+INDEX------------------------------------------------------------------INDEX+ | | | The Phone Losers Of America File Index - Last Updated On February 28, 1996 | | | +INDEX------------------------------------------------------------------INDEX+ Num. Title Last Updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 000 PLA Index............................................................7/95 001 How To Hack A WWIV BBS. (Humor...NOT for real.)......................8/94 002 A ZILLION Ways To Make Your Own Red Box (Includes EVERYthing!).......7/95 003 Getting Revenge The Cactus Way......................................10/94 004 Trashing & Looting Bell Trucks For The Novice........................7/94 005 Billing All Your Calls To Some Poor, Unsuspecting Son Of A Bitch.....5/95 006 Tricking AT&T Into Sending You OODLES Of Cash In The Mail...........12/94 007 A List Of Numbers To Call When You're Really Bored...................1/95 008 Ruining The Life Of A 7-Eleven Employee And Enjoying It..............3/95 009 A Short Playwrite About Ameritech Corporate Security's Jim Bayless..11/94 010 Scanner Frequencies (Includes Cordless, McDonalds, Cellular).........1/95 011 Phone Loser Fone Call Transcripts....................................1/95 012 Converting Your 2400 Baud Modem to 14.4 For Free.....................1/95 013 Miscellaneous Fone Tricks And Petty Scams............................1/95 014 Cordless Phone Hell (Story of some poor SOB with a cordless phone)...1/95 015 Taking Beige Boxing To The Ultimate Limit............................1/95 016 Deaf Fones, Phone Books & Phone Bills................................2/95 017 Miscelleneous Letters From The Phone Company.........................2/95 018 The imcomplete complete collection of Kevin Mitnick articles.........2/95 019 Fun With Call Forwarding.............................................2/95 020 Gathering Information On People & Businesses (CN/A Alternatives).....2/95 021 PLA Job Application..................................................3/95 022 BBS Back Doors & Flaws...............................................2/95 023 Long Distance Access Codes (KNOW the code!)..........................3/95 024 Dabbling In Credit Card Fraud........................................3/95 025 Taking Over Fred Meyers From The Comfort Of Your Own Home............3/95 026 Detailed Information On Various Phone Offices Around The Universe....5/95 027 Nursery Rhymes For Baby Phreaks & Other Perverts.....................3/95 028 Ordering Telephone Calling Cards.....................................3/95 029 Stealing The Pay Channels From TCI Cable.............................4/95 030 GIF Descriptions, Store Scams, Pointless Large Intro, News, Utah.....5/95 031 Acidflux's Story Time Hour...........................................5/95 032 RiGHT BRiGADE, How to get CN/A iNFo, Poemz, Newz.....................6/95 033 Running The Town, Classifeds, Interviews With Residents of Roy.......7/95 034 BBSing Lameness in the 618 Area Code ("618 Forever!")................8/95 035 618 Follow-up, Reviews of DefCon, Police Log.........................9/95 036 Entries From a Stolen Diary, PLA Editorial, Operator Hell...........10/95 037 Special Christmas Issue, FACs, New Christmas Carols, Send-A-Song....12/95 099 DHate's Unauthorized PLA - You don't wanna know what's in this one..11/95 PLAGIFxx.GIF File Listing: ------------------------- PLAGIF01.GIF A bank of pay phones vandalized by the PLA PLAGIF02.GIF "Thank you for using PLAT&T!" PLAGIF03.GIF YOU WILL! PLAGIF04.GIF Altered Phone Company Logoz PLAGIF05.GIF Abstract of a Pay Fone PLAGIF06.JPG Calimar Giving A Public Phone The PLA Touch PLAGIF07.GIF Amy, Wearing Only An Ameritech Hardhat & Lineman's Handset PLAGIF08.GIF Drop That Quarter! by Quinbus Flestrin PLAGIF09.GIF Another PLAT&T ad by Mind Bomb PLAGIF10.GIF A "missing child" poster of Gail Thackery Other Files: ----------- PLA95SUM.ZIP 1995 Summer Fone Directory - Fax, pay phones, VMBs, telcos, PLA95FAL.ZIP 1995 Fall Fone Directory - Hundreds of numbers CHATRBOX.GIF BBS ad by Scott The Believer for Chatterbox BBS. (PLA034 spoof) TWISTED.GIF BBS ad by Mr. Hack for Twisted Reality. (spoof) +-------------Contact-The-Phone-Losers-Of-America-Nearest-You!---------------+ | ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU............................pub/Zines/PhoneLosers | | whombat@blitzinfo.com.................................RedBoxChiliPepper) | | roy@spiff.net.........................................Zak a.k.a. el_jefe | | collcard@big12.metrobbs.com......................To contact Colleen Card | | apok0lyp@i1.net................................................Apok0lyps | | http://www.spiff.net/~rbcp/pla.html...............Whombat Communications | | http://www.basenet.net/~apok0lyp/index.html...........PLA, Manson, Anime | | http://www.compumedia.com/~jnoonan/pla.............Original PLA Web Page | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+