The Alternative Azerbaijani Dictionary
The Alternative Azerbaijani Dictionary
Azerbaijani slang - a part of
The Alternative Dictionaries collection.
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- a
- anavy sikim
- ++
Mother fucker
Very strong expression.Used ONLY in special cases.
- d
- da"ma"k (mask.noun)
- +
No Comments.Asshole is asshole everywhere.
- da$$ag^ (mask.noun)
- +
- g
- ganjykh (fem.noun)
- +
No comments is neccesarry.
- Go^t
- +
Pronounces like [g*t].Sound [*] is like pronounciation if -ir i n English.
- i
- it balasy / ku"chu"k
There is no translation.
Literal translation is "Son/Daughter of a dog"or "Puppy". Usually dog means something dirty and not valuable.
- o
- Osturag^(noun)
- +
A fart
Pronounces like [osturakh]. Literally might be translated as - shit. USAGE: Ala,osturag^,... Hey you, shit,....
- p
- pokh (mask. noun)
There is no need to comment anything
- pokhuvu ye (expression)
Piss off
English equivalent is 'Do you business'. Literal translation "Eat your shit".
- s
- sik(masc.noun)
- ++
It is very clear.No comments are nessesary
- siktir (verb)
- ++
Fuck off
Pronounces [siktir].

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