From news.ICSI.Net!!!!!!!!imci3!imci2!!!!! Wed Dec 20 22:56:19 1995 Message-ID: <> Path: news.ICSI.Net!!!!!!!!imci3!imci2!!!!! Newsgroups: From: X-Anonymously-To: Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 20:12:12 UTC Subject: FZ Story - HypnoSister 03 [F/M, hyp, femdom, xtras] Lines: 710 This is not intended for, nor should it be read or downloaded by, minors. It contains graphic depiction of adult sexual activities. There is no force, rape, pedophilia or violence depicted herein. The fictional characters do not represent any persons living or dead, but are wholly created from FranZAM's fur-tile imagination. HypnoSister - An Erotic Story by FranZAM, c.1995. All rights reserved. (THIS IS PART 03 0F 3) Carole leaned up and smooched me on my cheek. Her breasts pressed warmly into my upper arm. I sighed shakily. "That's a good little boy," she said. "You're going to enjoy this, truly, you'll see! Now close your eyes and take a deeep breath... good! Here's another kiss, you really are a doll... whenever you're not being an asshole! Don't worry, it's not the end of the world!" My body relaxed right around my tormented mind. I felt its treacherous obedience to my female companion's will. I THOUGHT of suicide, though. The car was stopping, parking, the rear door opening, my seatbelt loosening, my hand being pulled. I hung back with my last resistance. "GET OUT OF THE CAR." "Yes." I was now standing at attention in a busy parking lot. The breeze played with the loose unfamiliar... NAKED feel of my thighs with no comforting trousers enclosing them. No underwear! At any time, I knew the wind would lift that skirt, and I'd be... I'd be a fuckin' sex offender! Jail! Headlines! Laughter and jokes! "Now, David," said Allie, approaching me. She was dressed in jeans, a tight blouse, with lots of cleavage, and sandals. Her hair was fluffed and bushy. Carole was still in her very arousing striped shirt and flannel trunks. "David, we're not monsters, we're not going to ruin you in public, look!" She had a pair of small posters, neatly lettered, on a chain. "Wear this." The signs read, in the front: "I HAVE LOST A LARGE BET." And in the back: "I AM A SCOTTISH GENTLEMAN" "You see? You're wearing your Scotch plaid kilt! Put this on now." Allie held it out, and I ducked my head, feeling the first glimmerings that I mightn't have to move to the Aleutian Islands when these fiends were finished with me! "Good, it's perfect! And Davey," whispered Carole in my ear, while Alicia had gone around to lock up the car, "That big thing down there might get a little something for himself later!" Allie's face bore a slight smile as she returned to us. She might have seek the little peck on the cheek from my "date" out of the corner of her eye. "I want to check your conditioning now, little brother," she said, planting herself in front of me. "Look deeply into my eyes now." Boingggg-g-g-g! Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmurmur, murmur... murmurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "All right, do you remember what I just said?" she demanded. "Yes, Miss, you told me to look into your eyes." "That's right. Now open your eyes look at Carole." I did so, the light was so bright I had to squint for a minute. Carole was not looking back at me; she was watching my kilt, so I looked down as well. Concealed a bit by parked cars, she had pulled down her shorts on one side. There, encasing her perfect round bottom, her luscious clitoris and her deep, pink hot vagina, I could just see her underpanties, peeping out at me. I imagined her hot, thick flesh calling to me and I answered. "May I please kneel and serve you, Carole?" And now, rubbing against the head of my cock I could sense the soft woolen pleats scraping my shaft as it arose, extending itself pulse by rapid pulse, stiffening, lifting the skirt up like a towel rod! "Please, Carole, I-I want to make love to your womanhood, please." I begged, and every word served to erect me further, it seemed! I wanted to fall to my knees, to bury my face in those panties, to stroke and caress every bit of her legs, thighs, knees, hips... jerk... jerk... jerk... Then her panties disappeared as she straightened her clothing and watched me. Her smile was wicked! I felt as if a switch had been turned off, I felt the urge subside like magic, I felt my urgent need softening... softer... getting softer, less urgent, ahhh, I was soft and relaxed again. "I am soft and limp now, Carole," said my voice, and I watched Carole's eyes, they softened as well. "So you are," she marvelled, "so you are. So, let's walk into the mall." And they took each elbow, and towards the mall we walked. The stares, and the pointing fingers and the giggles were almost immediately audible. For the first twenty-eight hours my face blazed a neon red, I'm sure! Then we got inside! Thank God the place wasn't packed this early on Sunday afternoon... I found myself being led by the elbow straight across the promenade, into a large women's fashion store. Here the saleswomen had seen most every sort of human pass by, and my particular kind might even have looked like some college hazing thing! Carole went up to talk to one clerk, and then returned to sis and me. The two women were of course different in age and tastes, but they chatted about garments for a bit, while I cowered behind a rack of tall coats. "Uh-uhh!" Allie said chidingly. "Not good enough! Here, come back up to the front." We exited the store, walking across a short distance to some kind of plantings, fake trees or shrubs or crap, next to a trash basket. I was told to stand facing the plate-glass store windows. The site was partially screened from most viewpoints except the store itself, but only partially. "Now, while we wait for our guests..." "What?" "Don't speak, naughty boy!" she snapped. "In fact... in fact, hold out your arm, no this way, and let's see, lower your head just a little..." giggling, she tugged my limbs this way and that till she was satisfied. "Pay attention now! Put your foot up on this ledge. Up!" My cocked knee now lifted my "kilt" almost up past one knee. She was posing me like a store dummy! This turned out to be the case. "Keep your balance, shift a little if you have to, but continue to pose with one foot up. Keep your eyes ONLY on the window. You can't move your head, speak or turn your eyes from the window. You may blink but you are frozen." The cool air of the mall brushed under my pleated skirt; I felt an occasional draft puff its way up under my naked ass. I watched Allie return inside. I could see everything in that part of the store. Carole was inside, watching, talking to the clerk. The clerk, a thin brunette with a high forehead was staring out at me. Oh, jeez, was Carole telling a STRANGER? WHAT was she saying? My tormentors exchanged a word or two more with the clerk. They laughed, the brunette shaking her head. Now Carole and Alicia came towards me. "We're going to shop for a while. You are hypnotically compelled to obey my commands. All of them," she ordered. "Do you understand?" I was going to say "yes," but nothing worked! I couldn't even moan! Or nod! I HAD to stay still... I HAD to answer her! I began trembling, and I felt my eyes bulge. "All right," she chuckled, "you don't have to answer. Damn, you're really into the slave thing, this is better cooperation than I get from any of my patients!" They sauntered away out of my frozen vision, laughing. Their footsteps receded, and now I was alone. You have no idea. You don't. Have. Any. Fucking. Idea! what this felt like... I was so still that several preoccupied shoppers walked right by me without noticing. Thank God, thank God they've hidden me! I thought. Sweat made my face cool. I itched, but couldn't scratch. I found I could lean a bit one way or another, but it was like I was in a body cast. How long were they going to leave me? HOW LONG? The question left me desperately anxious. Here came a couple of junior high kids, mall rats from the look of them. They didn't miss a thing, no! They saw my sign, and turned in to gawk. Don't you have a store to shoplift? I thought, staring right past them. The skinny clerk was looking out at us, standing alongside some mannequins. "He's holding real still!" said the reedy voice of the girl. I THOUGHT it was the girl, I couldn't even shift my eyes enough to focus on her! "Yeah. Hey, no show or anything?" brazened the other. He stepped closer to me, waved his hand in front of my face. I could only blink. "He's probably some guy working for the store. Nah, not with that sign though." "He's good-looking though! A nice studly dude!" she said. "Hello, Big Guy..." she tried tentatively. "You gonna make it with the dummies when the mall closes?" They laughed. Then her hand teasingly reached toward my skirt. I felt the hand rub my calf. It slid higher, under my knee. I Couldn't Fuckin' Move! "Scotch guy huh?" she asked me, and her hand poised... I knew what would happen next, Oh God, I knew! "Wearin' any undies?" she'd ask, her hand would lift... and then... Jail. Prison. Student Caught Exposing Self in Mall. Parents Disown Sleazebag Shown Entering Court... "Hey, Brad... Bradley..." The hand slipped away. "Where ya goin? Hey, allriiiight!" Their voices faded away. My heart slowed its heavy pounding. Salesgirl was watching, looking away up the mall. She faced me. She turned to a mannequin in the window, a long, lean creature looking much like her. It was wearing some tunic thing, Long bellbottoms. Half turned away from me. Salesgirl watched me. Her hand began lifting the tunic, slowly, obviously for my eyes. Thanks, bitch, I thought, you're having your fun. She wasn't just mocking those mall rats. Up came the mannequin's tunic, her other hand slipped to the waistband of the bellbottoms, slipped it down, just a bit, a bit more... Violet. The softest, prettiest flash of lovely violet silk. Salesgirl's fingers pulled more. More and more violet silk, the mannequin's beautiful, hard plastic buns were shrouded in the most delicate, oh, can I see a little more? Would you just lower those trousers another inch? Yes! Another? I don't care, can't you see how much I love to look, to dream of those smoooth cheeks, to run my tongue up between... no! No, please, don't cover them up, my cock is sooo ready, sooo... There it was, bobbing tautly up, bumping up under my skirt. Footsteps, closer, closer, don't turn, please, let it get soft. Cover them up, cover the... "Why, hello, Dave!" A voice! Not Allie! Oh shit, ohshit it's not Carole is it? Why can't I just stand up, run away? I'll just... unfff... nothing doing, ohshit! "What's up?" Another hand, sliding right up my trembling thigh, right up onto my cock! "Looking at some nice lingerie, Dave? Oh my, let me slide this back and see what... Goodness... why Dave, you're exposing your big fat naked cock right out here in the mall!" Who is it? Who is it? Don't look at me, don't look at me, anyone! "Attention, K-mart shoppers..." I could smell cologne as my eyes watched the Salesgirl fiddle with those plastic buns. "Our cock manager has decided to put a thick, meaty slab of man- fruit on special, y'all hurry on over to the Meat department and grab a hunk for yourself!" Her hand tugged and pulled on my prong. Salesgirl was gawking at the display, her head swivelling left and right... of course! She couldn't let something like this be observed, or her job would be in the tank (along with my whole life)! Unless she sued me... No, she was pulling the dummy's slacks back up, covering the underwear. Thank God! But my cock was still being handled right out in the open! The skirt was folded back over my bent knee. The hand flipped and flopped my wanger around now as it finally began to soften. My balls received a firm squeeze that brought a surge of nausea to my throat. Salesgirl came out. "There are people coming, cover it up, Jesus!" "He's not coming, that's for sure," said the voice, and with one last sharp tug on my tiny, limp dick, the skirt came back down. "Did they tell you about him?" Salesgirl asked, just out of my direct vision now. "Oh, I know allll about Davey here!" answered the newcomer. They stood near me as some curious folk passed by. "He's a thoughtless, self-centered bastard, and he needs a good pussy-whipping!" "Shhh!" urged Salesgirl. "He's cute, is he that big a jerk?" "The bigger they are..." chuckled... who? My skirt was drawn suddenly up again, and my breath caught in my throat. "He's big enough, he just never cared enough to use it right! Well, now it's Your Turn, Davey!" said the girl, whose voice now was sounding familiar... Oh God, it was Vernie! Vernal Sutton, yeah! She'd been way too demanding in our brief relationship, and I'd turned to others a mite too quickly for her to keep "face." In short, it had gotten around that I'd dumped her. Now she moved into my line of sight, hands on her big hips. Her overly made-up eyes looked coolly at mine. "What a nice surprise, and how may we help you today?" she asked me. "Shopping for a conscience?" "You know his sister?" asked Salesgirl. "No, but I do know Carole Ferman," she answered. "I got an interesting call this morning from Ms. Ferman. She told me I'd find him here, sort of ready to beg my sweet fucking pardon for... well, for stuff. I think we'll just rip that skirt right off his butt now..." I was beyond terror by this point. Vernie knew. Carole knew. Everyone was going to know. "No, can't do that, I'd get fired, but listen, they told me how to work him." Salesgirl whispered to Vernie. Her stern face looked me up and down. "No lie? All right, let's see." She looked quickly around, and, as if she were adjusting something, whipped her miniskirt right up her thigh, exposing a pair of well-stuffed, delicious looking plain white panties that looked sooo good... Please let me fuck you again, Vernie! Please? In slid her hand, to find a resurgent cock already throbbing beneath my skirt. "Oh, mamma!" she exulted... "I've got you right where I want you now!" A passer-by forced her to cover up again. "That's enough," hissed the Salesgirl, but then HER hand snaked up under the fabric, and, licking her lips nervously, copped a feel! There was a good bit of softening flesh for her hand to circle, and the hand fluttered along nervously for a moment. "Let's bring him inside." Turning to me she said clearly: "Big Strong Sister wants you to come inside now." Ahhh! the relief! as my stressed-out joints and muscles could creak into action again. I staggered and lurched out of my "pose," and my feet carried me inside the store again. They led me back into an alcove-like office near the changing rooms. Vernal had caught Salesgirls technique, and now she wasted no time. She faced me, with a predatory gleam in her eye. "Big Strong Sister would like you to kiss her ass right NOW!" She turned her back to me, tugging the skirt up again. I dropped to my knees immediately, eyes glued right on her junction. "Please, Vernal..." I croaked, "may I serve you?" "Oh, do you want to serve me?" "Oh, please, may I serve you?" My sexual engine had revved up again, and I felt short of breath. I truly wanted at that moment... to be a slave to those panties! To do anything she wanted! "I love to look at your panties, Vernal!" I babbled on. "I told you what to do, kiss my behind... kiss it... oooo myyy!" Her words stopped abruptly as my face immediately crammed itself as intimately to her cheeks as it could go, I was at last allowed actually to caress and kiss that silk! My hands slid up inside the panties, cupping and squeezing her strong flesh, then reaching round to embrace her hips while my lips were intent on sampling every square inch of her sumptuous endowment. Salesgirl had been caught by a customer in front, I think. Vernal's voice sounded a bit huskier now. Her muscles bunched and pressed against my grateful face as she listened to me talk about her sweet, sweet cheeks, her strong thighs, how I wanted to breathe in the warm, moist scent forever. And at that moment, I believed that I could just kneel there forever! I was alone with my desire. My hands continued to caress her urgently, urgently. Her hands came down to rest atop them. "Oh myyyy," came her voice; it had softened considerably, and her hips ground against my face. Another voice intruded a command right next to my ear. "Don't you want to cram your nose right into that hot hot crack?" "Yes, yes" I whispered, rooting right between her thighs. "Jam it in! Smell that crack!" "Mfff, mffff" was my only verbal response, but inwardly I was just trying to bury myself up her hot crotch, oh my! was it hot! My nose poked intrusively, I had to breathe through my mouth! Her powerful glutes clamped inward. My fingers had slid around and were sliding all through a very, very damp patch of fur. Vernie was moaning quite strongly all of a sudden, my face was being pulled back and forth, as her hips set up a rhythm, and her hands pressed my fingers more roughly into her. My whole face bathed in the scent of panties stuffed with aroused female flesh. Stuffed in tight! Tight and so full of delicious hot flesh! Smell the flesh! Push in higher, higher! Into the hot deep crack! The deep, dark flesh needs me! Wants me to push way, wayyy up inside! Obey! Do it harder, harder, harder..." "Harder. Harder. *grunt* Harder. *grunt* NOW, pull her open. Do it! Pull her pussy open!" Who was speaking? Didn't matter to my fogged mind, I had my orders! My fingers slipped over the sodden silk, slipped again before I managed to hook her puffed labia and gently spread them. My face was jerking about now, my neck bent back, as my upturned face pushed straight up into Vernal's perineum. And now my hands had company. Blindly I felt something else pushing my invading fingers back into the silken cauldron... a face! "Oh Jesus... yes... suck it... suck me off... yes... suck me off, pull those fuckin' thing down, oh please... pleassseee yesssss...!" My fingers were trapped in moisture-laden silk as other hands tugged the panties down in front. Hot breath mingled with hot cunt, my lips and tongue were of course obeying the last command, and I heard myself making really loud slurping and sucking noises as I rooted around Vernal's rear end. Everything sounded as loud as a train wreck, but I had no thought for embarassment, not me! I was trying to crawl right up into Vernal's hot slit... nose first! I had to brace myself as she leaned back against my face, quivering as if she had the ague! The butt jerked violently now! Once... once... again... several sharper but smaller vibrations, and my hands had to push back against her ass now, or my neck might have snapped because her whole weight rocked back against me! It went on and on, and finally, suddenly, I was "born" again. The buttocks pulled up and off my face, fresh air and merciless white light struck what moments ago had been buried to the hilt in animal darkness. I gasped for the air, squinted hard to avoid the light... And then my face was pressed into another's. Pulled in again, this time with tongue darting and thrusting its way around my lips, mashing against my lips, pulling back to see that Salesgirl, her own face completely shiny with something was licking her lips. "Taste all her come, it's all over my face! Lick her juice off my mouth..." she moaned, eyes closed. I saw Vernie, disappear into a dressing room, stumbling a bit, pulling that wringing wet undergarment down one hopping leg. Those delicious, soaking panties... "Please let me serve you," said my voice. I was already kneeling. "You're so beautiful... what's your name?" Her eyes remained closed. "I said, lick my face." My tongue dutifully began lapping the pungent residue, mixed with the bitter flavor of whatever makeup she had on... ugh! But I lapped away like a fastidious cat. "Lick under my lips." My tongue burrowed round her gums as her jaws parted, and I could feel the hot breath slamming out from her nostrils. Her hands were shaking as she undid her blouse. "Now, suck on my boobies.. lower, take it all in into your mouth, lover, oh yes, keep... uh, keep up the suc-suction, oh yes, rub 'em with that tongue... lick my armpits, slave! Oh, yeah, you're my slave boy now, suck that... uh! suck those pits, suck those boobies again, rub 'em all over. Good. Now, slave, lower your head and... Suck... That... Pussy!" Her voice was gravelly and her thin belly shook as I dragged my obedient mouth down, down, down into Panty-Heaven again. I simply did exactly as commanded, while feeling as if a painful totem pole was hanging out from my belly, God! how it wanted to slide in where I was slobbering and slavering right now, she pulled her white-crotch pad aside, and humped my obedient face. I wanted to shove that fisting, clenching piston clear up into her mouth, to stuff up her bitch-orders, her lewdly commanding voice... "lick lower! Stab me with that tongue, shove it up me, slave... you taste that? get it all slick!" etc. etc. After about four years of this, she pushed my head away. "Wait there on your knees," she panted, leaning one sweaty palm on my shoulder. She hadn't told me NOT to jack off, and I felt just a tad more independent now... aahhhhh... I could pump my own stalk and think about oceans of silk, soffft, wet silk... ahhhh... "Why don't you stand up and jack off now?" came an amused whisper behind me. I gasped, dropping my inflamed tusker. "Big Strong Sister says you may stand up now! Oh, my, what a purple thing you've made, Davey. Is it hard as a rock?" "Yes, my cock is hard as a rock," I panted obediently, reaching again to lift the plaid skirt and manipulate myself. God, I was finally gonna get off... "gonna come... gonna come..." I nearly screamed as Allie said, "Drop that hand RIGHT NOW! Oh, god, your nice little skirt's getting a wet spot on it! Take it off and suck it, suck that skirt and suck out that mess. Hurry it up!" Wearing a shirt, sandals, and sash, sporting a boner that reached into next week, I held the garment as directed, in my mouth. "I'll tell you when you can come... bite that skirt! Oh, my, whatever will you wear to get home, Davey? Look at that thing bounce around... is poor baby all ready to shoot off?" I could only nod frantically back. "Show Carole how you'd like to hump her, Little Brother!" came the voice of my "date," and her face emerged from around a tall rack of dresses. "Show me what you'd do if I were underneath you Right This Second! Whoa!" My hips obediently sent my waggling cock hurtling forward and back as I felt myself hunching exactly like a dog plowing into his bitch du jour. Hump! Hump! Hump! My eyes stared right at her face, my buttocks churned, gathering inwards with each jerk, readyyy... "...Aaannd, Stop." came Allie's intrusion. "Lie on your back. Prop your butt in your hands, lift it up. Higher, like you're doing the bicycle in gym class, yeah, that's good. Hoist it up, oh God, that looks... that just looks OBSCENE!" They stood round me like proctologist assistants! My nuts and asshole poked right up between them, and my eyes could see, only a foot or so away, the dark bulge of my cock, slapping against my curled-in belly flesh, pointing back up my chest toward my face, the slightly open V of my thighs silhouetting the fur round my nuts. The cock was beginning to soften with my utter humiliation, when, wafting into sight between my legs came a lovely light-blue... well, shit, YOU know what it was by now. I moaned, fixated on its nearness to my balls, I hunched up a little higher, she was lowering it so near, so near... ahhhhhhhh! the cool silk began sliding and drifting round my nuts, they puckered up, something's dripping on my chest... "He's gonna explode, make him come in his own mouth!" "Yeah, how good can you aim it?" came the voices. The panties lifted away and up, my hands hunching higher, bend more, a hot drop on my neck, another, like a football stretching exercise, knees extended behind head now men, stretch those legs over, that's good men, allright get those cocks good and hard, good and hard. Harder. Harder, dammit! Now watch that knob, look right up that barrel of that come-tube... ..the silk beginning its magic again, my meat so taut it wouldn't point right at my mouth... Knees down, down, men, good, wrapped up in a ball now, watch that dick, here it comes, wait for the command... wait for the command... I couldn't see anything much, my legs blocked most of my view. Right over my face I dangled and twitched myself. The silk rubbing over my nuts now began a heavier, rhythmic cycle. My slit opened. A pale blob emerged, hung down, then was quickly spat downward right onto my face. It burned me like the fire shooting up and down my meat now, my thick boney meat letting go... letting goooo... "Open your mouth wide, you're sucking your own Big. Fat. Dick!" came the hot puff of Carole's command right into my ear, her hand reaching in to hold my boner as it began to hose. "Watch it shoot right into your mouth alllll fulllll!" She directed each scalding squirt as it was flung down onto my mouth, open like a baby bird's my eyes blinking reflexively when struck by a gob, or a stray drip, now someone stuffed that silk right into my asshole and I screamed in full release. SQUIRRRRT. SQUIRRRRTTT. DRIBBB. DRI...SQUIRT! "Blurb," was all I could say, the thick cream coating lips and chin, and as my flood lessened, my stuffed ass was pulled backwards, my knees lifted up, I looked like some horny Yoga guy, his prick drooling through his belly and chest hairs as it left my sight, pulled back, as now my legs were lifted away and straightened out on the floor. My face was still bent backwards, I had not enough energy even to straighten my neck. I looked up, over my head. I was drained, in more ways than one. A hand snaked under my head, gently easing my chin down. I felt a gluey substance in the folds of my neck. My eyes watered with the sting of my own come, as I beheld Carole's face surveying me. She dangled panties over my face, and I heard my almost reflexive begging to serve her. "Shh... rest..." came the tender command. Her face bent down and now I felt her lips passing over my face, neck and chest, kissing and sucking away the slime of my ejaculate. My nipples were erect with the saliva and the store air- conditioning. Hmm. I was in a public place, with a silk wadded in my asshole, another draped on my forehead, and a sagging rubber dick glued to my abdomen. No problem, don't worry, be happy! I was happy. "Thank you," I whispered, and her lips descended and I felt myself taken in, washed, cleaned, released to flop back down... maybe not as far as it had been. Once more, slurped in, and released. I felt pleasure. "We're going home now," she said. "Yes, Carole." Slurp. Plop. "Gretchen closed the store. We have to go soon." Oh. Yes. I'd loved to lick and suck Gretchen. "Yes, Carole." Slurp. Plop. Slurrrp! .... ... This time there was no "Plop!" Things were happening down there! "The rest of Sunday belongs to us, Davey." Nod, slurp! "You will give ME a whole lot of pleasure, just the way I like it!" "O.K." Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. "If you're realllly a good lover, I'm gonna spread my legs Davey," she whispered. "Yes, Carole." "You're gonna be so hard," she whispered, "and I'm gonna want it shoved just as far..." Slurp! " far up in my hot, creamy tight little cunny..." Slurrrrrpppp! "Oh... oh... yes, Carole, yes, Carole!" "Well, enough for now... and as soon as you stand up, and put on these shorts Allie brought, we'll drive you home. Allie's going to work on your mind, maybe she'll even..." Sssslurrrrrrrrrrrrppppppppppppp! "...maybe she'll... hypnotize... me too, you know?" THE END A FranZAM Fantasy --****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--***ATTENTION*** Your e-mail reply to this message WILL be *automatically* ANONYMIZED. Please, report inappropriate use to For information (incl. non-anon reply) write to If you have any problems, address them to