Sitting on Top of the World by Lionus

Sitting on Top of the World by Lionus (2001)

Web-site Logo for Lionus' World

PhotoShop image using two major filters.

I ran across an interesting demo for a filter program for PhotoShop. It produced wonderful starry skies littered with nebula and colorful gasious clouds. It also created really neat looking planets whose parameters you could fiddle with so that with one run you could produce a lush cloud-lined Earth-like planet. Then with the next, an arid desert planet where you might expect to find large worms. :)
It was really a neat filter program. But like I said, it was a demo and like most demos was timed. After 30-days it stopped working. *whimper*

But in any case while the program lasted I was able to produce this image. It would have been a really neat logo for my home page, but unfortunately the edges of me sitting on to the world were fuzzy and so it never made it to being a page icon image. Instead, I simply ran off a starry background and voila!

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Artwork and character of Lionus Goldenmane are copyright © Lionus Goldenmane.