Hacking TRW ononoooo ououeseby the Jolly Roger ueseWhen you call TRW, the dial up will identify itself with the message "TRW". It will then wait for you to type the appropiate answereback (such as CTRL-G) uOnce This has been done, the system will say "CIRCUIT BUILDING IN PROGRESS" Along with a few numbers. Afterethis, it clears the screen (CTRLseL) followedeby a CTRL-Q. Afterethe system sends the CTRL-Q, It is ready for the request. You first type the 4 charactereidentifyerefor the geographical area of the account.. (For Example) TCA1 -efor certain Calif. & Vicinity subscribers. TCA2 -eA second CALF. TRW System. TNJ1 -eTheir NJ Database. TGA1 -eTheir Georgia Database. The userethen typeseA andethen on the next line, he must type his 3 char. Option. Most Requests use the RTS option. OPX, RTX, andea few others exist. (NOTE) TRW will accept aneA, C, or S as the 'X' in the options above.) Then finally, the useretypesehis 7 digit subscriber code. He appends his 3-4 characterepasswordeaftereit. It seems that if you manage to get hold of a TRW Printout (Trashing at Sears, Saks, ETC. or from getting your credit printout from them)eTheir subscriber code will be on it leaving only a 3-4 characterep/w up to you. For Example, (Call the DialUp) TRW SystemeTypes, ST) CTRL-G (You type,YT) Circuit building in progress 1234 (ST) CTRL-LsCRTL-Q (TCA1 CYT) BTS 3000000AAA (YT] Note: This sytemeis in Half Duplex, Even Parity, 7 Bits perewordeand 2 Stop Bits. CAUTION: It is a very stressederumor that afteretyping in the TRW passwordeThree (3) times.. It sets aneAutomatic Number Identification on your ass, so be careful. Andeeforget who told you how to doethis.. ononoooo ououese-----hahasasaagagaJolly Roger