I'm a city dweller. I have little opportunity to go out into the country, and the closest I usually come to nature is a city park. I live in an apartment, with no spare rooms. I know of no other pagans in my area. So I imagine a place; a temple for the mind, as I have none for the body. I start with a forest. Mostly deciduous, with some coniferous as well. Lots of birds and animals running around, living their lives, occasionally ending them. A living forest; a nice place to take a walk in, though there's no real paths. The birds twitter, the leaves rustle, squirrels chatter, brooks babble, and so on. The wind brushes against my face, rustling the white robes I'm wearing (sans footgear). The sunlight is filtered through the greenery overhead, dappling the landscape. Add a small clearing. A brook runs through it, off to the side a bit, making the usual brook noises. Overhead, the nearby trees' greenery still blocks most of the sky, but the light is fairly bright. Some rocks lie near the brook. Birds fly around above, squirrels jump from tree to tree, a rabbit nibbles greenery at the edge of the clearing, eyeing me. In the center of the clearing sits a square cube of stone, about a meter each way. Covering it is an undecorated white cloth, upon which some objects rest. On the other side of the alter from the brook is a spot for a fire, ringed with stone. Wood is laid out, but not burning yet. On the alter itself are the implements for most rituals. In the center is a small oil lamp, which is always kept lit. A bowl of Water, taken from the brook, is on the left (east). An incense burner, with several cones of incense ready, is on the right (west). On the far side of the alter (north) is a crystal, found elsewhere in the forest. Close to me (south) sits a white candle, ready to be lit. Several other implements are arranged about the main ones; a white-handled knife, a silver goblet, a golden pentacle, a foot-long branch, a home-built deck of cards similar to Tarot, a bowl of salt, a round mirror (currently covered). Elsewhere in the clearing, near the fireplace, is a small bench/table, made of wood. On it lies my Book of Shadows and a pen, ready for me to record whatever I think I should. Also on the table are miscellaneous ingredients, including various herbs, stones, and flowers. There are also some biscuits and wine, to ground myself after the ritual. Hung over the firepit itself, on a tripod, is a small cauldron. Off to the side a bit is a tape/CD player, ready to play some "atmosphere" music or rhythyms. I now prepare myself for the ritual itself. Removing the robe, I step into the brooks, and splash water all over myself. I wash the robe, as well (drip-dry) to rid it of unwanted influences. Redressing, I step to the alter. The sounds of the forest slowly fade from my perception. I take the wand, and draw a circle in the air around me and the alter, defining the space the energy I create will stay until I release it. I take the pentacle in hand, face north, and call to the spirits of the earth, wealth, solidness, to bless me and this circle, and to lend their aid to this ritual. I put down the pentacle, and light the incense from the central lamp. Facing east, I ask the spirits of the air, mind, thinking, to bless both me and the circle, and to lend their aid. I light the candle, face south, and ask for the blessing and aid of the spirits of fire, passion, activity. I raise the bowl of water, face west, and ask for the spirits of water, emotion, to bless and aid me. Finally, I ask the Godess and God to bless both me and the circle, and to lend their aid to the ritual. Then, I ritual. :) As I finish the ritual, I turn to the four quarters, and thank and dismiss the spirits who aided me. I snuff the candle, but let the incense finish burning. I thank the God and Godess for listening. I step out of the circle, breaking it. As I eat some biscuits and drink a cup of wine, I write down what I learned from the ritual in my Book of Shadows.