From Oct 19 19:42:06 1995 Date: Sun, 12 Mar 95 19:36:48 GMT From: Boris Ludmenkov To: Subject: REVISED MC LIST Here as requested is a revised version of the MC list with all the mc- prefixs changed to mind-control-. I've also added one story which I am sending at the same time. Good news about the increase in the size of the archive. I'll be going through the subject list for material of interest. Boris Ludmenkov Pornographer and Pervert "What a lot of sex you must have gone without to think of such things." -From Alasdair Gray's "1982 Janine" A wonderful book. Do read it. [Attached File: C:\AMIPRO\DOCS\FUNANDGA\MINDCONT\TOLOUVRE\MINDCON3.TXT Size: 21632] 1 MIND CONTROL STORIES ON THE LOUVRE ARCHIVE: FIRST A NOTE: DUE TO THE COMPILER'S PERSONAL PREJUDICES THIS LIST THOUGH IT CONTAINS A LOT OF EVIL AND EVEN SQUICKY STUFF WILL NOT CONTAIN ANY STORIES THAT INVOLVE EITHER PEDOPHILIA OR SNUFF. SORRY TO BE SO INTOLERANT AND POLITICALLY INCORRECT. I HAVE ALSO ONLY KEPT STORIES FOCUSSED ON MALE DOMINATION OF FEMALES (WITH A FEW F-F STORIES CHUCKED IN FOR VARIETY) AND REMOVED ALL THE TEDIOUS FEM-DOM STORIES..... SORRY ABOUT THAT BUT IF I READ ANOTHER STORY INVOLVING MEN BRAINWASHED INTO BECOMING T EIR WIVES LESBIAN SEX SLAVES I'LL GEEK. THERE ARE PLENTY OF THOSE ON THE TG ARCHIVES ANY WAY. THIS POSTING IS IN THREE PARTS: THE FIRST IS A LIST OF MIND CONTROL STORIES AVAILABLE ON THE LOUVRE ARCHIVE . PLEASE NOTE THAT NEW STORIES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THIS LIST SINCE THE FIRST EDITION. THE SECOND PART IS A COPY OF A LIST GIVEN ME BY ANOTHER ENTHUSIAST. I'M STILL LOOKING FOR THESE. IF YOU KNOW OF MORE (AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU KNOW OF MORE ARCHIVE SOURCES) PLEASE CONTACT ME SO I CAN ADD IT TO THE LIST` THE THIRD IS A LIST OF MIND CONTROL STORIES IN MAINSTREAM SF AND FANTASY. MIND CONTROL STORIES AT THE LOUVRE ARCHIVE THE BOOK is a long and very enjoyable story about a man who develops telepathic abilities which he uses to control women and to fight a conspiracy of really nasty telepaths and mad scientists. It's not complete and I really hope the author eventually finishes it. book-ch-01.txt book-ch-02.txt book-ch-03.txt book-ch-04.txt book-ch-05.txt book-ch-06.txt book-ch-07.txt book-ch-08.txt book-ch-09.txt book-ch-10.txt book-ch-11.txt book-ch-12.txt book-ch-13.txt bookaddend.txt DISABLED POWERS This is about an adolescent boy confined to a wheelchair who gains the ability not only to telepathically control others (alright, women) but also to project his mind into the bodies of others. (Women again) caesar-powers01-5.txt caesar-powers06-10.txt caesar-powers11-14.txt caesar-powers15-20.txt CONTROL OF WOMEN involves subliminal messages and hypnosis on a college campus. See also OUT OF CONTROL in part 2. control-of-women-01.txt control-of-women-02.txt control-of-women-03.txt control-of-women-04.txt control-of-women-05.txt control-of-women-06.txt THE CHINESE GIRL is about a mind-control device being given its test run by a horny psychology student. Written by THE MIND CONTROL FAN. See section two for more of his work. chinese-girl.txt HYPNOTIC ROOMMATES (Watch the spelling on this request) is a mirror image of the above except that the mind-controller is female (as is her roommate). hypnotic-roommates.txt The TRANCES stories are about a psychology student (again!) who uses hypnosis on his friend's sisters, his professor, etc etc. Rather more realistic than most and without the usual extremes of control found in this sub-genre. mksmith-trances-01.txt mksmith-trances-02.txt mksmith-trances-03.txt mksmith-trances-04.txt mksmith-trances-05.txt Unusually, MY DARLING HYPNOTIST is about a female hypnotist/dominant who plays tricks on her male and female slaves. my-darling-hypnotist.txt DOCTOR'S ORDERS is a the story of a nasty female doctor, her treament of a young mother and her daughter and the female FBI agent who tries to capture the Doctor. Pain and unpleasantness. parker05-docs-orders.txt VICTORIA or HOW I LEARNED TO LOVE NIGHT MUSIC by The Flying Pen ( is a romantic story (complete with happy ending!) of vampire folk. A young American is seduced by, falls in love with and marries Count Dracula's daughter by Mina Ha ker. Along the way they have a great deal of fun with their mesmeric powers night-music1.txt night-music10.txt night-music11.txt night-music12.txt night-music13.txt night-music14.txt night-music2.txt night-music3.txt night-music4.txt night-music5.txt night-music6.txt night-music7.txt night-music8.txt night-music9.txt DANI IN HER IMAGE is a story of forcible transgendering of a husband, Daniel, into Danielle enforced by hypnosis. dani-in-her-image.txt THE INVENTION involves a high school student who invents the ultimate airborne aphrodisiac and tries it out on his sister, her friends.... the-invention-01.txt the-invention-02.txt the-invention-03.txt the-invention-04.txt the-invention-05.txt the-invention.txt DR. WELLES by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas is the story of a man who is transformed into a sexually submissive woman. By a vengeful wife and her psychiatrist friend. dr-welles.txt SLAVE PIT involves ancient alchemical formulas and mind control at a college. mf and ff sex. I've had problems getting the complete text of this out of the Louvre so if yours seems incomplete contact me for a fuller version. There are in total eight parts ending with the Mind Controller altering the world to his own specifications. the-slavepit.txt ENEMA LADY is perhaps borderline MC and very very weird. A woman is kept in sensory deprivation and trained to be the perfect toilet and sex slave. Much urine and scat play. enema-lady.txt THE STORY OF ZARAH involves master (mistress?) hypnotist Madame Zarah controlling both men and women. zarah-complete.txt Hypnotized Submissives (6). by Thomas Baetzler, (, A husband shows off his wife who he has hypnotised into becoming the perfect submissive, to his best friend and then performs the same service for the friend's wife. No violence. Unfinished. mind-control-hyp-sub-01.txt mind-control-hyp-sub-02.txt The Amplifier by A psychology student uses a 'telepathic amplifier' to enslave the co-eds. mind-control-amplifier.txt Subliminal Submissives by An office manager uses subliminal messages on his female colleagues to bring them round to his point of view. Some ff and foot fetishism in addition to the normal delights. mind-control-subl-subs.txt Silken Panties by Cal ( Another office story involving telepathic control and silk underwear. Some anal sex mind-control-silken-panties.txt The Aerobics Class by Heimdall ( A telepath takes advantage of excercising women. Some (mild) scat references. mind-control-aerobics.txt POOLSIDE by the same author is a brief but effective story of a couple innocently sunbathing when two mind-controllers walk by... mind-control-poolside.txt The Evil Doctor Avery by The Mind Control Fan ( Better living through chemistry as Dr A uses his latest potion on an unsuspecting pathient. mind-control-evil-doc-avery.txt Four stories from Chuck Modzinski ( All have a sense of humour along with the normal mind control pleasures. A Date for Nate (3) is a Star Trek: TNG story involving a crewmember who just can't get his end away until Q gives him the 'gift' of mind control.... mind-control-date-4-nate.txt Somno-Dorm Sex (2) involves a college student with telepathic powers taking over his whole dorm (or at least the females in it) at night. mind-control-som-dorm-sex.txt Somno-Heroine Sex (4) involves the same character in the world of Marvel Super Heroes as he tries to take over the sexiest women in leotards... mind-control-som-hero-sex.txt Somno-Aussie Sex features the same character on his way to Australia and enjoying himself on the plane. mind-control-som-aus-sex.txt Controlling Jennifer by Dan Reinker ( involves a single female student being controlled by a young telepath who she feels ambivalent towards. Very nicely written. Little or no violence. LONG. mind-control-cont-jenn.txt VAMPIRE BONDAGE by Taffina aka Liz ( is a short tale of a vampire visitation. Look deeep into my eyezzzzz..... mind-control-vamp-bond.txt GENIE has a depressed and anti-social young man being given power over the minds and bodies of women by a genie from a bottle. Has dumb ending.... mind-control-genie.txt HONEY'S UNEXPECTED GUEST by Honey, ( has a young housewife finding herself unable to resist a strangely persuasive salesman. HONEY AND THE ELECTRICIAN (2 parts) uses the same character but is by different hands. mind-control-honey-01.txt mind-control-honey-02.txt HYPNOSEX by DAX MAN involves better sex through hypnosis. No real violence. Nearest thing I've seen to consensual MC. mind-control-hypnosex.txt MARISA GOES TO SCHOOL is the tale of a young lady causing havoc at her private school. mind-control-marisa.txt THE BANK is a short story involving a mind controller wandering into a bank and having fun with the employees. No violence, just mind control sex. mind-control-bank.txt HYPNOEROTICA seems to be by the same author as HYPNOTISED SUBMISSIVES and uses some of the same schticks. My copy seems to be incomplete. mind-control-hyperotica.txt HYPNOSIS: A TEACHER'S REVENGE involves fun and games in a Sydney classroom mind-control-hypno-teacher.txt LOVE POTION by is a seemingly incomplete story of a man who buys a love potion to enslave the woman who has rejected him. mind-control-love-potion.txt FROM THE FILES OF THE INSTITUTE has five stories set in the same universe as THE BOOK and appears to be by the same author. Strictly only two are really mc: one about a teenager seducing his best friend's sister and the other about a wife telepathicall getting women for her husband. Of the others one is about a telepath who can transfer into others bodies. One about a receiving telepath turned into a nymphomanic by receiving mens' fantasies about her and the last a long story in which the erotic dre ms of an experimental subject cause a grand orgy among the Institute staff. mind-control-institute.txt THE TREATMENT tells of a man given the chance to join a conspiracy dedicated to brainwashing women. Does he resist temptation when his best female friend is the next victim... What do you think? mind-control-treatment.txt WITCH, NEOPHYTE by Brian C. Ladd ( tells of a student who discovers he has mind control powers over one woman, his beautiful red-haired teacher. Well written and avoids the major flaw of the genre, too quick and easy a triumph f r the evil mind controller. mind-control-witch.txt MESMER involves a psychology student using hypnosis to seduce a classmate. (Clearly I went for the wrong degree.....) mind-control-mesmer.txt THE STORY OF JANE involves the humiliation of a snotty law student by...well, just about everybody. She was given a drug that makes her obey anyone she meets and then seems o have this penchant for explaining her strange predicament to everyone she mee s who then take advantage of it... mind-control-jane.txt Dave's Fiancee by THE MIND CONTROL FAN ( seems to be much the same sort of story as THE AMPLIFIER . I have what is obviously only the first part of many. Any help gratefully received. mind-control-daves-fiancee.txt Mental Cruelty (2) Also by the MIND CONTROL FAN is another story of mental domination. It has no physical violence but plenty of humiliation. Incomplete: I believe that a part 3 is circulating but without the author's permission. mind-control-mental-cruelty.txt NUMBER PLEASE also by THE MIND CONTROL FAN is a brief vignette in which a mind controller exchanges words with the ladies at the Telephone Company mind-control-number-plz.txt MY SEX SLAVE (6) by The Mountain Man ( is a story of hypnotic seduction and fantasy. mind-control-my-sex-slave.txt FIRST ORGASM and SESSIIONS by the same author both claim to be true accounts of real-life hypnotic sex encounters. THE KIDNAP is a short story (?account of a fantasy session?) centred on the woman featured in SESSIONS. mind-control-first-orgasm.txt mind-control-sessions.txt mind-control-the-kidnap.txt THE MILK MAN by LAUREN involves a dentist who uses drugs and mind control to turn his patients into milker slaves. mind-control-milk-man.txt NICE GUYS CONTROL MINDS TOO by is a brief story of a young man who discovers his mind control powers. A *NICE* young man. No, honest..... mind-control-nice-guys.txt FICTA involves of all unlikely things a woman having her mind rewritten by an Amiga.... mind-control-ficta.txt THE NAKED GYMNASTS has very little sex action. A hypnotising coach gets his young girl gymnasts to pose for him naked. mind-control-gymnasts.txt MY STORY is another co-ed seduced by hypnosis tale. Some watersports. mind-control-my-story.txt THE SHAPING by LE (?) is the story of a woman gradually remade by an unseen master. Rather good. But I wish the author would learrn to use punctuation. I had to put in all the full stops myself.... mind-control-shaping.txt SOULS FOR SALE by Keith Thernes is the story of a university lecturer who discovers that trading for souls can give him power over the minds of women. What I have looks like a part one.... mind-control-soulsale.txt THE EXPERIMENT by Deidre ( is the story of a student who is offered her fantasy partner as a slave. But the student wants more.... mind-control-experiment.txt LUNCH by the same author involves a secretary who tries to cover for her bosses strange abscence with a very persuasive salesman. (You know, if I had mind control powers I think I'd find me a better job than salesman....) mind-control-lunch.txt THE BRACLET also by Deirdre is a very nice story of a female student who watches while a male student excercises a strange control over her favourite lady lecturer. Very well written as is all the stuff I have by Deirdre. mind-control-bracelet.txt UNHEARD MELODIES THAT ARE SWEET by (Michael E. Rubin ("Bono")) is obviously a first sketch for a later series. Mind Control by magic and possession. mind-control-unheard.txt BETH IN STOCKS by ( is that rarity, genuine consensual MC. Beth awakes one night to find herself in a set of stocks being taken along a corridor. mind-control-beth.txt MASTER AND SLAVE by Lord of Shadows ( tells of a woman enslaved by a mysterious package who hurries off to her rendezvous with her unknown and unseen master. mind-control-master-and-slave.txt WESLEY'S BREAK by Weasel ( has Ensign Crusher spending his vacation whipping a little something up in the ENTERPRISE's labs that drives women wild with lust. And he seems like such a nice young man..... mind-control-wesley.txt HOLD THE LINE by Heimdall is another story of long range domination by phone apparently inspired by NUMBER PLEASE. M domination of F and FF action. The mind controller eventually gets his cumuppance. Good, not too nasty. mind-control-hold-the-line.txt Re-Genisis, GEF-26A by Ansuz, ( has two sisters transformed into genetically enhanced sex slaves. Rather good but short. mind-control-regenesis.txt PART TWO:. The following Bibliography was given me by another enthusiast and slightly modified by me. The following are stories I'm in search of. Mind Control Stories from USENET: A Bibliography (Version 2) Assembled by The Mind Control Fan ( Unknown Authors The Adventures of Lisa (32) Beyond Wisdom Achilles Corporal Punishment on the Case II (2) Antaeus Feldspar ( A Thing That Goes Hump The Flying Yank ( Fallen Angel (3) ( Imagination Jurgen van der Wilk ( Andrew (9) pencil dragon ( Jafar's Revenge The Swede Aphasian Nights topazzz ( Eve of Dark Love Writer Man Master of the Hand PART THREE: MIND CONTROL IN MAINLINE SF The following is an incomplete list of published sf containing themes of sexual mind control. Dean R.Koontz "Night Chills". Star. Sublimninal messages and drugs give a 'mad scientist' total control over the inhabitants of a small American town. One of this prolific author's best. Spider Robinson 'The Paranoid' in "Callahan's Lady". Ace. A mad female scientist takes over the world's best whorehouse to gain her revenge on both sexes. See also "Night of Power" and chapter 3 of "Mindkiller" for more evidence of Robinson's interest in SM. Russ Martin "Rhea" (Published in UK as "Chains"), "The Possession of Jessica Young","The Desecration of Susan Browning" ,"The Obsession of Sally Wing" & "The Education of Jennifer Parrish". TOR Horror. Stories of a Satanist conspiracy which can sexually enslave any non-virgin. Dan Simmons "Carrion Comfort" A long and interesting horror novel about telepaths playing games of power and degradation on normal humans. The Complete Works of Jack L.Chalker but especially: The Soul Rider Sequence: "Spirits of Flux And Anchor", "Masters of..", "Empires of...", "Birth of...", "Children of...". The Four Lords of the Diamond Sequence but especially: "Medusa" The G.O.D. Inc Sequence but especially; "The Shadow Dancers" "The Identity Matrix". Chalker returns again and again to the theme of human free will and happiness in the face of technologies and magics that can transform the mind and body. Frau Oppernheimer' "The Devil's Kiss" and sequels. Publishers untraceable. Published in cheap and nasty 'porn' format in Britain these stories of the Anti-Christ Deveril and his ability to enslave women with a kiss were some of my favourite one-handed reading in the seventies. Finally let me recommend my own books (Oh, the conceit of the man!) Stories set in a world where magicians enslave beautiful women. 'Boris Ludmenkov' "Slaveworld", "Slaveworld Inc." and "Slaveworld Tales and Others" Published by Olympia Publishing Ltd 36 Union Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight. PO33 3LE. UNITED KINGDOM Tel; 0983 811783 (From the US the number is 011-44-1983-811783) ESLEY'S BREAK by Weasel (ppp000304@interr