Card04 by Lionus

Xmas Card 04 by Lionus (2004)

Christmas Friendship

Pencil to PhotoShop.

Usually I go through an agonizing time coming up with a subject for my yearly Christmas "card". It starts in October for me when everyone else in the Northern Hemisphere is reluctantly saying good-bye to summer and hello to autumn. But commercial artists (and those who set seasonal deadlines for themselves) usually have to have their thinking aimed 2-3 months in advance of where they currently are on the calendar. So I was caught several times whistling Christmas Carols as we approached Halloween and accused of rushing the season.

This year I seriously started my quest for a Christmasy idea at the beginning of November by slapping on a couple of Christmas Carol CDs to get in the mood and Voila' there was my image! :) No panicky rush the week before Christmas, no lame excuse. Definitely Ho, Ho, Ho for me this year. :)

Merry Christmas everyone. :)

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Artwork and character of Lionus Goldenmane are copyright © Lionus Goldenmane.