======== Newsgroups: alt.hypnosis Subject: Self-Hypnosis Scripts From: 71514.1640@compuserve.com (Johnny North) Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:45:39 GMT Two Self-Hypnosis Scenarios The following two scenarios can be used for self-hypnosis. The first can simply be memorized--it's fairly simple and very effective. The second can be adapted for reading into a tape recorder at a nice, easy pace. A SIMPLE TECHNIQUE FOR SELF-HYPNOSIS 1. Find a place where you won't be interrupted for about half an hour. 2. Assume a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Remove any constricting clothing and jewelry. 3. Take a few deep breaths, relax the body and mind, and separate yourself from what you were doing during the day, or from what you were doing just before starting this exercise. 4. Decide on your purpose for doing this self-hypnosis. Concentrate on affirmations, or create a vivid, sensory filled experience in your imagination of what you want for yourself. 5. Agree on a time limit of 15 to 20 minutes. 6. Perform the induction technique. This one is the Betty Erickson Technique: a. Focus the eyes on something in the room. Do not move them around. b. Acknowledge four visual experiences--whatever you notice in your peripheral vision or through your closed eyelids, if they decide to close. c. Acknowledge four auditory experiences. d. Acknowledge four kinesthetic experiences. They can be tactile, emotional, taste, or smell. e. Repeat steps b-d acknowledging three experiences. f. Repeat steps b-d acknowledging two experiences. g. Repeat steps b-d acknowledging one experience. 7. Stay relaxed, not concentrating on anything in particular, for the agreed upon time period. Simply let the unconscious work. 8. Reorient yourself back to your waking state. AN IMAGE OF BALANCE AND WELL-BEING: THE IMAGE OF "HOME" Our path for self-improvement or change may seem to take many different directions and require us to do a lot of different things. Sometimes it may seem too complicated, and we feel overwhelmed. Other times we may not be sure that we are heading in the right direction. If these feelings become too hard to deal with, we may feel like giving up, and sometimes we do. We can prevent this from happening by taking the following into consideration. First, regardless of the form our journey takes, an important aspect of its end point is a sense of well-being, inner harmony, and happiness. Second, there is one ideal place where we can have these experiences, and that is called "home" (This "ideal place" may never have been experienced, but most of us know what we would like it to be like.). If these ideas seem true, then we can benefit a lot by putting ourselves in that "place" now, in a meditative sense, and in doing so we can experience the benefits of our goals now, before we actually "achieve" them. To do so, follow the following steps. 1. Find a relaxed space in which you can relax and be free from distraction. 2. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, relax your body, and clear your mind of all fleeting thoughts. 3. Form in your mind an image of an ideal place, which you can call HOME. It does not have to be a place you live in now or ever lived in. Take your time, and as you form the image, make it as specific as you possibly can. What are the colors in the rooms, what are the smells, the sounds? What are the textures of the furniture, carpets, floors? How does it feel? How do you feel being there? 4. To help you with your visualization, here are a few qualities that some associate with HOME. It feels warm. It is a place of comfort and security. It is a place where unconditional love and acceptance abounds, where you can be yourself. It is a happy place. There is stability, support, joy, happiness. There are good smells, pretty colors, sunshine. It is clean and fresh, and filled with sunlight. When others arrive, there is exuberance and exhilaration, but there is also peace and quiet. 5. Stay in that place for awhile. Enjoy the experience, and know that you can return here whenever you like. 6. Now allow your awareness to include the presence of a person, plant, animal or other object, who is the source of infinite wisdom and knowledge, and who is always there to help you. Form a clear picture of this "being" or presence. If an image doesn't come to you, try to establish a feeling of this presence. This being will never give you advice or direction which will hurt you. It loves you and wants the best for you. It is always there for you. To access it, you only need to return to this HOME. Talk to this "wisdom" figure, ask it questions, and ask for the help you need. Then listen for the responses. It may be helpful to keep a log of these experiences and what you learn. --- Johnny North 935 Curtiss #3-4 Downers Grove, IL 60515 (708)968-5655 71514.1640@compuserve.com