Association Method

Spoken to the subject

You can close your eyes now ... And begin breathing deeply and slowly ... Before you let go completely, and go into a deep hypnotic state, just let yourself listen carefully to everything I say to you ...

It's going to happen automatically ... So you don't need to think about that now ... And you will have no conscious control over what happens ...

The muscles in and around your eyes will relax all by themselves as you continue breathing ... Easily and freely ...

Without thinking about it, you will soon enter a deep, peaceful, hypnotic trance, without any effort ... There is nothing important for your conscious mind to do ...

There is nothing really important except the activities of your subconscious mind ... And that can be just as automatic as dreaming ... And you know how easily you can forget your dreams when you awaken ...

You are responding very good. Without noticing it, you have already altered your rate of breathing ... You are breathing much more easily and freely ... And you are revealing signs that indicate you are beginning to drift into a hypnotic trance ...

You can really enjoy relaxing more and more, and your subconscious mind will listen to each word I say ... And it keeps becoming less important for you to consciously listen to my voice ...

Your subconscious mind can hear even if I whisper ...

You are continuing to drift into a more detached state as you examine privately in your own mind ... Secrets, feelings, sensations, and behavior you didn't know you had ... At the same time, letting go completely ... Your own mind is solving that problem ... At your own pace ... Just as rapidly as it feels you are ready ...

You continue becoming more relaxed and comfortable as you sit there with your eyes closed ...

As you experience that deepening comfort you don't have to move, or talk, or let anything bother you ...

Your own inner mind can respond automatically to everything I tell you ... and you will be pleasantly surprised with your continuous progress ...

You are getting much closer to a deep hypnotic trance ... And you are beginning to realize that you don't care whether or not you are going into a deep trance ...

Being in this peaceful state enables you to experience the comfort of the hypnotic trance ...

Being hypnotized is always a very enjoyable, very pleasant, calm, peaceful, completely relaxing experience ...

It seems natural ... to include hypnosis in your future ...

Every time I hypnotize you it keeps becoming more enjoyable, and you continue experiencing more benefits ... So you will really enjoy having me hypnotize you ...

You will always enjoy the sensations ... Of comfort ... Of peacefulness ... Of calmness ... And all the other sensations that come automatically from this wonderful experience ...

You will be really happy that you decided to have me hypnotize you you continue experiencing progressive understanding on your part ...

You are learning something about yourself ... You are developing your own techniques of therapy ... Without knowing you are developing them ...You can have it as a surprise sooner or later ... a very pleasant surprise ...

Imagine yourself in a place you like very much ... By a lake, or by the ocean ... Perhaps you are floating gently on a sailboat on a peaceful lake ... On a warm, summer day ... You are continuing to relax even more now ... And you continue becoming more comfortable ...

This is your own world that you like very much ...

You are going to find that any time you want to spend a few minutes by yourself, relaxing, and feeling very comfortable and serene, you can automatically go back to this feeling you're experiencing now ...

You can put yourself into this world anytime you like ... There are times when you will want this serene feeling ... And it is yours whenever you want it ...

Continue enjoying this pleasant experience as your subconscious mind is receiving everything I tell you ... And you will be pleased the way you automatically respond to everything I say.

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