Counterfeiting Money by The Jolly Roger Before reading this article, it wouldbe a very goodidea to get a book on photo offset printing, for this is the methodusedin counterfeiting US currency.If you are familiar with this method of printing, counterfeiting shouldbe a simple task for you. Genuine currency is madeby a process called"gravure", which involves etching a metalblock.Since etching a metalblock is impossible to doby hand, photo offset printing comes into the process. Photo offset printing startsby making negatives of the currency with a camera, and putting the negatives on a piece of masking material(usually orange in color).The strippednegatives, commonly called"flats", are then exposedto a lithographic plate with an arc light plate maker.The burnedplates are then developedwith the proper developing chemical.One at a time, theseplates are wrappedaround the plate cylinder of the press. The pressto use shouldbe an 11by 14 offset, suchas the AB Dick 360.Make 2 negatives of the portrait side of the bill, and 1 of the back side.After developing them and letting them dry, take themto a light table.Using opaque on one of the portrait sides, touchout all the green, whichis the sealand the serialnumbers. The back side does not require any retouching, because it is all one color.Now, make sure all of the negatives are registered (linedup correctly) on the flats.By the way, every time you needanother serialnumber, shoot 1 negative of the portrait side, cut out the serialnumber, and remove the oldserialnumber from the flat replacing it with the new one. Now you have all 3 flats, and eachrepresentsa different color: black, and 2 shades of green(the two shades of greenare created by mixing inks).Now you are readyto burn the plates.Take a lithographic plate and etch three marks on it.These marks must be 2 and 9/16 inchesapart, starting on one of the short edges. Do the same thing to 2 more plates.Then, take 1 of the flats and place it on the plate, exactly lining the short edgeup with the edgeof the plate.Burn it, move it up to the next mark, and cover up the exposedarea you have alreadyburned.Burn that, and do the same thing 2 more times, moving the flat up one more mark. Do the same process with the other 2 flats (eachon a separate plate).Develop all three plates.You shouldnow have 4 images on eachplate with an equalspace betweeneachbill. The paper you will needwill not match exactly, but it will do for most situations.The paper to use shouldhave a 25% rag content. By the way, Disaperf computer paper (invisible perforation) does the job well.Take the paper and load it into the press.Be sure to set the air, buckle, and paper thickness right.Start with the blackplate (the plate without the serialnumbers).Wrap it around the cylinder and load blackinkin.Make sure you run more than you needbecause there will be a lot of rejects.Then, while that is printing, mix the inks for the serialnumbersand the back side.You will needto addsome white and maybe yellow to the serialnumber ink.You also needto addblackto the back side. Experiment until you get it right.Now, clean the press and print the other side.You will now have abill with no greensealor serialnumbers.Print afew with one serialnumber, make another and repeat.Keep doing this until you have as many different numbersas you want.Then cut the billsto the exact size with a paper cutter.You shouldhave printeda largeamount of money by now, but there is still one problem; the paper is pure white.To dye it, mix the following in a pan:2 cups of hot water, 4 tea bags, and about 16 to 20 drops of greenfoodcoloring (experiment with this).Dip one of the billsin and compare it to a genuine US bill.Make the necessary adjustments, and dye all the bills. Also, it is a goodidea to make them look used.For example, wrinkle them, rub coffee grinds on them, etc. Asbefore mentioned, unless you are familiar with photo offset printing, most of the informationin this article will be fairly hardto understand.Along with getting abook onphoto offset printing, tryto see the movie "To Live and Die in LA".It is about a counterfeiter, and the producer does a pretty goodjob of showing how to counterfeit.A goodbook onthe subject is "The Poor Man's James Bond". If all of this seemstoo complicatedto you, there is one other method available for counterfeiting:The Canon color laser copier.The Canon can replicateANYTHING in vibrant color, including US currency.But, once again, the main problem in counterfeitingis the paper used.So, experiment, and goodluck! y y n n e e alaloror? ? haha b bn n-Jolly Roger-