From Nov 6 17:23:28 1995 Date: Sat, 04 Mar 95 22:15:23 GMT From: Boris Ludmenkov To: Subject: HONEY 2 [Attached File: C:\AMIPRO\DOCS\FUNANDGA\MINDCONT\TOLOUVRE\HONEY2.TXT Size: 11029] mc-honey-02.txt I did not write this story. This story was obtained from the internet or a BBS. Most of the multi-part stories were consolidated at the time, and some minor adjustments made, mostly of a cosmetic nature. Enjoy ! (BORIS) I didn't write this... (says Honey: BORIS) HONEY & THE ELECTRICIAN For some odd reason, Honey had the distinct impression, as she got ready for work one morning, that she should not wear panties under her smart looking a-line skirt. At first, she laughed -- the thought hit her while she was shaving her long, shapely legs in the shower -- and con- tinued to get ready for work. Nevertheless, as she was rumaging through her drawers for an appropriate pair of undies, she paused again, once more distinctly aware of an urge to go pantyless today. Now she frowned to herself. Where was this idea coming from? But there it was, and it wouldn't go away. She felt much better when she had selected a simple white garter belt and stockings from another drawer. "Why don't I do this more often," Honey mused to herself as she slipped on the silken hose. She enjoyed the feeling of the slippery silk stock- ings, and the subtle wickedness of going to work without panties on gave her a tingly feeling in her stomach -- the same kind of tingle that she'd once gotten when she first kissed a boy way back in high school. Humming a happy tune to herself, Honey finished her makeup and hair and then, kissing her husband goodbye, she dashed off to the University and her job. Several co-workers remarked on how glowingly lovely she looked today, and indeed, she did feel special for some reason. With a smile, she began working on some documents at her computer. Little did she know what was in store for her that day. She'd been working for a while when the same inner voice which had earlier given her instructions on what to wear (or not wear) that day was again urging her to action. No hesitation this time, she obeyed the voice quickly, getting up from her desk and shutting the door to her office. When she returned, she lifted her skirt as she sat down and let the smooth skin of her ass kiss the soft vinyl of her simulated leather office chair. "Now, why did I do that?" She had a momentary feeling of un- easiness, which was quickly replaced by a rising sense of sexual arousal. She felt her nipples swell within the lacy cups of her bra, she also felt a growing fullness as her sexual organs became swollen with blood. Without even checking she knew that a wet spot was forming on the chair beneath her rapidly heating crotch. It was with great effort that she returned to her work, but withlittle enthusiasm. Her mind was elsewhere, occupied with fantasy images of lusty lovers sweeping her off her feet and forcing her to have hot, sweaty, marathon sexual encounters. So lost did she become in her sexual daydreams thatshe did not hear the metalic click at her feet, nor did she hear the soft rustle of clothing which came from the same source. She did, however, feel warm hands and soft lips begin to car- ress her silken clad legs, and a low moan escaped her throat as those hands and lips worked their way slowly upward. Without even thinking about what was happening, she spread her legs to the unseen lover and her hands, as if con- troled from outside her body, began to squeeze her lovely breasts through the material of her blouse and bra. Now she wished she'd left off that piece of underwear as well. The hands pulled her forward on her seat, until her crotch was exposed to the air once more. She felt her legs lifted and pushed back, until her knees were pressed into the backs of her hands, which were still applying self stimulation to her breasts. She was slumped low in her chair, glad for once for the size of the clumsy executive bucket seat, her legs splayed wide, her feet up on top of her desk. She moaned again, louder this time, as she felt warm breath in the neighborhood of her mound of venus, and then she gasped as she felt a warm, wet, mouth softly kiss her upper thighs, switching from one side to the other, thoroughly coating the sensitive flesh above her stocking tops with wet, loving kisses. She had no idea who was doing this to her, and she didn't care. While she would never have considered cheating on her husband, this was too good and too anonymous to pass up. Besides, though she didn't know it, all choice in the matter had been removed -- Honey was another victim of the mind controler. He was the one who planted those strong suggestions in her brain, and he was now accessing her beautiful womanhood , having entered her office through a panel in the floor which connected to tunnels used by the elctricians who had wired the building. Honey had not known of the panel, for she had no reason to ever be under her desk. Honey put a hand to her mouth as she gasped again, louder than ever this time, for her unseen lover had just placed that warm pair of lips overher own nether lips and given her the sexiest kiss she had yet received. God, how she craved the feeling of a tongue in her warm center. How rare this experience was in her history. Her husband did not like going down on her, and she did not press him on the subject -- her feeling being that people should not be forced into sexual acts they did not like -- yet she longed for this type of sexual attention, and she couldn't believe how good it felt to have a mouth on her sex. She could hear the sound of someone breathing through their nose as she felt that magic mouth go to work on her sexual hunger. She knew that juices were almost literally running from her molten core, and from the sounds coming from between her widely spread legs, her mystery lover wasn't missing a drop. Her clit was hard and throbbing and she jerked in her seat, her ass leaping up off the chair, as the mouth captured it and began thrumming it swiftly with rapid tongue strokes. An almost pitiful mewling sound came from her throat as she cried out her pleasure and lust. She was shivering all over from the oral attention she was receiving. The attack on her clit was short lived, however, and the mouth shifted higher, using lips and tongue to work on the patch of hair (and the mound underneath) just above her gaping slash. Honey's hips were bucking up and down on the chair now, and she felt strong arms surround her thighs to control her movements and pull her pussy into tighter contact with the marrauding mouth, which had now begun to really work directly on her cascading cauldron of lust. Honey kept her eyes closed. She did not want to see who it was that was making such a mess of her crotch. This whole day had been like some sort of weird dream -- not one that she wanted to end right at the moment -- and she was afraid that if she opened her eyes, the dream would come to a grinding, screaching, halt and leave her on the edge of a mindblowing climax, totaly frustrated and wanting. Again and again she gasped in pleasure as the cunnilingual artist between her legs switched tactics repeatedly. One moment she felt a tongue digging deeply into her channel, bringing forth load after load of her feminine juices, and the next moment she would feel her major labia sucked into that hot mouth and battered by lips and tongue. Then, the sensations would change again, as that tongue traced a delicate line from bottom to top on the edge of her ultra sensitive inner labia. Her mystery lover had not touched her clit since that one, initial surprise attack, and she was going crazy with wanting that hot mouth to return to that area. Her whole body was tingling and she was wiggling strongly despite the firm grip on her thighs. She just couldn't control herself. At this point, she usually wanted to be fucked, because for some reason she didn't feel worthy of being brought to orgasm this way. This time, however, the voice inside her head more or less told her to shut up just as she was about to beg to be filled by a cock. And so, she did not ask for cock, she just continued to moan as her body climed the mountain of desire and headed for the long fall to orgasm. Apparently satisfied that Honey was ready for the next level of pleasure, the mouth returned to her clit and she also felt fingers entering her lust soaked channel, massaging the inside walls of her sex. The combination caused her to squeeze her eyes shut even tighter than before, and she saw stars behind her eyelids. Goosebumps broke out all over her body -- in spite of the fact that it seemed awfully warm in her office. Had it not been for the strong arms holding her legs apart, she would have clamped them together just to squeeze out more feeling from between them. Her stomach lept within her, and she didn't want any of the things she was feeling to EVER stop. The mouth on her clit was relentlessly driving her up pleasure mountain and right to the edge of orgasm abyss. Two fingers were fucking her, fulfilling her need for something to be inside of her, and the combination was too much to bear. With a low cry of pleasure, Honey went crashing over the edge and into the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. Her hands crushed the arm rests of her chair, the nuckles white with strain, pleasure rippled through her whole body, and tears of joy filled Honey's eyes. Normally very vocal when aroused to this point, a strong mental command silenced her before any noise could escape. Inwardly, however, she was screaming her re- lease and begging for more and more sensation. Incredibly, the mouth continued its oral assault on her already overstimulated pussy, and she quickly orgasmed several more times. Her office was filled with the odor of her arousal, and wet, fucking and sucking sounds were loud in her ears, along with her barely supressed moans. Finally, having mercy on its victim, the mouth gave a last sucking kiss to her most sensitive area, the fingers withdrew, and she was left alone. This time she heard the clunk as the floor panel fell back into place and she quickly looked down but could see nothing untoward. She gave herself five minutes to get her breathing back under control, called her supervisor to say that she had become ill, and went home to go to bed. That day, when her husband returned home from work, he was surprised to be attacked at the door by a wife gone mad with lust. Coaxing no fewer than four strong ejaculations from his steaming stalk, she promoted assault after assault on her jade gate. He'd never seen her so hot for him and was at a loss to explain it. Had he asked the electrician who worked in Honey's building, he would have gotten an explanation... [End Attached File]