
From: j.guy@TRL.OZ.AU (Jacques Guy)

Key for Sakao:

v  = bilabial (as in Spanish)
gh = fricative, the ghayin of Arabic, the soft g of German "Wagen"
th = as in English "this"
a^ = back rounded a, just like Hungarian "a"
o  = as in "got" (British ponunciation)
o^ = close o, as in German "oben"
ue = u-umlaut, as in German. Same as French "u"
oe = o-umlaut, as in German "Koelsch", French "coeur"
o/ = same, but close, as in German "boese", French "deux"
e  = open e, as in "get"
e^ = close e
i/ = a minimal vowel, like i in Chinese si, zi, ci (pinyin spelling)

1.  Aan-ohe            te^ti/kuen a^l   lla^th.    oevwar maavorghe    vo^gh loen.
Language-of-place  one        onely on earth.  words  not numerous too   in it.

2. Nna^r rki     ghave gharya         ghamruerp       yehu ghamhavuel
then  people  when they got going  they originated east they went west

ghamte^p      omagho       ki/te^    tho^th  nyo^   luen  Sinar.
they reached  clear place  a certain there   there  in    Shinar.

Nna^r ghamlro^    ther.
Then  they stayed there.

3. Ghamlro^     mayaayan athoengoen ki/te^    ve^ ghryap     va^rkuen
They stayed  until    person     a-certain when he got up he said to

a^pa^rkoen    ve^  "Kam!             Ya^ru  ti/huersa akar vriv te^
his companion :    This one (=you)!  We two blow up   fire big  a

ti/koeepi/n  toebla^th        itha, ti/roespi/n       eyeth   hoero
we cook      pieces of earth  some, we make with it   stones  ours

4. Nna^r rki        ghave^  "Ghe!     Ti/roesp    ohe              ha^r
Then  the people said    Come on!  Let's make  dwelling-place   for us.

Ti/roesp    uevyo/l   pere reghregh usi  te^ vo^gh loen,   oetoeloen
Let's make  clubhouse tall extreme  very a   too   in it,  its top

ghi/te^p      lathalan.       Taase^r      ite^  vo^gh ha^r
let it reach  in the clouds.  Some of ours a     too   for us

ti/ta   -yalyal-tuet       -kos -hov      ohe,    talro       roer
lest we walk    separately lost follow    place  let us stay  instead

la^ha^n  te^ti/kuen
in place one

5. Nna^r Yetar masangoer  voton   ghi/ti/ruep       ohe   mam  non
Then  God   descended  intends he-should-look-at place this here

athoengoen ghave^ gharoesp       uevyo/l   mam  non  ghave^ gharoesp
people     when   they made it,  clubhouse this here when they made it

6. Nna^r Yetar ve^  "Hu!   O^ruer tho^th nyo^  yethan ghamavssol      vo^gh,
The   God   :     Wow!  Those  there  there down   do not squabble even,  

aanengo/r      vo^gh te^ti/kuen a^l.   A^ta^m  ghamlroes       takar    va
their language also  one        only.  That    they are doing  no doubt yet

gharoes-      i/re^p   -i/n  tevren   va    ite
they will do  completely     some day still  a

7.  Ghe!     Yoen va   nasangoer       awues        -kos-i/n  na
Come on! I    yet  I will descent  I will cause lost      consequently

aanengo/r,       ite^    ghyavroghheri           aanen     ite^
their language,  anyone  he will not understand  speech of anyone

8. Yetar ve^   ghrya          vusp      rki        ghaho/.
God   when  he got going  he caused  the people to flee.

Ghamho/   -tuet          -hov   ohe.       No/m     moehoen oeroesp
They fled here and there follow the place. The work of      making

oetoehoengo/r tho^mo^m nyo^  moehoer     na^r
their things  thus     there is finished then.

9.  Ma^tha^m ni    ti/msyo/ri/n  aase^n   ti/ve^ "Papel"  huer
Thus     there they-called   its name   :    Babel    because

Yetar  vueskosi/n  aan-ohe.                   Vuesp      rki
God    confused    the language of the place. He caused  the people

ghamho/   -tuet         -ho(v)    -p  -r          ohe
they-fled-here-and-there-all-over-and-stayed-so   the place.

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