Glossary of Terms (M to R)
- Maghi
Sikh festival held annualy on January 14 to celebrate the memory of the marytordom of
the Forty Immortals in battle at Muktsar.
- Mahala
Used in the Guru Granth Sahib to indicate the author of a composition by the Gurus. Each
Guru used the name Nanak, for example Mahala 5 is Guru Arjun, Mahala 3 is Guru
- Mahant
Corrupt officials who had control of the gurdwaras prior to the Shromani Gurdwara
Parbandhak Committee gaining control in 1925.
- Manji
The stool or string bed upon which the Guru Granth Sahib is placed on as a symbol of its
- Mala
A wool cord with knots used as an aid to prayer or meditation.
- Manmukh
A person who is self-centered and has forgotten God, the opposite of a Gurmukh.
- Matta tekna
Bowing down and touching the floor with your forehead in front of the Guru Granth Sahib
as a sign of respect to the Living Guru.
- Maya
The dillusion of being wrapped up in the material world and attached to it.
- Mela
Any Sikh religious festival other than the birth or death of a Guru.
- Miri & Piri
The concept of spiritual and worldly matters. Sikhs are expected to maintain the balance
between the two, this idea was introduced by Guru Hargobind and represented by two
- Misl
A f ighting unit of the Sikh armies of the eighteenth century.
- Mukti
Spiritual liberation from the cycles of birth and death.
- Mul Mantra
It is the opening lines of the Japji by Guru Nanak and the beginning of the Guru Granth
Sahib. It is considered the cornerstone of Sikhism. "God is one. His name is True. He is
the Creator. His is without fear. He is inimical to none. His existance is unlimited by time.
He is beyond the cycles of birth and death, self existent and can be realized through the
grace of the Guru."
- Mundavani
The word means seal and refers to the concluding poem by Guru Arjun in the Guru
Granth Sahib which describes the spiritual qualites of reading and following the Guru
Granth Sahib.
- Nagara
A kettledrum found in some gurdwaras and introduced by Guru Hargobind to be beaten
when langer was ready. It is also a symbol of royal authority.
- Nam
Name, name of God. Sikhism places emphasis on the rememberance of God through
meditation on Gods name.
- Nam Japna, Kirt Karna, Vand Chakna
Meditation on Gods name, honest work and giving to charity. Three fundamental
requirements for Sikhs.
- Nam Simran
The rememberance of God through meditation.
- Nanak Panthi
A follower of Guru Nanak.
- Nihang
An order of Sikhs who follow the soldier lifestyle of the time of Guru Gobind Singh. They
wear blue robes and reject household comforts.
- Nirankar
A name of God meaning the one who has no physical form.
- Nirguna
Applied to God meaning one without form or material attributes. God is considered
beyond human knowledge and comprehension.
- Nitnem
The daily prayers that Sikhs are expected to read. Nitnem consists of reading Japji of Guru
Nanak, Jap and Ten Swayyas of Guru Gobind Singh in the morning; Rahiras, a collection
of nine hymns by Guru Nanak, Guru Amar Das and Guru Arjun at sunset and Kirtan
Sohila, five hymns by the same three Gurus at bedtime.
- Onkar
God as the Primal Being. Also refers to a compositon of Guru Nanak which appears of
page 929 of the Guru Granth Sahib.
- Pada
Division of a hymn in the Guru Granth Sahib, it varies in length from one to four
- Palki
The wooden, golden or marble palaquin in which the Guru Granth Sahib is ceremonially
- Panj Kakke
The five physical symbols which must be worn at all times by Khalsa Sikhs; kachha
(briefs), kangha (comb), kara (steel bracelet), kes (unshorn hair) and kirpan (ceremonial
- Panj Piaras
The five beloved ones, referring to the first five Sikhs initiated into the Khalsa order by
Guru Gobind Singh. Five Khalsa Sikhs are required for initiation of a new member.
- Panth
The entire Sikh community.
- Parkarma
The walkway around the sarovar (pool) found at many gurdwaras.
- Patit
A Khalsa Sikh who has failed to live upto the vows of the Khalsa order.
- Prakash Karna
The early morning ceremony when the Guru Granth Sahib is formally opened and the days
worship begins.
- Path
A reading of the Guru Granth Sahib.
- Paudi
A stanza of the Guru Granth Sahib.
- Pauri
Verses in the Guru Granth Sahib, their length and metre are both variable.
- Phera
Circling of the Guru Granth Sahib during the wedding ceremony.
- Pothi
A book or volume of religious hymns.
- Rag
A tune or the series of five or more notes upon which it is based.
- Rag Mala
The last composition in the Guru Granth Sahib. It is a listing of 84 rags used in Indian
music in the early seventeenth century.
- Ragi
A musician who sings the hymns of the Guru Granth Sahib in gurdwaras.
- Rahiras
A collection of 9 hymns, 4 by Guru Nanak, 3 by Guru Ram Das and 2 by Guru Arjun
which are read at sunset as part of Nitnem.
- Rahit Maryada
The Sikh Code of Conduct concieved by the Shromani Gurdwara Parbandhak
- Rahit Nama
A manual of conduct for Khalsa Sikhs. There are a number of them by various Sikhs
dating back to the eighteenth century.
- Raj Karega Khalsa
The battle cry of the Sikhs during the rule of Banda Singh Bahadur meaning "The Khalsa
shall rule". It is the concluding line of the daily prayer Ardas.
- Rumala
The cloth which is used ceremonially to cover the Guru Granth Sahib.