From news.ICSI.Net!!!! Sat Oct 28 15:22:49 1995 Message-ID: <> Path: news.ICSI.Net!!!! Newsgroups: From: X-Anonymously-To: Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 03:03:23 UTC Subject: Hypnosis homework (mf hypno mc nc?) Lines: 611 This is my first post to I have a lot of not-very-good hypnosis fantasies that I've written and plan to post here. Thanks to the MNA archive postings and to RC for inspiration to share this with the rest of you. All criticism appreciated! HypnoFan I had signed up for the mail-order course on stage hypnosis, though I was not really interested in actually becoming a professional. I just wanted to try to understand what it was that made people obey like that. I guess I also thought that it might be fun to learn how, just to try it out. As the weeks of the course went by, and I did a lot of extra reading on my own, I was getting pretty confident in my ability to use the techniques I had learned, but lacking in opportunity. Finally, one week, our assignment was to find three people that we didn't know ahead of time and hypnotize them, either all three at once or each individually. But I was still really nervous ... I mean, what do I do, just walk up to someone and say "I'm taking this home-study hypnosis course and I'm looking for volunteers, wanna try it?" So most of a week had passed by, and I still hadn't figured out what to do to get my three subjects. Friday afternoon I did my usual trip across the street from the office to the copy store, to use their color machine. The woman working at the counter, who I'd seen many times before but never said more than "Which machine should I use? Thanks," to .... there was something about her that just made me think she'd be a good first subject. Something in the way she responded as I reached out to take the copier key from her just looked like a sign of a hypnotizable person. But how to ask her? I finished making my copies and returned the key to her, slowly settling it into her hand and ending with a careful, light twitch to one side, as I asked her "how late do you work tonight?" "We close at six, but I don't get off till seven," she replied, as her hand slowly drifted off to the side. She was every bit as responsive as I had guessed. She brought her hand back under control as she looked down at the copier key to figure out how much to charge me. I still had no idea what I was going to say to her. And I only had a few seconds more until she'd be finished counting out my change. So I just came right out and said, "I'm taking this course on hypnosis, and my homework for this week is to find three people I don't know and hypnotize them. Could I persuade you to volunteer for me?" She stopped counting the change and looked straight at me for a moment. She seemed to be considering the idea. I smiled, trying to look as harmless and friendly as possible, and she said "Um, I guess maybe you could." as she smiled at me. I was so relieved I hardly knew what to say. "Well, that's a relief. I was so nervous about asking you!" I hadn't really intended to admit that, but there it was. "Could we meet after work today? I work right across the street, I could just stay in the office till 7 and you could come over when you're done?" "Um," she raised her eyes as she thought it over, which I had been taught to think of as a signal that she was a visual thinker, "yeah, that should work ok." "Great! Oh, by the way, my name's Joshua." "Denise." she said, smiling. I told her the rest of the details of how to find me in the building, collected my change and my copies, and happily walked back to work. Fortunately it was near the end of the day as I just couldn't concentrate on my work any longer. Even though I stayed late, waiting for 7 to roll around, I got less work done than in a usual till-5 day. But at least I was as ready as I could be for Denise to arrive, having thought through what techniques I was going to use, and what kind of responses I might expect, and how to react to them. Finally, at about 7:15, she arrived. "I had to grab a quick bite to eat before I came over here. How long do you think this will take, anyway? I need to know when I'm getting home." "Well, it could just be a few minutes if you want, but I'd like it if we could spend a bit longer. Tell you what, I'll just hypnotize you, then wake you up, and if you decide you want to leave early you can, OK?" "Sure. Um, so what do I do now, Joshua?" I settled her into my nice, comfortable desk chair. Since she wasn't very tall, the back was high enough for her to rest her head against, and the chair had levers which locked out its ability to recline or swivel, so I just tilted her back a bit and then pulled the levers. I asked if there was anything in particular she wanted me to suggest while she was in trance, or anything I should avoid, and she said no. Then I asked "Are there any questions about hypnosis that you want me to answer before I put you into a deep trance?" and she just told me to go ahead. I told her to rest her hands comfortably in her lap and to stare up at the corner of the room. I started telling her that one of her hands was going to start feeling lighter, timing the word lighter to come just after she started breathing in. I repeated that a few times, synchronizing it with her breathing, and gave her several other ideas to think about ... "one of your fingers may twitch first, before your hand starts feeling lighter. You may notice that one hand feels heavy as the other starts to feel lighter. As you relax more and more, you know that soon your hand will feel lighter, and begin to float into the air. You might not have been noticing the whirr of the air conditioner, but as you begin to hear it your hand starts to feel lighter. [pause] As your eyes begin to grow tired, your hand feels like it's filled with helium, floating it up. You can imagine a whole bouquet of helium balloons, pulling it up. You probably weren't paying attention to the feeling of the chair pressing up against you, or the feeling of your shoes on your feet, while your hand gradually grew lighter and lighter." I continued like that for a while, and soon her hand started to drift up off her lap a bit. I told her that it would float up toward her face, and when the back of her hand touched her cheek she'd be in a very deep trance. "As your hand floats upward, your eyelids begin to feel more and more tired ... and we don't know what will happen when you go into a very deep trance as your hand touches your cheek. Probably your eyes will already be closed by then, but maybe they will close as your hand touches your cheek, or a bit after." Her eyelids were starting to droop, and her hand was floating twitchily upward, about a foot above her knee now. "When you go into a deep trance, as your hand touches your cheek, your arm might drop quickly back into your lap as you relax completely. Or as you relax, your arm might slowly sink back toward your lap. Or when you're in a deep trance you might find that your hand is stuck to your cheek there. We won't know what's going to happen until your hand reaches your cheek ... almost there now ... deep asleep now." Her hand reached her face and her head nodded forward a bit, causing her long hair to fall a bit over her shoulders and around her face. A moment later, her eyes closed. Although it looked rather awkward, the back of her hand stayed up touching her cheek. "Very good." I gave her some deepening suggestions, and then prepared to wake her up. "In a few moments, I'm going to wake you _up_ by counting _up_ to three and snapping my fingers. When you wake up this time," I put a slight emphasis on the words _this time_, "you will remember everything, so that we can talk about what happened during your trance. Are you ready to wake up now?" "OK." she said quietly. I counted to three and snapped my fingers. After a moment's pause, her eyes blinked very rapidly a few times and then opened. She slowly raised her head. Her hair was still fallen around her face, and her right arm tensed and relaxed a few times as she tried to pull the back of her hand away from her face. Finally she reached up with her left hand and awkwardly brushed back her hair. "Um ... Joshua? My ... hand is still stuck." "That's OK. I'll release it the next time I hypnotize you, in a few minutes. But for now, is there anything in particular you'd like to talk about?" "Um, wait a minute. I just want to see if I can resist this here, and pull my hand free." With a look of concentration on her face, she tensed her arm muscles, wiggled her fingers, waved her elbow back and forth, and finally said "I can't move it! That's so amazing!" "Why is that amazing? If you cooperate with the hypnosis, and you accept the suggestion, then your subconscious should be able to keep you from moving your arm ..." "Well, when you told me about the possibilities of what would happen when my hand reached my face, I thought for sure that it would relax slowly down into my lap when I closed my eyes, but then it just stayed up there. And it's kind of an awkward position, so I thought it would get uncomfortable after a while, but at least so far it only feels uncomfortable when I struggle." "Well, Denise, you're doing great so far. I'm so glad you agreed to volunteer for me. Is there anything else you want to talk about now?" She shook her head, and I remembered I should ask her about her past experience with hypnosis. I should have asked that at the beginning! She replied, "I've never been hypnotized before, but I went to a stage show once and ... will you just unstick my hand first before we go into that? I'm getting sick of having it up there on my face. What are you going to do to hypnotize me again? You didn't say anything about that during my trance ..." I smiled at her, looked into her eyes, and said "you woke up when I counted up to three ..." and then snapped my fingers and counted down, 3, 2, 1. Her eyes closed and her head tipped forward again. I reassured her for a while, relaxed her, deepened the trance a bit. "Now, you wanted me to unstick your hand, right?" She nodded slightly. "OK ... here's what I'm going to do. In a few moments I'm going to wake you up again ... but _this time_ your right arm will still stay in trance. So that after you're awake I can make it unstuck. Then we can talk about the stage show you saw. Are you ready to wake _up_ when I count _up_ to three and snap my fingers, now?" She nodded slightly, and I woke her up. She said, "That's right, I woke up when you counted to three, but what are you going to do to hypnotize me again?" I tried not to show my excitement that it had all worked. "Well, you don't need to worry about that, because your right hand is coming free now ... free ... and slowly sinking toward your lap. Very good. Now, weren't you just saying ..." "Um ... Oh, yes, the stage show I saw. Well, it was with this guy, I forget his name, and he had people doing all kinds of silly stuff. I guess ever since then I've been curious about why it is that people do the things that the hypnotist tells them." Her hand finally reached her lap, and she started a bit, then giggled at her surprise. "And so, do you know now? Why do you do the things I tell you? Like, for example, why does your right arm start slowly floating up until it's straight up in the air?" "Um, well, hey! It is floating! How did you do that? I can't stop it! And now it just won't move. That's so weird!" "Should I let it go, or is it OK to leave it there?" "Oh, you can just leave it I guess, you can relase me later." She smiled at me, and I smiled back. "So was there anything else you saw in that show that interested you? Or anything else you wanted to experience tonight?" "Well, you've shown me what it feels like not to be able to move, I guess." she said, looking at her arm. "But maybe something bigger, like being stuck to the chair, or something like that. I remember the hypnotist I saw made people's hands jump up off their laps and stick together. And he got some people to do some really embarassing things. Like he told them all they'd think they were naked. And he told this one woman, she looked like the best subject up there probably, that she was going to try out for a job as a topless waitress, and she started taking off her shirt right there in front of everyone until he stopped her!" "And how does that make you feel, thinking about that?" "Well, um," she looked down, obviously embarassed. "Well, um, what?" "Well, um, I was worried that you might say something like that to me." "Worried why?" "Um, I thought you might start telling me to take off my clothes while I was in trance." She blushed a bit and looked down. "And what do you think might happen if I said something like that?" "Um, I'd try to resist." "You'd try to resist ..." "But I don't think I could. I felt like I was just an observer, I mean I responded just the way you told me to ... and no matter how hard I struggle even now I can't make my arm move." "You sound like you want to try it, is that true? Or would you be mad at me if I suggested something like that. I want this experience to be pleasant for you, I don't want to ask you to do anything you don't want to." She looked down and didn't say anything. "Please tell me if you want me to do something, um, more sexual ..." She looked up at me and nodded. "I, um, I guess I'm excited ... when I saw that show, I imagined what it would be like to be her, and ... the idea of not being able to resist ..." She bit her lower lip, apparently embarassed at having admitted it. "Yes, it's an exciting idea ... thinking about not being able to resist ... irresistibly going back into trance now." I snapped my fingers and counted down from three to one. Her head immediately slumped forward a bit as her eyelids drooped shut. "You're doing so well!" I told her, and proceeded to deepen the trance again. "Going deeper and deeper each time ... now soon your arm will slooooowly start to sink into your lap. Your arm starts now, slowly sinking into your lap, and when it reaches your lap you'll give me an idea of what you might enjoy having me suggest for you, what you'd like to be unable to resist doing next." I waited while her arm slowly sank, speeding up a bit toward the end as she figured out what to say. "Tell me that each time you say 'strip,' my arms will take off something that I'm wearing." she murmured. "But please also tell me that if I really want to stop I can resist somehow." "Very good. You are going deeper and deeper with each word I say, with each breath you take ... so deep that you know you will do exactly as you are told ... the more you try to resist, the harder it gets ... you listen and obey, as you go deeper and deeper ... and when you awaken, you will have complete control over yourself again, except for one thing ... you know what that one thing is going to be ... that's right, each time I say the word 'strip' your arms will start moving, they'll move and grab a piece of your clothing, the more you try to resist the faster they'll move, and as soon as they grab it they'll pull your clothes right off of you. The more you try to make your arms slow down, the faster they'll do it. And there's only one way to make them stop. The only way you'll be able to stop your arms from taking off your clothes is to say 'please hypnotize me instead,' and as soon as you say that you will go back into trance. The only way to resist, the only way is to say 'please hypnotize me instead,' and when you say that you will instantly be hypnotized and your arms will stop moving. Do you understand?" She nods slowly, smiling slightly. "Very good." I count to 3 and snap my fingers. She blinked a few times as she awoke, and reached up to brush her hair back from her face. "Hey, I can move my arm again! How did that ... oh, you hypnotized me again, didn't you." "That's right ... do you remember what you're going to do when I tell you to strip?" "No," she said, as she pulled off her loosely-knit sweater. It had so many big open stitches to it, it was almost like fishnet. A nice sweater, but watching her take it off wasn't very exciting. I wondered how much more I was going to get to see before she used her way out. "Really?" I asked. "You mean my saying the word 'strip' means nothing to you?" "That's right." she said, as she reached down to take off a shoe. "I don't really remember anything after you counted down to 1." "Hm, well, you were just telling me about the woman who was made to strip by the stage hypnotist?" She took off the other shoe. "Yeah, and how I wondered what it would feel like to be made to do something like that." "Do you think she was aware that he was making her strip?" She reached up and started unbuttoning her shirt, revealing some beautiful white skin. "Well, I think she really believed that she had decided to audition for the topless waitress job, so she was just doing it because of that." She was wearing a black lacy bra. "I don't think she knew that she had been hypnotized even, or that she was at a hypnosis show, I think she thought that she was at some kind of job interview or something." She dropped her shirt on the ground. "It almost seems like you're not aware that, when I tell you to strip, you strip for me." She stood up and started unbuttoning her pants. She looked down, and suddenly became aware of what she was doing. "Oh my!" She started working at the buttons faster. "I can't stop!" As she slid her pants down and stepped out of them, she said, "I didn't imagine that this would be so ... irresistible ..." Her hands slowly drifted up toward her bra. "Please, let me stop taking off my clothes, I'll do anything else you want ..." "Even let me hypnotize you again?" Her hands had reached the hook of her bra. "Yes, anything, please hypnotize me instead." Her eyes closed and her head sank forward again. Her hands still rested on her bra's front hook, half-covering her breasts, and her hair fell forward over her breasts and hands. "Very good, Denise, you're doing so well! So deeply in trance, going deeper and deeper each time ... deeper and deeper with each breath in, and out ..." I picked up her clothes, folded them neatly, and set them on the desk. "So nice, so relaxing, deeper and deeper. "Now I want to let you know that anytime you want to resist a suggestion, any time at all, you can always ask me to hypnotize you instead, and as soon as you ask me you will instantly go into a very deep trance, just like the one you're in now, or even deeper. Just like you did just now, you didn't want to continue, and you always have that way out ... I want you to feel completely comfortable with everything that happens, feel safe ... is there anything else I can do to help you feel more safe, more comfortable?" She nodded. "Please tell me what I can do." She murmured, "Give me some way to resist things you ask me to do while I'm in trance." "OK, just like you can always ask me to hypnotize you instead, if you're awake and there's something you would like to resist ... when you're in trance, if I ask you to do something, you can shake your head and say no if it's not OK with you. And if you shake your head and say no, then you can easily resist the suggestion I've given you. If you decide not to shake your head, the suggestions will be very powerful, you know how powerful they can be. And if you want them to be completely irresistible, you can nod your head or you can smile when I suggest something to you. If you nod your head, or if you smile, the suggestion will become a part of you, as natural and as inevitable as breathing. So you can choose how strong you want the suggestion to be ..." She nodded and smiled. So I continued, "Thank you. And please do smile and nod whenever you're willing to cooperate with what I'm telling you. "Now I'm going to suggest a way that I can access your subconscious, just like I am now, but while you're wide awake. When you're awake, any time that I start a sentence with your name, Denise, and end it with the word 'now,' that sentence will be a posthypnotic suggestion. It will have an effect just as though you were in trance during that sentence, and you'll have the choice of carrying it out or asking me to hypnotize you instead. Is that OK with you?" She nodded. "Very good, thank you. Now, if you like, you may move your arms, brush your hair out of the way if you want to, get more comfortable ..." She raised her head, with her eyes still closed, and her arms twitched a bit. Then she let go of the bra clasp, reached up, and brushed her hair back over her shoulders with both hands, arching her back beautifully. Then she slowly, slowly let her arms hang down by her sides. "Good, feeling very comfortable and relaxed ... deep in trance ... waiting to hear what I'm going to tell you next .... "Whenever we're in this room, any time that we're in this room, I might ask you to please sit down. Whenever I say that, you'll sit down, in the hypnosis chair here, and you won't be able to stand up. No matter how hard you try, you'll be completely stuck in the chair when I ask you to please sit down. You won't be able to stand up until I tell you that you may stand up." She smiled and nodded. "Very good. When you wake up, soon, the word 'strip' will no longer have any particular effect on you. In fact, until I say the word 'realize,' you won't even remember that you've taken off your clothes. You'll think you're still fully dressed. You will forget all about my suggestion to strip, you'll forget all about having taken off your clothes, until I say the word 'realize.' And when I do say that word, and you do suddenly remember what happened, how do you think that will make you feel?" "Surprised." she murmured. "Surprised, and then what?" "Embarrassed. Helpless." she said, and smiled. "That's right, you'll feel surprised to realize what you've done, surprised that you had to obey, that you did exactly as I asked you to do. And then you'll feel a bit embarrassed, to be almost naked here with me, you'll want to cover yourself. You might feel a bit uncomfortable when you become aware that I've been staring at your bare skin, seeing you in your underwear. And then you'll enjoy feeling helpless, as you know you'll go back into trance whenever I want you to, whenever I tell you, Denise, sleep now." She nodded at that last. "And are you ready to wake up when I count up to three and snap my fingers?" She nodded. I counted and snapped. This time she jerked awake suddenly, looking up startled, looking around quickly, and then looking down at her arms. She moved her arms a bit and mumbled something I couldn't hear. Her brow furrowed as she thought about something, looking confused, or puzzled. "I ... you just hypnotized me again, I think?" I nodded, and she nodded back. "You ... you snapped your fingers, and then counted down, right?" I nodded again. "And you made me do ... something, something that I couldn't resist ... but I just can't remember what." I smiled and nodded, staring at her cleavage, then looking down at her slender, muscular legs. She glanced down, too, but apparently found nothing out of the ordinary. An awkward silence. Finally, she asked, "Um, so what next? Are we done for the night? I should be going home soon, it's getting kinda late." "Well, I'd like to continue for a while longer, if that's OK." "Oh, sure, a few more minutes will be fine. But let's _do_ something, not just stand around." "OK, Denise, you're wide awake now, completely wide awake, right?" She nodded. "Well then, what do you think would happen if I told you not to move your arms, or that you had to close your eyes, or something like that?" "Um, well, if you hypnotized me first I'm sure I would do it." She smiled wryly. "I mean, you've already hypnotized my arms a couple times. But otherwise, I mean, I'm totally awake now, I can move or whatever, no problem." I grinned at her and snapped my fingers. I didn't want her to realize what the real cue was right away. "Denise, your eyelids are very heavy now, so very heavy, so hard to hold open." I snapped my fingers again as her eyelids suddenly sagged shut. She shook her head and managed to half-open her eyes. "Wow, I feel totally wide awake still. But..." her eyes closed again briefly, and then half-opened, "my eyes just won't stay open." Her eyes closed again. "But I can still resist some." She set her mouth sternly and dragged her eyelids open just a bit. "Beautiful! You're doing so well, just perfectly." I smiled as she closed her eyes again. "And did you know, Denise, that your arms will obey me now? The sound of my voice completely controls your arms ..." A few moments of silence as I enjoyed the sight of her lidded eyes, her slender, firm body, her smile. She triumphantly opened her eyes fully. "I can move my arms however I want." she said proudly. She reached out and poked me in the ribs. Then her eyelids drooped and slowly sagged shut. "Of course you can, because I haven't told them what to do yet. Arms ..." I snapped my fingers, and paused to think, "reach up and put that hair in a bun." Her arms reached back and began gathering her hair as she shook her head in disbelief. "I'm totally aware of what you told me to do, totally awake, but I can barely open my eyes and I can't stop my arms at all." She shook her head harder, dislodging her hair from her hands, and giggled. But her arms gathered her hair again and started fashioning a bun. When they were halfway finished with their task, and Denise had dragged her eyelids half-open again, I said "Very good, arms, now just hold the hair right there," I snapped my fingers, "arms, freeze." They stopped, obligingly. "Denise..." I said, as I began to walk toward her. I stopped, just inches from her, her breasts nearly touching me, and waited for her eyes to close again. I snapped my fingers. "Your eyes are stuck shut now." Nearly naked, eyes glued shut at my command, arms helplessly up behind her head holding her hair, exposing her bare neck ... I reached out and gently stroked her cheek. She stepped back, pulling away from me. "Denise," your feet are rooted to the floor now, I so much wanted to say, but instead, "your eyes and arms are free now." She opened her eyes, and slowly, hesitantly, let her hair down and brought her arms down. She folded her arms sternly under her breasts, and I couldn't help staring. "I think that's enough for tonight." she said softly but firmly. My heart was in my throat ... all the possibilities ... all that I had given up with one careless touch ... "I have to think about all this, about you, about what I want." "Oh, but do you know ... do you --" I caught myself just in time, then said it anyway, "do you _realize_ what you're doing?" She gasped, looked down, and blushed as she reached up to cover herself. She spotted her clothes, neatly folded on the desk, and her shoes, on the floor next to the chair. Turning her back toward me, she sidestepped over toward the desk. As she reached for her clothes, I just couldn't stop myself. "Please sit down." I said, firmly. She immediately turned toward the chair and took a step toward it. She paused. "I ..." Another step. "I chose to accept that, didn't I." Her leg trembled with the tension, but dragged forward another step toward the chair. "I ... you told me that it would be completely irresistible ..." A final step to the chair, and she turned towards me, bent her knees a bit, about to sit. She shook her head. "I chose, didn't I." she said flatly, without a hint of question. She sat down and looked at me. A pause. She sat, her feet on the floor, her hands resting in her lap, watching me, thinking. I stared back. "Aren't you going to try to stand up, try to resist?" I smiled. "I remember everything now. I don't think there's much point in struggling against this one, I know it won't work." "But suppose I suggested that you, oh, I don't know," I looked down, "...take off your bra for me or something." "I'd tell you to please hyp-- I'd use my way out." she finished, catching herself in time. "OK ... um, but before we go on, would you sign this?" I handed her a clipboard with my correspondence course homework on it. "After all, this is due by next Friday." She looked at it and laughed. "Sure." She signed it, muttering under her breath, "you still need two more..." She took a deep breath, gathering her wits about her. "This has been ... very interesting, but I really need some time to think about it." she said. "And it does make me feel a bit uncomfortable not to have my clothes on. So please ... let's end this for today. Now." I nodded. "You may stand up. But please, give me a hug and tell me that you had fun." She stood up, slowly, staring at her clothes on the desk. She looked at me and paused in thought. "Yes, it was fun. And I learned a lot about myself. And I think I will want to do this again sometime. Thank you." She hugged me firmly but quickly. "I feel the same way, on all counts." I told her as I watched her dress. "Shall we do this again same time next week?" She thought about it, then slowly shook her head. "No, I want to think about it on my own time, without a deadline. Give me your number, and I'll call you when I'm ready for another session." She grinned, and added, "I have some surprises planned for you, too." I nodded, wondering what they might be, and gave her my phone number. She thanked me again and headed for the door. I was tempted to ask her to do one last thing, to stop her, to make her come back, but decided to wait, to let her decide for herself, to give her time. --****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--***ATTENTION*** Your e-mail reply to this message WILL be *automatically* ANONYMIZED. Please, report inappropriate use to For information (incl. non-anon reply) write to If you have any problems, address them to