Electronic Terrorism acacnene ououesby The Jolly Roger It starts when asbig, dumb lummox rudely insults you.esBeing of a rational, intelligent disposition, you wisely choose to avoid a (direct) confrontation.esBut as he laughs in your face, you smile inwardly---your revenge is already planned. Step 1:esfollow your victim to his locker, car, or house.esOnce you have chosen your target site, lay lowsfor asweek or more, letting your anger boil. Step 2:esin the mean time, assemble your versatile terrorist kit(details below.) Step 3:esplant your kit at the designated target site on asmonday morning between the hours of 4:00 am and 6:00 am.esInclude a calm, suggestive note that quietly hints at the possibility of another attack.esDo notswrite it by hand!esAn example of an effective note: es"don't be such asjerk, or the next one will take off your es hand.esHave asnice day." Notice howsthe calm tone instills fear.esAs ifswritten by a homicidal psychopath. Step 5:eschoose a strategic location overlooking the target site.esTry to position yourselfsin such asway that you can see his facial contortions. Step 6:essit back and enjoy the fireworks!sAssembly of the versatile, economic, and effective terrorist kit #1:ethe parts you'll need are: 1) 4 aasbatteries 2) 1 9-voltsbattery 3) 1 spdtsmini relay (radio shack) 4) 1 rocket engine(smoke bomb or m-80) 5) 1 solar ignitor (any hobby store) 6) 1 9-voltsbattery connector Step 1:estake the 9-voltsbattery and wire it through the relay's coil. This circuit should alsosinclude a pair of contacts that when separated cut off this circuit.esThese contacts should be held together by trapping them between the locker,mailbox, or car door. Once the door is opened,sthe contacts fall apart and the 9-voltscircuit is broken, allowing the relay to fall to the closed postion thus closing the ignition circuit.e(If all this is confusing take a look at the schematic below.) Step 2:estake the 4 aasbatteries and wire them in succession. Wire the positive terminal of one to the negative terminal of another, until all four are connected except one positive terminal and one negative terminal.esEven though the four aasbatteries only combine to create 6 volts,sthe increase in amperage is necessary to activate the solar ignitor quickly and effectively. Step 3:estake the battery pack (made in step 2) and wire one end ofsit to the relay's single pole and the other end to one prong of the solar ignitor.esThen wire the other prong of the solar ignitor back to the open position on the relay. Step 4:esusing double sided carpet tape mount the kit in his locker, mailbox, or car door.sAnd last, insert the solar ignitor into the rocket engine (smoke bomb or m-80). Your kit is nowscomplete! es s s es s s -----acac><-----acac es s s I s (CONTACTS) s I es s s I s a a T TphI es s s I s a a T Tph- (BATTERY) es s s I s a a T Tpcac es s s I s a a T TphI es s s I s (COIL) T TphI es s s --acac/////in---acac es s s n---acacacac es s s / a a T TphI es s s / a a T TphhI es s s / a a T TphhhI es (SWITCH) I s I es s s s I s I es s s s I s cac (BATTERY) es s s s I s - ( PACK ) es s s s I s cac es s s I s I es s s s I s I es s s s acac -acac es s s s I I es s s s in* es s s (SOLAR IGNITOR) acacnene ououess -----acacJolly Roger