The Alternative Basque Dictionary
The Alternative Basque Dictionary
Basque slang - a part of
The Alternative Dictionaries collection.
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- a
- alu(a) (noun)
vulva, cunt
Used with the meaning of "arsehole", "idiot". Example of use: "Alu hori!" ("such an arsehole!")
- atzelari(a) (noun)
- +
literal translation: one who does it from behind. A despective term for homosexual men.
- e
- emagaldu(a)
- +
Literally: Lost woman. Example: "Zure ama emagaldua da". You are a son of a bitch.
- k
- kabroi(a) (noun)
jerk, asshole
Used in anger or in jest between friends.
- kaka zaharra
- kosto (noun)
Word commonly used to describe cannabis resin. Wish I had some on me now!!!!!
- l
- larrua jo (verb)
- +
to fuck
- m
- maketonia (noun)
spain, spanish state
Simply: the place where "maketo"s (see above) live. Ex. "Maketoak Maketonian bizi dira" (Maketos live in Maketonia).
- maketo(a) (noun)
- +
spanish, spaniard
Despective term used to describe someone who lives in the Spanish State (Basque Country - Euskadi - not included for obvious reasons).
- marikoi(a) (noun)
- +
From the Spanish "maricon".
- o
- Oi zer bakea!... Harriak ere mintzo dira!
Oh! quelle paix! les pierres l'affirment.
- p
- pikutara joan (verb)
go to hell
- popatik eman
to bugger
Literally: to give through the stern (the back)
- popatik hartu
- +
to be buggered
literal translation: to take through the srern (the back) example of usage: zoaz popatik hartzera! (bugger off!)
- s
- sasikumea (noun)
- +
When someone has done something bad to you, he is a bastard sasikume horrek zera egin dit
- t
- tentelapiko(a)
- -
To put it simple: someone who is not very intelligent. Ex. "mutil hori tentelapikoa da" (that boy is stupid)
- -
To put it simple: someone who is not very intelligent. Ex. "mutil hori tentelapikoa da" (that boy is stupid)
- txakurra
Specially spanish policemen.Literally "dog".
- z
- zakila
- +
- zulo
literally "hole"

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