Human and Natural History


Steve Hawley

Steve Hawley

Fine Art Lecturer (Subject Group Leader)

In the absence of any autobiographical text written by Steve there follows three synopsis/reviews of his films which should give you an insight into his work:

'A Proposition is a Picture' & 'The Man From Porlock'

With their fondness for wordplay and humorous approach to the issues of meaning and communication, these two films from British writer-director Hawley hark back to the mid-70's heyday of Peter Greenway, before he went all commercial.
'A Proposition is ...'is about the dislocation between words and images, filtered through an intense family history in which a son looks for clues to the whereabouts of his absent language-obsessed father, thereby creating new resonances for himself and the audience from fragments of Esperanto and the selection of chintzy touristic views. Ed Meyer's droll narration brings out the idiosyncratic intelligence of the piece, as it does with Hawley's just finished sequel '... Porlock'.
'... Porlock' takes the famous interpretation to Coleridge's creative processes on 'Kubla Khan' as the jumping off point for a delightful mediation on the break down of language in our contemporary experience. This time it's all concluded in the form of an oddball video diary where the protagonist brandishes a metaphorical compass, becomes fascinated by the way letters fall off shop fronts, and ,from the information overload that assails us each day, picks out the word 'Stenhousmuir'. Smart fun it is too, and unreservedly recommended. (Trevor Johnston, in NFT1 review)

Language Lessons (1995 Steve Hawley and Tony Steyger)

There have been over two thousand invented languages, of which only a handful are still spoken in Britain. Using interviews with speakers of Ido, Esperanto, and Volapruk, and rare archive material, Language Lessons examines the history and present state of the artificial language movement.
The lessons take in Logopandecteision, Lips Kith, and the musical language Solresol, which can be whistled and sung as well as spoken. However, the medium of instruction is that most curious of hybrid languages, English.
Language Lessons was commissioned by Channel 4 Television and the Arts Council of England, under the Experimenta scheme. It uses humour and irony to explore the nature of eccentricity, of language, and of our anglocentric linguistic culture.

Selected Exhibitions/Filmography

1988 Suite of Lights. 10 min video. Collaboration with artist Rose Finn-Kelcey, funded by Arts Council
1987 The Chemistry Set. 11 min video art. Collaboration with Tony Steyger, commissioned by Illuminations, the Arts Council and Channel 4. National Film Theatre 1989.
Trout Descending a Staircase (long version). 5 min video art. Broadcast Canal Plus TV, France 1989. Permanent collection M.O.M.I. the South Bank
1986 One Shot Jack. 5 min video art. Collaboration with Tony Steyger. Featured on LVA Compilation, "Music video, or Video music"
1985 Surfing on the Short Waves. 20 min video. Collaboration with dancer Tim Buckley, musician Blue Gene Tyranny, and video artist Steve Liittman. Commissioned by the ICA. Presented at ICA in 1985
1984 On and Off the Maps. video installation. Collaboration with Composer Jane Wells. Commissioned by the Bracknell Music Festival, funded by Southern Arts and the Arts Council. Presented at the Bracknell Music Festival and the Brighton Music Festival
1984 On and Off the Maps. Video Installation (based on original performance). Kettle's Yard, Cambridge and the ICA The Dictionary, 25 min video art. Saw Gallery, Ottowa and various British galleries
The Science Mix. 5 min video art. Second Link touring video exhibition: MoMA, New York; Stedelijik, Amsterdam; ICA, London; Berlin, Film Festival
Glory. 20 min video. San Sebastian Film Festival and elsewhere
1982 Bad Reasons. 20 min video art. Broadcast: Channel 4 1985 as part of programme Video 123; WGBH, Boston TV; Kitchen, New York
The Extent of Three Bells. 5 min video art. Broadcast: Channel 4 1985 as part of programme Video 123

   Page maintained by   Steve Hawley    Last modified: 1 July 1996