The Olaetyan language contains words that may be offensive to some readers. Some sexual content is not supposed to be viewed by those under 18 according to U.S. laws. You will unfortunately see this annoying notice throughout this page. Right now, that's only because I am trying to prove a point. If the amended version of S.314, now tacked onto the telecomm reform bill, passes we'll all be required to put these notices everywhere. Please contact your Congressmen to protest the bill. Please, put warnings like this on your own home pages, to spread the word about what the future of the net could be like if we don't act.
The sounds of Olaetyan (Kirshenbaum phonetic system)
Short Medium Long I U i y u- u i: u: @ @. E Y o- o e: Y: o: A" A (A.) V O a: O:
labio- post- bilabial dental dental alveolar laminal alveolar velar uvular stop p b t d t= (d=) k g q (G) affricate ts dz ts= dz= tS dZ fricative F V f v T D s z s= z= S Z x Q h nasal m n n= (N) lateral approx. l (l=) lateral fric. s+ (z+) tap * trill r approximant w j (w~)
Parentheses indicate that the sound does not occur or is not distinctive in all dialects.
Differences from the Kirshenbaum system:
[r] used for trilled r instead of [r
Lateral fricatives represented [s+] and [z+] instead of [s
Olaetyan distinguishes a series of laminal sounds, articulated with the blade of the tongue, from the alveolar and postalveolar sounds, which are apical. I have used the unspecified diacritic [=] to mark these laminal sounds.
Since there is no suitable symbol for a velar approximant ("turned m with long right leg"), I have arbitrarily chosen [w~].
The sounds of [b], [d], [g], [ts], [dz], [tS], [dZ], [f], [v], [T], [D], [s], [z], [S], [Z], [m], [n], [l], [w], [j], and [h] are very similar to the corresponding sounds in English ([tS] (c) = "ch" in "cheese", [dZ] (j) = "j" in "jet", [T] (th) = "th" in "thick", [D] (dh) = "th" in "this", [S] (sh) = "sh" in "sheep", [Z] (zh) = "s" in "vision", [j] (y) = "y" in "year"). Olaetyan [p], [t], and [k] sounds are unaspirated, as in Spanish or Russian. The symbol [s+] (thl) represents a voiceless lateral, which is often produced as a lateral fricative (similar to the Welsh "ll"). The sound [z+] (dhl), a voiced lateral fricative, is often pronounced [D] or [Dl].
The laminal sounds, [t=] (tj), [d=] (dj), [ts=] (tç), [dz=] (dx), [s=] (ç), [z=] (x), [n=] (nh), and [l=] (lh), are similar to the soft consonants of Russian, but with the tip of the tongue touching the lower teeth. The exact position of the tongue in the mouth is not as important as the fact that the apicals use the tip of the tongue, and the laminals use the blade of the tongue. The sounds [t=] and [d=] are often pronounced farther back in the mouth, which makes them sound almost like palatal versions of [k] and [g]. Some dialects have [dZ] instead of [d=] in the few words which use it, because of the spelling (dzh). The lateral, [l=], is pronounced the same as [j] in some dialects.
Olaetyan has two "r" sounds. The most common is the tap, [*], which sounds like the "r" in Spanish or the "t" in American English in words like "better". The trill, [r], sounds like the Spanish "rr" in "perro".
The Olaetyan [F] (ph) and [V] (bh) sounds are bilabial fricatives, like the Japanese f.
[x] (kh), [Q] (gh), and [q] are similar to the corresponding Arabic sounds. In some dialects, [x] is pronounced closer to the ch in German nicht [C], especially in the environment of another palatal sound. This dictionary gives the [C] pronunciation where it occurs, even though it is not a distinctive sound. The voiced equivalent of q, [G] (qg), occurs in very few words, and is often pronounced [g].
[w~] is the same sound as the vowel [u-], used as a consonant. It is most commonly found after [q], in the sequence written "qù", but in some dialects it is a distinctive sound.
'a ['A]--the first letter of the Klisyat alphabet, A. 'å ['O]--the second letter of the Klisyat alphabet, Å. 'à ['A"]--the 45th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, À. á ['a:] interj--ah! a [A] prep.--to, at, on; for (time). a ry [A*i] prep.-- for. abla ['AblA"] adj, prep--similar; like. ablaçý [AblA"'s=i:] vt--to resemble. ablak ['AblAk] n--opal. ablakalya [AblA'kAljA] n--plutonium. ablasór [AblA"'so:*] n--similarity; resemblance. ablebbi [Ab'lEbI] adv--similarly. açebbi [A's=EbI] adv--truly. açéraç [A's=e:*As=] n--symphony. açéran [A's=e:*An] adj--symphonic. açerç ['As=E*s=] n--wave. ãçi ['Vs=I] adj--true. açinçý [As=In='s=i:] vt--to dig. açisór [As=I'so:*] n--truth. ademán [AdE'ma:n] adj, adv--early. adhlán [A"'z+a:n] n--square. adhlaré [Az+A'*e:] adj--interesting. adhlarika [A'z+A*IkA] adj--interesting. adhlary [A'z+A*i] vi--to be interested. y adhlaré ry [iAz+A'*e:*i] to interest. adhlaryaç [A'z+A*jA"s=] n--interest. adhlekhy [A'z+Exi] vt--to squeeze. adhlukvyaç [A'z+ukvjA"s=] n--study. adhlukvý(-so) [Az+uk'vi:] vt--to study. ádinast ['a:dInAst] adv--just. adsaç ['AdsA"s=] n--discovery; something that is found. adsaçý [AdsA's=i:] vt--to find. adsacý-so [AdsA's=i:so] vi--to be located. adxakh ['Adz=Ax] adv--how; somehow. adxáy [A'dz=a:j] adj, adv--good; well. adxáyny(-so) [A'dz=a:jni] vt--to improve. adxáysór [A'dz=a:jso:*] n--goodness. adzél [A'dze:l] adv--west. adzéltran [A'dze:lt*An] adj--western. adzéltro [A'dze:lt*o] n--the west. ae ['AE]--a ligature of A and E (). aeç [AEs=] adj--blue-green. aekhyatj ['AECjAt=] n--problem. aensy ['AEnsi] vt--to mean. aensyaç ['AEnsjA"s=] n--meaning. aer ['AE*] n--wing. aerelh ['AE*El=] adj--winged. aeya ['AEjA"] n--center. aeyabbi [AE'jAbI] adv--centrally. aeyan ['AEjAn] adj--central. agakór [AgA'ko:*] n--guard. !ágh! ['a:Q] (interj. untranslatable). agý [A'gi:] vt--to watch. aidçé [Ajd's=e:] adj--open. aidçy ['Ajds=i] vt--to open. aidçyaç ['Ajds=jA"s=] n--opening. áide ['a:jdE] n--glass. áideorn ['a:jdEo*n] n--window. áidexobh ['a:jdEz=oV] n--bottle. aigha ['AjQA"] n--pain. aikh ['AjC] interj--ouch! áizábbé [a:j'za:be:] adj--brightly. áizábbé phalý [a:j'za:be: FA'li:] vi--to stare. áizán ['a:jza:n] adj--bright; glaring. áizé ['a:jze:] n--glare. ak [Ak] prep--with. akâb [A"'kAb] adj, adv--together. akambak [A"'kAmbAk] n--conjunction. akambílh [AkAm'bi:l=] n--notebook. akamby [A"'kAmbi] vt--to bind together; to link; to join. akambyaç [A"'kAmbjA"s=] n--link. akáyl [A"'ka:jl] adj--complete. akáylebbi [A"'ka:jlEbI] adv--completely. akçimyaç [Ak's=ImjA"s=] n--load. akçimý [Aks=I'mi:] vt--to hold; to carry. akh- [Ax] prefix--complex. akhakâb [AxA"'kAb] adj--coherent; in phase. akhayene [A'xAjEnE] n--cutting edge; blade. akhçyaç ['Axs=jAs=] n--lock. akhçyaçý(-so) [Axs=jA's=i:so] vt--to lock. akheshtaran [Ax'EStA"*An] n--master wizard. akhlist ['AxlIst] n--axe. akhnreilhs ['Axn*Ejl=s] n--college. akhpliç ['AxplIs=] n--cut. akhplisý [AxplI's=i:] vt--to cut. akhplizé [AxplI'ze:] n--infrared light. akhplizoyyaç [AxplI'zojA"s=] n--infravision. akhpròaskla [Axp*o-'AsklA"] n--a musical instrument with three pipes, tuned a semitone apart. akhsepéa [AxsE'pe:A"] n--hyperspace. akhsileizzi [AxsI'lEjzI] n--highly advanced mathematics. akhskax ['AxskAz=] n--a kind of laser. akhuysaqùés [AxujsA'qw~e:s] n--gamma ray. akhydhlya [A'xiz+jA"] n--ultraviolet light. akhydhlyoyyaç [Axi'z+jojA"s=] n--ultravision. akinyaç [A'kInjA"s=] n--completion. akiný [AkI'ni:] vt--to complete. ákirel ['a:kI*El] adv--O.K.; all right; fine. akozna [A'koznA] n--uncle. akozne [A'koznE] n--aunt. akry ['Ak*i] vi--to care. akryaç ['Ak*jA"s=] n--care. aksénty [Ak'se:nti] vt--to bring. ákta ['a:ktA"] n--area; place; region. áktabbi ['a:ktA"bI] adv--locally. aktak ['AktAk] n--traitor. áktan ['a:ktAn] adj--local. akté [Ak'te:] prep--in; inside. aktéákta [Akte:'a:ktA] n--inside; interior. akténar [Ak'te:nA*] n--entrance. akténzek [Ak'te:nzEk] n--an underground building; vault. aktéykh [Ak'te:jC] adj--inner. akykh ['AkiC] adj--inevitable. al ['Al] adj--bright; shining. ál' [a:l] prep--to the. (plural ) ál'azop ['a:lAzop] adv--at least. álan ['a:lA"n] prep--to the. (plural of ) alastro [A'lAst*o] adv--toward the sun. Alasya [A'lAsjA"] n--the mythical Land of the Sun. alasyo [A'lAsjo] n--the sun. aldhúy [Al'Du:j] vi--to adventure. aldhuyanna [AlDu'jAnA"] n--adventurer. aldhuye [Al'DujE] n--adventure. alhyani ['Al=jAnI] n--a small planet. alinty [A"'lInti] vi--to sparkle. alinyme [A"'linimE] n--first month of the Olaetyan year. alka ['AlkA"] n--daytime. Alnakyan [Al'nAkjAn] n--a worshiper of Devári. alny ['Alni] vt--to light. alnyaç ['AlnjA"s=] n--lighting; illumination. alphyá [Al'Fja:] n--diamond. alphyál [Al'Fja:l] adj--diamond. alsór [Al'so:*] n--brightness; light. amnar ['AmnA*] n--orbit. amnary [Am'nA*i] vt--to orbit. an ['An] pron--we. anazyme [A'nAzimE] n--a unit of velocity: 0.866635 m/sec. anazza [A'nAzA] n--father. anazze [A'nAzE] n--mother. anazzo [A'nAzo] n--parent. ándhly(-so) ['a:nz+i] vt--to finish. ané [A'ne:] adv--also. anêl [A'nEl] n--base; station. anîa [A"'nIA"] interj--hello! ankre ['ANk*E] n--answer. ankreý [ANk*E'i:] vt--to answer. ánkryle ['a:Nk*ilE] n--a tree-bird of Seeshtaon Kelet (Dernachrilus gigas). ankweth ['ANkwET] n--magazine. ánkya ['a:NkjA"] n--tree; wood. ánkyal ['a:NkjAl] adj--wooden. anlarisór [AnlA*I'so:*] n--width. anlarith ['AnlA*IT] adj--wide, vast. ánnár ['a:na:*] adv--soon. annary [A"'nA*i] vt--to warn; to alert. anndélé [An'de:le:] n--dexterity. annébbi [A'ne:bI] adv--repeatedly. annebbi [A'nEbI] adv--softly. anno ['Ano] adj--soft (volume). annosklýh [Anos'kli:h]--a musical instrument resembling a hammered dulcimer. anny ['Ani] vt--to repeat. annyaç ['AnjA"s=] n--repetition. anõ ['An@.] adv--again; back. ansi ['AnsI] adj--medium. ansyáyskò [An'sja:jsko-] n--a medium sized string instrument; viola. anwadra [An'wAd*A"] n--colony of four small dablonteran, linked together. ány ['a:ni] n--1. time; case. 2. a suit of cards represented by a yellow hourglass. ány çuklé ['a:ni s=u'kle:] n--twilight. aný [A"'ni:] vt--to greet; vi--to say "hello". aostaz ['AostAz] n--"third base" in klisakhyem. apraykh ['Ap*AjC] adj--pretty. aqùazhyaç [A"'qw~AZjA"s=] n--entropy. aqùés [A"'qw~e:s] prep--through. aqùésy [A"'qw~e:si] vt--to penetrate. -ar [A*] verb suffix--away. (ty -> tarý). ar ['A*] pron--I. aralzy [A"'*Alzi] vt--to serve. aralzy-so [A"'*Alziso] vi--to help oneself. arco ['A*tSo] n--man. arelé [A*E'le:] n--vacation. areléy [A*E'le:j] vi--to take a vacation. arezzan [A"'*EzAn] adv--from here. arezze [A"'*EzE] adv--here. arkeizzabbi [A*kEj'zAbI] adv--physically. arkeizzak [A*'kEjzAk] n--physicist. arkeizzan [A*'kEjzAn] adj--physical. arkeizzi [A*'kEjzI] n--physics. Arnéz [A*'ne:z] n--one of the powers of nature; "central powers" such as Nensko, Nihaláe, Nei, Venn, etc. arraza ['ArA"zA] n--thorium. arsa ['A*sA] n--boy. artaks ['A*tAks] n--brass. arthalan ['A*TA"lAn] n--a species of glowing trees found on Olaeyat and many other planets. arûdiza [A"'*UdIzA"] n--cerium. aryakh ['A*jAx] n--revenge. aryan ['A*jAn] adj--polar. aryansór [A*jAn'so:*] n--polarity. arye ['A*jE] n--pole. árzy ['a:*zi] vi--to sit. asaiyik [A'sAjIk] n--key. asekh ['AsEx] n--battle; war; attack. asekhílh [AsE'Ci:l=] n--weapon. asekhý [AsE'Ci:] vt--to attack. asel ['AsEl] adv--where. aselyaç [A'sEljA"s=] n--location. asersý [AsE*'si:] vi--to wave. ásiman ['a:sImAn] adj--yearly. ásime ['a:sImE] n--year. asimyaç [A'sImjA"s=] n--age. âsité ['AsIte:] (magic word, untranslatable). asixakle [AsI'z=AklE] n--calendar. askhyat ['AsCjAt] n--system. aslatj ['AslA"t=] n--compass. aslåz ['AslOz] n--morning. ást ['a:st] n--new year. astak ['AstAk] n--fighter. asyan ['AsjAn] adj--stellar; solar. asyo ['Asjo] n--star; sun. asyosél [Asjo'se:l] n--the night sky; constellations; stars. asyotyáç [Asjo'tja:s=] n--sunset. asyoxóneç [Asjo'z=o:nEs=] n--sunrise. -at [At] verb suffix--to; toward. (ty -> tatý) at ['At] pron--he. aták [A"'ta:k] n--berry. átáni [a:'ta:nI] n--date. atezze [A"'tEzE] adv--today. atezze nukan [A"'tEzE'nukAn] adv--tonight. atî [A"'tI] adj--right. (not wrong) atílh [A'ti:l=] adv--yesterday. atixya [A"'tIz=jA] adv--very much. atpuré [Atpu'*e:] adv--tomorrow. atrik ['At*Ik] adj--several. atrosór [At*o'so:*] n--direction. atselinza [AtsE'lInzA] n--technology. atyáxo [A'tja:z=o] n--juice. átyman ['a:timAn] adj--daily. átyme ['a:timE] n--day. atzekh ['AtzEx] n--starship. aurrazza [Aw'rAzA"] n--playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves three squares in one direction and two in the other. avírtha [A'vi:*TA"] n--turquoise. ax [Az=] prep--for; in exchange for. áx' [a:z=] prep--to a. (plural áz'an) axalis ['Az=A"lIs] adv--whenever. axano ['Az=Ano] prep--throughout. axayt ['Az=Ajt] (prep) instead of; in place of; (adv) instead. axendry [A"'z=End*i] vt--to match. ayaraye [A"'jA*A"jE] (magic word, used for opening doors). ayazi ['AjAzI] n--the eighth day of the Olaetyan week. aybluz ['Ajbluz] adj, n, prep--opposite; (prefix) anti-. ayeklak [A"'jEklAk] n--letter. ayenan ['AjEnAn] adj, adv--at the edge. ayene ['AjEnE] (n)--edge; (prep)--at the edge of. ayesika [A"'jEsIkA] adj--divisible. ayesyaç [A"'jEsjA"s=] n--division. ayesý [A"jE'si:] vt--to divide (with ak). ayine(sél) ['AjInE('se:l)] n--a brass musical instrument. ayn [Ajn] prep--to. (plural) ayqùe ['Ajqw~E] adv--ahead. ayqùên [Aj'qw~En] (n) front; (prep) in front of. ayse ['AjsE] adj--male. áyskò ['a:jsko-] n--string; stringed musical instrument. azaran ['AzA"*An] adj--peaceful. azare ['AzA"*E] n--peace. azdrá [Az'd*a:] n--a unit of volume: 423 liters. azi ['AzI] n--day of the week. azida ['AzIdA] n--fluorine. åznor ['Ozno*] n--bear, the animal (Ursus). azom ['Azom] adv--less. azop ['Azop] adv--least. azor ['Azo*] adv--more. azorebbi [,Azo'*EbI] adv--especially. azortu [A"'zo*tu] n--choice. azorý(-so) [Azo'*i:(so)] vt--to choose. azos ['Azos] adv--most. azosebbi [,Azo'sEbI] adv--mainly; mostly. ázré ['a:z*e:] adj--calm. ázrébbi [a:z'*e:bI] adv--calmly. åzy ['Ozi] vt--to taste. åzyaç ['OzjA"s=] n--taste, flavor. azzé [A"'ze:] adj--very high. azzovyaç [A"'zovjA"s=] n--recording. azzovyan-rroyel [A"zovjAn'rojEl] n--saving throw. azzový [Azo'vi:] vt--to record; to save. azzyan ['AzjAn] n--the language of the planet Azzyat; a dialect of Olaetyan. baçeluz ['bAs=Eluz] n--wall. balkezzerykh [bAl'kEzE*iC] adj--sedimentary. bér ['be:*] n--gold. béral ['be:*Al] adj--golden. bhalatj ['VAlA"t=] n--beryllium. bharasý [VA*A'si:] vi--to step. bharos ['VA*os] n--step. bhi ['VhI]--the 24th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, BH. bhriçyaç ['V*Is=jA"s=] n--dance. bhriçý [V*I's=i:] vi--to dance. bi ['bI]--the 23rd letter of the Klisyat alphabet, B. ble ['blE] n--cover; screen; shield. in ble [In'blE]: hidden; secret. bly ['bli] vt--to cover. blyda ['blidA] adj--dry. blydaný [blidA'ni:] vt--to dry. blydasrý [blidA's*i:] vi--to dry. blydazên [blidA'zEn] n--desert. brezek ['b*EzEk] n--coin. ça ['s=A]--a ligature of Ç and E. ca ['tSA]--the 16th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, C. çe ['s=E]--the 32nd letter of the Klisyat alphabet, Ç (or K). çè- [s=@]--1,000,000 (as in cèzektri). çeçý [s=E's=i:] vt--to own. çeko ['s=Eko] n--mouth. çékwisy ['s=e:kwIsi] vi--to wish. çékwisy çy ['s=e:kwIsis=i] vt--to want. çemarayk ['s=EmA"*Ajk] n--quasar. çemíli [s=E'mi:lI] adv--immediately; quickly. çemmõrks ['s=Em@.*ks] n--an Olaetyan single reed musical instrument; clarinet. çên ['s=En] prep--except. çeneakór [s=EnEA"'ko:*] n--magic-user. çeneat ['s=EnEA"t] n--magic. çenyaç ['s=EnjA"s=] n--exception. cený [tSE'ni:] vt--to feed. çerilaté [s=E*IlA"'te:] n--fugue. çerra ['s=ErA"] n--art. çerrykh ['s=EriC] adj--artistic. çeryaç ['s=E*jA"s=] n--copy. çerý [s=E'*i:] vt--to copy. çetílh [s=E'ti:l=] n--tool. çety ['s=Eti] vt--to include; to use. çezzý [s=E'zi:] vt--to tell; vi--to say. cika ['tSIkA"] adj--edible. cy ['tSi] vt--to eat. çilan ['s=ilAn] n--master. çin ['s=In] n--hole. çinatj ['s=inAt=] n--pit. çinçak ['s=In=s=Ak] n--seeker. çinelh ['s=inEl=] adj--hollow. çinixya [s=I'nIz=jA"] n--chasm. çinný [s=I'ni:] vi--to make a hole (in), to puncture. (used with preposition enakté). çinyetj ['s=In=jEt=] n--black hole. çinyetjya [s=In='jEt=jA"] n--a substance made from a large number of very small black holes held together by magical forces. It is used for generating artificial gravity and to stabilize the effect of certain magical spells. çirt ['s=I*t] adj--short. çirtán [s=I*'ta:n] adv--a short time. y çirtán: recent. çirtê [s=I*'tE] n--dwarf. ço ['s=o] pron--themselves. çuklé [s=u'kle:] adj--twilight. çy ['s=i] vt--to have; to get. çy inik a: to eliminate. cyaç ['tSjAs=] n--food. çyaçy(-so) ['s=jAs=i] vt--to close. çyalya ['s=jAljA"] n--terbium. çyay ['s=jAj] vi--to seep in. çykdhlat ['s=ikz+At] n--a musical instrument with six strings, played with metal plates. (smurgas) çylda ['s=ildA"] n--zirconium. çynk ['s=iNk] adv--therefore. çyzan ['s=izA"n] n--slit. çzatj ['z=At=] adv--really. çzõnwyk ['z=@.nwik] n--a microscopic Olaetyan animal. dablonter [dA'blontE*] n--a small, furry, round nisen, smaller than a treyat but larger than a zõnwyk. daláthitj [dA"'la:TIt=] n--network. darý [dA"'*i:] vt--to keep. darý-so [dA"'*i:so] to stay; to remain (condition, not location). de ['dE]--the third letter of the Klisyat alphabet, D. deçiçý(-so) [dEs=I's=i:] vt--to bend. dekán [dE'ka:n] n--clock. dektrap ['dEkt*Ap] n--harpsichord. delit ['dElIt] adj--real, actual. delitebbi [dElI'tEbI] adv--really; actually. delkal ['dElkAl] adj--plastic. delkan ['dElkAn] n--a kind of plastic. Delkan ['dElkAn]--the Olaetyan god of ice and cold. delzanya [dEl'zAnjA"] n--origin. delzaný [dElzA'ni:] vi--to originate. dényme ['de:nimE] n--a period of twenty years. deorn ['dEo*n] n--window. destak ['dEstAk] n--lithium. devári [dE'va:*I] adj--holy; dedicated to the god Devári. Devári [dE'va:*I]--the Olaetyan god of the sun and light. dhaiwiçe ['DAjwIs=E] n--steel. dhaiya ['DAjA"] n--iron. dhánatj ['Da:nAt=] n--grate. dhanelh ['DAnEl=] adj--manual. dhani ['DAnI] n--hand. dharyabbi [DA'*jAbI] adv--absolutely. dharyal ['DA*jAl] adj--absolute. dhe ['DE]--the fourth letter of the Klisyat alphabet, DH. dhelos ['DElos] adj, adv--almost, nearly. dheltra ['DElt*A"] n--message. dhla ['z+A]--a ligature of two L's (). dhlán ['z+a:n] n--a suit of Olaetyan cards represented by a yellow square. dhlénta ['z+e:ntA"] n--corner. dhlyrin ['z+i*In] n--child. djézâni [d=e:'zAnI] n--spiritual communication, using magical (plwaga) techniques, often invoking the god Nensko. djibek ['d=ibEk] n--a small Draconian bird (Djibek djibek). dlîyyo ['dz+Ijo] interj--thanks. dorga ['do*gA"] adj--ready. dorw ['do*u] vi--to prepare; become ready. dorwný [do*u'ni:] vt--to prepare; make ready. dralgan ['d*AlgAn] adj--vertical. drõkneç ['d*@.knEs=] n--a string between two metal plates, used as a musical instrument. drygatj ['d*igA"t=] n--potassium. drygnrek ['d*ign*Ek] n--potassium chloride; abbreviation for drygannreklae. dubliduphon [du'bliduFon] n--a game similar to chess. dumalar ['dumA"lA*] adj--mysterious. dur ['du*] n--port. dy ['di] vt--to give up. dy-so ['diso] vi--to quit. dyerr ['djEr] n--bed. dyerran ['djErAn] n--bedroom. dyev ['djEv] n--celebration. dyev-en-Ilnyást [djEvEnIl'nja:st] n--New Year's Eve. dyevatym ['djEvAtim] n--holiday. dyevny ['djEvni] vt--to celebrate. 'e ['E]--the 28th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, E. 'è ['@]--the 43rd letter of the Klisyat alphabet, È. e ['E] conj--and; both. ebbyor ['Ebjo*] n--adverb. ebek ['EbEk] prep--so that; in order to. eçelhintý [Es=El=In'ti:] vt--to interrupt. eçelhit ['Es=El=It] n--interruption; being unfinished. Éçèrelph ['e:s=@*ElF]--the Olaetyan god of chaos and destruction; responsible for most evil in the universe. eçêzz [E's=Ez] n--bell. éfrah'lan ['e:f*AhlAn] n--a playing piece in the game nyâvé, which moves to the opposite triangle in all polygons, including trapezoids. éilh ['e:jl=] adv--also. eilhtand ['Ejl=tAnd] n--legend. eilhxakhan ['Ejl=z=AxAn] adj--legendary. ein ['Ejn] prep--below. eiyé [E'je:] n--communication. eiyý [E'ji:] vi--to communicate. eizzal ['EjzAl] adj--scientific. eizzi ['EjzI] n--science. eizzityo [Ej'zItjo] n--museum. ek ['Ek] prep--to, for. ekhi ['ExI] n--head. ékisel ['e:kIsEl] n--hall. ekplenteilh [Ek'plEntEjl=] adj--described; with description. ekplenty [Ek'plEnti] vt--to describe. ekplentyaç [Ek'plEntjA"s=] n--description. ekty ['Ekti] vt--to call. el ['El] prep--plus. elaçêçi [ElA's=Es=I] n--player. elaçy ['ElAs=i] vt--to play (games, etc). elakh ['ElAx] n--help; aid. elakhádhly [ElA'xa:z+i] vt--to help. elan ['ElAn] n--game. elandra [E'lAnd*A] n--arcade. eleçyes [E'lEs=jEs] n--code; secret. -elh [El=] suffix--with (same as en). elna ['ElnA"] adj--highest. elyaç ['EljA"s=] n--addition. elý [E'li:] vt--to add. emplaçý [EmplA's=i:] vt--to put. emplerý(-so) [EmplE'*i:so] vt--to reset. emplý [Em'pli:] vt--to set. -én [e:n] verb suffix--down. (ty -> tény) -en [En] suffix--(numbers) -th (niz -> nizen). -en- [En] prep--of. (used in compound words, names, etc.) en [En] prep--with. enakté [EnAk'te:] prep--into. ênán ['Ena:n] (prep) during; (adv) meanwhile. enánebbi [E'na:nEbI] adv--for a while. ençyáy [En's=ja:j] vt--to interpret. ençyáyaç [En's=ja:jA"s=] n--interpretation. éndhly(-so) ['e:nz+iso] vt--to start. éniram ['e:nI*Am] n--bus. enlaté [,EnlA"'te:] n--chordal musical composition. enlatéan [,EnlA"'tEA"n] adj--harmonic; musical. enlats ['EnlAts] n--harmony. enmycáso [Enmi'tSa:so] adj--believable. enmycásy [Enmi'tSa:si] vt--to believe. enn ['En] prep--times. (multiplication) ennár [E'na:*] prep, adj--near; close. ennárebbi [E'na:*EbI] adv--closely. ennárny [E'na:*ni] vt--to approach. ennayly [E'nAjli] vt--to meet. enniqùý [EnI'qw~i:] vi--to arrive. ennykh ['EniC] adj--frequent. enoiky [E'nojki] vi--to appear. enoma [E'nomA"] prep--onto. enoxoiky [Eno'z=ojki] vi--to disappear. ensél [En'se:l] n--state; a unit larger than an inyl, but smaller than an izant. ensetye [En'sEtjE] n--signature. ensílh [En'si:l=] n--link. ensmyrzakór [Ensmi*zA'ko:*] n.--scientific advisor to the zennre. ensples ['EnsplEs] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon which moves like a queen in chess. ensyaç ['EnsjA"s=] n--proof. ensynik [En'sinIk] n--chain. ensyý [En'sji:] vt--to prove. ensý(-so) [En'si:so] vt--to join; to link. entáx [En'ta:z=] prep--far from. entéa [En'tEA"] n--ray; beam. entí [En'ti:] prep--into. entyma ['EntimA"] n--signal. enxóy [En'z=o:j] adv, prep--up. enytra [E'nit*A"] adj--underwater. enytrán [Eni't*a:n] n--submarine. enzakté [EnzAk'te:] prep--within. enzat ['EnzAt] adj--squared. enzeri ['EnzE*I] n--a unit of electric current: 0.21135 amp. enzéri [En'ze:*I] n--lever. enzériklâsi [EnzE*I'klVsI] n--a keyed percussion instrument. enzzê [En'zE] n--familiar (of wizard, etc.) eor ['Eo*] n--word. eoreizzi [Eo'*EjzI] n--morphology. eorxakle [Eo*'z=AklE] n--vocabulary. eplásqin [E'pla:sqIn] n--pearl. -er [E*] verb suffix--back. (ty -> terý) erco ['E*tSo] n--woman. ére ['e:*E] n--ear. errit ['ErIt] n--tongue. ersa ['E*sA"] n--girl. éryaç ['e:*jA"s=] n--hearing. éryé ['e:*je:] n--sound. éryen ['e:*jEn] adj--green. éryéskhyat [e:'*je:sCjAt] n--phonology. éryy ['e:*ji] vt--to hear. -es [Es] verb suffix--from. (ty -> tesý). es [Es] prep--from. esetýk [EsE'ti:k] n--flower. esinsty [E'sInsti] vt--to drop. esityo [E'sItjo] n--garden. eskeç ['EskEs=] n--joy. eskika ['EskIkA"] adj--enjoyable. eský [Es'ki:] vt--to enjoy. eský-so [Es'ki:so] vi--to have fun. esleubhykh [Es'lEwViC] adj--depressing. eslû [Es'lU] adj--bad. esrý [Es'*i:] vt--to become, to get. estyma ['EstimA"] n--chromium. estyó [Es'tjo:] n--fruit. esý [E'si:] vt--to be aware of. et ['Et] pron--she. etálh [E'ta:l=] n--a kind of laser weapon. etazza [E'tAzA] n--son. etazze [E'tAzE] n--daughter. eton ble ['Eton 'blE] adj--very well known. -evo ['Evo]--augmentative suffix (nayakhevo = prennayakh). exizzi [E'z=izI] n--the fourth day of the Olaetyan week. exyaiyid [E'z=jAjId] (n)--optimist; (adj)--optimistic. exyar ['Ez=jA*] n--nova. ey ['Ej] vt--to sense; to detect. eyaç ['EjA"s=] n--sense. -eyat ['EjAt] suffix for polyhedron. eyeny(-so) ['EjEni] vt--to stop. eyse ['EjsE] adj--female. ezaqé [EzA"'qe:] adj--happy. ezelânkwá [EzE'lANkwa:] adj, n--expert; master. fa ['fA] pron--yourself. farrith ['fArIT] adj--vain. fe ['fE]--the 29th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, F. fimenyaç [fI'mEnjA"s=] n--characteristic. fimený [fImE'ni:] vt--to be characteristic of. fò ['fo-] pron--you. fõriny ['f@.*Ini] vi--to lie (tell lies). fòso ['fo-so] adj--your. fòsodra [fo-'sod*A"] adj--your own. fravrok ['f*Av*ok] n--bomb. ftisá [ftI'sa:] n--crystal. ftisáykh [ftI'sa:jC] adj--crystalline. furyy ['fu*ji] vt--to blow. ga ['gA] pron--each other. ga ['gA]--the 34th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, G. galta ['gAltA"] n--card. gatiza ['gAtIzA] n--grandson. gatize ['gAtIzE] n--granddaughter. gha ['QA]--the 35th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, GH. ghaora ['QAo*A"] n--monster. gháras ['Qa:*As] n--fear. ghikh ['QIx] adj--dirt. gla- [glA] prefix--big, huge, with a negative connotation. glakwelak ['glAkwElAk] n--army. glarakh ['glA*A"x] n--noise. glat ['glAt] n--tin. glep ['glEp] (exclamation) glephkh ['glEFx] adj--terrible. go ['go] pron--ourselves. gryn ['g*in] adj--eerie. grythit ['g*iTIt] n--insect. grý ['g*i:] n--gree; a dangerous monster of northern Neesa. gu ['gu] pron--us. guso ['guso] adj--our. gusodra [gu'sod*A"] adj--our own. gwiyold ['gwijold] adj--boring. gwiyoldaç [gwI'joldA"s=] n--something boring. gwiyolné [,gwIjol'ne:] adj--bored. 'i ['i]--the ninth letter of the Klisyat alphabet, I. -i [I]--diminutive suffix (klisan ->klisani or klisi) içal ['is=Al] n--zinc. içêvy [I's=Evi] vt--to sell. idhledý [Iz+E'di:] vt--to supply. idhlikáz [Iz+I'ka:z] n--magazine. idhlin ['Iz+In] adj--every; each. idriçérç [Id*I's=E*s=] n--microwave radiation. iftan ['IftAn] n--value. iftanelh ['IftAnEl=] adj--valuable. igalhéy [IgA"'l=e:j] vi--to listen; to pay attention. ighály [I'Qa:li] vi--to ring. -ik [Ik] verb suffix--at. (phalý -> phaliký) -ika [-IkA"] suffix: -able (planrika = "movable", etc.) Notice that the accent is on the syllable before the suffix. ikh ['Ix] adj--wet. ikhaiyakh [I'xAjA"x] n--fish. ikhyren ['Ixi*En] n--waterfall. ikkaih ['IkAjh] n--any mythical cat-like being, such as a winged cat or sphinx. ikoita [I'kojtA"] n--horizon. ikoitan [I'kojtAn] adj--horizontal. ikóza [I'ko:zA"] prep--on this side of. il' ['Il] adj--the. (plural ilan ['ilA"n]) nom. ilae ['ilAE] n--aura. ilaköz [IlA"'kYz] n--a set of tuned gongs. ilaközin [IlA"'kYzIn] n--a tuned gong. ilasél [,IlA"'se:l] n--concert. ilaté [IlA"'te:] n--musical composition. ilatéan [IlA"'te:An] adj--musical. ilats ['ilAts] n--music. Ilats ['ilAts]--the Olaetyan goddess of music. Ilazi ['ilAzI] n--the annual holiday of Ilats, celebrated on Lîzyeal 24. -ílh ['i:l=] suffix--a tool or instrument (kalílh, etc.) ílh ['i:l=] n--device. ilin ['ilIn] adj--a; an. (plural ili) nom. ilnikaele [IlnI'kAElE] n--anteroom. ilnye ['IlnjE] (prep) before; (adv) ago. selán ilnye: before. ilnyor ['Ilnjo*] (adj) earlier, previous; (adv, conj) before. iltrykh ['Ilt*iC] adj--elementary. ilzanç ['IlzAns=] n--rain. ilzançý [,IlzAn's=i:] vi--to rain. ilzapar ['IlzA"pA*] n--raindrop. ilzayren [Il'zAj*En] n--rainbow. immiçý [ImI's=i:] vt--to remember. immisty [I'mIsti] vt--to learn. imo- ['imo] prefix--pseudo-. imo-kalyor [,imo'kAljo*] n--pronoun. -in [In] verb suffix--in. (ty -> tiný) in [In] prep--under. in ble [In'blE] adj-- hidden; secret. inak- ['inAk] prefix--last. inakqùeuse [inAk'qw~EwsE] n--final test. ináma [I'na:mA"] n--mountain. inaz ['inAz] adj--equal. inazy ['inAzi] vt--to equal. îné [I'ne:] adj--very well known. ingg ['INg] n--a ligature of N and G. inik ['inIk] n--end. inizzý(-so) [InI'zi:] vt--to restore; to recover. ink ['INk] adj--far. inkanel ['INkA"nEl] n--small space station. inkazino [IN'kAzIno] n--weekend. inklaksón [INklAk'so:n] n--union; alliance. inkresý(-so) [INk*E'si:] vt--to teleport. inksór [INk'so:*] n--distance. innye ['InjE] n--bedrock. inoxekhlykh [ino'z=ExliC] adj--subatomic. inxésos [In'z=e:sos] adj--favorite. îny ['Ini] vt--to know (a person) very well. inyen ['InjEn] adj--last. inyenan ['InjEnAn] n--continent. inyl ['inil] n--city. iply ['Ipli] vt--to feel. -ir [I*] verb suffix--by. (ty -> tirý) irdo ['I*do] n--liquid. ireniz ['i*EnIz] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves like a knight in chess. irenizh ['i*EnIZ] n--a small, furry animal with a round head and short tail. irlak ['I*lAk] n--pipe. irrakán [,IrA"'ka:n] n--gate. irralh ['irAl=] n--door. irryl ['iril] n--mercury (the element). irshayç ['I*SAjs=] n--well. -is [Is] verb suffix--out. (ty -> tisý) iseký [IsE'ki:] vt--to invade. iselh ['isEl=] n--report. îshid ['ISId] adv--rather. ishlåkh ['ISlOx] n--address. ishtinér [IStI'ne:*] adj--very hot. isirinatj [I'si*InAt=] n--titanium. isklorga [Is'klo*gA"] adj--obvious. isklorgabbi [Isklo*'gAbI] adv--obviously. isklorw ['Isklo*u] vi--to be obvious. îsré- ['Is*e:] prefix--above, beyond, ultra-. îsréhakhs ['Is*e:hAxs] n--an organ stop, which produces the 19th-24th harmonics of a note. îsréryykh ['Is*e:*jiC] adj--ultrasonic. isréxakhon [Is'*e:z=A"xon] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves either two squares forward, two forward and one sideways, or one diagonally forward. ista ['IstA"] adj--above ground. istalya [Is'tAljA"] n--ground. istanangg ['IstA"nANg] n--car. istanar ['IstA"nA*] n--road. istanya [Is'tAnjA"] n--sand. istat ['IstAt] conj--so; therefore. istél [Is'te:l] n--stripe. it ['It] pron--it. itixé [ItI'z=e:] n--molecule. itratj ['It*At=] n--cloud. itri ['It*I] n--drink. itrinar ['It*InA*] n--bed of stream or river. itrizên [It*I'zEn] n--reservoir. itry ['It*i] vt--to drink. itrya ['It*jA"] n--water. itykhya [I'tiCjA"] n--atom. ityzén [Iti'ze:n] n--(chemical) element. ivårkh ['ivO*x] n--cello. -ix [Iz=] verb suffix--up. (ty -> tixý) ix ['Iz=] conj--else. ixebbi [I'z=EbI] adv--otherwise. ixixya [I'z=Iz=jA"] adj--extremely. ixprex ['Iz=p*Ez=] (adj) accurate; (adv) exactly. ixprexatî [Iz=p*Ez=A"'tI] adj--exact. ixprexyaç [Iz='p*Ez=jA"s=] n--accuracy. ixya ['Iz=jA"] adv (or suffix)--very. iytan ['IjtAn] n--particle. izadra [I'zAd*A"] n--gadolinium. izanaré [,izA"nA'*e:] n--hydrogen. izant ['izAnt] n--country; nation; land. ka ['kA] pron--me. ka ['ka]--the 40th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, K. ka- [kA"]--1/1,000,000 (as in kazektri). kable ['kAblE] adj--different; special; various. kablyaç ['kAbljA"s=] n--difference. kadaso ['kAdAso] n--grandfather. kaddrat ['kAd*At] n--rumor. kadeso ['kAdEso] n--grandmother. kaele ['kAElE] n--room; chamber. kaéxyat [kA'e:z=jAt] n--home planet. kalaedrin [kA'lAEd*In] n--musical instrument. kalaen ['kAlAEn] adj--one million. kalaenapros [kA"'lAEnAp*os] n--an Olaetyan card game. kalaenen [kA'lAEnEn] adj--millionth. kalakór [kAlA"'ko:*] n--author; writer. kalé [kA"'le:] n--name. kaleth ['kAlET] n--sentence. kalethi ['kAlETI] n--phrase. kalílh [kA"'li:l=] n--pen; pencil. kalinatj ['kAlInAt=] n--chance; opportunity. kalo ['kAlo] n--quote; something often quoted. kaloý [,kAlo'i:] vt--to quote. kalta ['kAltA] n--tape. kaltyle ['kAltilE] n--grade. kaltylý [kAlti'li:] vt--to grade. kalyaç ['kAljA"s=] n--writing. kalyor ['kAljo*] n--noun. kalý [kA"'li:] vt--to write. kalý ensetye [kA"'li:En'sEtjE] vt--to sign. kalý-so [kA"'li:so] vt-- to be named, to be called. kámen ['ka:mEn] n--malachite. kana ['kAnA"] (n)--water; (adj)--over water. kananar ['kAnA"nA*] n--bridge. kanatrán [kAnA"'t*a:n] n--boat. kanedre [kA'nEd*E] n--ocean. kanrêçy(-so) [kAn'*Es=i] vt--to turn. kanreçyaç [kAn'*Es=jA"s=] n--turn; curve. kany ['kAni] vt--to let. kapagý [kApA"'gi:] vt--to steal. kapêçi [kA'pEs=I] n--pirate. karinik ['kA*InIk] n--cul-de-sac. karlakôr [kA*lA"'ko:*] n--singer. karlaký [kA*lA"'ki:] vi--to sing. karxobh ['kA*z=oV] n--bag. karyakh ['kA*jA"x] n--mark. karyakhy ['kA*jA"xi] vt--to mark. karyakhy-so ['kA*jA"xiso] vi--to take notes. kasat ['kAsAt] n--any tuned percussion instrument. kaso ['kAso] (adj)--my; (pron)--mine. kasodra [kA'sod*A"] adj--my own. kassy ['kAsi] vt--should. kathery ['kATE*i] vt--to imagine. kathlk ['kAs+k] n--leaf; page; paper. kathlkxobh ['kAs+kz=oV] n--notebook. kathlya ['kAs+jA"] n--spring. kavli ['kAvlI] adj--isolated, separate. kavly ['kAvli] vt--to separate. kayat ['kAjA"t] n--one of a genus of intelligent catlike beings of Draconian descent (Xenofelis). kaye ['kAjE] n--kitten (of Felis or Xenofelis). kayen ['kAjEn] n--abbr. for kayeneásyel or kayenelárnel. kayene ['kAjEnE] n--shuttle. kayeneásyel [kAjEnE'a:sjEl] n--interstellar shuttle. kayenelárnel [kAjEnE'la:*nEl] n--intergalactic shuttle. kaz ['kAz] n--voice. kazalyn ['kAzA"lin] n--time machine. kazare ['kAzA"*E] n--seventh month of the Olaetyan year. kazzáç [kA"'za:s=] n--speech; magical formula. kazzaqý(-so) [kAzA"'qw~i:] vt--to chant. kazzyaç ['kAzjA"s=] n--talking; spoken words. kazzý [kA"'zi:] vi--to speak; to say; to talk; to write. ke ['kE]--a ligature of K and Ç, pronounced [k]. kekrayny [kE'k*Ajni] vt--to collect. keletan ['kElEtAn] adj--planetary. kenas ['kEnAs] n--town. kera ['kE*A"] n--shard. keraç ['kE*As=] n--destruction. keraçý [kE*A's=i:] vt--to destroy. keratsika [kE'*AtsIkA"] adj--delicate. keratsixyy [kE*A'tsIz=ji] vt--to smash. keratsy(-so) ['kE*Atsi] vt--to break. ketrasén [,kEt*A"'se:n] n--arrow. kh'azaskhe [xA"'zAsxE] interj--quiet! kh'e ['xE] conj--one or the other, or neither, but not both. kh'u ['xu] adv--to there. kh'u ['xu] conj--neither; nor. kh'usel ['xusEl] adv--to where. kha ['xA]--the 41st letter of the Klisyat alphabet, KH. khab ['xAb] adj--different; strange. khåb ['xO:b] n--bay. khaçè- [,xAs=@]--1,000,000,000 (as in khaçèzektri). khaçèzektri [,xAs=@'zEkt*I] n--same as qùasezetre. khadhly ['xAz+i] vt--to undo. khalnist ['xAlnIst] n--alcove. khalzy ['xAlzi] vt--to call; to name. khalzy-so ['xAlziso] vt--to be called. khangg ['xANg] n--room. kharx ['xA*z=] adj--young. khasiro ['xAsI*o] n--ceiling. khasny ['xAsni] vi--to extend downward. khasnyetj ['xAsnjEt=] n--stalactite. khatry ['xAt*i] vt--to bite. khay ['xAj] adj--convenient. khemaed ['xEmAEd] n--blade. khetsy ['xEtsi] vt--to strike. khi [xi] adv--not. (abbreviated kh'). khilmix ['xIlmIz=] n--a non musical sound. khlís ['xli:s] n--a yellow suit of cards represented by a triangle wearing a crescent. kho ['xo]--the 18th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, KH. khrasqùan ['x*Asqw~An] adj--rough. khrayl ['x*Ajl] n--chance. khu ['xu]--the 12th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, H. khwamycyat [xwA'mitSjAt] n--idea. khwary(-so) ['xwA*i] vt--to draw; to paint. khwatu ['xwAtu] n--picture, drawing. khyedý(-so) [CjE'di:so] vt--to begin. khyndré [xin'd*e:] adj--complex. khyothagh ['CjoTAQ] n--smoke. khyothaykh ['CjoTAjC] adj--smoky. kirêçi [kI'*Es=I] n--poet. kireth ['ki*ET] n--poem. kirrel ['kIrEl] n(f)--kirrel (a small Neesan dragon). kiryaç ['kI*jA"s=] n--poetry. klaç ['klAs=] n--weather. klak ['klAk] n--group. klanry ['klAn*i] vt--to replace. klarý [klA"'*i:] vt--to come from; to leave. klãsi ['klVsI] n--(usually metal) bar. klatjaç ['klAt=A"s=] n--pottery. klecir ['klEtSI*] n--project. klen ['klEn] adj--high. klen-varosan [klEn'vA*osAn] adj--high-level. klenéy [klE'ne:j] vi--to point (at). klennansél [klEnAn'se:l] n--valved soprano brass instrument. klennartj ['klEnA*t=] n--soprano oboe. klensen ['klEnsEn] n--highlands. klensór [klEn'o:*] n--height. klerý [klE'*i:] vi--to come back; to return. klet ['klEt] n--person, character. klevarka [klE'vA*kA"] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves diagonally forward one square. kli ['kli] adj--five; n--noon. klina ['klinA"] n--finger. klinti ['klIntI] n--toe. kliný [klI'ni:] vi--to come in; to enter. klisakhyem [klI'sACjEm] n--a starship target game played with four bases (uuqùe, unqùaer, aostaz, and kórkátyme), and a starbase, on which there is a target. klisame ['klisAmE] n--fifth month of the Olaetyan year. klisan ['klisAn] n--cat (Felis). klisapròak [klIsA'p*o-Ak] n--a small flute only audible to cats. Klisyat ['klIsjAt] n--standard Olaetyan as spoken in Zrektani; the most common Olaetyan dialect. klisý [klI'si:] vi--to come out; to leave. klixetj ['kliz=Et=] n--a playing piece in the game nyâvé, which can move along the rows like the taenklöci, but not through the trapezoid or the nyâvé. klizen ['klizEn] n--pentagon. klòn ['klo-n] pron--you. klõs ['kl@.s] adj--loud. klõskh ['] n--cymbal. klõssór [kl@.'so:*] n--loudness. klòy ['klo-j] pron--you. kloyar ['klojA*] n--messenger. klusatj ['klusA"t=] n--pyramid. kly ['kli] vi--to come. klyen ['kljEn] adj--fifth. klyendrikan ['kljEnd*IkAn] n--a building with five power units, usually above ground. klykh ['kliC] n--sign; track. klýtj ['klit=] n--a four dimensional solid, especially a tesseract. knezziláçi [knEzI'la:s=I] n--government. knezzilyaç [knE'zIljA"s=] n--rule. knezzilý [knEzI'li:] vt--to govern; to rule; to command. knezzyáso [knE'zja:so] n--captain; commander. knoçye ['knos=jE] n--a set of tuned bells or chimes. ko ['ko] pron--myself. kogazý(-so) [,kogA"'zi:] vt--to curse. kolarnika [ko'lA*nIkA"] adj--advisable. kolarny [ko'lA*ni] vt--to advise. koleblyaç [ko'lEbljA"s=] n--instructions. komi ['komI] n--maze. komixya [ko'mIz=jA"] n--labyrinth. komykh ['komiC] adj--confusing. kon- [kon] prefix--completely. konagý [konA"'gi:] vt--to guard. kontoglý [konto'gli:] vt--to mix. konxony [kon'z=oni] vt--to pick up. koqùo ['koqw~o] n--an animal shaped like a chain of furry qùitseran linked together. kórkány [ko-*'ka:ni] adv--sometime. kórkat ['ko-*kA"t] adj--some; any. kórkátyme [ko-*'ka:timE] (adv)--someday; (n)--"fourth base" in klisakhyem. koroso ['ko*oso] n--cousin. korplos ['ko*plos] n--information. korplosý [,ko*plo'si:] vt--to inform. korrax ['korAz=] n--a unit of acceleration: 1.00057 m/sec^2 kors ['ko*s] adj--old. korsný [ko*'sni:] vi--to age. korssrý [ko*'s*i:] vt--to age. korya ['ko*jA"] n--data. koshat ['koSAt] n--koshat; an Elvish musical instrument. kòsi ['ko-sI] adj--low; bass (mus.). kòsimõrks ['ko-sIm@.*ks] n--double bass çemmõrks (clarinet). kòsisen ['ko-sIsEn] n--hollow, lowland. kòsyáyskò [ko-'sja:jsko-] n--(string) bass. kòtyaç ['ko-tjA"s=] n--crawl. kòtý [ko-'ti:] vi--to crawl. kow ['kow] vt--to see; refer to. koyzeksonat [koj'zEksonAt] n--an above ground building with two power units, shaped like an "S". kradak ['k*AdA"k] n--trap. kraka ['k*AkA"] n--fire; explosion. krakanîl [k*AkA"'nIl] (usually pl: krakanî) n--fireworks. krakhý(-so) [k*A'xi:] vt--to burn. krâlt ['k*Alt] adv--quite; rather. kranák [k*A"'na:k] n--rocket. kranye ['k*AnjE] prep--since. kranyor ['k*Anjo*] adv--later. kre ['k*E] n--question. kreçý [k*Es=i:] vt--to question. kredhlöz ['k*Ez+Yz] n--seventh chord. kreyt ['k*Ejt] n--list. kreý(-so) [k*E'i:] vt--to ask. krilat ['k*ilA"t] n--fugue. kròçet ['k*o-s=Et] n--1. a powerful laser, which uses yekre-like crystals. 2. a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves any number of squares diagonally, unless blocked by other pieces. kròçnardskhklêstj [k*o-s=nA*d'sklEs=t=] n--a classical Olaetyan dance. krokyat ['k*okjAt] n--praseodymium. kròn ['k*o-n] adj--flaming. Kròn ['k*o-n]--the Olaetyan goddess of fire and heat. krònáizé [k*o-'na:jze:] n--bright red light; flame. Krònáizé [k*o-'na:jze:] n--the annual holiday of Krön, celebrated on Nizánié 18. krònáma [k*o-'na:mA"] n--volcano. krònámaçin [k*o-'na:mA"s=In] n--volcanic crater. krònyaç ['k*o-njA"s=] n--lava. krozi ['k*ozI] n--the ninth day of the Olaetyan week. kryfny ['k*ifni] vt--to annoy, bother, disturb. kryle ['k*ilE] n--bird. krysklot ['k*isklot] n--boron. ku-, k- [ku, k]--"perfective" prefix. kúlo ['ku:lo] n--tower; tall mountain. kulyan ['kuljAn] adj--cold. kulyanný(-so) [kuljA'ni:] vt--to freeze. kuras ['ku*A"s] n--blood. kusâl [ku'sAl] n--column. kuye ['kujE] n--body. kuysmur ['kujsmu*] n--armor. kwa ['kwA] n--death. kwâé ['kwAe:] adj--dead. kwây ['kwAj] vi--to die. kwazás [kwA"'za:s] adj--dangerous. kwazássór [kwA",za:'so:*] n--danger. kwenílh [kwE'ni:l=] n--weapon. kwený [kwE'ni:] vt--to kill. kwêth ['kwET] n--map. kwethny ['kwETni] vi--to map. kwethugan ['kwETugAn] n--grammar. kwith ['kwIT] adj--fierce. kyelin ['kjElIn] adj--wise. kyerat ['kjE*A"t] n--wire. kyrrakh ['kirAx] n--rope. kytynya [ki'tinjA"] n--neptunium. la [lA] adj--the. (plural lan [lAn]) acc. laçeçi [lA's=Es=I] n--player; musician. laçílh [lA's=i:l=] n--musical instrument. laçý [lA's=i:] vt--to play (music). laecan ['lAEtSAn] adj--careful; cautious. laina ['lAjnA"] adj--the rest of; other. lak ['lAk] n--hall; passage. lakhil ['lAxIl] n--nest. lanizi ['lAnIzI] n--chord. lann [lAn] adj--all; both; the (plural). zéni lann: all. lann pur: both. zyekos lann: all the other(s). lann pur [lAn'pu*] adj--both. lannom ['lAnom] adv--all over. lanyetj ['lAnjEt=] n--group. larklaksonalh [lA*'klAksonAl=] n--galactic area. larnya ['lA*njA"] n--galaxy. larnyan ['lA*njAn] adj--galactic. le ['lE]--the 26th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, L. lebly ['lEbli] vt--to explain. lekh ['lEx] adj--tight. lekranya [lE'k*AnjA"] n--samarium. lenále [lE'na:lE] n--the mental powers of the Olaetyans, given to them by the goddess Lenale. Lenále [lE'na:lE]--the Olaetyan goddess of mental powers. lenarás [lEnA"'*a:s] n--loyalty. lenaráselh [lEnA"'*a:sEl=] adj--loyal. lendrelh ['lEnd*El=] adj--expensive. lendru ['lEnd*u] n--cost. lendry ['lEnd*i] vt--to cost. lenika ['lEnIkA"] n--chair. leniré [lEnI'*e:] adj--full. lenirerý [lEnI*E'*i:] vt--to refill. lenirý [lEni'*i:] vt--to fill. lensmur ['lEnsmu*] n--europium. lérran ['le:rAn] n--doctor. Lèski [lEs'ki] n--a planet originally used as a prison by the Olaetyan government, until it was taken over by pirates. Lèsq ['lEsk] n--the language of the planet Lèsqui; a dialect of Olaetyan. lez ['lEz] (n)--past; (adv)--in the past. li [lI] adj--the. liikhás [lIj'Ca:s] n(f)--a dark chaos creature from Neesa. lin ['lIn] adj--one. linán [lI'na:n] (n)--beginning; (adv) once. linatj ['linAt=] n--member. liné [lI'ne:] adj--single, only. lineb ['linEb] adv--only. linebbi [lI'nEbI] adv--originally. linen ['linEn] adj, adv--first. linenás [lInE'na:s] n--dawn. linhates ['lIn=AtEs] n--birthday. lini ['linI] n--byte; a unit of money: value of 0.423 milligrams of bératj. linnaç ['lInAs=] n--original form. linnra ['lIN*A] n--king. linnre ['lIN*E] n--queen. linnrisa ['lIN*IsA] n--prince. linnrise ['lIN*IsE] n--princess. linteçy ['lIntEs=i] vt--to buy. liska ['lIskA"] n--dust. litán [lI'ta:n] adj--solo. lité [lI'te:] n--solo. litéa [lI'tEA"] n--line. litéan [lI'tEA"n] adj--linear. lizyeal ['lIzjEAl] n--fourth month of the Olaetyan year. lonnar ['lonA*] n--platinum. lonnaral ['lonA*Al] adj--(made of) platinum. luçéa [lu's=EA"] n--point. luri ['lu*I] n--fool. lurykh ['lu*iC] adj--foolish. luvaçykh ['luvAs=iC] adj--shiny. luvaçý [luvA's=i:] vi--to shine. luz ['luz] adj--zero. luzakae ['luzAkAE] n--helium. luzan ['luzAn] n--neutron. luzán [lu'za:n] n--moment. lûzane ['lUzA"nE] adj--general. lûzanebbi [lUzA"'nEbI] adv--generally. lûzany ['lUzA"ni] vt--to tend to be. luzayene [lu'zAjEnE] n--prime meridian. lwazi ['lwAzI] n--the second day of the Olaetyan week. lyazyn ['ljAzin] n--tail. lyekyaz ['ljEkjAz] n--protein. lyen ['ljEn] n--money. Lyene ['ljEnE] n--the planet Earth. lymirrin ['limIrIn] n--paint. lytya ['litjA"] n--summer. manîaké [mA"'nIA"ke:] n--eighth month of the Olaetyan year. marel ['mA*El] n--nose. marelh ['mA*El=] adj--nasal. marlý [mA*'li:] vt--to smell. matu ['mAtu] n--action. matuný [mAtu'ni:] v--to act, perform an action. mayat ['mAjA"t] n--a three-headed furry orange animal (Mayat mayat). mayrkh ['mAj*x] n--flag. me ['mE] pron--you. me ['mE]--the 19th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, M. ménka ['me:NkA"] n--verb. meso ['mEso] adj--your. mesodra [mE'sod*A"] adj--your own. mi- [mI]--1/1000 (as in mizektri). mika ['mikA"] adj--active. mikaný [,mIkA"'ni:] vt--to activate. miqùé [mI'qw~e:] adj--small; abbreviated. miqùémyuykh [mI'qw~e:mjujC] adj--microtonal. miqùý [mI'qw~i:] vt--to abbreviate. mithé [mI'Te:] adj--serious. mixáka [mI'z=a:kA"] adj--one thousand. mixáken [mI'z=a:kEn] adj--thousandth. mo ['mo] pron--yourself. moelykh ['moEliC] adj--gloomy, dismal. mòrka-nayakh ['mo-*kA" 'nAjA"x] n--vithrin (a small Draconian flying lizard). mòrkaaç ['mo-*kAs=] n--fire. (also magic word for fire). mõrks ['m@.*ks] n--reed; single-reed instrument. murona ['mu*onA"] n--ruby. my ['mi] vi--to do. myathye ['mjATjE] n--brain. mycáy [mi'tSa:j] vi--to think. (sometimes used with om). mycáy ry [mi'tSa:j*i] vt--to be concerned about. mycáy-so ry [mi'tSa:jso*i] vt--to miss (someone or something). mycáyaç [mi'tSa:jA"s=] n--thought. myceizzi [mi'tSEjzI] n--psychology. mycelh ['mitSEl=] adj--intelligent, smart. mycinâtj [,mitSI'nAt=] n--puzzle. mycydhly ['mitSiz+i] vt--to suspect. mycydhlyaç [mi'tSiz+jA"s=] n--suspicion. myenna ['mjEnA"] n--mistake; error. myenny ['mjEni] vi--to err; to go wrong. mysmur ['mismu*] n--rhodium. mytsh ['mitS] n--mind. mytshan ['mitSAn] n--a quantum unit of mental force in traditional Olaetyan magic. mytshnéz [mitS'ne:z] n--mental force. myu ['mju] n--1. tone; pitch; 2. the holy symbol of Ilats; a variation of the pentagram. myuxadri [mju'z=Ad*I] n--a series of musical notes. myuykh ['mjujC] adj--tonal. naç ['nAs=] n--creation. naçèli ['nAs=@li] n--a hyperspace jump station built near the entrance of one of the ancient Evil Empire's hyperspace tunnels. (also written naçèli klýtjykh.) naçy ['nAs=i] vt--to build. naçyat ['nAs=jAt] n--manufacturing planet; an uninhabited world turned over to robotic industry. nadral ['nAd*Al] adj--related to an alternate dimension where the speed of light is slower than normal: nadral-akhsepéa. naiyia ['nAjIA"] n--orchestra. nakór [nA"'ko:*] n--creator. nál ['na:l] n--stream. nalarzik [nA"'lA*zIk] n--magnesium. nálçin ['na:ls=In] n--canyon. nåltatj ['nOltAt=] n--switch. namériry [nA"'me:*I*i] vt--to bypass. naméryy [nA"'me:*ji] vt--to pass. nanay ['nAnAj] n--snake. nar ['nA*] n--1. way, path; 2. a suit of Olaetyan cards represented by a blue-green keyhole. Nara ['nA*A"] n--the Olaetyan god of plants. nara(sél) ['nA*A"('se:l)] n--plant. naraxön [,nA*A"'z=Y:n] n--tuned wood block. narayan ['nA*A"jAn] n--an intelligent musical tree. Narazi ['nA*A"zI] n--the holy day of Nara, celebrated on Zipurré 18. narazór [nA*A"'zo:*] n--junction. nardela ['nA*dElA"] n--promethium. narkelya [nA*'kEljA"] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves any number of squares horizontally or vertically, unless blocked. narklot ['nA*klot] n--holmium. narnak ['nA*nAk] n--leader. narnix ['nA*nIz=] n--troll. narny ['nA*ni] vt--to lead. naryan ['nA*jAn] n--quark. nasrenk ['nAs*ENk] n--promise. nasrenny [nAs'*Eni] vt--to promise. nayakh ['nAjA"x] n--reptile. nayakhi ['nAjA"xI] n--small reptile. nayaklýtj [,nAjA"'klit=] n--hologram. nayantel [nA'jAntEl] n--orchestral synthesizer. nayat ['nAjA"t] n--image. nayazet ['nAjA"zEt] n--a laser used to make holograms. nayly ['nAjli] vt--to discover. naylyaç ['nAjljA"s=] n--discovery. nazen ['nAzEn] n--invention. nazenny [nA"'zEni] vt--to invent; to experiment. nazorghaç [nA"'zo*QA"s=] n--syntax. né ['ne:] n--powers: alternate plural of néz. neayinesél [nE,AjInI'se:l] n--brass instrument; trumpet. nei ['nEj] n--luck. Nei ['nEj] n--the Olaetyan goddess of luck. néklot ['ne:klot] n--einsteinium. neléy [nE'le:j] vt--to imitate. neléyaç [nE'le:jA"s=] n--imitation. nelre ['nEl*E] n--memory techniques used by Olaetyans, thought to be invented by the god Nelre. Nelre ['nEl*E]--the Olaetyan god of knowledge and memory. nelrozalh ['nEl*ozAl=] n--a style or technique of Olaetyan writing, which is related to nelre and lenale, and forms an exact mental picture of what is written. nen ['nEn] n--the holy symbol of Nei: a set of three interlocking triangles. nendar ['nEndA*] n--button. nendry ['nEnd*i] vt--to belong to. Nensko ['nEnsko] n--the major Olaetyan god. nenskyaç ['nEnskjA"s=] n--control. nenský [nEn'ski:] vt--to control. nenzekly [nEn'zEkli] vt--to protect. nenzi ['nEnzI] n--the seventh day of the Olaetyan week. Nerreci ['nErEs=I] n--a worshiper of Nei. nerro ['nEro] n--hope. nerrozás [,nEro'za:s] adj--hopeful. nerryé [nEr'je:] adj--advanced. nerrý [nE'ri:] vi--to hope. nérta ['ne:*tA] n(f)--Nikta (Nikta nikta). nerý(-so) [nE'*i:] vt--to (re)make; to change. netrelat ['nEt*ElAt] n--scandium. nexartj ['nEz=A*t=] n--spiral. nextarêdhli [nEz=tA"'*Ez+I] n--old form of nexti(sél), still used in some dialects. nexti ['nEz=tI] n--energy. nexti(sél) ['nEz=tI('se:l)] n--a living thing made of pure energy; abbreviation of (Nimoryikh) nextaredhli(sél). neyal ['nEjAl] adj--lucky. néyasai ['ne:jA"sAj] n(f)--Neyasai; a native inhabitant of the planet Lèsqùi (Nikta neyasai). néz ['ne:z] n--power; force. nézaeya [ne:'zAEjA"] n--center of power. nézelh ['ne:zEl=] adj--powerful. néznik ['ne:znIk] n--battery. Néztrytym ['ne:zt*itim] n--Olaetyan holiday corresponding to Christmas on Earth and Annenkhagh on Neesa. nezzorko [nE'zo*ko] n--actinium. nhezhaqùyaç [n=E'ZAqw~jA"s=] n--guess. nhezhaqùý [,n=EZA'qw~i:] vt--to guess. ni ['ni]--the seventh letter of the Klisyat alphabet, N. nîal ['nIAl] adj--related to an alternate dimension where the speed of light is faster than normal: nîal-akhsepéa. nîason ['nIA"son] n--a type of electronic music synthesizer often associated with starship orchestras. nihaláe [nIhA"'la:E] adj--random. Nihaláe [nIhA"'la:E]--the Olaetyan god of the air and weather. nihalatel [nI'hAlA"tEl] n--chance. Nihalatel [nI'hAlA"tEl] n--the holy day of Nihaláe: the last day of Zipurré. nilzak ['nIlzAk] n--torch. nim ['nIm] adv--still. nimoryikh [nI'mo*jIx] n--Nimoryikh; an early language in the Olaetyan linguistic family, from which a large number of Olaetyan words are derived. ninska ['nInskA"] n--energy field; force field. ninzy ['nInzi] vt--to block, plug. nir ['nI*] adj--three. niré [nI'*e:] adj--triple. niren ['ni*En] adj--third. nirénzela [nI'*e:nzElA"] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves normally forward one square, but captures diagonally forward, as a pawn in chess. nirenzelu [nI'*EnzElu] n--a playing piece in the game nyâvé, which has no special moves. nirklýtj [nI*'klit=] n--a four-dimensional triangular solid, with five tetrahedrons as faces. niroáa [nI*o'a:A"] n--an Olaetyan board game, played on a pentagon. nirsarkh ['nI*sA*x] n--trident. nirtary ['nI*tA*i] vt--to distract. nirzen ['nI*zEn] n--triangle. nirzeneizzi [,nI*zE'nEjzI] n--trigonometry. nisen ['nisEn] n--any furry, intelligent animal of native Olaetyan descent. nitryaith ['nIt*jAjT] n--geyser. niz ['nIz] adj--six. niz- [nIz]--1000 (as in nizzektri). nizak ['nizAk] adj--wonderful; exciting; excellent. nizakyaç [nI'zAkjA"s=] n--excellence. nizányé [nI'za:nje:] n--sixth month of the Olaetyan year. nizataen ['nizA"tAEn] n--a Neesklet electronic keyboard instrument. nizen ['nizEn] adj--sixth. nizyme ['nizimE] n--a unit of time: 2 hrs 24 min 21.4 sec (8661.43 sec.); Olaetyan hour. nlêzkh ['nlEsx] n--junk; garbage. nobo ['nobo] adj--left. nobodhánelh [nobo'Da:nEl=] adj--left-handed. nöerayo [nYE'*Ajo] (magic word, used for opening doors). nòkktryek ['no-kt*jEk] n--tuned metal drum; a musical instrument. norrak ['norAk] adj--barren. noryes ['no*jEs] n--reason. notrikád [not*I'ka:d] n--cage. novit ['novIt] adv--north. novitan ['novItAn] adj--northern. noyntai ['nojntAj] n--elf. noyntayan ['nojntAjAn] adj--elven, elvish. noyo ['nojo] adj--right. (not left) noyodhánelh [nojo'Da:nEl=] adj--right-handed. nreilhs ['n*Ejl=s] n--school. nrekla ['n*EklA"] n--chlorine. nu ['nu] adj--dark. nuka ['nukA"] n--night. Nukâz [nu'kAz]--the Olaetyan goddess of death. nul ['nul] adj--nine. nulen ['nulEn] adj--ninth. numin ['numIn] n--score. nunkraç ['nuNk*As=] n--knowledge; wisdom. nuratak ['nu*A"tAk] n--a dark berry. Its juice is made into a drink which tastes like cola. nurga ['nu*gA"] n--glob, blob. nusór [nu'so:*] n--darkness. nuthladý [nus+A"'di:] vt--to try. nuvrá [nuv'*a:] n--heat. nuvrálh [nuv'*a:l=] adj--hot. nuvrasór [nuv*A'so:*] n--temperature. ny ['ni] vt--to make; to construct; to create; to form. ny-so ['niso] vt--to have to; must. nyáklina ['nja:klInA"] n--orchestra. nyâvé ['njAve:] n--Olaetyan game played on a multi-colored octagonal board. The most common version uses 16 pieces for each side: 6 of nirenzelu, 4 of klixetj, 2 of éfrahlan and taenklòçi, and one of phirples and puránya. nyazi ['njAzI] n--the fifth day of the Olaetyan week. nyé ['nje:] n--the holy symbol of Ryl. nye ['njE] n--rock. nyeblykh ['njEbliC] adj--permanent. nyeçin ['njEs=In] n--meteor crater. nyeixya ['njEjzjA"] n--boulder. nyeka ['njEkA"] adj--black. nyekaç ['njEkAs=] n--pupil of eye. nyekalílh [,njEkA"'li:l=] n--pen. nyelh ['njEl=] adj--rocky. nyenlêzkh ['njEnlEsx] n--rocky debris. nyeskatj ['njEskAt=] n--concrete. nyetalnyaç [njE'tAlnjAs=] n--cave-in. nykha ['nixA"] n--brick. nykta ['niktA"] n--claw. nylek ['nilEk] n--creation. nyma ['nimA"] n--valley. nyn ['nin] n--the holy symbol of Venn. nyrakh ['ni*Ax] n--modern hyperspace fuel. nyrren ['nirEn] adj--orange (color). nyrrya ['nirjA] n--dysprosium. nyskan ['niskA"n] n--silicon. nyzkakh ['nizkAx] n--original hyperspace fuel, now obsolete. Nýsa ['ni:sA"] n--the planet Neesa. 'ö ['ö]--the 11th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, Ö. 'o ['o]--the tenth letter of the Klisyat alphabet, O. 'õ ['@.]--the 44th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, Õ. o- [o] prefix--same as ox-. oasél [oA"'se:l] n--laser. oayr [o'Aj*] prep--past; by. oblé [o'ble:] adj--bare. oblyaç ['obljA"s=] n--eclipse. oçenmõrks [,os=En'm@.*ks] n--bass çemmórks. óçennartj ['o:s=EnA*t=] n--bass xeynartj; bassoon. odelit ['odElIt] adj--unreal. oe! ['oE] interj--ah! oekh ['oEx] n--protactinium. oels ['oEls] n--chaos. oelsykh ['oElsiC] adj--chaotic. oenat ['oEnAt] n--unaccompanied song. oezaqùé ['oEzAqw~e:] adj--sad. oika ['ojkA"] adj--visible. oir ['oj*] adj--seven. oiren ['oj*En] adj--seventh. oizak ['ojzAk] n--treasure. okhab ['oxAb] adv--however; unfortunately. oklaròak [oklA"'*o-Ak] n--slide flute. oklasya [o'klAsjA"] n--trombone. okten ['oktEn] n--view; scene. ol ['ol] prep--minus. olaetyan [o'lAEtjAn] (n) the language of the planet Olaeyat; an Olaetyan native (Homo yananid pavonis); (adj) Olaetyan. olarea [olA"'*EA"] adj--gray. olatjy ['olAt=i] n--galactic system. olayene [o'lAjEnE] n--coast; beach. olya ['oljA"] n--land; plain. olysrý(-so) [oli's*i:] vt--to land. olý [o'li:] vt--to subtract. olzika ['olzIkA"] adj--legible. olzý(-so) [ol'zi:so] vt--to read. -om [om] suffix--less. -om [om] verb suffix--over. (ty -> tomý) om [om] prep--over; about; on; of. oma ['omA"] prep--on. omaiyan [o'mAjAn] adj--united. omán [o'ma:n] prep--on; in. (time, day, year, etc.) ómnar ['o:mnA*] n--bridge. omnar ['omnA*] prep--toward. omonhe ['omon=E] adj--rare. omonhebbi [omo'n=EbI] adv--rarely. ómõrks ['o:m@.*ks] n--one of a family of single-reed musical instruments with a soft, harmonica-like sound. omycelh ['omitSEl=] adj--stupid; mindless. ona ['onA] n--side. ondy ['ondi] vi--to walk. onekhy ['onExi] vi--to explode. onekhyaç [o'nECjA"s=] n--explosion. oniyza [o'nIjzA"] n--row; line segment. onn [on] prep--divided by. onolé [ono'le:] adj--strange. onoly ['onoli] vt--to make strange. onoly-so ['onoliso] vi--to become strange. onomykh ['onomiC] adj--crude. -op [op] suffix--least. -or [o*] suffix--more. oran ['o*A"n] adj--yellow. oranya [o'*AnjA"] n--tungsten. orco ['o*tSo] n--adult. orek ['o*Ek] n--capital city. orekan ['o*EkAn] adj--national. orinzy [o'*Inzi] vi--to breathe. orinzyaç [o'*InzjA"s=] n--breath. orkse ['o*ksE] prep--even. ornák [o*'na:k] n--air. ornel ['o*nEl] n--sky. orneltrán [,o*nEl't*a:n] n--airplane. orriz ['orIz] n--disk. orsa ['o*sA"] n--young person. orxa ['o*z=A"] adj--infamous. orxasór [,o*z=A"'so:*] n--infamy. -os [os] suffix--most. ös ['ös] n--the holy symbol of Yoele: a seven-pointed star. os- [os] prefix--same as ox-. osabla [o'sAblA"] prep--unlike. osal ['osAl] adj--dim. osannyaç [o'sAnjA"s=] n--defense. osanný [osA'ni:] vt--to defend. osé [o'se:] adj--unnecessary. osegats ['osEgAts] adj--impossible. osený [osE'ni:] vt--to keep. oskany ['oskAni] vt--to prevent. oskez ['oskEz] adj--simple; easy. oskhay ['osxAj] adj--awkward. oskhyedý [osCjE'di:] vi--to wait. [xak = "for"] oskhyndré [osxin'd*e:] adj--simple. osklýhy [o'skli:hi] vt--to miss. oskulyanný(-so) [os,kuljA"'ni:] vt--to melt. osla ['oslA"] adj--usual; normal. oslaecan [os'lAEtSAn] adj--careless. oslebbi [os'lEbI] adv--usually; normally. oslendrelh [os'lEnd*El=] adj--inexpensive. osphal ['osFAl] n--blur. osplanç ['osplAns=] n--reflection(s). osplancý [osplAn's=i:] vt--to reflect; to repel. osqùaj ['osqw~AZ] n--sense. osreklandy(-so) [os*E'klAndiso] vt--to stop; to pause. osrikatre [os*I'kAt*E] adj--unimportant. ostatý [ostA'ti:] vt--to avoid. Ostazán [ostA"'za:n] n--one of the two annual holidays of Nei, usually 37 Kazare. osté [os'te:] prep--outside. ostégme [os'te:gmE] n--shell. ostéykh [os'te:jC] adj--outer. ostjan ['os=t=An] adj--weak. ostrok ['ost*ok] n--shadow. osyèra [osj@'*A] adv--possibly; maybe. ot ['ot] pron--he; she. otárçykh [o'ta:*s=iC] adj--perfect. otsáy [o'tsa:j] adj--evil. otskano [ots'kAno] n--enemy. ox- [oz=]--negative prefix that indicate the exact opposite meaning of a word. (atî -> oxatî) oxaçi ['oz=As=I] adj--false. oxadranlébbi [o,z=Ad*A"n'le:bI] adv--unsuccessfully. oxadxa [o'z=Adz=A"] adv--in no way. oxakâb [oz=A"'kAb] adj--apart. oxakamby [oz=A"'kAmbi] vt--to take apart. oxakamby-so [oz=A"'kAmbiso] vi--to come apart. oxandel [o'z=AndEl] adj--independent. oxárzy [o'z=a:*zi] vi--to stand. oxatéy [oz=A"'te:j] vt--to object to (something). oxatéyaç [oz=A"'te:jA"s=] n--objection. oxatî [oz=A"'tI] adj--wrong. oxáy [o'z=a:j] adj--sorry. oxayesika [oz=A'jEsIkA"] adj--indivisible. oxeizzak [o'z=EjzAk] n--electronics engineer. oxeizzi [o'z=EjzI] n--electronics. oxekh ['oz=Ex] (interj)--no; (adv)--not so much. oxekhlan [o'z=ExlAn] n--electron. oxekhlykh [o'z=ExliC] adj--electronic. oxenéz [oz=E'ne:z] n--electricity. oxéni [o'z=e:nI] adj, pron--none. oxénik [o'z=e:nIk] n--nothing. oxiçý [oz=I's=i:] vt--to contaminate. oxik ['oz=Ik] adj--minor. oxini [o'z=inI] n--flat. (music) oxis ['oz=Is] adv--never. oxis krâlt [,oz=Is'k*Alt] adv--not really. oxoika [o'z=ojkA"] adj--invisible. oxomonhebbi [oz=omo'n=EbI] adv--often. oxyan ['oz=jAn] adj--no kind of. oxyanna [o'z=jAnA"] n--no one. oxyklat [o'z=iklAt] adv--nowhere. oxyme ['oz=imE] n--a unit of time: 1 min 26.6 sec. (86.6143 sec.) oxyrráika [oz=i'ra:jkA"] adj--uncountable. oy ['oj] vt--to see. oyanelh ['ojAnEl=] adj--video. oylaba ['ojlAbA"] adj--common. oyor ['ojo*] adj--no more. òysò ['o-jso-] interj--goodbye. öysò ['Yjso-] interj--hello! oyyaç ['ojA"s=] n--vision. oza ['ozA"] adj--no; not any. ozor ['ozo*] n--a large amount; x'ozor y ['z=ozo*i] adj--much; many. ozoreyat [o'zo*EjAt] n--polyhedron. ozorralin [o'zorAlIn] n--hybrid. ozzevo ['ozEvo] adj--dirty. pakaný(-so) [pAkA'ni:] vt--to hide. par ['pA*] n--bit; drop; 1/8 of a lini. paran smurgal: filings of metal. parezek ['pA*EzEk] n--a loud, buzzy double-reed instrument with a curved shape: there are six sizes. pelanti [pE'lAntI] adj--extremely hot. perela ['pE*ElA"] n--copper. phalixyý [FAlI'z=ji:] vt--to stare (at). phalykh ['FAliC] adj--clear. phalý [FA'li:] vt--to look (at). phaqùên [FA"'qw~En] (n) back; (prep) behind. pharan ['FA*A"n] n--deck of cards. pheçyaç ['FEs=jA"s=] n--payment. pheçý [FE's=i:] vt--to pay. phi ['FI]--the 22nd letter of the Klisyat alphabet, ph. phiradhlán [,FI*A"'z+a:n] n--a four-sided bent piece of metal which is used in music (like a triangle). phirflé [FI*'fle:] n--dog (Canis). phirples ['FI*plEs] n--a playing piece in the game nyâvé, which has no special moves and is equivalent to the king in chess. phirrakh ['FirAx] adj--shallow. phiryme ['Fi*imE] n--an Olaetyan month of 50 days. phughyrkh ['FuQi*x] n--sulfur. pi ['pi]--the 21st letter of the Klisyat alphabet, P. pithrykh ['pIT*iC] adj--ugly. plançý [plAn's=i:] vt--to attract. planrika ['plAn*IkA] adj--movable. planry(-so) ['plAn*i] vt--to move. (ço-)planryaç [(s=o)'plAn*jA"s=] n--migration. plat ['plAt] n--1/100 of a lini. platseri ['plAtsE*I] n--ellipse. platserykh ['plAtsE*iC] adj--elliptical. plexar ['plEz=A*] n--color; shade. plexarelh ['plEz=A*El=] adj--colorful. plisiný [plIsI'ni:] vt--to carve. plizé [plI'ze:] adj--red. pluílh ['plwi:l=] n--(magic) spell. pluy ['pluj] vt--to put a magic spell on something. pluyaç en oxekh ['plujA"s= En 'oz=Ex] n--a spell that causes something bad to happen to someone; a kind of curse. pluyaç en xaykh ['plujA"s= En 'z=AjC] n--a spell that has a positive effect on someone; opposite of pluyaç en oxekh. Pluyaç en xaykh has the power to restore something that was lost, increase skill or luck, or remove a curse. plwaga ['plwAgA"] adj--magic. prat ['p*At] adj--one billion. prat klýtj [p*At'klit=] adj--10 to the power of 9 * 10^45. praten ['p*AtEn] adj--billionth. pratixya [p*A'tIz=jA"] adj--one trillion. pren- [p*En] prefix--greater, larger. prenál [p*E'na:l] n--river. prennâyakh [p*E'nAjA"x] n--dragon. prenyaç ['p*EnjA"s=] n--something or someone that is great, outstanding, or large. prex ['p*Ez=] adj--next. pro ['p*o] adj--great; high. pro- [p*o]--100 (as in prozektri). pròak ['p*o-A"k] n--flute. pròaklys ['p*o-A"klis] n--an organ stop, which produces the 8th-13th harmonics of a note. proxyrg ['p*oz=i*g] adj--immense; huge. prrak ['prAk] n--purr. prry ['pri] vi--to purr. psonsmur ['psonsmu*] n--cobalt. pur ['pu*] adj--two. puránya [pu'*a:njA"] n--a playing piece in the game nyâvé, which can move once or twice in the same turn, and which can move through the trapezoid. purblyan ['pu*bljAn] n--hyperspace drive. puré [pu'*e:] adj--double. puren ['pu*En] (adj)--second; half; (n) half. purenê [pu*E'nE] n--halfling. purra ['purA"] n--fur. purral ['purAl] (n) furry thing; (adj) furry; made of fur. purré [pu're:] n--mentally controlled music synthesizer. purrelh ['purEl=] adj--furry; covered with fur. purres ['purEs] n--hemisphere. puryaç ['pu*jAs=] n--pair. puryat ['pu*jAt] n, adj--binary. qal ['qAl] n--neck. qasezetre [qAsE'zEt*E] n--unit of distance: 750.63 million kilometers. (1 billion zektri or 1 khaçèzektri). qayte ['qAjtE] n--a unit of force: 423.179 newton. qenal ['qEnAl] n--palladium. qersá [qE*'sa:] adj--proud. qeuse ['qEwsE] n--test. qeusy ['qEwsi] vt--to test. qlifax ['qlifAz=] n--demon. qonat ['qonAt] n--bone. qu ['qu]--the 25th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, Q. qùa ['qw~A]--a ligature of Q and U. qùaçy ['qw~As=i] vi--to agree. qùaçya ['qw~As=jA"] n--agreement. qùaçý [qw~A"'s=i:] vt--to notice. qùaika ['qw~AjkA"] adj--notable. qùay ['qw~Aj] vt--to note. qùaz ['qw~Az] adj--strange. qùazh ['qw~AZ] n--total confusion. Qùazh ['qw~AZ]--the Olaetyan goddess of confusion. qùazhelh ['qw~AZEl=] adj--confusing. qùazhný [qw~AZ'ni:] vt--to confuse. qùazhý [qw~A"'Zi:] vi--to be confused. qùazsór [qw~Az'so:*] n--strangeness. qùetriçý [qw~Et*I's=i:] vt--to paralyze. quitser ['qwItsE*] n--a kind of irenîzh with a loop in its tail. qùom ['qw~om] n--the holy symbol of Qùazh: an irregular thirteen-pointed star. qùy ['qw~i] vi--to be able. qùydhlý [qw~i'z+i:] vi--to wonder. qyaç ['qjAs=] n--ability. qyántezi ['qja:ntEzI] n--the tenth (last) day of the Olaetyan week. qyaslakh ['qjAslA"x] adj--smooth. ra ['*A] pron--each other. ra ['*A]--the eighth letter of the Klisyat alphabet, R. ra- [*A"]--1/100 (as in razektri). radzilý [*AdzI'li:] vt--to provide. rakanedyera [*AkA'nEdjE*A"] n--a furry animal that can change its shape. rakansen [*A"'kAnsEn] n--paw. ralez ['*AlEz] adj--one hundred. ralezen ['*AlEzEn] adj--hundredth. ralona ['*AlonA"] n--a unit of temperature: 2.73 degrees Kelvin. ralvar ['*AlvA*] adj--parallel. ralyme ['*AlimE] n--moment; minute; short length of time. rázyme ['*a:zimE] n--century. re ['*E] (pron)--you; (adj)--these. reçéa [*E's=e:A"] n--hinge. reçílh [*E's=i:l=] n--wheel. reçý(-so) [*E's=i:so] vt--to roll. redhlaly(-so) ['*Ez+Aliso] vt--to change. redhlalyaç [*E'z+AljA"s=] n--transformation; change. redhlat(ya) ['*Ez+At (*E'z+AtjA")] n--theme. redhliný [*Ez+I'ni:] vt--to adapt. redhlor ['*Ez+o*] n--adjective. redhly ['*Ez+i] vt--to affect. redhlyaç ['*Ez+jA"s=] n--effect. reklandy(-so) [*E'klAndiso] vt--to continue; vi--to remain; to stay. reklandykh [*E'klAndiC] adj--continuous. rel' [*El] prep--for the. (plural relan [*ElA"n]) relákta [*E'la:ktA"] n--slot, place, home. rélethy ['*e:lETi] vt--to hire. relist ['*ElIst] n--garage. rélixen ['*e:lIz=En] n(pl)--stairs. relkailh ['*ElkAjl=] n--desk. relnyat ['*ElnjAt] n--sphere. ren ['*En] n--the holy symbol of Zzy. renaddry [*E'nAd*i] vt--to erase. rendra ['*End*A"] n--phase. rennâl [*E'nAl] n--roof. resený [*EsE'ni:] vt--to send; to transmit; to drive away. resle ['*EslE] n--slave. reso ['*Eso] adj--your. resodra [*E'sod*A"] adj--your own. reun ['*Ewn] n--ring. reunan ['*EwnAn] adj--round; circular. reuni ['*EwnI] n--circle. reuny ['*Ewni] vt--to go around; to revolve. reunye ['*EwnjE] n--small round stone, pebble, cobblestone. rexáy [*E'z=a:j] adj--famous; well known. rexáysór [*E,z=a:j'so:*] n--fame. rexyaç ['*Ez=jA"s=] n--greeting(s). rexý [*E'z=i:] vt--to greet. rez ['*Ez] adj,pron--this. rez prex [*Ez'p*Ez=]: the following... rigý [*I'gi:] vt--to look for; to search; to seek. rikatral [*I'kAt*Al] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves three squares horizontally or vertically and can jump over pieces. It can be turned over to become a zakhals. rikatre [*I'kAt*E] adj--(most) important; main; major; valuable. rikatresór [*I,kAt*E'so:*] n--importance. rikazzo [*I'kAzo] prep, adv--across. rikazzy [*I'kAzi] vt--to cross. rin ['*In] n--the holy symbol of Nensko: a combination of a 16-pointed star and a 12-pointed star. rinyatj ['*InjA"t=] n--bronze. rite ['*itE] n--cup. rix' [*Iz=] prep--for a. (plural rixan ['*iz=A"n]) ro ['*o] pron--yourselves. rosoyai ['*osojAi] n--a traditional Randa vegetable dish. rradhlykh ['rAz+ix] adj--solid. rraengga ['rAENgA"] adj--very cold. rrakh ['rAx] adj--thick. rrakhsór [rAx'so:*] n--thickness. rrantlysh ['rAntliS] n--attention. rrîiyaç ['rIjjAs=] n--ice. rro ['ro]--the 42nd letter of the Klisyat alphabet, RR. rroyel ['rojEl] n--die. (usually plural: rroye "dice") runas ['*unAs] n--dome. runayç ['*unAjs=] n--moss. ruzan ['*uzAn] n--trace. ry ['*i] prep--by; for. ry edhlé [*i E'z+e:] prep--as well as. ry idhlin ['*jIz+In] adj--for every; per. ryau ['*jAw] n--meow. ryawy ['*jAwi] vi--to meow. ryenta ['*jEntA"] n--rod; staff; pole. ryl ['*il] n--silver. Ryl ['*il]--the Olaetyan goddess of precious metals and gems. rylal ['*ilAl] adj--silver. rylîs [*i'lIs] (prep)--because of; (conj) because; since; for. ryoh ['*joh] n--the holy symbol of Lenale: a regular triangle inside a regular hexagon. ryoxe ['*joz=E] adv--for no reason. rysh ['*iS] n(f)--reesh (orange-green mist from Neesa). ryunil ['*junIl] adv--for every reason. ryut ['*jut] adv--why. ryut khi [*jut 'xI] adv--simply; of course. ryxakh ['*iz=Ax] adv--for some reason. ryyn [*jin] prep--[neg] for. (plural of y ry). ryza ['*izA"] adv--for any reason. sá ['sa:] n--the holy symbol of Delkan. sa ['sA] (pron)--yourselves; himself. (prep)--up to. sa ['sA]--the 13th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, S. saçerý(-so) [sAs=E'*i:so] vt--to recover. saçiný [sAs=I'ni:] vt--to occupy. saçý [sA's=i:] vt--to get. sagas ['sAgAs] prep--off. samos ['sAmos] adj--already finished. samosý [,sAmo'si:] vi--to be already finished. sanerý [,sAnE'*i:] vt--to follow. sanye ['sAnjE] prep--after. sanyekli [sAn'jEkli] n--afternoon. sanyor ['sAnjo*] adv--afterwards. saony ['sAoni] vt--to catch. saqùe ['sAqw~E] prep--against. saqùenál [,sAqw~E'na:l] adv--upstream. sarkh ['sA*x] n--tooth. sarny ['sA*ni] vt--to stand for, signify. sarnyaç ['sA*njA"s=] n--symbol. sarr ['sAr] n--a suit of cards represented by a blue-green inverted triangle. sarý [sA'*i:] vt--to touch. sathy ['sATi] vi--to splash. satrý [sA"'t*i:] vi--to swim. se ['sE] pron--herself. sed ['sEd] adj--small; light (weight). sedán [sE'da:n] adv--a short time. sedei ['sEdEj] n--preposition. segatos ['sEgA"tos] adv--as much as possible. segats ['sEgAts] adj--possible. sein ['sEjn] (prep) down; (adv) down; to the ground. seinos ['sEjnos] n--bottom. sekhyaç ['sExjA"s=] n--hate. sekhý [sE'xi:] vt--to hate. sekiný [sEkI'ni:] vt--to trust. sekykh ['sEkiC] adj--honest. sel ['sEl] (adj)--that; (pron) which; that (which). seladxa [sE'lAdz=A"] adv--thus; that way. seladxakh [sE'lAdz=Ax] adv--however. selán [sE'la:n] (adv)--then; now; at that (this) time; (conj) when. selán ilnye: before. selánykh [sE'la:niC] adj--at that time; current. selarith ['sElA*IT] adj--narrow. selityo [sE'lItjo] n--theater. seloz ['sEloz] adj--that much; as much. selu ['sElu] adv--from which. selut ['sElut] pron--whatever. selyan ['sEljAn] adj--that kind. sency ['sEntSi] vi--to jump. send ['sEnd] n--ball. senen ['sEnEn] adj--fourth. senerý [sEnE'*i:] vt--to return; to give back. sennu ['sEnu] adj--few. senõnd [sE'n@.nd] n--floor. sentaçý(-so) [sEntA"'s=i:so] vt--to escape. sentathý [sEntA"'Ti:] vt--to take. sentax ['sEntAz=] (prep)--away from; (adv)--away. sentu ['sEntu] n--gift; present. sény ['se:ni] vt--to satisfy. sený [sE'ni:] vt--to give. sepákinyl [sE'pa:kInil] n--uranium. sepéa [sE'pe:A"] n--space. sepéalis [sE'pe:A"lIs] n--cosmos. sepéalykh [sE'pe:A"liC] adj--cosmic. sepéapho [sE'pe:A"Fo] n--a starship orchestra. sepéatrán [sE'pe:A"t*a:n] n--spaceship. sepéaxiçî [sEpe:A"z=I's=I] n--starbase. sepéilats [sE'pe:jlAts] n--music performed by a sepéapho. sépiçy ['se:pIs=i] vi--to fly. sépiçyaç ['se:pIs=jA"s=] n--flight. seratáso [sE*A"'ta:so] n--composer. seratásy [sE*A"'ta:si] vt--to compose. serikh ['sE*IC] adj--correct, right. serikhný [sE*IC'ni:] vt--to correct. serna ['sE*nA"] n--wind. sernazás [sE*nA"'za:s] adj--windy. sernelh ['sE*nEl=] adj--windy. serrakh ['sErAx] adj--thin. sethý [sE'Ti:] vt--to imply. seyandra [sE'jAnd*A"] n--carpet. seyás [sE'ja:s] adv--east. seyástran [sE'ja:st*An] adj--eastern. seyástro [sE'ja:st*o] n--the east. seynó [sEj'no:] adj--free. seynóaç [sEj'no:A"s=] n--freedom; liberty. sézant ['se:zAnt] n--island. shakhlin ['SAxlIn] n--arsenic. sharzim ['SA*zIm] n--plain(s). shayç ['SAjs=] n--depth. shayçykh ['SAjs=iC] adj--deep. shernal ['SE*nAl] n--zone. shesq ['SEsq] inter--&/#($. sho ['So]--the 14th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, {SH}. shraeth ['S*AET] adj--probably. shraethsór [S*AET'so:*] n--probability. si ['si] pron--itself. sileizzi [sI'lEjzI] n--algebra. sinsty ['sInsti] vt--to push. siros ['si*os] n--size. sirosykh ['si*osiC] adj--sizable. sitazza [sI'tAzA] n--nephew. sitazze [sî'tazê] n--niece. skaxi ['skAz'I] prep--along. skaxinál [,skAz=I'na:l] adv--downstream. skez ['skEz] adj--hard; difficult. skhmýrzidat ['sxmi*zIdAt] adj--wonderful; fantastic. sklyhlist ['sklihlIst] n--club. sklyhy ['sklihi] vt--to hit. smurga ['smu*gA"] n--metal. smurgal ['smu*gAl]--metal; metallic. smurgas ['smu*gA"s] n--a small metal plate used to play the çykdhlat. smurgykh ['smu*giC] adj--metallic. smurrak'xo [smu'rAkZjo] n--square metal plate about five square meters in area, used as a musical instrument. snar ['snA*] prep--by, next to. sò ['so-] pron--you. so ['so] pron--himself; herself; itself. sö ['sY] n--the holy symbol of Nara: an isosceles triangle. sona ['sonA] prep--beside. sorakto [so'*Akto] n--scale. sõralan ['s@.*A"lAn] adj--tired. soriçý [so*I's=i:] vt--to limit. sòso ['so-so] adj--your. sòsodra [so-'sod*A"] adj--your own. sosté [sos'te:] prep--out. sosténar [sos'te:nA*] n--exit. sotáry [so'ta:*i] vt--to stretch. spak ['spAk] adj--new. sròak ['s*o-Ak] n--recorder; flute. stali ['stAlI] n--evil music. stalny ['stAlni] vt--to hang. starisý [stA*I'si:] vt--to scatter. stary ['stA*i] vt--to throw. stathé [stA'Te:] adj--angry. staz ['stAz] n--crack. su ['su] pron--each other. súr ['su:*] n--the holy symbol of Nukâz. surinéz [,su*I'ne:z] n--spirit. sy ['si] vt--to need. syákonor ['sja:kono*] adj--endless; infinite. syeka ['sjEkA] n--brother. syeke ['sjEkE] n--sister. sylkra ['silk*A] adj--cool. sylkrý(-so) [sil'k*i:] vt--to cool. syóaçenn ['sjo:A"s=En] n--the ultrasonic purr of a treyat. sythas ['siTAs] adj--steep. t'aeya ['tAEjA"] prep--in the middle of. t'akya ['tAkjA"] prep, n.--between. t'amnar ['tAmnA*] prep--in orbit around. t'ayene ['tAjEnE] prep--at the edge of. t'en y ['tEni] prep--until. ta ['tA] (pron)--him; (adj)--those. taeçya ['tAEs=jA"] n--book. taeçyazên [,tAEs=jA"'zEn] n--library. taen ['tAEn] adj--eight. taenen ['tAEnEn] adj--eighth. taenklòçi [tAEN'klo-s=I] n--a playing piece in the game nyâvé, which can move along the rows of the board, through the nyâvé and the trapezoid. The rows of the octagonal board curve toward the nyâvé in the center. taennînyòl [tAE'nInjo-l] n--one of the representatives from the Olaetyan izantan, elected to make decisions which affect the Olaetyans. taenyat ['tAEnjAt] n--octal. takayene [tA'kAjEnE] n--border. takimycan [tAkI'mitSAn] adj--telepathic. taksar ['tAksA*] n--knife. takykh ['tAkiC] adj--sharp. talan ['tAlAn] n--letter (of alphabet); musical note. taléme [tA'le:mE] n--alphabet. talnarý [tAlnA'*i:] vi--to fall off; to fall down. talneryaç [tAl'nE*jAs=] n--spring (of water). talnerý [tAlnE'*i:] vi--to fall back; to spring. talniný [tAlnI'ni:] vt--to fall into. talnisý(-so) [tAlnI'si:] vt--to pour; to spill. talnixý [tAl'nIz=i:] vi--to bounce; to spring. talny ['tAlni] vi--to be falling. talyekh ['tAljEx] n--fall (autumn). tan ['tAn] pron--they. (m) tandrin ['tAnd*In] n--magnitude. targanordaykh [tA*gA"'no*dAjC] adj--velvet. tark ['tA*k] n--voyage. tarky ['tA*ki] vi--to travel. tarrén [tA're:n] n--bow. tarý [tA"'*i:] vi--to go away; to leave. taskran ['tAsk*An] n--living room. taso ['tAso] adj--his. tasodra [tA'sod*A"] adj--his own. tathråkh ['tAT*Ox] adj--careful. tax ['tAz=] adj, pron--that. taxáçy [tA"'z=a:s=i] vi--to arrive; to reach. taxák [tA"'z=a:k] adv--there. taxakhom ['tAz=Axom] n--radio. taxakoyyaç [tAz=A'kojA"s=] n--telescope; television. taxákta [tA"'z=a:ktA"] n--distant place. taxan ['tAz=An] adj--from there. tazán [tA"'za:n] n--order; plan. Tazány [tA"'za:ni] n--the annual holiday of Lenale, celebrated on 6 Z'yâtyé. tazány [tA"'za:ni] vt--to plan. tçesý [ts=E'si:] vt--to lay. tçesý-so [ts=E'si:so] vi--to lie (down). tçydhlakh ['ts=iz+Ax] adj--brilliant. te ['tE] pron--her. te ['tE]--the fifth letter of the Klisyat alphabet, T. tel ['tEl] adj--dear. tele ['tElE] adj--underground. telenar ['tElEnA*] n--subway; tunnel. telkh ['tElx] n--the holy symbol of Nihaláe: two interlocking squares. telya ['tEljA"] adv--also. ten ['tEn] pron--they. (f) tenádhlira [tE'na:z+I*A"] conj--though. tendol ['tEndol] n--knee. ténery ['te:nE*i] vi--to go back down. tenklot ['tENklot] n--thallium. tény ['te:ni] vi--to go down; to descend. tera ['tE*A"] n--shape. ternazykh ['tE*nAziC] adj--symmetrical. terý [tE'*i:] vi--to go back; to return (to). teso ['tEso] adj--her. tesodra [tE'sod*A"] adj--her own. tésry ['te:sri] vi--to vanish. tètanysin [t@'tAnisIn] n--a Ttanissyn; a slightly intelligent furry being from the planet Thersénia that is dangerous to the Thrinnyng (Thirrin tetanissin). tev ['tEv] n--an Olaetyan accent mark: ^. teva ['tEvA"] adj--large; heavy. tevanéz [tEvA"'ne:z] n--gravity. tevasór [tEvA"'so:*] n--weight. tevlar ['tEvlA*] n--lead (metal). teyaç ['tEjA"s=] n--love. teyatéan [tEjA"'te:An] adj--classical. teyý [tE'ji:] vt--to love. thalý [TA'li:] vi--to glow. thaqap ['TAqA"p] n--the holy symbol of És'èrelph. thary ['TA*i] vi--to sleep. the ['TE]--the sixth letter of the Klisyat alphabet, TH. theriný [TE*I'ni:] vt--to avoid. thle ['s+E]--the 27th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, THL. thlînish ['s+InIS] n(f)--Sthinish; one of two species of Lèsquien natives (Sthinish siththrain, S. venyanai). thlyal ['s+jAl] n(f)--gnome. thlyngga ['s+iNgA] n--imperative of verb. thlyngge ['s+iNgE] n--command. thlynggeor ['s+iNgEo*] n--command word. thlynggy ['s+iNgi] vt--to give a command (to). thorkad ['To*kAd] adj--opaque. thozor ['Tozo*] adj--too many. thrinn ['T*In] n(f)--a small intelligent furry humanoid from the planet Thersénia (Thirrin thrinn centauri). thuga ['TugA"] n--language. thuhykh ['TuhiC] adj--quiet. thyryaç ['Ti*jA"s=] n--dream. thyrý [Ti'*i:] vi--to dream. ti [tI] (prep)--in; (pron)--it. Both forms may be abbreviated t' before vowels. tiléri [tI'le:*I] n--illusion. tin ['tIn] pron--they. tiný [tI'ni:] vi--to go in; to enter. tiphalykh [tI'FAliC] adj--transparent. tisendaç [tI'sEndA"s=] n--waste of time. tisendy(-so) [tI'sEndi] vt--to delay. tiso ['tiso] adj--its. tisodra [tI'sod*A"] adj--its own. tisyaç ['tIsjAs=] n--exit. tisý [tI'si:] vi--to go out; to leave; to exit. tixerý [tIz=E'*i:] vi--to go back up; to get back up. tixý [tI'z=i:] vi--to go up; to ascend. tizarnya [tI'zA*njA"] n--aluminum. tizêd [tI'zEd] prep--in the corner of. tjaeçêt [t=AE's=Et] prep--beyond. tjakh ['t=Ax] n--a short çerilaté. tjan ['t=An] adj--strong. tjansôr [t=An'so:*] n--strength. tjarik ['t=A*Ik] n--the Elvish dreaming potion. tje ['t=E]--the 33rd letter of the Klisyat alphabet, TJ. tlar ['ts+A*] n--horn (of animal). tleblêçi [ts+Eb'lEs=I] n--teacher. tlebly ['ts+Ebli] vt--to teach. tlennakh ['ts+EnA"x] n--dynamite. to ['to] pron--him; her. toçâ [to's=A] (adj)--enough; (adv) already. toglyaç ['togljA"s=] n--combination. toglý [to'gli:] vt--to combine. toklak ['toklAk] n--tablet. ton ['ton] (pron)--they; (n)--mist. (usually plural: tonan ['tonA"n]) tonykh ['toniC] adj--misty. toso ['toso] adj--his; her. tosodra [to'sod*A"] adj--his own; her own. tovak ['tovAk] prep--among; in the middle of. tra- [t*A"] prefix--small, little (insulting form). trageçi ['t*AgEs=I] n--spy. trak ['t*Ak] n--gap. traklykh ['t*AkliC] n--technetium. -tran [t*An]--relative suffix for adj. trán ['t*a:n] n--1. ship; 2. 1/10 of a lini. traykh ['t*AjC] n--plastic. trayna ['t*AjnA"] adj--pleasant. treyat ['t*EjAt] n--a small furry round animal which lives in caves and has whiskers that point to hidden treasure, according to folklore. trin ['t*In] n--an Olaetyan suit of cards, represented by a blue-green crescent tower. -tro [t*o]--relative suffix for nouns. troás [t*o'a:s] n--sunlight; starlight. Troátsé [t*o'a:tse:] n--the Alnakyan religious holiday, celebrated on Klisámatym. troç ['t*os=] n--cadmium. trok ['t*ok] n--light. tronilh ['t*onIl=] n--lamp. Trosa ['t*osA]--the Olaetyan god of the stars and the night. truky ['t*uki] vi--to flow. trukyaç ['t*ukjA"s=] n--flow; current. try- [t*i]--1/10 (as in tryzektri). tryana ['t*jAnA"] n--Olaetyan mentally controlled synthesizer with more than 500 keys. trykh ['t*iC] (adj)--ten; (n)--midnight. trykhen ['t*iCEn] adj--tenth. trykhyat ['t*iCjAt] n--decimal. tryklot ['t*iklot] n--indium. trynizyat [t*i'nIzjAt] n--hexadecimal. trytyme ['t*itimE] n--10 days; Olaetyan week. tsa ['tsA]--the 15th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, TS. tsayldhya ['tsAjlDjA"] adj--warm. tseko ['tsEko] n--friend. tsekosór [tsEko'so:*] n--friendliness. tsekoyaç ['tsEkojAs=] n--friendship. tsekykh ['tsEkiC] adj--friendly. tsen ['tsEn] adj--four. tsrakhtrin ['ts*Axt*In] n--storm. tu ['tu] pron--what. tuso ['tuso] (adj) whose; (pron) of which. tusodra [tu'sod*A] adj--whose own. twiminkadel [twI'mINkAdEl] n--a small flat invisible furry animal (Firril twiminkadel). ty ['ti] vi--to go (to). tyáç ['tja:s=] n--abbr. for asyotyáç "sunset". tyeuvy ['tjEwvi] vt--to show. tykxobh ['tikz=oV] n--vase. tyr ['ti*] adj--silver-colored. tyráide [ti'*a:jdE] n--mirror. tyrêka [ti'*EkA"] n--chimes. 'u ['u]--the 36th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, U. u ['u] conj--either; or. (inclusive) ubalóy [ubA'lo:j] vt--to climb. ubrimý [ub*I'mi] vt--to forget. ukh ['ux] n--the holy symbol of Trosa. ulanyaç [u'lAnjAs=] n--appearance. ulaný [ulA'ni:] vi--to seem; to appear to be. ulat ['ulAt] n--lanthanum. ulin ['ulIn] adj--either. un ['un] pron, conj.--who; whom; which; (neg.) no one. uniladxa [unI'lAdz=A"] adv--in every way. unilatya [unI'lAtjA"] adv--everywhere. unilyan [u'nIljAn] adj--all kinds of. unilyanna [,unI'ljAnA"] pron--everyone. unilykh ['uniliC] adj--universal. unqùaer ['uNqw~AE*] n--"second base" in klisakhyem. unyat ['unjAt] n--world. unylh ['unil=] n--paragraph. unylyak [u'niljAk] n--universe. unyzý [uni'zi:] vt--to introduce. urçên [u*'s=En] prep--besides. ürgya ['y*gjA"] adj--brown. urlan ['u*lAn] adj--flat. urlannar [u*'lAnA*] adj--even; smooth. urruy ['uruj] vi--to roar. usak ['usA"k] n--egg. usmur ['usmu*] n--iridium. ut ['ut] (pron) what; that; which; (conj) that. után [u'ta:n] adv, conj.--when. utoz ['utoz] adj--how much; how many. utyan ['utjA"n] adj--what kind of. uuqolz ['uwqolz] n--tuba. uuqùe ['uwqw~E] (adj)--lowest; (n)--"first base" in klisakhyem. uw ['uw] v--to be necessary for; to have to; must. üwqùárkn [yw'qw~a:*k@n] (magic word, used with âsité). uye ['ujE] n--eye. uysaqùés [ujsA'qw~e:s] n--X-ray. uysen ['ujsEn] n--something unknown or not describable: a "whatchamacallit"; thing. uysenykh [uj'sEniC] adj--not describable. uzedansy [uzE'dAnsi] vt--to establish. uzedansyté [uzEdAnsi'te:] n--establishment. uzlykh ['uzliC] n--imperfective aspect of verb. va ['vA] pron--each other. vamphayeze [vAm'FAjEzE] adj--fantastic. vannérgán [vA'ne:*ga:n] n--age, era. varos ['vA*os] n--degree; level. varosabbi [vA*o'sAbI] adv--slightly. vary ['vA*i] vi--to happen. varyaç ['vA*jA"s=] n--phenomenon. vastar ['vAstA*] n--curtain. váya ['va:jA] adj--twisty. vazo ['vAzo] n--a unit of mass--422.939 kg. vé ['ve:] n--the holy symbol of Krõn: an octagonal star. ve ['vE]--the 39th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, V. vedançy [vE'dAns=i] vt--to charge. vedyûy [vE'djUj] vt--to distort. vedyûyaç [vE'djUjA"s=] n--distortion. velery ['vElE*i] vt--to ride. velzy ['vElzi] vt--to send. venn ['vEn] interj--friend! (anîa venn--one of the familiar forms of "hello"). Venn ['vEn]--the Olaetyan goddess of love. vénziklan ['ve:nzIklAn] adj--imperial. vénziklay ['ve:nzIklAj] n--empire. vénziklyakh ['ve:nzIkljAx] n--emperor. vikádhlen [vI'ka:z+En] n--conductor. vlyo ['vljo] n--seed; grain; small crystal or particle. vo ['vo] pron--them. voso ['voso] adj--their. vosodra [vo'sod*A"] adj--their own. vrândlé ['v*Andle:] adj--advanced. vriçý [v*I's=i:] vt--to defeat. waçz ['wAz=] interj--untranslatable (a curse). waphas ['wAFAs] n--coast. wézzyrik ['we:zi*Ik] n--spice. wiçe ['wis=E] adj--hard. (not soft) wiçesór [wIs=E'so:*] adj--hardness. wilagh ['wilAQ] n--wound. winy ['wini] vt--to lose. wityesá [wItjE'sa:] n--jewel. wityeséme [wItjE'se:mE] n--jewelry. wo ['wo]--the 37th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, W. wyzhkh ['wiSx] n--neon. wyzzak ['wizAk] n--fractal. x'ar ['z=A*] conj--if. x'arren ['z=ArEn] n--an Olaetyan verb tense, used with x'ar. x'w ['z=u] adv--from there. xa ['z=A]--the 20th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, X. xa [z=A"] adj--a; an; one. (abbr. x' x') xadranlébbi [,z=Ad*A"n'le:bI] adv--successfully. xadraný [,z=Ad*A"'ni:] vi--to succeed. xadray ['z=Ad*Aj] vt--to print. xadri ['z=Ad*I] n--series. xae ['z=AE] adj--gold-colored. xaisedra [z=Aj'sEd*A"] n--chemical compund. xaiseizzi [z=Aj'sEjzI] n--chemistry. xaisen ['z=AjsEn] n--chemical. xak [z=Ak] (prep) without; (conj) unless. xakh [,z=Ax] (pron)--something. (used to form abstract nouns). (adj)--certain. xakheis ['z=AxEjs] adj--late. xakhénik [z=A'xe:nIk] (n) thing; object; (pron) same as xakh. xakhinyl ['z=AxInil] n--yttrium. xakhom ['z=Axom] n--electromagnetic radiation. xakhomáide [,z=Axo'ma:jdE] n--radar, sensors. xakhomby [z=A'xombi] vi--to communicate by radio. xakhples ['z=AxplEs] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves one square in any direction. xakhrexáy [z=Ax*E'z=a:j] n--note. xakhrixý(-so) [,z=Ax*I'z=i:] vt--to explore. xakhtalra [z=Ax'tAl*A"] n--niobium. xakhyanna [z=A'CjAnA"] pron--someone. xakle ['z=AklE] n--list. xaklený [,z=AklE'ni:] vt--to list. xaklykh ['z=AkliC] adj--featureless. xal ['z=Al] interj--yes. xalik ['z=AlIk] adj--major. xalis ['z=AlIs] adv--always; forever. xandel ['z=AndEl] adj--dependent. xandelika [z=An'dElIkA"] adj--dependable; reliable. xandelý [z=AndE'li:] vt--to depend (on). xanedre [z=A'nEd*E] n--key. (music) xanik ['z=AnIk] n--sharp. (music) xaniklát [,z=AnI'kla:t] adv--somewhere. xanisye [z=A'nIsjE] adj--empty. xann [z='An] pron, adj--some; any. (plural of xakh, also used as the plural of xa). xannákt [z=A'na:kt] adv--at all times and places; wherever. xannê [z=A'nE] adv--south. xannêan [z=A'nEAn] adj--southern. xannik ['z=AnIk] pron--something. xannoz ['z=Anoz] adj--some; a certain amount (of). xannya ['z=AnjA"] n--element; non-metal. xannyal ['z=AnjAl] n, adj--elemental. xannyan ['z=AnjAn] adj--some kind of. xannye [z=AnjE] n--gem. xaoma ['z=AomA"] adj--same. xaomán [z=Ao'ma:n] conj--while. xaré [z=A'*e:] n--oxygen. xarg ['z=A*g] adj--tall. xargê [z=A*'gE] n--giant. xarin ['z=A*In] adj--blue. xarykh ['z=A*iC] n--meson. xasei ['z=AsEj] n, adj--fat. xatrezyês [z=At*E'zjEs] n--digital organ. xavra ['z=Av*A"] n--heart. xay ['z=Aj] (adj)--good; great; (interj)--yes. (abbr.) xayadophon [z=A'jAdoFon] n--an Olaetyan game played on a 10 x 10 square board. Each side (yellow and blue) has 24 pieces: 8 of nirénzela, 2 of aurraza, irenîz, isréxakhon, klevarka, kròçet, narkelya, and rikatral/zakhals, and one of ensples and xakhples. xayak ['z=AjAk] adj--fine; well. xayåzykh [z=A'jOziC] adj--delicious. xayekh ['z=AjEx] n--winter. xaykh ['z=AjC] interj--well, okay, fine, sure. xaykhes ['z=AjCEs] adj--merry. xaykhrals ['z=AjC*Als] n--consciously avoiding any interference with the rights of other intelligent or semi-intelligent life forms. Xaynei ['z=AjnEj] n--one of the annual holidays of Nei; usually celebrated on 42 Xyâtyé. xayor ['z=Ajo*] adj--better; superior. xayorsór [,z=Ajo*'so:*] n--advantage. xayos ['z=Ajos] adj--best. xaytaç ['z=AjtAs=] n--snow. xaytaçý [,z=AjtA's=i:] v--to snow. xaytapar ['z=AjtA"pA*] n--snowflake. xedh ['z=ED] n--sex; gender. xedhê [z=E'DE] n--mate. xedhlig ['z=EDIg] n--story. xedhyaç ['z=EDjA"s=] n--mating; sexuality. xedhý [z=E'Di:] vt--to mate with; to copulate. xegme ['z=EgmE] n--part; piece; half; hemisphere. xehtíe [z=Eh'ti:E] adj--comfortable temperature; not too cool or too warm. xei ['z=Ej] pron--you. xekh ['z=Ex] (adv)--so; so much; as. (adj)--such. xekh yõ ['z=ECj@.] as well as; as much as. xekh … yõ ['z=Ex j@.] as … as. xekha ['z=ExA"] n--chapter. xekhwarekya [,z=ExwA"'*EkjA"] n--pile, stack, bundle. xekhylé [z=Exi'le:] adv--sometimes; occasionally. xelnary [z=El'nA*i] vi--to lean; to slant. xén ['z=e:n] pron--you. xendol ['z=Endol] n--elbow. xenek ['z=EnEk] n--arm. xennye ['z=EnjE] n--slab. xere ['z=E*E] adj--sweet. xes ['z=Es] conj--but. xesál [z=E'sa:l] n--selenium. xesý [z=E'si:] vt--to like; to want. xeyaklýtj [z=EjA'klit=] n--tesseract; hypercube. xeyan ['z=EjAn] adj--cubic. xeyat ['z=EjAt] n--cube. xeyat plwaga ['z=EjAtpl'wAgA"] n--Rubik's cube. xeynartj ['z=EjnA*t=] n--oboe. xi ['z=i], pl. xin ['z=in] adj--a; an. xici ['z=is=I] n--base. xiçyraya [z=I'si*A"jA] n--alabaster. xikh ['z=IC] adv--too; too much. xikhtý [z=IC'ti:] vt--to waste. xinakór [z=InA'ko:*] n--inhabitant. xinîa [z=I'nIA"] interj--goodbye. xintu ['z=Intu] n--habitat; environment. xinxekh ['z=Inz=Ex] adv--maybe. xiný [z='I'ni:] vt--to live in; to inhabit. xisadra [z=I'sAd*A"] n--comet. xitraylykh [z=I't*AjliC] adj--familiar. xivikar ['z=IvIkA*] adj--white. xivlakh ['z=IvlA"x] n--phosphorus. xiyos ['z=ijos] n--top. xizzekli [z=I'zEklI] n--unicorn. xlakhan ['z=lAxA"n] adv--somewhat. xobh ['z=oV] n--box; container. xobhdhat ['z=oVDAt] adj--unimportant; unnecessary. xobhi ['z=oVI] n--pocket. xobhtu ['z=oVtu] n--content(s). xobhtuxakle [,z=oVtu'z=AklE] n--table of contents. xobhy ['z=oVi] vt--to contain. xoma ['z=omA"] prep--upon. xonalat ['z=onA"lAt] n--version. xonik ['z=onIk] adj--Mixolydian mode. xony ['z=oni] vt--to raise; to lift. xony-so ['z=oniso] vi--to rise. xosidakh ['z=osI'dAx] n(f)--xosidakh (Zosidakhia); a six-legged relative of dragons from the Thlygh star system. xoy [z=oj] prep, adv--above. xulan ['z=ulAn] n--warning. xulaný [,z=ulA'ni:] vt--to warn. xwkhys ['z=uxis] n--emerald. xy ['z=i] n--life. xya ['z=jA] adj--nice. xyadhlese ['z=jADEsE] n--geometry. xyak ['z=jAk] adj--alive. xyasî [z=jA'sI] n--star system. xyat ['z=jAt] n--planet. xyatán [z=jA'ta:n] n--moon. xyatano ['z=jAtAno] n--asteroid; asteroid field. xyatázi [z=jA'ta:zI] n--the first day of the Olaetyan week. xyâtyé ['z=jAtje:] n--the third month of the Olaetyan year. xyatykh ['z=jAtiC] adj--slow. xyeçý [z=jE's=i:] vi--to hatch. xyekán [z=jE'ka:n] adv--again. xyika ['z=jikA"] adj--related to or caused by life; alive. xyika ninska: life force; spirit. xyli(sél) ['z=ilI('se:l)] n--animal. xylipûrrel [z=ilI'purEl] n--mammal. xynaradra [,z=inA'*Ad*A"] n--carbohydrate. xynerý [z=inE'*i:] vt--to reincarnate. xyr- [z=i*]--10 (as in xyrzektri). xyraseizzi [,z=i*A'sEjzI] n--biology. xyré [z=i'*e:] n--carbon. xyrg ['z=i*g] n--long. xyrgán [z=i*'ga:n] adv--a long time. xyrith ['z=i*IT] n--oil. xyrxyekt ['z=i*z=jEkt] n--defense wall. xyyal ['z=ijAl] n--living thing; creature. xyyanéz [,z=ijA"'ne:z] n--life force. xyý ['z=ji:] vi--to live. xyz- [z=iz] prefix--magical. xyzzatj ['z=izAt=] n--vanadium. xyzzykh ['z=iziC] adj--magical. xýxklehets ['z=iz=klEhEts] n--a large red Olaetyan fruit. y x'imo y ['z=imoj] adj--a little; not much. y ['i] (v)--to be; (prep)--of; from; than; (adj)--[neg] a; an. see also (y a), (y ishid), (y ry), (y y). y a [i ,A] prep--[neg] to a. (plural ayyn) y ishid [i 'ISId] prep--rather than. y or [i 'o*] adv--[neg] (no) more. y ry [i ,*i] prep--[neg] for a. (plural ryyn) y y [i 'i] prep--[neg] of a. (plural yyn) yá ['ja:] n--being. ya ['jA]--the 17th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, Y. yadhlsy ['jAz+si] vt--to threaten. yadhlsyaç ['jAz+sjA"s=] n--threat. yadzyn ['jAdzin] n--pillow. yakhanyòl [jA'xAnjo-l] n--the commander of the Olaetyan starship fleet. yal ['jAl] adv--in the future. Yalánzi [jA'la:nzI] n--the annual holiday of Yoele, celebrated on the spring equinox (Xyâtyatym). Yaláy [jA'la:j] n--nature. Yaláyan [jA'la:jAn] n--a worshiper of Yoele. yaláykh [jA'la:jC] adj--natural. yan ['jAn] n--kind; type; variety. yand ['jAnd] adj--soft. yanik ['jAnIk] (adv) now; yet; currently (adj) modern, contemporary. yankadhlyk ['jANkAz+ik] n--dictionary. yanna ['jAnA"] pron (indefinite, used to form passive verbs). yannanid ['jAnA"nId] adj, n--human; person. yantel ['jAntEl] n--synthesizer. yantelý [jAntE'li:] v--to synthesize music. yanthyaç ['jAnTjA"s=] n--translation. yanthyý [jAn'Tji:] vt--to translate. yantra ['jAnt*A"] n--figure. yasfatak ['jAsfA"tAk] n--an Olaetyan plant which has small berries, used to make Olaetyan red sugar. yax ['jAz=] conj--then (used after xar "if"). yaýw [jA'iw] vi--to be here. ycyanty [itS'jAnti] vt--to expect. ydh ['iD] n--the holy symbol of Nelre. ydhlal ['iz+Al] n--nickel. ydhlandry [i'z+And*i] vi--to be easy. ydhláry [i'z+a:*i] vt--to understand. ydhlinedra [,iz+I'nEd*A] adj--intelligent. ydhlinedrisór [,iz+InEd*I'so:*] n--intelligence. ydhlisá [iz+I'sa:] n--amethyst. ydhlos ['iz+os] adj--certain; sure. ydhlxadri [iz+'z=Ad*I] n--a sequence of non-chromatic microtones. ydhlya ['iz+jA"] adj--purple. ydhlyaç ['iz+jA"s=] n--knowledge. ydhlý [i'z+i:] vt--to know. ydhlý om [i'z+i:om] vt--to hear of; know about. yekre ['jEk*E] n--a laser which generates blue light. yelnayy(-so) [jEl'nAji] vt--to fail. yenný [jE'ni:] vt--to invent; to create. yèra [j@'*A] adv--impossibly. yernyaç ['jE*njAs=] n--rest. yernyay ['jE*njAj] vi--to rest. yeshra ['jES*A"] n--evening. yeznarg ['jEznA*g] n--beard. yezza ['jEzA"] n--hair. yiili ['jIjlI] n--law. yiilykh ['jIjliC] adj--lawful; legal. yil ['jIl] adv--could. ykhi ['iCI] n--pool. ykhta ['iCtA"] n--lake. ykhtayene [iC'tAjEnE] n--lakeshore. yl' [il] prep--of the. (plural ylan) yléçy [i'le:s=i] vi--to exist. yléktanne [i'le:ktAnE] n--history. ylen ['ilEn] n--forest. ylh ['il=] n, adj--low gravity. yma ['imA"] n--hill. yn [in] (prep)--beneath; (adj)--[neg] some. ynik ['inIk] n--thing. ynizér [inI'ze:*] n--calculator. ynizéry(-so) [inI'ze:*iso] vt--to calculate. ynyat ['injAt] n--equation. yõ [j@.] prep--as; like; so; as if. yoele ['joElE] adj--neutral. Yoele ['joElE]--the Olaetyan god of animals and monsters. yortren ['jo*t*En] n--cave; dungeon. ypha ['iFA] vi--there is; there are. yphaw ['iFAw] vi--to be there. yphayaç [i'FAjA"s=] n--presence. yren ['i*En] n--arch. yrisyaç [i'*IsjA"s=] n--graphics. yrrá [i'ra:] n--number. yrráy(-so) [i'ra:j] vt--to count. yryáyskò [i*'ja:jsko-] n--small string instrument; violin. ysa ['isA] n--husband. yse ['isE] n--wife. yskaya ['iskAjA"] n--family. yto'r ['ito*] prep--around. ytriçý [,it*I's=i:] n--to wear (clothes, etc.) ytry ['it*i] vt--to surround. yudhenya [ju'DEnjA"] n--calcium. yulae ['julAE] n--rule. yulanabbi [julA"'nAbI] adv--directly. yulannar [ju'lAnA*] adj--straight. yx' [iz=] prep--of a. (plural yxan ['iz=A"n]) zadxa ['zAdz=A] adv--any way. zai ['zAj] adj--any. zaik ['zAjk] n--a Mizarian rodent-person (Ziri zaik). zakhals ['zAxAls] n--a playing piece in the game xayadophon, which moves two squares in any direction, jumping over pieces in the way. It can be turned over to become a rikatral. zaklat ['zAklAt] adv--anywhere. zalenyo [zA'lEnjo] n--sea. zaloz ['zAloz] adj--any amount. zán ['za:n] adv--anytime. záni ['za:nI] n--foot. zánizyn ['za:nIzin] n--footnote. zano(sél) ['zAno('se:l)] n--integrated circuit. zanoikcyaç [zA"'nojkjA"s=] n--beauty. zanoiko [zA"'nojko] adj--beautiful. zansa ['zAnsA"] n--land. zark ['zA*k] n--rust. zarkh ['zA*x] n--branch; fork. zarra ['zArA"] n--computer terminal. zarzyen ['zA*zjEn] n--neodymium. -zás [za:s] suffix--similar to; full of. zathlan ['zAs+An] n--proton. zayan ['zAjAn] adj--any kind of. zázay ['za:zAj] vt--to amaze, surprise. ze ['zE]--the 30th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, Z. zed ['zEd] n--corner. zedathý [zEdA'Ti:] vi--to reverse entropy. zedébbi [zE'de:bI] adv--backwards. zedhlakór [,zEz+A'ko:*] n--organist. zedhlat ['zEz+At] n--organ. (i.e. pipe organ) zedma ['zEdmA] n--part. zedý(-so) [zE'di:] vt--to reverse. zegalsy [zE'gAlsi] vt--to stun. zegmak ['zEgmAk] n--territory. zekh ['zEx] n--mud. zeklakh ['zEklAx] n--pilot. zeklya ['zEkljA"] n--sodium. zeklyannreklae [,zEkljAn*EklAE] n--sodium chloride. zeknrek ['zEkn*Ek] n--salt (sodium chloride): abbreviation for zeklyannreklae. zekranar ['zEk*AnA*] n--elevator. zekrax ['zEk*Az=] n--building. zektri ['zEkt*I] (n) a unit of length: 0.75063 m; (adj) similar to the element zektra. zekzi ['zEkzI] n--the sixth day of the Olaetyan week. zel- [zEl] prefix--fast. zelás [zE'la:s] n--meteor. zelás olyan [zE,la:s'oljAn] n--meteorite. zelayene [zE'lAjEnE] n--equator. zelný [zEl'ni:] vi--to hurry, rush. zelykhebbi [zEli'CEbI] adv--fast; quickly. zelykhsór [zEliC'so:*] n--velocity; speed. zelýkh [zE'li:C] adj--fast. zelzi ['zElzI] n--the third day of the Olaetyan week. zen ['zEn] n--polygon. zendrasan ['zEnd*AsAn] n--a kind of laser. zénebbi ['ze:nEbI] adv--totally. zenhek ['zEn=Ek] n--leg. zéni ['ze:nI] adj--all; whole; total. zéni lann ['ze:nIlAn] adj--all (the). zenik ['zEnIk] pron--anything. zenisá [,zEnI'sa:] n--memory crystal. zénixy ['ze:nIz=i] vt--to program. zénizanno(sél) [ze:nI'zAno('se:l)] n--microprocessor. zénizer ['ze:nIzE*] n--computer. zenklot ['zENklot] n--gallium. zennalta [zE'nAltA"] n--republic. zennre ['zEn*E] n--president. zenrat ['zEn*At] n--set. zensan ['zEnsAn] n--material. zentya ['zEntjA"] n--store. zénuye ['ze:nujE] n--camera. zénuyethl ['ze:nujEs+] n--film. zenylar [zE'nilA*] n--memory. zénynnik ['ze:ninIk] pron--everything. zenyor ['zEnjo*] n--home; house. zenzernak [zEn'zE*nAk] n--robot. zéqùox ['ze:qw~oz=] n--accent. zéqùoxy ['ze:qw~oz=i] vt--to accent. zerakt ['zE*Akt] n--molybdenum. zern ['zE*n] n--work. zernizên [zE*nI'zEn] n--office. zerny ['zE*ni] vi--to work. zersá [zE*'sa:] adj--bold. zersý [zE*'si:] adj--brave. zéry ['ze:*i] vt--to solve. zéryaç ['ze:*jA"s=] n--solution. zeyalikya [zEjA'lIkjA"] n--nucleic acid. zeyntji ['zEjn=t=I] n--angle. zhargh ['ZA*Q] n--surface. zhasáry [ZA"'sa:*i] vt--to be associated with. zhãzvik ['ZVzvIk] inter--$&%@. zhe ['ZE]--the 31st letter of the Klisyat alphabet, ZH. zhezaç ['ZEzAs=] n--decision. zhezaçy ['ZEzAs=i] vi--to decide. zheziký [,ZEzI'ki:] vt--to suggest. zhi ['Zi]--the 38th letter of the Klisyat alphabet, ZH. zhiróna [ZI'*o:nA"] n--dialect. zhyelae ['ZjElAE] n--nitrogen. zimbla ['zImblA"] n--hint, clue. zinsatj ['zInsA"t=] n--fissure. zipurré [zIpu're:] n--second month of the Olaetyan year. zirik ['zi*Ik] n--machine. zirýn [zI'*i:n] n--an intelligent being from the planet Zireenia; a relative of the thrinn (Thirrin ziriin). zivykh ['ziviC] adj--blank. zlarykh ['zlA*iC] n--whirlpool. zlarý(-so) [zlA'*i:] vt--to rotate. zön ['zYn] n--block. zõndhatj ['z@.nDAt=] n--table. zondy ['zondi] vi--to run. zortery(-so) ['zo*tE*i] vt--to vary. zortya ['zo*tjA"] n--variety; variation. zoryn ['zo*in] n--alignment. zorý(-so) [zo'*i:] vt--to accelerate. zovílh [zo'vi:l=] n--tape recorder; VCR; optical disk drive. zovya ['zovjA"] n--magnetic or optical disk. zráskadhlar ['z*a:skA"z+A*] n--sword. zrmýlhtj [z*@'mi:l=t=] n--large evil reptilian monsters from a distant region of the galaxy whose empire (the so-called Evil Empire) once included most of the known planets of the Kolagian Sector. zurbledáre [zu*blE'da:*E] adj--exciting; fun; enjoyable. zurcykh ['zu*tSiC] adj--$&*!! zyabla ['zjAblA] adj--related. zyalykh ['zjAliC] adj--relative. zyanna ['zjAnA] n--anyone. zydhikh ['ziDIC] adj--stupid. zyek ['zjEk] adj--another. zyekos ['zjEkos] adj--other(s). zyekos lann ['zjEkoslAn] adj--all the other(s). zyme ['zimE] n--a unit of time: 0.866143 sec. zyn ['zin] n--the holy symbol of Devári: a six-sided cross. zyna ['zinA"] n--note; bit of information. zynyat ['zinjAt] n--a kind of laser. zynyme ['zinimE] n--a period of seven years. zyzára [zi'za:*A"] n--keyboard-controlled bowed string instrument with 92 to 460 strings. zzansal ['z=AnsAl] adj--extremely cold. zzevikhý(-so) [z=EvI'xi:] vt--to wash. zzevo ['z=Evo] adj--clean. zzevoný [z=Evo'ni:] vt--to clean. zzor ['z=o*] n--magic word. zzy ['z=i] n, adj.--magic; magical. Zzy ['z=i]--the Olaetyan god of magic. zzyçý [z=i's=i:] vi--to use magic. zzynéz [z=i'ne:z] n--the magical force. zzysen ['z=isEn] n--magic item. zzyzzakór [z=iz=A"'ko:*] n--wizard; magic-user. zzýar ['z=i:A*] n--wizard.