Let My People Go by Lionus

Let My People Go! by Lionus (Mar-1999)

"Pharaoh! Hear my words! Let My People Go!"

I am a big fan of historial movies. I think it has something to do with me having had another life back then (a bestiari in the Colossium as close as I can figure).

You name the movie about Ancient This Place or Ancient That Place and I've probably seen it. :) So when DreamWorks came out with Prince of Egypt I rushed right out to see it. Sure it was an animated feature, but hey, through the murky lens of Time most everything in the past tends to look unreal and cartoonish. :)

Here Moses confronts the Pharoah of the mighty Egyptian Empire and demands that he free the Hebrew slaves, Moses' people. Surely one of those dramatic moments that just had to be drawn. There is no background to complicate the picture as I felt that at that instant all that mattered was the messenge and its messenger.

Pencil and PhotoShop.

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