Dai 01 by Lionus

Dai by Lionus (1999)

Dai Sunchaser Blackclaw

Dai (pronounced "Day") Blackclaw is smart, knows everything, and is able to take on anyone no matter how big or strong they appear -- just ask him. :) But in fact he has a reckless sense of self-confidence powering his crusader "don't-pick-on-that-little-kid" attitude. That often times gets him into more trouble then he can handle, something that he usually recognizes after his first "killer punch" bounces harmlessly off the lantern jaw of some behemoth, but that is not likely to stop him.

In any other situation Dai would be dismissed as a typical teen destined for a bad end were it not for the innate goodness in him. Willing to stand up to school bullies (who are a head taller than him) his defence of someone else or righting obvious wrongs gives him an "adventurous" life. :) Others would call it suicidal. But basically Dai's a good kid with a good set of values. The kind you want to have at your side as a friend. You just have to convince him that he cannot take on every villain or right every wrong ! :)

But then there is also his strong interest in encounters of a ... let us say, "intimate nature" that are equally likely to get him into *deep* trouble. *wink*

Pencil, pen and PhotoShop

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