======== Newsgroups: alt.hypnosis Subject: Cevreul Pendulum From: 71514.1640@compuserve.com (Johnny North) Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:45:49 GMT CHEVREUL PENDULUM This pendulum exercise provides two benefits. First, it is a handy induction technique, either for self-hypnosis or for use by a hypnotherapist. Second, it provides an ideomotor technique for communicating with the unconscious mind. Like the first, this second benefit can be realized in self-hypnosis or under the guidance of a hypnotherapist. Before going too far into the description, let me point out that there have been some articles and books published, and there is even a kit available for using a pendulum for healing and/or divining. Some of these articles/kits have prescribed directions for the pendulum to move to obtain certain meanings. None of this applies to the description of the use of the pendulum, below. In this experience, the unconscious mind will move the pendulum as it wants. We will later calibrate the movements so that we can gain information from the unconscious. To construct a pendulum, one can take about a foot of string and tie a paper clip on the end. One can also use string and a small fishing weight. The idea is to have a string that can easily swing and can withstand the interference of the motion of the air around the person. In my work with clients, I have a chain with a crystal at the end. I use this construction so that my clients have something pretty at which to look. I have also used a pretty-colored, large bead at the end of a piece of colored string. To use the pendulum, rest the arm, with which you normally write, comfortably on the arm of a chair or on a table. Now, make a loose fist with that hand, with the thumb on top of the fingers, with the thumb and fist pointing forward. Open the thumb and loosen the fingers, and then take the loose end of the string and place it down the fingers. The weighted end of the pendulum is hanging down along the fingers on the front of the fist. Close the fingers and thumb around the string, after adjusting the length of the weighted end of the string so that the weight is not touching the surface on which the elbow is resting. Move the fist, holding the string, so that the weight can move freely in any direction. Let the pendulum swing in any direction it wants, and watch the pendulum move. After a the direction of the movement seems to become defined (back and forth, front and back, on a diagonal, or in a circle), as the unconscious mind to make that movement bigger. Then wait to see what will happen, and try not to change the position of your arm or hand. When the movement becomes bigger, ask the unconscious to stop the movement, and, again, wait for the unconscious to take action. After the pendulum has significantly slowed or stopped its motion, ask the unconscious to move the pendulum in a different direction, wait for the motion to become definite, ask the unconscious to make the motion bigger, and then ask the unconscious to again bring the pendulum to a stop. Repeat this a few times. It is quite imprtant to give the unconscious time to respond. When a person first tries the Chevreul Pendulum, the unconscious may be uncertain what is being asked. If the conscious mind is over anxious about getting a response, the unconscious can take this anxiety as an instruction to not cooperate. If after waiting a few minutes and there is no response, it may be time to stop and try again on a different day. If after a few practice sessions without response, a person can move the pendulum with the free hand to demonstrate to the unconscious what is desired. Practice, patience, and calmness are key in communicating with the unconscious. One can use the Cevreul Pendulum to communicate with the unconscious. Questions can be posed and the unconscious can answer with the movements of the pendulum. However, the answers need to be simple. One wants to keep the answers to "Yes", "No", "I don't know", and "I don't want to answer". Before attempting to ask any questions, one wants to calibrate the movement of the pendulum to the four possible answers. To calibrate, one can think the response, such as "Yes" and observe the movement of the unconscious, asking it to amplify the movement to ensure that you know which direction and movement accompany that thought. Ask the unconscious to stop the pendulum and then pick one of the remaining responses and do the same thing. After one determines a direction/movement for each response, one can test the calibration by thinking or saying out loud some questions for which the answers are known and can easily be expressed in one of the four responses. After achieving reliable responses to simple questions, one can ask the unconscous any question about something which the subject has a concern and try to glean what the unconscious can tell a person about it. Remember, the unconscious may not want to give an answer, which is its prerogative. If the unconscious doesn't want to answer, one can convince it to try to answer, after determining why the unconscious has objections to communicating about a certain topic. Remember, the unconscious has the communications capability of a four-year-old, and so the communication can be more effective if kept to that level. I haven't read this, but I recommend recalibrating the pendulum each time one begins a question and answer session. Here's one reference that contains information about the Chevreul Pendulum: _Mind-Body Therapy_ by Ernset L. Rossi and David B. Cheek, published by W. W. Norton and Company. --- Johnny North 935 Curtiss #3-4 Downers Grove, IL 60515 (708)968-5655 71514.1640@compuserve.com