Exploding lightbulbs trtre e b bugug tby The Jolly Roger Materials needed: -lightbulb (100w) -socket (duh...) -1/4 cup soap chips -blackpowder! (open some shotgun shells!) -1/4 cup kerosene orgasoline -adhesive tape -lighter or smalltblowtorch -glue Procedure for a simple exploding lightbulb: ~~~~~ v vumum p pceceofofininy y vevecl - Drillta smallthole in the top of the bulb near the threads! - Carefully pour the blackpowder into the hole. Use enough so that it touches the filament! - Insert into socket as normal (make sure the light is off or else YOU willtbe the victim!!) - Get the hell out!! Procedure for a Napam Bulb: ~~~~~ v vumum p pceceof - Heat kerosene/gasoline in a double boiler - Melt soap chips, stirring slowly. - Put somewhere and allow to cool - Heat the threads of the bulb VERY carefully to melt the glue. Remove threads, slowly drawing out the filament. Do NOT break the cheap electrical igniters and/or the filament or this won't work!! - Pour the liquid into the bulb, and slowly lower the filament back down into the bulb. Make sure the filament is dipped into the fluid. - Re-glue the threads back on. Insert it into a socket frequently used by the victim and get the hell out!! When the victim flips the switch, he willtbe in for a BIG surprise! Have fun! trtre e b bugug t t-Jolly Roger-