The Alternative Alemannic Dictionary
The Alternative Alemannic Dictionary
Alemannic slang - a part of
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- a
- Achmed lach net, kriegsch dei Sach net
a nice rhyming way to say 'stop fooling around'. literally 'Ahmed don't laugh, or else you won't get your things'
don't use on Turks unless they're really called Ahmed.
- b
- Baechleputzer (masc. noun)
Someone who has an unenjoyable job; a proletarian.
- d
- do gibt's in China scho rente druff
- +
'that's the oldest joke I've ever heard'. literally: 'you can get a pension for that in China'
- e
- einschleimen (reflexive verb)
- +
being sycophantic. literally 'to slime oneself'
- Elends- (modifier)
- +
very. positive or negative. literally '...of misery'
also used as an exclamation, meaning 'fucking hell'
- f
- figge
- +
to fuck
also used as a reply to questions like 'where are you going', 'what are you doing' etc., meaning 'mind your own business'
- Fischkopf (masc. noun)
- +
Person from the north of Germany. Literally 'fishhead'
- Fotz/Votz
- ++
- Freiburger Bobbele
- -
person born in Freiburg.
- Freiburger Jobbele (neut. noun)
- +
Jabolo from Freiburg.
- fuelig (adj / adverb)
lazy. not derived from 'fuehlen' (to feel) like 'fishheads' think.
- g
- g'arscht (past part.)
- +
fooled, fucked, betrayed; literally 'arsed'
- gilbrig (adj.)
- +
- Guzele
- -
- h
- ha (verb)
to have
present: ich ha/han, du hesch, 's het, mir hen, ihr hen, se hen. past: ich han g'ha/g'het.
- Hajobigoscht!
yes, with emphasis.
- Hanai/Hanoi
no, with emphasis.
- Hippiepuff (masc. noun)
a volkswagen minibus. literally 'hippie's brothel'
- k
- kannsch de Hase gebbe
- +
that's useless. literally: you can give that to the rabbits.
- l
- Larry - as in 'Mach kein Larry'
- +
don't make a fuss. not very offending but very 'low' language.
- m
- mach malach
laugh! [as a reply to a shit joke]
- Mais
something very stupid. literally 'corn'
- Mehler/Maehler
lucky person
- Merse
thanks. obviously derived from French 'merci'
- n
- nix gigt's, fisch gibt's!
Literally: You won't get what you want, you'll get fish. Meaning something like 'whatever you say'
- p
- Puppe
good looking girl. literally 'puppet'
- s
- Salle
greeting. obviously derived from French 'salut'
- Schleim (masc. noun)
- +
a filler word with not much of a meaning but which your granny definitely wouldn't like, a bit like 'shit' in its weakest meaning. literally 'slime'
- Schleimscheisser (masc. noun)
- +
sycophantic person. literally 'slimeshitter'
- scho
yes, especially when it's obvious. there can be a hint of 'what did you think dumbfuck?'
- schwul (used as an adverb not an adjective)
- +
stupidly. example: 'was stehsch so schwul rum?'
not appreciated by the gay community as it could also mean gay.
- Schyssdrick (masc. noun)
- +
shit. not in the literal sense.
- Semf
something very stupid. literally 'mustard'
- si (verb)
to be
present: ich bin, du bisch, 's isch, mir sin, ihr sin, se sin. past: ich bin g'si.
- spuersch wie ich fuehl?
know what i mean?
- v
- V-Bahn
Former French army barracks recently converted to student accomodation. example: 'Wohnsch in de V-Bahn? Ich wohn in d' U-Bahn.'
- verzapfe
to say, to tell.
example: 'Mensch, het der widder en schyssdrick verzapft'
- w
- Wifescht (neut. noun)
Annual wine festival held in wine producing villages of Baden.
- z
- Zelt (neut. noun)
- +
erection, with trousers on. literally 'tent'
often used in the expression 'e Zelt schiebe', to have an erection.

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