ECCE VILLOSO by Lionus (2004)

ECCE VILLOSO (Lat. Behold the Furry)

By now you know of my fondness for historical subjects and my style of presenting them to you through furry eyes. This particular piece was inspired by Mel Gibson's recent motion picture "The Passion of the Christ" though I think mine is somewhat tamer by comparison. :) The style I adopted for this pic is similar to that of the 13th and 14th Century Italian artists. They dressed the subjects of many of their Biblical paintings in what was for them contemporary clothing, something that made the message of their works more relevent to their viewers.

Pencil to PhotoShop. This is the longest artwork I have ever done both in time needed to complete it (approximately three months) and for the number of characters in it (ten). It is also the first completely "line-less" piece I have attempted and the first piece where I worked on the texturing of fur and metal.

Updated 15SEP04 to correct the brightness.
Updated JUN06 to "push" a few of the wolf soldiers further "back".

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Artwork and character of Lionus Goldenmane are copyright © Lionus Goldenmane.