Sun Angel: Aroma Descriptions

Fun/ Articles/ Emporium/ Incense/ Herbal Candles

Aroma Index:

Cedar / Frankincense / Jasmine / Lavender / Myrrh / Nag Champa / Patchouli / Pine / Sandalwood / Musk / Amber / Rose / Clove / Dragon's Blood / Citronella / Lemon / Cinnamon / Nutmeg / Olive / Poppy Seed / Honeysuckle / Mugwort / Juniper Berries / Rosemary / Ylang Ylang / Peppermint / Chamomile / Bay / Benzoin / Orange


Attracts prosperity. Encourages flow. Elimination of blockages, and toxins, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Cleanses and purifies the body and the environment from all negativity and stagnation. Gives relief from bronchitis, arthritis, and can have a diuretic effect.

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A sacred, purifying scent used to cleanse the body, aura, and environment of all negative influences. Promotes a meditative state. Sun energy. Opens the crown chakra and has a healing affect on infections, and viruses.

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Good luck in love and wealth. Alleviates depression, and tension. Raises self esteem. Opens the heart chakra and stimulates clarity of thought. Enables one to lucid dream, when it is used before sleeping. Good for use during childbirth.

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Ancient scent used for protection, relaxation, and healing. Good for headaches, insomnia, pain, arthritis, and depression. Activates the crown chakra. Ensures fidelity.

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Powerful purifier. Helps to heal bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Promotes faithfulness. Inspires positive thoughts and words. Holy blessings.

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Nag Champa:

Sacred incense of India. Good for meditation, and prayer. Soothes, and calms. Clears and purifies all chakras. Attracts assistance from higher realms.

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Aphrodesiac, awakens fertility. Stimulates and balances the yin or feminine aspects. Purifies and aligns the root, and spleen chakras. Attracts prosperity Dispels negativity. Clears the complexion and helps heal other skin conditions. Preserves youth.

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Cleansing and rejuvinating. Fresh starts. Inspires positive, enthusiastic feelings. Good for colds, bronchitis, and asthma. Brings harmony to the home.

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Aligns all chakras, allowing healing energy to flow through and out. Sedates and relaxes. Good for meditation, healing, and manifestation practices. Facilitates concentration. Considered to betstow holy protection.

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Stimulates the root and spleen chakras, arousing the reproductive organs and instincts. Healing and cleansing to the heart, lungs, and blood. Encourages self-esteem, and desirability. Can assist in transmuting sexual love into higher emotion, and spiritual connection.

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Transforms negative energy into positive. Calms, and attracts loving, faithful emotions. Opens the crown chakra and aligns the etheric bodies with the physical. Attracts prosperity.

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Attracts love and healing to the heart. Activates yin or feminine energies. Calms emotions and brings understanding. Protects secrets. Christ consciousness. Soothes and heals female reproductive organs. Help to heal sore throats and cold sores.

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Protects and cleanses the body and aura. Balances 2nd and 4th chakras. Calming and comforting to the emotions. Strengthens eyesight and protects one from disease and infection. Assists with digestive, muscular, and bronchial ailments.

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Dragon's Blood:

Energizes and attracts inspiration and success. Protection. Virility, strength and passion. Attraction of male energies. Purifies, "burns" out illness and infection. Helps heal bones, teeth, blood disorders, and reproductive organs.

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Protects, cleanses and clears the aura. Strengthens the life-force. Encourages self-expression and creativity. Good for writers and actors. Brings clarity to the mind and inner vision. Good for attracting prosperity. Activates the throat chakra and acts as a tonic for all throat ailments.

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Attracts joy and benevolent energies. Clears and stimulates the mind while relaxing the muscles and relieving stress. Attunes to the third chakra. Antibacterial and antiseptic. Tonic to the lymphatic and digestive system. Very good for dieters, when put in water, and will help break up cellulite when used with massage.

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Psychic awareness and protection. Blends with and emphasizes all other essences. Attracts money. Very healing on all levels. Good for colds, flu, headache, toothache, and sore muscles. Helps to heal the heart and kidneys.

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Calms the mind and body therefore it is good for insomnia. Brings visions. Attracts wealth and health. Good for the intestinal tract, and reproductive organs. Reverses impotency.

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Peace of heart and mind. Assures fidelity in love and can attract a marriage partner. Inspires fruitfulness and security in love, family and business. Attracts money. Revitalizes all physical systems as well as the mind.

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Poppy Seed:

Quiets the mind and brings visions. Induces calm and restful sleep. A tonic for the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system, therefore, it is very good for healing these areas. Pain reliever.

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Strengthens the mind and memory. Balancing to the right and left brain. Awakens the crown and brow chakra's, bringing psychic awareness. Induced prophetic dreams and assists one to let go of the past. Strengthens and brings flexibility to the body.

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Awakens one to the psychic energies around and within them. Facilitates astral travel and dream interpretation. Opens and purifies circulatory channels. Strengthens the uterus and eases painful menstrual cramping. Excellent for strengthening the life-force in the fetus.

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Juniper Berries:

Protection from all negative influences. Transforms negative emotions into positive. Purifies the aura and the subtle body. Diuretic action also encourages "flow" in all areas of life. Reduces swelling and relieves arthritis. Good for dissolving fat and cellulite when used with massage.

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Clears the mind and opens blocked passages, both in the body and elsewhere. Brings the desired information by tapping into the universal mind. Facilitates inner peace and contentment. Attracts love. Good for emotional healing.

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Ylang Ylang:

Aphrodesiac. Promotes calm, peaceful relaxation. Relieves anxiety and depression. Tones and awakens the sex center. Lowers blood pressure.

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Purifies. Attracts positive energies. Eliminates static and "cobwebs" from the aura, and mind. Clears the respiratory passages. Revitalizes and rejuvinates the mind and body. Helps to alleviate bronchial spasms and asthma.

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Calms the nervous system, and in turn, the mind and digestive system. Peace. Helps the heart to understand. Dissolves negativity. Anti-inflammitory action helps with rheumatism, burns, asthma, and depression.

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Activates the throat chakra and opens the bronchial passages. Facilitates full breath and full expression. Decongestive on all levels. Heals the heart. Good for colds, flu, rheumatism and sprains.

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Awakens higher mindedness. Encourages confidence and empowerment. Calms and sedates the mind and emotions. Relieves dry skin, coughs, and arthritis.

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Purification on every level. Encourages emotional expression and the gentle healing and restructuring of emotional memories. Attracts abundance and happiness. through love and marriage.

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© 1995 Sun Angel Innovations