The Alternative Chinese Dictionary

Chinese slang - a part of The Alternative Dictionaries collection.

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Also known as Mandarin or Puthonghua.

Pinyin transliteration should be used, including the use of u"(or ΓΌ) and tone numbers. Entries should specify which characters are used.

See also the Cantonese dictionary.

bi1 (noun)
++ vagina Cunt. Very commonly used yet very offensive.

cao4 (verb)
++ have intercourse with Equivalent of the English word Fuck:'Cao4 Ni3 Ma!' (Fuck your mother). It can also take an organ as the object:'Cao4 Ni2 Ma Bi1!' (See Bi1.) This word only describes the action of a male. Its subject is usually `I' and omitted. This is still the most offensive word in Chinese. It is, however, less offensive if used without an object.
chou1 ni3 ma1 de bi1
++ Suck your mother's cunt Common in Taiwan, of unknown frequency in China. Not recommended if unarmed.

+ penis Dick. Could be used to prefix another nuon to form a compound noun:'Diao3 Ren2'=asshole.

fuck indicating a sexual intercourse
gun3 dan4
++ to leave here quickly (saying by someone who is tired of another) verb

huai4 dan4 [noun]
+ villain, wastrel, possible criminal. literally: bad egg.
hun2 dan4 [noun]
+ bastard, child of uncertain ancestry literally: mixed egg

ji1 ba (noun)
++ penis Cock. The most common term for penis. Often used as a pure expletive in sentence:'Che3 ji1 ba dan4'='Bullshit'.
- penis Pee-pee or wee-wee.

nu nu (3)
Tits Pronounced "New New" A very cute way of saying breasts.

wan2ba1 dan4
++ "turtle-egg" something like a cuckhold. BAD.

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