What Are We, Anyway? by Rick Morneau May 20, 1991 Language professionals are called "linguists". Language amateurs are called... well... amateur linguists, I suppose. But, for some reason or other, I don't like calling myself an amateur linguist. Somehow or other it doesn't ring true. So, just for fun, I decided to try to come up with a more appropriate name. Here are a few that popped into my head: Lingualoonies (this one fits me to a tee) Lingarookies Rookalings Lingwackoes (this one also fits me to a tee) Lingooks Ticktalks Lungarees (linguists in dungarees?) Talkticks Linguafreaks Lingwookies (for fans of Star Wars) Talklings Lingookies Linguanos Langos (for those who like tropical fruit?) Tonguetwits Langtwits Lingtwits Twitlings Langaroos (Australian amateur linguists?) Langlings Linglangs Lingweenies Note that we could prefix "con-" to most of the above. :-) End of Essay