Secret Agent by Lionus

Secret Agent by Lionus (2006)

Anonymous and just on the edge of your awareness, he cuts an attractive figure. Clothes that are cut precisely to his dimensions make him look like a model. But on closer inspection there is something about him ... something that makes you uncertain. The same type of uncertainty you feel when you are at the zoo and get a bit too close to a predator. The powerful motionless killer whose only movement is his cold eyes as he watches you. But there, at the zoo, there are bars between you and it. Then, just as your feeling of unease reach the point where you might decide to move away -- he is gone. Vanished as though he was never even there in the first place. The secret agent.

This secret agent needs no back-up. He is in and out of tight places before you even realize you have been had. But he is not "that other fellow". This agent has a carefully brushed blond mane and a blond tail tip. ;-)

Okay I'll admit it; "that other fellow" inspired this pic. The one who wows us at the movies with his gadgetry, the exotic far-away places he takes us to, and what seems to be around every corner for him (hint: ess -- eee -- ecks). ;-D

ARTIST'S NOTES: This is a work that stems from an old 1999 pencil drawing of mine. The drawing had a lot more features to it than this picture, like the agent's face for instance. However as I was transforming the drawing into a fully coloured picture, I discovered that I much more preferred the "secret agent anonymity" that the lack of those features gives him.

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Artwork is copyright © Lionus Goldenmane.