From news.ICSI.Net!!!! Sun Jan 7 13:14:10 1996 Message-ID: <> Path: news.ICSI.Net!!!! Newsgroups: From: X-Anonymously-To: Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1996 00:41:21 UTC Subject: FZ Story - Hypno-House [hyp, msub, mast] - in two sections Lines: 479 (PART TWO) "Yes, Madame." "Very good... " and you felt a warm rush at her praise. "Each automatic answer shows you the unbreakable strength of my control, doesn't it?... now tell us, do you often masturbate slowly and delicately?" "No." "Tell us how you masturbate..." You aren't even aware that she has begun using the word 'us'... "I look at pictures, and rub myself with lotion." It is just as if someone else's voice is speaking, not yours! "Describe how you begin to masturbate." "I open the magazine and look through the pictures while my..." you pause. "Continue!" comes the firm instruction. "While what?" "... while I get hard." "Your mouth moves instantly at my command. Tell us what gets hard." "My.... my... penis." "Yes, very obedient. Your penis." "Yes, Madame." "What else do you call your penis? What is your favorite term?" "My... cock." "Tell us what you do to your cock." "I pull down my underpants and begin to rub and stroke it." "You love the feeling as your hand slides up and down your cock..." "Yes, Madame." "Say it." "I love the feeling as my hand slides up and down my cock." "Of course you do. What are your picture books showing you?" "Sex." "Women's bodies..." "Yes, Madame." "There are some very special pictures that make you very extra hard, aren't there?" "Yes, Madame." "Describe your favorite pictures." "I like to see women sucking." "Sucking what?" "Sucking a cock." "It makes you imagine it's your cock." "Yes, Madame." "It makes you feel very very aroused, and you want to feeellll those lips around your own cock, don't you?" "Yes, Madame." "What will the woman's lips do on your thick cock?" "They will sliiii.... aahhh..." "What is happening to you?" "O Goddd..." You are now aware that you have worked yourself up to a giant boner; though your eyes are shut, it is twitching in front of you, clenching and squeezing as you speak! "Tell us more about your pictures. What do you like to see?" "Ngh..." I grunt, still extra aware of the heavy weight now grown tall between my thighs. "You may relax a little, forget your cock just a bit, relaxing... good. Continue." "I, ahhh... I like to see butts." "Women's bottoms are exciting, aren't they?" "Yes, Madame." "You like to see them..." "I like to try to see between them. I like to see women holding them. MMMMmmm..." You can almost see the twin globes so pert and smooth in your mind as you answer! "Smooth, firm flesh..." she drones, almost reading my mind! "And you know how good it would feel if your cock could slide up and down the bottom, sliding and pressing its hot length deeper... deeeperrrr..." You moan again as your erectile awareness rebuilds. "...and the smooth flesh might separate..." "Mmmmmnnn..." "...and your penis would slip... in... deeper... softer... and you would look down, and see your long, hot stalk poking right into her through her butt... the butt would start to shake... you'd feel her shaking and quivering and jiggling as she responded to your long thick cock up inside her bottommmm... jiggling..." "gggghhhh..." is all you can muster, you're dick is jerking violently as the reflexes build inexorably. "Relax. Relaxxxx... Hear my voice and obey me. Now tell us where else you touch yourself." "I touch my balls." "How?" "I tickle them and swirl my fingers over them. Sometimes I milk them with my fingertips." "Have you ever pinched and tickled your nipples?" "Yes, Madame." "Are they very responsive and sensitive?" "No, Madame." "Have you ever touched and poked at your anus?" "Yes, Madame." "Yes, you touch and tickle yourself there?" "Yes, Madame." "You have inserted your fingertip inside, perhaps? Tell us what you do, and how it feels..." "....I... I put lotion on my finger and push it up inside, and wiggle it around. I stroke it in and out, and sometimes I pretend someone else is doing it." "Good. Your arm is relaxing back down again, limp and motionless on the chair. When you masturbate, your gaze is drawn to the pictures, drawn so you can't resist them, isn't that so?" "Yes, Madame." "You are rubbing your penis and as you become more and more aroused, the pictures draw you right innnto them... you see the faces, the breasts, the nipples dangling in front of your staring eyes, your eyes bulge as they fasten on the beauuutiful soft buttocks of the women, onto their private parts all swollllen and thick with their liquids... "Now your mouth will speak aloud the word 'organ.'" "Organ." "Say the words: 'my penis.'" Again, you have no trouble in obeying. "My penis." "I control your mind, your body. When I command, you obey." "Yes, Madame." "Now, through your closed eyelids, watch my finger..." You feel yourself get cross-eyed as your eyeballs strain upwards towards that invisible focus. "You are immobile, you will not be able to move a single muscle. Try to move your right hand." All it can do is twitch where it lays at your side. "Give up... you know I control you absolutely... good, you're such a gooood boy... give in and relax... good. All relaxed except for that very tense coccckkkk... Now talk again about your beautiful erect cock... it looks so strong as it pokes straight up. How does it feel?" "It's big... I feel it swelling... tight... it's getting so tight...ohhh... it's aching, Madame!" "What would you do to your thick hard cock if I permitted you?" came the challenge. "Rub it, stroke it... nngh..." Your hand must have twitched towards your groin again, your erection begs for stroking! "No, you may NOT touch yourself... I will stimulate you, and cause you to tremble and quake with need..." and her fingertip leaves your forehead and begins sliding down your chest, slowly, slowly towards your aching groin. Her touch is like lava. As it slowly, slowly trails down your torso the commands continue. "You masturbate, and then you climax. Is it fast?" "Yes, Madame." "Would you like to stay hot for a longer time, feel the heavenly sensations longer and longer? Yes, of course you do! And my commands will help you to prolong your heat, your deep heat, and let it get stronger and stronger. "Now, what is quivering and clenching there... what is it?" "My cock!" you almost shout. "My cock is hot, it's so hot, I want to rub it, I can feel it, it's so heavy... big hard cock... mmmpgh!" Your hips leave the support of your chair as you feel your legs stiffen out straight, you feel as it you are a vibrating plank of wood, spiked right through the middle by a jutting pole! "Yessss... your cock... you can almost feeeeeeeel the deep deep stroking, you feel as if something else is pulling and milking your great big cock... what do you imagine you feel while you masturbate?" "Lips!" you croak, "lips are sucking me!" "Hot, hot lips are sliiiiding up and down, up and down, up... and downnnnn. Say it!" "Up and down... up and down... ohhhh God... sliding up and down..." "Give yourself to it... feel it all along your length... I will that you feel it! The lips pull and stroooke along your cock. You can't get any harder now, you can only throb in response to my commands..." "I feeeeeeel it, I feeeeeeel it!" And indeed there is a sensation like being stroked over and over by slippery, warm folds! "Pulling your cock..." "Pulling my cock." "Milking you... making you ready to release your cream... milking you.. say it!" "Milking... mil- nnggghhh! Rrrrrnngh... ahhhhrrr" Madame's breath sounds directly into your ear. "I will not let you come yet! You may NOT release your need until you BEG me to release you... getting more and more ready..." "Please, Madame! Pleeeeease... let it come out!" "Nonsense... you have quite a ways to go yet!" comes the stern voice of your tormentor, and you sense a sudden tugging on your forearms. "Feel your arms pulling up, up, up, concentrate on your hot, puffy arms and hands floooating up now! Feel them rise up? How do they feel?" "Yes, Madame!" you respond, as your chair folds back up now, until you are again sitting upright, your arms poking out in front of you like they are on strings. "They're hot and puffy," you echo. "Your arms will pull you up, up, up now... up and up right out of your chair. Stand up right now." "Yes, Madame." You find it almost impossible to get moving, to climb out of the deep, comfortable chair, but you hurry to obey. Soon you feel the floor under your feet as you sway, disoriented and light- headed, in the middle of the room. "Good. Walk slowly, step by careful slow step, straight ahead, that's right, dear. Stop. Turn around, eyes still closed, arms floating in the air... still completely under my control." "Yes, Madame." "Your cock is poking, poking, poking wayyyy out in front of you now..." "Yes, Madame." "It is rigid and unbreakable, like my control over you. It is like a hot hot bone... You are proud of your arousal, aren't you?" "Ohhh, yes, Madame!" "There is a bright light heating up your body now, as I am now warming your groin up with a bright warm red light. We can all see your jutting thick organ sticking way up in the air, can't we?" You felt no shame or even wonder any more as you assent. There is a glow behind your eyelids. Your hands are soon allowed to drop to your sides, and you feel the robe slipping off your torso, you are completely nude before her now! "Yes, you have a most delicious body! We would all now like to observe your bottom. You will now bend a little at the waist, a little more and more forward, relax as you bend over, over, relax and bend wayyy over... Good, very good! Your buttocks are very warm now, aren't they? How do they feel?" "Warm... good..." you mutter, almost bent over double like a puppet with its strings cut. "Clench your muscles together for us... good. Touch them. Reach back and brush them with just the tips of your fingers... Stroke them! Good... "Standing up, now coming upright again... Spreading your legs apart and brushing your beautiful hot buttocks, so warm and tingly now... now hold onto those cheeks! Separate those cheeks just a little bit with your fingers... pulling them wider... wider apart... pull them wide, wide apart now..." You obey, tingling with delight. "Do you like us to look at your bottom?" "Yes, Madame." "Yes you do! We can see your thick cock sticking wayyyy out, and your lovely balls hanging and dangling down between your thighs! It is VERY exciting to let people see your very most private places." "Yes, Madame." "Yes, you can almost feel those hot wet lips as the woman kneels in front of you and they cloooosssse around your hard penis and begin again to pull you deeeep inside... deep inside... as you give yourself completely to those hot thick puffy lips... and we see your little pink and brown bottom muscle allll warm and excited in the hot light... "Yessssss.. mmmmdammm..." "Holding your cheeks apart now so we can seeee your little hot anussss... feel the lllips along your cock... and I will now stimulate your anus. I will touch your bottom with a small device now... a warm, exciting little appliance will just be moving around and then sooo easily right into you... feel it brushing your flesh? Yessss, it feels warm and strong, doesn't it? Feeeeel it now as it pushes softly, softly, right toward your anus, pushing and pushing harder right at your opening now... "You find your sphincter is loosening, looser and looser, relax and loose and open now... impossible to resist... loooooser and looooser as you accept me within you. Speak." "Yes, Madame-o-ooohhhh!" as you sense the intrusion into your rectum from the outside. It is a slender, slightly knobby thing, lubricated so that even had you been capable of resisting you couldn't prevent its insertion. How pleasurable, as you feel her slightly turning it about within your opening, sliding it further and further up inside you. "Yes... " she crooned, "it feels so good, so stimulating, and it will soon get even better! Now turn again. I will shortly allow your heavy, heavy eyelids to lift... when they open you will look straight ahead of you. You will gaze at your penis in the glass. It will tingle even more. You will see us watching your body. It will excite you..." You are standing in front of a plate-glass window now, you can see your own reflection facing you, arms reaching behind you still clutching your buns. In the reflection your penis shows red and swollen as it pokes out from its nest, and there is a white cord disappearing behind your butt. On the other side of the window there stand several people, men mostly... they are watching you! "You will soon feel my machine stimulate you. It will buzz and vibrate within your rectum. This feeling will help you to forget everything, forget the people, ignore everything but your sexual heat. Your arms are lifting up, up, up high over your head. Yes, there they go. You feel a bar there. Grasp it. Hold it tight. Tighter. So tight you are stuck fast. Stuck tightly to the bar. You're stuck tight and fast, aren't you?" "Yes, Madame!" as you now are drawn up almost straight so that if you relaxed your legs you would swing like a trapeze artist! "You are locked tight to the bar. Tighter. Tighter. Stuck so tight... and now we begin your final stimulus." And a subtle, rapid tickly buzz runs up and down the length of your rectum as the vibrator is started. You jump a little at the first sensation, then moan aloud with pleasure and excitement. Under Madame's guidance you find that when you squeeze your buttocks together, the sensation triples in strength and seems to vibrate all your skeleton below the waist. "Squeeze your buttocks together. Yes, watch your thick sweet cock jerk upwards! Squeeze again, and again." As you are made to squeeze faster and faster, your image in the window appears to be humping into mid-air! The cock dances and quivers, the mouth falls open and the eyeballs bulge. You only want to touch yourself, and you struggle, but her spell on your hands allows you only to swing and twist about. The spectators stare avidly at you as you quickly near a seizure. Many of them finger and rub at themselves openly, but you are past caring who sees you! Your lower half begins to heave and thrash forwards and backwards as you gave in to all the exquisite sensations. "Beg me for your release..." her breathy whisper right in your ear! "Please let me come! Let me come right now!" you are yelling into the darkness. Your arms ache now, but you can't let go... you fret and whimper in your bondage... And then... blessed release! "Now," comes that low thrilling voice breathing hotly... directly into your ear, your brain, your prick, "now... feel the burning tingles up and down your cock... up and down your long, long, long cock... your balls are humming and bursting with hot thick liquid! You may show everyone your strong ejaculate now! I COMMAND YOU TO SQUIRT OUT YOUR SEMEN NOW!" POWWW! Your first jet instantly spatters the window as you are aware of nothing but your need to come! Again! Another inward clenching and you almost feel you are hosing streams of semen straight up into the sky! They go on and on, the brief respite, then another uncontrollable clench and spurt. The sensation is unbelievable, gradually dying back from the burning spasms to a gentle, tender flowing feeling. You feel liquid running down your thigh, as your body now hangs down from the trapeze. After a couple more subsiding spasms, you dimly hear Madame instructing you to stand up straight, and she releases your hands from their death-grip on the trapeze. You almost sink to the floor from the exhaustion and the pleasure mingled together! "Stand up now, close your eyes tight." comes the brisk command, as you hear the curtains close before you. "I will leave you now, to awaken fully and completely, and soon you will regain all the energy and vitality you have spent here. You will take ten breaths, and count aloud from ten to one, by the number three you will be fully conscious. "Clean and dress yourself, then you may depart satisfied and happy... you will return someday, I'm sure!" "Yes, Madame," you assent sleepily... "I will return... soon." Someday YOU will come here, too! The End of a FranZAM Fantasy --****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--***ATTENTION*** Your e-mail reply to this message WILL be *automatically* ANONYMIZED. Please, report inappropriate use to For information (incl. non-anon reply) write to If you have any problems, address them to