Scarlet Box Plans /C/CMOMO 4 4 1/by the Jolly Roger 1/The purpose of a Scarlet box is to create a very bad conection, it can be used to crash a BBS or just make life miserable for those you seek to avenge. Materials: 2 alligator clips, 3 inch wire, or a resister (plain wire will create greatest amount of static) (Resister will decrease the amount of static in porportion to the resister you are using) Step (1): Find the phone box at your victims house, and pop the cover off. Step (2): Find the two prongs that the phone line you wish to box are connected to. Step (3): Hook your alligator clips to your (wire/resister). Step (4): Find the lower middle prong and take off all wires connected to it, i think this disables the ground and call waiting and shit like that. Step (5): Now take one of the alligator clips and attach it to the upper most prong, and take the other and attach it to the lower middle prong. Step (6): Now put the cover back on the box and take off!! 1/** 1/######se/** 1/** 1/#/####/#/ 1/** 1/1/1/igigi######se//igigi/ 1/1/1/igigi#/####/#/ 1// 1/1/1/igigi######se//igi/ 1/1/1/igigigigi w wchch/ 1/1/1/igigigigi w wchc/ 1/1/1/igigigigi w wch/ 1/1/1/igigigigi w wc/ 1/1/1/igigigigi w w/ 1/1/1/igigigigi w / 1/1/1/igigigigi w/ 1/1/1/igigigig**/ 1/1/1/igigigig** 1/1/1/igigigig** 1/1/1/igigigig** 1/1/1/igigigig** 1/1/1/igigigig** (**)= prongs ** (/) = (wire/resister) (se)= some phone bullshit 1/1/1/IRIRcocoerertiti, , tatat-------teter r t t Jolly Roger