Teaching by Lionus

Teaching by Lionus (2001)

"Wilber gave forth on what he knew about the issue while Dai slowly came to realize that perhaps school was not really that bad after all."

Bookish and shy Wilber Crooktail, orphaned to his rich eccentric scientist uncle's care during cubhood, meets an equally isolated student from the "poor side of the tracks". At first antagonistic, they soon draw together as friends with very differing views of the world. Conservative by nature, Wilber succumbs to one of reckless Dai's dares one night and enters with him into his scientist-uncle's laboratory. The same laboratory that his uncle had expressly forbidden him to ever enter. Naturally there's unexpected consequences. :)

In the picture above, bookworm Wilber delivers an impromptu lecture during the relatively peaceful sleep-over while Dai suffers in silence. :)

Pencil and Photoshop. The picture emphasises two differing expressions and is presented in a comic book style of differing line-weights.

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Artwork and characters of Wilber Crooktail and Dai Blackclaw are copyright © Lionus Goldenmane.