
- botergeil
- +
very horny, very lewd
This word means literally "butter-lewd" and is only used for women. A tentative explanation is that butter (being rather slippery) is associated with the vagina of a sexually aroused woman.
- broekhoesten
to fart
to fart
Litterally translated "to cough in your pants"
- brugpieper, de
a pupil in the lowest class of a lyceum
The word is used by pupils in the higher classes. It is a composition of "brugklas" (bridge-class; the first class being a "bridge" to different types of secondary education) and "pieper" (pipit, young chicken).
- buffelen
to work very hard
Apparently this word is derived from "buffel" (buffalo), referring to the domesticated buffaloes that plough rice-fields.
wolf down/gobble, stuff someones face
- buiten de pot piesen
- +
to commit adultery
The literal meaning is "to piss outside the pot" and it obviously can only be applied to men.
- d
- Da's kloten van de bok
- +
That's very bad, rotten
The literary meaning is "That's testicles of the goat"
- de ballen
- +
Goodbye! So long! See you!
The literal meaning is "the balls". Maybe a reference to the testicles as a precious part of the male anatomy and thus meaning something like "be careful! (with your balls)"
- de hoer spelen
to work as a prostitute
Literal translation is "to play the whore". So actually a euphemism for "to be a whore".
- de hond uitlaten
to have a piss
The literal meaning is "to let the dog out".
- de koffer induiken (met iemand)
to have a roll in the hay (with someone)
It literally means "To jump in the suitcase (with someone)"
- de pijp aan Maarten geven
to die
The literal meaning of this expression is "to give the pipe to Maarten". Perhaps "Maarten" is "Sint Maarten" (Saint Martin) but this does not explain much about the origin of the expression.
- de pijp uitgaan
- +
to die
This expression means literally "to go out of the pipe". Perhaps the original expression was "De pijp gaat uit" (The pipe stops burning) or maybe there is some comparison of the soul leaving the body with smoke rising from a pipe? It may be interesting to note that there is another expression with the same meaning that also involves a pipe (see: "de pijp aan Maarten geven).
- del, de
a slut
- dit is zware space, heftige bass
This music sounds really great!
When you hear someting really great, you say ~. Can also be used for other topics than music, meaning in general "this is really nice".
- dombo
dumbo, idiot
- draaikont, de
an opportunist, someone who changes his opinions according to the circumstances.
The literal meaning is "turning-bottom".
- driehoog achter wonen
to be badly housed
Used to describe that someone lives in a shabby place. Litererally it means "To live on the third floor's back-room".
- drol, de
- -
a piece of human excrement
The original meaning was "something with a round shape" and with a considerable shift in meaning it seems to have entered the English language as "droll" with the meaning "amusingly odd".
- drooggeiler
Someone who visits a red light district and just looks at the prostitutes to get excited after which he returns home to masturbate or have sex with his own wife.
A combination of "droog" (dry) and "geil" (horny).
- droogkloot
Someone lacking a sense of humour.
Literal meaning is "dry testicle."
- Dutch
krijg de keleren
lit: catch cholera! an Amsterdam phrase.
- e
- een beurt geven
- +
To fuck
Literal meaning is "to turn out, to clean thoroughly" (a room for example).
- een nummertje maken
to fuck, to copulate
- een wip maken
to fuck, to copulate
- Eikel
- +
Literally meaning dickhead, very often used
- engerd
- f
- flamoes
cunt, pussy
- flikken
to do
"Godverdomme, Willem, wat je me nou toch flikt!" meaning "Goddamn, Willem, I don't like what you did to me now"
to do
"Hoe heb je dat geflikt?" meaning "How did you manage to do that?"
- flikker
A homosexual
Although used by some homosexuals themselves in the Netherlands the word is not quite acceptable in some circles.
- g
- gadverdamme
- +
This is evidently a corruption of "godverdomme" but is less strong. It is used for rather disgusting experiences like stepping in a heap of dogshit.
- galbak
"Willem is een galbak" meaning "Willem is always complaining"
- gat
- -
anus, bottom
Child language. Literal meaning is "hole".
- gedoogzone
an area where otherwise illegal activities are tolerated by the authorities
The literal meaning is "tolerating zone" The illegal activities usually involve drugs and street prostitution.
- geilneef (male)
- +
a man who is always horny
literally : horny cousin
- gesodemieter
- +
trouble (with somebody)
The etymology is the same as for "besodemieteren"
- godverdomme
- ++
God damn it
Strongest curse in Dutch
- graftak (noun, de-word)
Literally a
- gras maaien
- +
moeder de vrouw "een beurt geven"
- gratenkut, de (noun)
- ++
a slut
Literally: "fish-bone pussy". Very offensive.
- greppeldel
a slut
Literally "The ditchbitch". Easy to get girl.
- griet
Very commonly used for girls, not necessarily pejorative.
- h
- hoempert
harde kak
voor het eerst gebruikt door Wim van Nijssel in Scheepskamelen
- hoer
- +
Can be made stronger by adding all kinds of deseases: "Vuile kanker-/tyfus-/tering-hoer!" meaning literally "Dirty cancer/typhoid/tuberculosis whore!"
- hoerenbuurt
red light district
In Amsterdam also known as 'de Walletjes'
- hoerenloper
Someone who often goes and has sex with a whore. It literally means "Whore-walker".
- hoerig
- +
See also 'sletterig'.
- hol
an arse, an anus
The literal meaning is "hole".
- hufter (noun, m.)
Etymology obscure, possibly an archaic form of "ripoff artist". Often used contiguously with "poen".
- huisdealer
a drugdealer who is connected to a certain establishment (usually a coffee-shop)
In larger Dutch towns a "huisdealer" sometimes is tolerated by the local authorities as long as he does not sell hard drugs.
- j
- Je kunt/kan m'n rug op
- +
No way! That's out of the question!
This expression means literally "You can climb on my back!" (Implying probably"you can fuck me but I won't do what you want from me")
- Johny (noun, male)
A non-intellectual male person
Pejorative use of the male first name once popular in Dutch working class. Also 'Johnny' or 'Sjonnie'. Often used in conjunction with its female equivalent 'Anita'. Example: "Elke Johny rijdt een Opel Manta."
- k
- kanen
- +
to eat
This word belongs to the slang of the city of The Hague.
- kettingzeug, de (noun)
- +
a slut
Literally: "a chain sow (female pig)"
- klaarkomen
to come, to have an orgasm
The normal meaning is "to finish, to get ready".
- klerebeer
naughty little bastard
Literal translation: cholera bear. Probably belongs to the slang of the city of The Hague.
- klojo
- +
bastard, son of a bitch
A corruption of "klootzak"
- klooien
To bungle
Derived from "kloten"?
- klootjesvolk
- +
Middle-class people
Literal meaning is "people with tiny testicles".
- klootoog
Literally meaning "Testicle eye".
- klootzak
- +
son of a bitch
Literal meaning is "testicles"
- kloten
- +
rotten, extremely bad
Original meaning is "testicles". Used as a predicate adjective.
- knor
someone who gets everything wrong, always says the wrong things at the wrong moments, and is therefore considered a social failure
This word is widely used in student communities, and is known to all former students as well. Example: 'John is een suffe knor!' means as much as 'John is a boring, uninteresting asshole'.
- kont, de
a bottom, an arse
This word is etymologically related to the English word "cunt". The original meaning of both words is obviously "hole".
- kontneuken
- +
anal sex, having anal sex, arse fucking
This word is a composition of "kont" (bottom, arse) and "neuken" (fucking). It is only used as a noun or as an verb in the infinitive."
- krentekakker
cheapskate (noun, m.)
Literally, a "raisin-shitter", from the universal association of constipation with niggardliness.
- kut
- +
cunt, pussy
Also used as an interjection like English "shit".
- kuttelikkertje
- +
a small dog for ladies
literally : small pussy licker
- kwakkie, het
- +
cum, sperm
This word is a colloquial diminutive of "kwak" (blob) and is consequently used for a small amount of sperm.
- l
- liefdesgrot
A poetic way of saying pussy. Literal translation is "Cave of love".
- lul
- +
cock, prick
- +
idiot, moron, bastard
- lul-de-behanger
- +
an idiot, a clumsy person
The literary meaning is "prick the paper-hanger" The word "lul" can be used for a moron so maybe the person indicated with tis expression was compared with a very unskilled paper-hanger?
- lulhannes
clumsy person
See also lummel/lul-de-behanger
- lummel
- +
clodhopper, gawk
- m
- mafketel
ALso "Mafkees" where "Kees" is a traditional Dutch male name. Mafketel literally means "Weird pot".
- matennaaier, de
someone who lacks "good-fellowship" at work
The literal meaning is "mates-fucker". It is for instance used for a worker who reports small thefts or illicit absence of his co-workers to the boss.
- matje, het (noun)
long hair in the neck
Hairstyle worn by male members of the lowest social class. Also used for indicating a male person of that class. Literal: "a carpet".
- mof
Used to describe Germans during and after WWII. To make it a bit worse you could say "(Vuile) Rotmof" which uses "Rot" ("Rotten") as a preposition, "Vuile" means "Dirty".
- muts, de
Mostly used for girl over 16
Mostly used for girls over 16.
- n
- naaien
- +
to fuck, to copulate
The original meaning is "to sew" and it is still commonly used in this sense.
- neuken
- +
to fuck, to copulate
- neukstier (noun)
- +
stupid stud bull
Indicates a male with brawn but no brain. From "neuken", meaning "to fuck", and "stier", meaning "bull". A (possibly archaic) derogatory term for a male chauvinist pig.
- nicht
a queer. (Amsterdam slang.)
I do not know the origin of this slang word, although it's frequently used.
- o
- oetlul
idiot, moron.
A stronger version than just plain "Lul". More colorful.
- op z'n hondjes
An adverbial expression used in connection with a certain sexual position (the way dogs do it).
- op z'n sodemieter geven
- +
to scold
The etymology is the same as for "besodemieteren".
- opgeilen
- +
To arouse sexually (intentionally)
A combination from "op" (up) and "geil" (horny).
- opkankeren
- +
fuck off
Same as 'oprotten'. Lit. "To cancer off"
- oprotten
- +
fuck off
Used very commonly: "Ach man, rot toch op" meaning "Come on man, push/sod/fuck off"
- opsodemieteren
- +
to go away (usually used in the imperative)
The etymology is the same as for "besodemieteren"
- opzouten
- +
fuck off
Used by people who don't like to use 'oprotten'. Meaning is about the same, lit. "To salt off"
- ouwe rukker
- +
son of a bitch (used affectionately though)
Although the literal meaning of this expression is something like "old masturbator" (see: afrukken) it is not uncommonly used by men to greet for instance an old school pal they have not seen for a long time. E.g.: "Hé, Jan, ouwe rukker! Hoe gaat ermee?" (Hey, Jan, how are you?)
- ouwehoer
- +
someone who likes to talk a lot about unimportant matters
This word means literally "old whore" but it is applied to men! See the verb "ouwehoeren" for the possible etymology.
- ouwehoeren
- +
to talk a long time about trivial matters.
This word is derived from "ouwe hoer" (old whore). Apparently older prostitutes are supposed to spend more time with chatting than actual sexual intercourse!
- p
- paal
"Paal" literally means "Pole".
- Paardelul
- +
jerk, asshole
Literally meaning horse-penis
- palen
1:to row fast, 2:to get laid
This word comes from the rowing world, where it is used in the first meaning. In other environments the second meaning is more common.
to fuck
It literally means "to pole" and refers to driving/ramming piles as in terms of contruction.
- penoze, de
A collective noun to denote souteneurs.
- piesen
- -
to pee
This word is related to "pissen" which has the same meaning but sounds ruder.
- pijpbekkie, het
- ++
a nice mouth for a blowjob
Used in a pejorative way against women.
- pijpen
- +
to give a blowjob
Used commonly, "Die muts kan me toch lekker pijpen!" meaning "That babe gives great head!"
- pik
- +
cock, prick
- pleurislaaier
a jerk. Lit. a spreader of pleurisy
A spreader of pleurisy was not very popular -- hence this insult.
- poep
- -
Used for describing dog-shit "Hondepoep" or used by small children.
- poepen
- -
to shit
See "Poep"
- poot
- +
a male homosexual
Generally accepted in gay circles. Apparently related to "pot" (female homosexual) but of unknown origin. The normal meaning of the word is "paw" but the relation is obscure.
- portiekslet (noun, female)
- ++
bitch, slut
literally : porch slut
- pot
- +
a female homosexual, a lesbian
Generally accepted in gay circles. Apparently related to "poot" (male homosexual) but of unknown origin. The normal meaning is "pot" or "jar" but the relation is obscure.
- potverdorie
This seems to be a corruption of "godverdomme". It is a very mild curse used by those who cannot or dare not use the "g.v.d." word.
- publiciteitsgeil
Extremely keen on publicity.
Mostly applied to politicians and artists. The literal meaning is "publicity-horny".
- r
- raaskallen
rave, talk gibberish
Used very commonly: "Ach man, raaskal toch niet" translated by "Oh man, stop talking through your hat"
- reet trappen, voor zijn
to kick someones ass
This expression is generated by direct translation from English, something that is done by certain Dutch rap-bands, such as the Osdorp posse. Still, it can very well be used.
- reet
Can be used very commonly: "Het can me geen reet schelen!" translated by "I don't give a fuck!"
- reetridder (noun, male)
- +
ass fucker, gay, homosexual
literally : ass knight
- remsporen, de
- +
brown stains in underpants
The literal meaning is "braking tracks" implying that someone did not quite succeed in controlling his bowels before a toilet could be reached.
- +
Skid marks (shit in underwear or on toilet)
- reutelen
to fart
- rothoer
- +
"Hansje is een vuile rothoer" meaning "Hansje is a (rotten) whore"
- rotzak
- +
"Willem, vuile rotzak!" meaning "Willem, you dirty bastard!" Lit. "Rotten bag"
- rukhond
- +
masturbator. (Lit. a masturbating dog.)
Insult. Usage: 'Vuile rukhond' -- dirty jerkoff.
- rukken (verb)
to masturbate
Fairly common slang. Literally: "to jerk".
- s
- schatje
- schijt(en) (noun (verb))
- +
(to) shit
Used as the english equivalents. As an interjection "shit" has become more important than "schijt". Also the german "scheisse" can be used as such. "In z'n broek schijten" (to shit in his pants) means to be afraid and therefore "de schijterd" is the someone who is easily afraid.
- schoft
- +
"Willem, is een schoft van een gozer" meaning "Willem, is a real bastard"
- schuinsmarcheerder
- +
"Willem is een echte schuinsmarcheerder" meaning "Willem is a real rake"
- shit
Borrowed from English and only used as an interjection.
- slempen
to drink, carouse
- slet, de
a slut
- sletterig
slettish, slettishly
- slik mijn zaad
- +
Swallow my sperm
often used by students when a jerk is talking to you
- snol, de
- +
a slut
- spuiten
to ejaculate
It literally means "to squirt off" and is probably derived from the German "abspritzen"
- standje
Any position for sexual intercourse other than the "missionary position"
When not used in connection with having sex, this word has the entirely separate meaning of "scolding".
- standje-69, het
a sexual position where each partner stimulates the sexual organs of the other with his or her mouth.
"Standje 69" (69 = negenenzestig) is obviously named after the resemblance of the participants with a 6 and 9 lying on top of each other. It is probably a literal translation of the equivalent French expression.
- stoephoer
- +
bitch, slut
Literally 'Pavement whore'
- stootje
An attractive girl for fucking
Derived from the word push. Used as in 'Een lekker stootje .." -- a hot chick.
- stront, de
- +
shit, excrement
- sufferd, de
- +
dope, a
"Willem, jij sufferd!" meaning "Willem, you dope!"
- t
- tapijtnek
- +
Literally 'Carpet-neck' referring to the hairstyle of house-fans. Mainly found in The Hague.
- teef, de
- +
- temeier (noun, female)
whore, prostitute
corruption of "een tweede meier", which literally is "half a meier"; 50 guilders, the usual price for a prostitute's service.
- teringlijer (noun, male)
- +
jerk, asshole
Literally : somebody who is suffering from "tering", which is how they used to call cancer.
- toeter
a hand-rolled cigarette
Also used as a name for a joint. "Toeter" literally means horn and refers to the shape of the cigarette.
- tongzoen, de
a French kiss
This word means simply "tongue-kiss".
- triootje, het
a trio (for having sex)
This word is a diminutive form of "trio".
- trottoir prostituée
- +
Literally 'Pavement whore', see also 'stoephoer'
- trottoirteef (noun, female)
- ++
bitch, hooker
literally : pavement bitch
- u
- Utrecht
Stad van je leven
Utrecht, stadsie woar...
- v
- vergallen
to spoil
"Willem heeft het voor ons allemaal vergalt!" meaning "Willem has spoiled it for all of us!"
- verkloten
- +
to fuck up
"Willem heeft zijn examen verkloot" meaning "Willem has flunked his exam badly."
- verneuken
to fuck up
See also 'verkloten'
- viespeuk (noun, m.)
foul-mouth (noun, m.)
Literally, filthy little one. Used when children do or say something unacceptable.
- vingeren
to stimulate the clitoris with the fingers
The meaning of this word used to be "to finger" but nowadays it not advisable to use it in this sense.
- vleesroos
Very metaphoric way of saying pussy. It literally means "Rose of flesh"
- voor Jan Lul
- +
in vain, on a fool's errand
A adverbial expression which literarily means "for Jan (John) Prick"
- voor Jan-met-de-korte-achternaam
in vain, on a fool's errand
A less rude deriviation of "voor Jan Lul" Its literal meaning is "for Jan with the short family name."
- w
- Watje
- +
Softy, weak person, coward
popular word used to express a lack of respect towards someone's cowardice attitude, lit. transl.: little part of cotton wool
- welzijnsmafia
wellfare mafia
Used to denote social workers, implying ineffectiveness, meddlesomeness, hazy jargon and other negative qualities imputed to this profession.
- wijf
girl or babe literally a bitch
Although literally it means bitch it's not that strong anymore
- wippen
to fuck, to copulate
- Wuftje
- +
not so very intelligent (mostly blond) girl, but not ugly
it is a variation on the old dutch word 'wuft' which indicates that a girl doesn't have a strong moral on sex
- z
- zaadje
It literally means "Little seed".
- zakkenwasser
dope, moron
Used very commonly to designate a person as being incompetent. It literally means "Bag-washer".
- zeiken
- +
to complain about trivial matters or things that cannot be changed
- +
to piss, to urinate
- zeiker
Someone who complains about trivial matters of things that cannot be changed
- zo fijn als gemalen poppenstront
very pious
The literal meaning is "as fine as ground doll shit". It is used for people (especially protestants) who go to church each Sunday, pray before every meal, do not swear etc. This expression is slightly rude but is acceptable in non-religious circles.
- Zuigen
is het bestrelen van een lollie met je tong
- zuiplap (noun, m.)
From the verp "zuipen", to drink to excess.

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