From Nov 10 11:20:27 1995 Date: Sat, 04 Mar 95 22:18:37 GMT From: Boris Ludmenkov To: Subject: THE KIDNAPPING [Attached File: C:\AMIPRO\DOCS\FUNANDGA\MINDCONT\TOLOUVRE\KIDNAP.TXT Size: 41546] mc-the-kidnap.txt I did not write this story. This story was obtained from the internet or a BBS. Most of the multi-part stories were consolidated at the time, and some minor adjustments made, mostly of a cosmetic nature. Enjoy ! A Scene with Leslie Which Starts With a Kidnapping and Ends with a Kid Napping I want to relate a scene that I've enacted several times with my slave Leslie. I'm into hypnotic control, and Leslie is into more 'traditional' bondage - restraints, leather, whipping. Her fantasies involve struggling against a dominant figure who overpowers her. Some of my fantasies involve breaking down a woman's control and dominating her against her will (although many of my fantasies involve a very pliant, willing woman). Since her fantasies involve physical restraint and physical struggle (and mine don't) and mine involve mental control in which the woman becomes fully compliant (and hers don't), we usually have separate fantasy session - sometimes its 'her' night, sometimes 'mine'. The fantasy that I'm going to describe is one that I've developed to please us both. It contains both physical restraint and struggle and hypnotic domination. In the several times that we've played this scene out, we've both found it exciting and satisfying. I'll present a composite scenario, not identical to any one scene we've created, but containing elements from several. I've 'fictionalized' the account - relating the scene as if it were real; mostly the account is true-to-scene as we've enacted them. I'd also like to extend an offer. Leslie and I (for a variety of reasons, partly geographic, partly the directions our lives have taken) haven't had an opportunity to play lately. Consequently, I'd like to find a new slave to train. If you're a woman who finds this depiction exciting (particularly if you're in the Westchester Co/Rockland Co/NYC/ Fairfield Co/Litchfield Co area), please feel free to drop me a line. Hope you enjoy! Mountain Man ----------------------------------------------------------------- THE KIDNAP The woman was perfect for my purposes. Dark, lovely, with the shy and hesitant manner that tokens a suggestible woman. Perhaps most important, she lived alone in an isolated rural area - her nearest neighbor was almost a quarter of a mile away. I'd been watching her for several days - learning her ways, becoming familiar with her habits. I knew that she always went to bed exactly at 11 and that if she had visitors, they always arrived before 9. I waited for an evening when she was home alone. When 10 o'clock arrived, I knew that we wouldn't be disturbed by any evening callers. I watched though the windows of her living room as she moved about the house. When I saw her go into the bedroom, I quietly eased in through the front door. Softly and silently I approached her from behind and, with a sudden motion, pounced, the pad ready in my hand. I clamped it quickly and accurately over her mouth and nose. The chloroform worked swiftly; she struggled for a few moments and then collapsed limply into my arms. I lowered her to the floor and moved to the window, motioning to my assistants. With the ease of a job performed many times, my assistants loaded her into the waiting van. I drove down the gravel drive and into the country road while they tied her hands, applied another dose of chloroform and then gagged and blindfolded her. As the unconscious woman was being attended to, I turned onto the highway, and a few miles later, exited onto a secondary road. Several more miles and turns brought us to my bungalow. I drove the van into the garage, and after closing the door, my assistants unloaded the woman, one carrying her feet, one her hands. She was still limply unconscious, as they carted her down into my sound-proofed basement training-room. I had them hold her upright as I fastened handcuffs to each of her wrists. With her hands bound, she dangled loosely from where the manacles attached to the ceiling. I placed a thick leather collar around her neck, and fastened the ring in the collar to an eyebolt in the wall. Finally, I fitted each of her ankles into a shackle bolted to the floor, her feet spread slightly more than shoulder width. With the woman now completely immobilized, I was almost ready to awaken her and begin her training. I donned my black mask, a cloth that completely covers my head leaving only small eyeholes visible. This mask adds to a woman's disorientation and increases her fear - both of which enhance the training process. Once the mask was in place, I removed her gag, then placed a vial of smelling salts beneath her nostrils. The woman jerked and, by the tension in her body, I could tell that she was awake and becoming aware of her predicament. She struggled for a few moments, testing the restraints at ankles, wrists, and neck. While she was struggling, I reached behind her head and deftly removed her blindfold. When she saw me - totally masked and clothed in black - she gasped and then let out a small scream. She quickly regained a small measure of self-control and with a look of abject fear on her face said, "Who are you? Why am I here?" "I'm called the Master. I specialize in supplying women such as yourself to a very exclusive clientele. They enjoy the use of women that have been through a very special training program that I have devised." "You'll never get away with this," she spat. Her face was twisted in fear and anger, her body trembling. "Oh, on the contrary, my dear. I've trained over 150 women just like you, and I've yet to fail with a single one. My training is completely irresistible. It will turn you into the perfect sex slave for the men I supply, and you're completely powerless to resist it." As I spoke, I touched a finger to her cheek and gently caressed her face. Her trembling increased, and a hunted look, the look that one often sees in caged animals, was in her eyes. She continued to struggle, but was bound tightly to the wall, ceiling, and floor. "You're a most beautiful woman, and will be most pleasing to my clients. You're very responsive and suggestible - perfect for my purposes." As I continued to talk, I ran my hand downward from her face, briefly caressing the the smooth skin of a shoulder, then lower, brushing the outside of her breast, coming to rest in the small of her back. I pulled her body toward me, pressing against her, as I rubbed her breasts and stomach with my other hand. She was heaving and panting with fear. Her full breasts straining against the thin fabric, her enticing cleavage enhanced by the low cut of her dress. She tried to lunge forward, snapping her teeth, but I was carefully to stay several inches from her mouth. I chuckled at the attempt, and noted a look of despair, as two small tears pooled at the corners of her eyes and then trickled down her face. "You're completely in my power, my dear, and soon will be unable to resist me in any way." "Never," she hissed. "You can't do this. You'll never get away with it. I'll never do what you want." "Ah, but you will. You're already doing exactly as expected and exactly as I wish. Your fear and your anger will soon exhaust you and as they do, you'll become more and more responsive to my control. You'll find that as you tire, it becomes harder and harder to resist me. More and more you'll find yourself responding to my voice, responding to my suggestions, becoming unable to resist, completely unable to resist." As I intoned in a gentle, soothing, monotonous voice, I continued to softly caress her body. She was struggling wildly, tugging in vain against her bonds. An important part of the early stages of my training involves clearly establishing in a woman's mind her powerlessness and my ability to make use of her body, and by association her inner self, in any way that I choose. I ran a hand upward to her face, and fondled her cheek. After a time, I moved a finger to her lips and began stroking. She lunged at my finger repeatedly, but each time I successfully evaded her, and immediately returned to my caresses. After several unsuccessful attempts, she whimpered, and her body slumped against the restraints. "You're seeing now how useless it is to resist. You're discovering that I'm completely in control. You find that you're powerless, completely powerless. Your struggles are completely ineffective; I have complete control over your body, complete control over your body." With this, I moved my hand downward and, slipping beneath the neck of her dress, began to caress her breasts. I lightly flicked each of her nipples and felt them harden against my fingers. "You see how your body responds to me, responds to my deep and complete control, deep and complete control. Deep ... and complete." A certain type of woman responds to abuse, to violence against her, by marshaling her resources, by standing tough and firm. Another sort of woman becomes passive, seeking mental escape from a harsh scenario. This sort becomes highly receptive to anyone who will tell her what to do, particularly if she perceives an escape, even if only into fantasy. With this sort of woman, intensifying the threat and terror of a situation forces her into a state of hyper-suggestibility. With these thoughts firmly in mind, I picked up a knife from a nearby table and, with a sudden motion, placed the blade against the tip of her nose. Her eyes filled with horror as they focused on the long, gleaming blade. I moved my face close to hers and whispered, "Complete control, my dear, complete control." Very carefully I slipped the knife blade beneath the hem of her dress, and laid the cold steel against her bare thigh. Her body was trembling violently as I slid the blade over her smooth skin, inserted the point beneath her silken panties and then, in an instant, sliced though the fabric. I repeated the motions, cutting the other leg of her panties, and the now-ruined garment dropped to the floor. I slid my other hand under her dress, and rubbed her now-naked mound. She twisted and writhed, but I maintained contact, and after a brief time slid a finger into her moist passage. As I did, she stiffened, and sobs began to wrack her body. I slowly stroked in and out of her, matching the rhythm to the slow and measured cadence of my voice. "You're so helpless ... so helpless ... so unable to resist ... completely powerless to resist ... powerless to resist my deep control .. deep control ... deep control." With each slow and monotonous intonation of the word "deep", I slid my finger fully inside her. Gradually, I felt the tensing and twisting of her body slackening. I knew that the extreme violation that she was experiencing was driving her into shock and that this would heighten her passivity and docility. "You feel how your resistance tires you. So very, very tired. Resistance tires you. More and more tired and heavy. The more that you struggle, the more tired you become. Your body is so tired and heavy, tired and heavy." I removed my hands from her body, and as I did, she heaved a sigh of relief and her body visibly relaxed. "Your body is relaxing, feel it relax. Notice how heavy your arms are. The effort of holding them up tires them. The tension tires them. They feel so heavy ... so very, very heavy. You want to lower them, but cannot. You cannot lower them, so they must tire and grow heavy, very heavy. Each moment the weight of your body tugs you down, down. It's so hard to hold up your heavy arms. Your heavy, heavy body is so tired, so very tired." For several minutes I continued my suggestions. Gradually, her face took on a slack and vacant appearance. Her arms hung limply from the cuffs, and her eyelids began to tremble. "Look into my eyes now," I commanded. She seemed to have lost much of her volition. Slowly she turned her dull and lusterless eyes to gaze at me. As she stared into my eyes, the trembling of her eyelids became more pronounced, and slowly the lids began to droop. "You're so tire and heavy ... so tired and heavy. Your legs are tired and heavy. Feel how tired they are. You've been standing for so long .. your legs are so very weary. So very, very tired ... and heavy. Your whole body is tired ... fatigued. You want to lie down now, don't you?" "Yes," she breathed in a barely audible voice. "Yes, you want to lie down and sleep. To let your heavy, tired body relax and sleep. You want to lie down more than anything in the world. Isn't that right?" "Yes." "I'm going to let you lie down now and go to sleep. Deep, deep asleep. It will feel so wonderful to let your body relax. To feel free and relaxed ... free and relaxed ... relaxed and heavy ... relaxed and heavy ... to be free and sleep ... deep, heavy sleep." Quickly and smoothly I released her, first her ankles, then her neck, and finally her hands. Langorously she rubbed her chaffed wrists. She was having difficulty staying on her feet and, half-supporting her, I guided her to the nearby bed. With a sigh of relief she eased onto the mattress and I lay down beside her. I turned her face toward me and gazed into her eyes. "I want to go to sleep." "Yes, I know and soon I shall let you sleep deeply." "Can't I sleep alone," she asked in a plaintive, little-girl voice. "Not just yet, but soon, very soon. Soon you shall sleep and then I will leave you to sleep by yourself, deeply and peacefully. Look into my eyes now, deep into my eyes and soon you shall sleep. Feel how very, very tired you are. Notice how very heavy your eyelids grow. More and more heavy. As you gaze into my eyes, feel your eyelids closing, closing, closing. So heavy, so very heavy." By now, her ability to resist was negligible. Soon her eyelids were blinking rapidly as she struggled to keep her eyes open. "Feel how very, very heavy your eyes are now. How wonderful it would be to let them close ... to drift deep ... deep asleep ... feel your eyes closing now ... they close tighter and tighter ... tighter and tighter as you enter a deep and heavy sleep." The trembling of her eyelids became more and more pronounced and then, within a few moments, her eyes closed completely. Her features relaxed and her head slumped loosely on the pillow. "You're deeply asleep now, deeply asleep; each moment going deeper and deeper. You hear only my voice, only my voice. Notice how easy it is to listen to my gentle, soothing voice. Only my voice. You find that you want to hear the sound of my voice, to follow my voice, to listen closely and carefully to everything I tell you. Notice how very relaxed and pleasant you feel right now. As you listen to my voice and respond to my voice, you'll find yourself feeling more and more pleasant and relaxed. Whenever you respond to my voice, you'll find yourself feeling very, very good. "Now Leslie," (I had learned her name during my surveillance), "I want you to notice how very heavy your eyelids are. They are heavy and leaden; no matter how hard you try, you'll be unable to open them. They're much to heavy to open. I want you to try and open your eyes now." With this, I noted her brow furrowing, and her eyelids trembling. Clearly, she was attempting to open her eyes, but with no success. Now confident that she was firmly under my hypnotic control, I proceeded with the training regime. "You may stop trying now and as you let your heavy eyes relax, you go even deeper asleep. Very, very deep now. Now Leslie, I'm going to give you a very special phrase. Whenever you hear this phrase, you will go into a deep and heavy sleep just like the one you're in now. When you hear the phrase, your eyes will become heavy and close. Whenever I put you to sleep, you will follow any instructions that I give you. You will have a deep desire to respond to all of my suggestions. The phrase is 'at my command'. Only when you hear my voice speak this phrase will you go to sleep, but whenever you hear me say 'at my command', you will instantly go into a very deep sleep. Do you understand, Leslie." "Yes," she murmured. "Very good, Leslie. Now, in a few moments I'm going to give you another signal. The signal is the phrase 'hot and sexy'. When you hear me speak this phrase, you'll find yourself becoming aroused. You'll find that you begin to tingle with sexual arousal, that sexual tension begins to build in your body, becomes very strong. Whenever you hear me speak this phrase, if you're asleep as you are now, or if you're awake, you'll find yourself becoming powerfully aroused. More and more aroused with each breath. With each moment feeling more passionate and sexy. Do you understand these instructions, Leslie?" "Yes," she said in a whisper. "Excellent. Now Leslie, at this very moment you're feeling hot and sexy." As I spoke the trigger phrase, she gasped and her breathing instantly became deeper and heavier. Her body began to move slowly and rhythmically on the bed. Her hips were undulating, at first slowly and then gradually more rapidly. Her breathing became increasingly rapid and shallow, her chest heaving. After a time, she began to run the tip of her tongue over her lips, caressing the tender flesh. "Leslie, I want you notice how tight and uncomfortable your dress is. You want to remove it now. Go ahead and take your dress off, Leslie." Very slowly, her hands moved upward toward the shoulder straps of her dress. Her movements were as through a thick, viscous fluid. Slowly, slowly her hands moved. I continued to give suggestions of discomfort, a desire to undress - commands that she was unable to resist. At last her hands reached the straps and slowly and langorously she pulled them off of her shoulders and then slowly slid the dress downward. She wasn't wearing a bra, and soon she had pulled the fabric down over her breasts revealing the firm milky mounds topped by pink nipples, tight with arousal. When her hands reached her hips, she slowly lifted her body, and slid the fabric downward. After a couple of minutes, she had completely disrobed. She lay naked on the bed, eyes tightly closed, her body slowly and sensuously writhing with arousal. "I want you to focus your attention on your breasts now. Become aware of how hard your nipples are. Your breasts are full and heavy with arousal. They're aching to be touched, stroked. You want so badly to feel your firm, sexy breasts being caressed. Touch your breasts now, Leslie." Again her hands moved slowly up her body. One hand came to rest against her stomach, while the other continued upward until her fingers encountered an engorged nipple. Very slowly she circled the nipple, stroking with her finger tips. I continued to encourage her with suggestions of arousal. Her hips tensed and relaxed rhythmically, and gradually her caresses became firmer and more insistent. She was kneading her breast now with palm and fingers, gasping in synchrony with her self-massage. "Both hands now, Leslie. Both hands stroking and arousing." She moved her unoccupied hand quickly to her other breast and rubbed and squeezed the tight flesh. Her tongue stroked over her lips rapidly and passionately, her head swaying back and forth. "Your pussy is craving attention now, Leslie. It is moist and ready. So aroused, so very aroused. You want very much to touch it. You want to touch it so badly. But not until I tell you that you may. Not until I give you permission may you touch your hot and sexy pussy ... your hot and sexy pussy." She responded to my suggestions with an even stronger movements of her hips. Her legs were tightly clamped and she was rhythmically squeezing her thighs together. As I continued to suggest desire, but withheld satisfaction, she began to moan, her mouth open wide. "You want to touch your pussy so badly, Leslie. You want it, you need it. You need it very badly." Her moaning took on a whimpering quality. Soon she began to whisper, "please ... please." "You may touch your hot and sexy pussy now, Leslie." Instantly, a hand flew between her legs. She gasped as the hand stroked rapidly along her well-lubricated slit. After a few strokes, a single finger disappeared into her moist cavern. Her hips were bucking wildly, her body thrashing back and forth on the mattress. "You want my touch, Leslie. You want to feel me stroke your body. You find me very, very sexy, and want to feel my hands rubbing you, touching you, fondling you. You want that very, very much." "Yes, yes," she murmured as she responded to my suggestions. "Touch me .. please touch me." I laid a hand on her stomach and slid upward over the smooth, firm flesh. Cupping a breast, I squeezed gently, circling the nipple with my thumb. She arched her back, pressing into my palm. I laid my other hand on top of hers, one of my fingers joining her in probing deep inside. "You want to kiss me now, Leslie. You want to kiss me deeply and passionately. You want to feel your body pressed against mine. Go ahead and kiss me now, Leslie." Within moments this sexy woman was squirming against me, her lips glued tightly to mine. Her tongue thrust into my mouth while she moaned and writhed. I continued to fondle her breast and pussy as her movements became stronger and more insistent. After several extremely pleasurable minutes, I moved my mouth up to her ear and continued my instructions. "Now Leslie, you want to feel my cock inside you. Become aware now of how strong your desire is. You are thinking only of the intense pleasure that you will feel once I've entered you. You want it, and in fact, need it. You will need to ask for it, Leslie, before I give you what you want. Ask now, Leslie." "Please fuck me, " she replied. "Again, Leslie." "Please fuck me." "You need to keep asking until I give you permission. Continue to beg for what you need so badly, Leslie. So very badly." "Please fuck me. Please. I need you. Please give me your cock. I need it now. Please, please." She was babbling and moaning, her body insistent against my hands. After about 30 seconds of non-stop pleading, I gave her permission. "You may have what you want now, Leslie. I allow you to make it happen." With that she crawled on top, and straddled me. Her eyes still tightly closed, she reached down and by touch alone, located my penis. Fitting it to her moist opening, she thrust downward, engulfing me completely. I grasped the soft flesh of her buttocks and guided her up and down my shaft. She was extremely attuned to my subtle cues, immediately matching her rhythm to the motions of my hands. Her back was arched as she rocked back and forth, her hands still caressing her breasts and stroking at the top of her slit. "Your pussy is tightening, Leslie. Tighter and tighter." Her moans became cries of pleasure as her vibrant muscles tightened around my shaft. Within moments, I was ready to explode. I gasped out a set of preparatory instructions. "When I say the phrase 'Stop now', Leslie, you will press your body down tightly against mine and will stop moving. Your pussy will tighten and relax in rhythm with my hands squeezing your behind, but your body will not move. Do you understand?" "Yes." With that, I felt my orgasm begin. "Stop now," I yelled. Her body pushed tightly against me. For a seemingly endless time I spurted into her, with my touch controlling the contractions of her cunt around my straining cock. Throughout she was moaning and crying. When I had nothing left, I released my grip and her spent body collapsed against me. After resting for a few minutes, I continued her training. "Leslie, I want you to tell me the phrase that sends you to sleep." "At my command, " she replied dreamily. "Very, very good. Now in a moment, I'm going to awaken you. When I snap my fingers, you will open your eyes and fully awaken. Completely awake." I snapped my fingers near one of her ears. She opened her eyes, and for a moment appeared stunned. Quickly, she realized what had happened. She glanced downward, first at her naked breasts, and then to where my still-stiff rod was nestled within her. With a cry of shock and revulsion, she leaped off the bed and huddled in a corner. As I arose and approached her, she cowered, trying to press her body as close to the walls and as far from me as possible. "What have you done to me," she wailed. Tears began coursing down her cheeks and her body trembled violently. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and began rocking her head back and forth. "No ... no ... no ..., " she moaned. "Ah yes, my dear. It is exactly as I forecast. You are my sex slave now. You have no choice but to respond to my commands fully and completely." As I spoke, she stared at me, wide-eyed with horror. She continued her protestations, "no ... no ... no," as if she could somehow negate reality. "Yes. You're fully aware now that I own you. Fully aware that you are completely at my command." As I spoke the post-hypnotic trigger phrase, her eyes immediately closed, her features went slack, her chin dropped to her chest. "Excellent, Leslie. You are responding excellently. Each time that I put you to sleep, you'll find yourself going deeper and deeper. Each time, you will respond more and more readily to my commands. "Now Leslie, I want you to open your eyes but remain deeply asleep." Her eyes popped open, a dull, vacant expression on her face as she turned her glassy gaze toward me. "You will come join me on the bed now, Leslie, and once in bed you'll find yourself overcome with a desire to lick and suck my penis. You'll be consumed with your desire to suck me ... to suck my penis deep into your throat ... to feel my hard shaft filling your mouth. Come to bed now, Leslie." In a deep somnubalistic state, she slowly approached the bed and then lowered herself to the mattress. She slid down the bed until her face was level with my crotch and then slowly began to lick my limp, sticky member. As my shaft hardened, she took it between her lips, and began to stroke up and down my length. Within a few moments, I was fully erect, and buried to the hilt in her warm, moist mouth. She rocked back and forth, moaning passionately, as her lips slid over my stiff cock. I laid a hand atop her head and, as before, effortlessly controlled her rhythm. She was taking me fully inside, pressing her lips firmly against the base on each down-stoke and sucking strongly, her lips squeezed tight, on the up-strokes. "You feel deep and intense pleasure between your legs now, Leslie. Complete and total pleasure. Concentrate on your stroking, and just allow this marvelous pleasure to take its course." With that, her hips began to contract rhythmically. I propped my head up on several pillows, giving me a good view of her squirming body. Her moans became even more intense as she continued her deep stroking. After several minutes, during which she missed not a single beat, my balls began to tighten, and I could feel another orgasm approaching. "Leslie, as soon as you feel me beginning to cum, you will awaken. You will awaken completely as soon as you feel me cumming. You will find that you will be unable to stop sucking, however, until I tell you to stop. You will continue the exact same sucking motions that you are making now, even once you are awake. You'll find yourself unable to stop, no matter how hard you try." As I gasped out the last of these commands, I began to squirt into her mouth. Her body stiffened, and she began to sob, tears streaming down her face, even as she continued to bob up and down on my shaft. Again and again my cock jerked within her. The sight of this helpless woman, struggling to resist as her body responded to me, enhanced my orgasm. After a long and pleasurable peak, my cock began to quiet. Even so, I withheld the command that would free my newly-found slave, enjoying the bleak look of despair on her face as she continued to mouth my softening member. At last, I said, "stop," and watched with satisfaction as she collapsed into a quivering, tearful heap. ***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1994, Mountain Man Duplicating this story, with no changes or omissions, is permitted (encouraged) for non-commercial purposes. All other rights are reserved. All copies must retain this notice.