Let us pray

I believe in one mystery. A star among many stars, who created the Heaven and the Earth. In man who was begotten of Nature, not separately made. In an Earth Mother, the completion of all forms, life of all life, from where we were born and to where we will return. In a true path of both giving and taking, according to our biological needs. In a balance of Nature, which has existed and should continue to exist after me. In a full life as part of this balance. In a world full of happiness everlasting, that I was born to experience.

A soul is born, who came down from Heaven to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. He became life of life, desire of desire, true life of true life. One in being with the environment. Let Earth conceive a son. My truth and my will shall be with him, and in my name shall he be exalted in his life to be. He will travel through the four seasons and five stages of life. Glory be to conception, Growth, learning, maturity and death.

We live upon the Earth. Nature has given us a place to grow, and enjoy the growth. Let us celebrate the fullness thereof. It is truly good and right that we should at all times and in all places enjoy the Holy, Mother, upon whom our lives grow. As whom our lives grow. All that is needed is provided in a world that we are designed to fit. For this is the ground my feet stand upon, the cup of my blood, the breath of my life and the fire of my soul. Blessed is the fruit of her soil. She has given us the will of the hunter and the shape of the path. We don’t need anything else. We live as the Earth. Together we journey, now till the hour of our death.

Everything that dies in Winter is reborn in Spring. The son will become the father. The daughter will become the mother. The created will be creator. His seed shall be mighty, upon the Earth. Thanks be to all that has existed, for now the path is complete. What is important is where we are. For this is where we were and this is the complete picture, of what we are.

We are gathered here to experience a ritual celebrating life. I feel the water of life flowing from the temple. It is good because life living touched another life. Each moment of human touch is eternal. Let us break bread in the temple of life. It is right to break bread in the temple of life. Witness the life and life-giving bread. Heaven and Earth are full of your glory. My flesh of our flesh. My blood of our blood. Hoc est corpus.

May the harmony, of Nature be with you. May you choose the right path as you walk through life. Through life, with life, in life. The word has been made flesh. Arise and live as part of Nature’s balance. An inescapable fantasy, of undeniable ecstasy. Roam the wood passionately, with the Horned God. EUOI

Read "A Book of Holy Anarchy."

Color Image of Temple

List of a few Gods