I'd had my GothCode as my .sig for a while, and had a few questions
about it from people curious as to what it was. After I sent her a copy
of the code to decode my .sig, Maeve Wolf suggested that the Demoscene
could be a candidate for a similar code, and maybe I/we should write
one. I thought about it for a while and realised that it could be done.
I looked at some other codes, in particular Peter T. Caffin's GothCode
v2.0A, and quickly drafted a few sections. Within four days it rocketed
to over 20k, and kept growing in fits and spurts (during exams I might
add :) I'll never learn...).
Naturally a code like this can't summarise an individual, people are far
too varied. But in a scene where people rarely see you face to face, it
is a good way to give people some idea of who you are and what you're
like; all in something small enough to fit into a .sig (without even
breaking the dreaded netiquette ;)).
Credit where credit's due, this code would probably never have existed
if it hadn't been for the GothCode by P.T.Caffin (aka -Synic-) and a
timely comment from Maeve. I also looked at a few codes such as the
Bear/Smurf Codes, but the only ones I paid any attention to:
* The Geek Code v1.0.1
* The Twink Code v1.10
...but even then they were minor sources of inspiration. The GothCode
has been the code that I studied, rewrote parts of and wholesale lifted
sections from. (A note on that: I tried as much as possible to avoid
direct lifting, but on a couple of codes I couldn't see any better way
to do it; or didn't really see that there was any great need to change
them). The GothCode can be found on -Synic-'s rather swish homepage:
Last but by no means least, credit goes to Maeve Wolf for her feedback,
suggestions and support.
So what the hell is this thing? Basically it is a series of codes or
flags that are comprised of elements from this template. For each
separate code there will be an index letter, then qualifiers and
modifiers. The qualifiers give the main information and the modifiers
give you the chance to "tweak" a little to make it fit you more closely.
The categories are not set in stone, you just pick the qualifiers etc
that fit you /closest/.
"R" code.
What role do you play in the scene? This one is pretty easy :) Put the
area/s you are involved in first; then (in abbreviated form) the affils
you have, in brackets with any modifiers that may apply. An option is
included for non-scene BBS people who wish to use this code.
An - Ansi artist
As - Ascii artist
Co - Coder
Cu - Courier
Li - Lit writer
Lu - I'm a lurker, I don't actively participate.
Mu - Musician
Vg - VGA artist
Wa - \/\/4|23z |<1|)|)13 (are you stupid enough to admit this?)
Wr - Writer for an eMag
zz - I fit into the scene in some way not listed.
NA - I am a non-demoscener
Modifiers :
! I am the head honcho of this group.
# I am senior staff of this group.
& I am permanent staff of this group (applies to eMags only, as most
other areas only have permanents).
* I freelance.
1 This group is a one-man-band.
? I am currently unaffiliated in this area.
?? I am currently unaffiliated and am developing my skills before
I join a group.
% I am unaffiliated and plan to stay that way (different to
@x I have been in x number of groups before the ones I'm in now
(For simplicity, count only the groups you released
Example :
At time of writing I write lit for CiA, and articles for oOze and
revival. Also, I am senior staff of rvl and a staff writer for oOze; and
in the past I wrote for an eMag called Event Horizon and released with
Revolt literature. My code goes like this -
"T" code.
How long have you been a part of the demoscene? Count only time that you
have been actively keeping up with the scene.
Tx - x number of years (graduate in quarter years, rounding months
I have been using a modem and calling scene boards since September 1994,
which at time of writing is about 1 year and 9 months ago. That's one
and three quarter years, so my code is T1.75
"E" code.
Elitism is a big part of the scene, for better or worse. Some people are
skill-based elitist: "I am brilliant, you are shit."; and some are just,
well, elitist. Not to say, of course, that some people aren't truly
elite (and don't get excited, I'm not naming anyone! ;)) Whatever, this
is where you confess to how elitist you are! :)
E+4 I am so elite that I don't even need to *do* anything to retain
that status! (Hrrrmph ;))
E+3 EVERYONE has heard of me and I'm generally recognised as being
very good at what I do.
E++ Pretty much there... A lot of people have at least heard of me
and my work is considered pretty good.
E+ I know what's what enough to look like I know my stuff.
E I'm a scener, alright... don't bug me about it.
E- I'm an interested newbie who's just started looking into the
E-- I'm make obvious errors in judgement about what to say and/or
do, and don't know who I'm flaming or what those little
letters behind their name mean.
E-3 People cringe when I open accounts on their board or join their
IRC channel. I often get booted off systems and
E-4 I have been banned from most IRC channels and blacklisted on all
the scene boards I've tried to call. In fact, I'm so
badly disliked I'm famous for it (Hello Ryan! >-)).
Mods :
% Let's face it, this all disappears when we turn the computer
off. It really doesn't matter that much to me.
! I really hate elitism, get outta my face Mr Ego!
@x I have won my section at parties x times.
# There are no compos for my area of the scene (eg Lit and mags).
Eg :
I've been around long enough to know who's who, and people usually know
the name at local scene meets; and I've had plenty of complements on my
work although there are no compos for lit. However, elitism pisses me
off and I try not to get too worked up over the scene; so my code E++!%#
"I" code.
We all use internet, at least most of do. Internet has allowed us to
communicate with people in other countries and create a scene that is
truly worldwide. How much do you use internet? What parts of it do you
I+3 I never log on at all, because I just never log off. I saw the
sun earlier this year though... or was it last year?
I++ I'm a heavy internet user, and have pulled one or two all-night
I+ I use internet a lot, logging on most days and often spending a
couple of hours online.
I I use internet pretty casually.
I- I use it a little and enjoy it when I do, but rarely more than a
couple of times a week and not for very long.
I-- I use internet as little as possible.
I-3 Don't mention the I-word! Get ye back, spawn of satan!!
Add to this the areas you use on a regular basis (ie what you spend your
time online doing):
Em - I use email.
Ft - I spend a lot of time ftp'ing (only use this if it's your main
reason for using internet, as we all use ftp at some time; at
least most of us do).
Go - I spend a lot of time using gopher (same as for.
Ir - I use irc. If you use one irc channel in particular, then put it in
Ma - I use mailing lists.
Mu - I am a mudder.
Ne - I read newsgroups.
Te - I spend a lot of time telnetting to other servers (use this only if
you don't actually NEED to telnet, ie it doesn't count if you
use another account to access your mailbox. If you use many
accounts and receive mail at all of them then you may wish to
leave this in).
We - I pissfart around on the web.
zz - I do something not listed here (you're trying to hack the passwords
on your server, aren't you! admit it! :) )
Mods :
@ - I have my own web page (you may wish to put the url in brackets).
# - I maintain an ftp site.
! - I'm the SysAdmin of a server!
$ - I make money from internet.
$$ - I make a living from internet.
? - I use internet but I'm usually too stoned or tripped out to know
what I actually *do* there...
I use internet pretty heavily, and log on most days that I have access
to my account. I generally stay on for a fair while, and have pulled a
couple of all night or close to all night sessions. I use mail, news,
mailing lists and a little bit of IRC... so my code is I++EmNeMaIr
"B" code.
In the demoscene, a large part of the action takes place on BBS's. This
is included as a separate category from internet because it's... well...
a separate passtime. After all, ftp may be great but it does lack that
certain *something* that goes with bbs's.
+3 I am a heavy BBS user, and pull all-night sessions calling the
plethora of BBS's I have accounts with.
++ I log on every day without fail to all the BBS's I can.
+ I use BBS's a lot, logging on most days and usually using my full
allotted time.
- I use them and enjoy it when I do, but rarely more than a couple of
times a week and don't use much of my allotted time.
-- I use BBS's as little as possible.
-3 BBS's? Gimme a break! I hate them.
-4 What in the hell is a BBS?
Mods :
Re - My BBS usage is restricted for some reason. This is usually by cost
restraints; especially STD call rates.
Ld - I call LD a lot.
Sy - I am the sysop of a BBS.
Co - I am the Co-Sys of a BBS.
Ma - I only use BBS's for mail.
Le - I'm a leech!
Mo - I make money from a BBS.
Li - I make a living from a BBS.
In - I don't use BBS's much because I can get what I need from internet.
!! - I don't use BBS's *at* *all*, because of internet.
@x - I only call x number of boards.
I don't use BBS's much, only calling 2 boards every week or two for mail
packs; but this is basically because there are no scene boards in a
local phone zone. I do however make up for this using internet, so my
code is B-ReIn@2
"H" code.
A person's handle is a large part of who they are in the modem world. It
is usually the first impression another scener will get of you, so in
many ways it is like your "face". Some people choose them carefully,
others just write whatever comes into their head at the time. Your
handle can be a source of amusement, annoyance or curiosity amongst
other sceners. I get asked whether I named myself after the game, for
instance (which I didn't, btw!).
H++ I chose my handle after a large amount of thought.
H+ I put a little thought into it.
H I just chose a name, next question please.
H- A handle is just a handle, what's the big deal?
H-- I put no thought into it whatsoever.
Mods :
! - My handle has a special meaning for me!
# - My handle is my nickname.
% - My handle is my real name.
& - My handle is often used in real life instead of my name.
&& - I am known only by my handle in real life (this includes if you
already had that handle before you began bbs'ing).
? - I named myself after someone or something else.
* - My handle has no special meaning at all.
~ - I am going to change my current handle.
^x - I go by x different handles at the same time (specify what the
extra names are and where you use them).
@x - I have had x number of handles.
Eg :
My handle was chosen after a lot of thought, has special meaning, I have
only had the one handle, I use a different nick on irc and will answer
to heretic in real life. Therefore my code is H++!&^2(requiem:IRC)
"C" code.
Some of us are computer and technology geniuses, some of us just bluff
their way through when they use the flickering box. How cyberpunk are
you? Can you hack into the bank and get a few credit cards for a fun
weekend at Jupiters' or are you outfoxed by your hair dryer?
C+4 My name is Phiber Optik and I hack for the sake of freedom of
information and curiosity (Information wants to be
C+3 I live for new technology; I love new gadgets and love to use
them. I can make sense of the newest of the new and the
oldest of the old with ease.
C+2 I can program a video recorder that was made by a Japanese
manufacturer during the 1970s and 80s... and I usually
don't even need the instructions! I rarely need the
slightest help fixing my computer.
C++ I can quickly learn how to operate equipment and software in my
field of expertise. While not a guru I can usually fix
any simple problems my computer has, and know how to
create complex batch files and such.
C+ It can take a little time, but, I can work out these new fangled
gadgets and sorta enjoy it... kinda.
C Ahh hell, it's the 90s; I can live with technology. Thank god
for the "... For Dummies" phenominon and
point-and-click, eh?
C- I don't like using my microwave oven and the manual for my
computer is always open. I live by the maxim "If it's
not broken, don't fix it." so don't use the word
"upgrade" near me!
C-- I had to buy "Microwaves for Dummies" and read it six times to
work out how to use the damn thing. I can often get
things other than my word processor to work, given time
and three different support lines.
C-3 I threw away my microwave because I couldn't work out how to use
the f***ing thing. Don't even *mention* computers, those
things just don't do what you tell them!
C-4 "(Beepbeep), oh heavy, the machines are ganging up on me again.
Why can't we all lead a pastoral existance where there
are no machines that get all heavy and beep at you?"
Px I can program in x languages.
w I use technology all the time; it's the basis of my work (eg,
computer repair, graphic design, crane operation, typist
who uses computers, etc).
m I am mechanically minded (ie, I'm good with nuts, bolts, car or
truck engines, etc).
e I am electrically minded (ie, you can construct things that
involve high voltage electricity).
c I am circuitry minded (ie, you can construct or fix things that
involve integrated circuits, diodes, transistors,
restistors, etc).
p I am chemical-properties minded (ie, you can mix compounds to
produce stuff; often found with chemists, pyrotech-
nicians, pyromaniacs etc)
! I am self-taught.
? I learned through trial and error, and by asking friends who
learned the same way.
% I only upgrade the technology I have if I can see a clear reason
to do so.
# While I often know exactly *how* something works, I just use it.
Programming is all very well but it's not for me; I'm
more into creating things with the proggys that someone
else wrote.
Eg :
I'm pretty good with computers, but not a guru as such. I'm more into
the using side of technology and while not exactly self-taught I learned
mostly by trial, error, a few more errors and asking questions (I
finally opened the shrink wrap on my DOS manual the other day, to back
up the disks. Still haven't READ the bloody thing :)). I only really
upgrade when I see a reason to, for instance I still use TELIX because I
don't see enough benefit in other comms packages to warrant using them
(*5 megs* for a comms prog? Take TERMINATE away! ;)). My code comes out
to C++?%#
SOCIABILITY (for want of a better description :))
"s" code.
Are you a misanthrope? A socialite? In between? The scene is based
around computers, which is a pretty solitary pursuit. Do you like people
or do you hate being around anything more than a list of names?
s+4 I am a socialite, if you want to find me I'm on the social pages
of the paper ("Such a wonderful person leading a
fabulous life" ;)).
s+3 I can't live without other people, and can't stand being alone.
s++ People are fantastic! I love everyone.
s+ I like most people.
s I'm like most people; I like some, I dislike others.
s- I like some, but most people get to me.
s-- People really bug me, I much prefer my own company.
s-3 I can't stand people, get away from me.
s-4 I actively avoid other humans, they're trash. Wipe 'em all out
and give this place to the cockroaches!
s-! People are great, individuals yes... but I can't fucking stand
the masses.
# I flip out if I go too long without getting out.
% I like everyone, except for morons.
L It's not to do with other people, I'm just a loner.
Eg :
It's time to 'fess up, I really like people, but the great unwashed get
on my goat. I hate going too long without company though, and can't
stand morons. My code is s-!#%
"P" code.
Well, this one should be fairly self-explanatory... what kind of
personality lurks within your grey matter?
Co Corporate Slave: You survive on stress; it's your life blood.
You're a working wo/man who actually _loves_ their job
and enjoys the comforts that it brings. People who like
songs like SNOG's "Corporate Slave" irritate you just a
bit... don't they realise that someone's got to work to
keep the country afloat?
Cy Cynic: Yep, you've seen it all and know what's going to happen.
When things piss you off you pay them out, after all
they provide so much ammunition. Your reaction to the
weight of your experience has not been to blubber at it
and be depressed, but to attack it with all the flaming
venom you can maintain.
De Defeatist: "The whole world's against me. I can't get a
boy/girlfriend... I can't get a job... why is it always
*me*?" While you share the sarky's chip on the shoulder,
your prefered way of coping with things is by moping
around blaming yourself and everyone around you.
Do Dopey: This isn't to say that you've got a poor attention span,
are dumb or not always "with it" (although these may
apply). Some people like to sit and talk philosophy
with friends all night; you're not one of them. You're
the type who's more likely to just enjoy the chance to
veg with the television on Channel Ten or do something
that doesn't tax your mind (like get stoned and play
DOOM2 all night).
Dr DramaQueen: Everything is always better or worse for *you*,
something which you take note of all the time... much to
your friends chagrin.
En Ennui: You're bored. Really bored. Really really really bored.
Really really really really bored. Really really......
G Geeky: You wear a calulator in your pocket, collect photos of
skid marks made by radial tyres and have big chunky
coke-bottle glasses. Friends may see you as "an
individual" who can be creative amongst your geeky
friends.. The upshot is you don't have any enemies
(because well, you're kinda socially insignificant ;)).
L Lazy: Stress is something that you prefer to avoid.. it reduces
your life span, reduces your quality of life and makes
you lose out on sleep.
M Manic: You have some pretty wild mood swings... If anyone's
going to swing between Perky and Mopey, that's you.
Mo Mopey: Life is a permanent existential crisis, while you're
getting together whether or not you feel worse about the
escalating conflicts in foreign lands, the fate of the
world's starving and the futility of the United Nations,
or your own personal tragedies.. it's _all_ so awful,
and no-one knows it more than you do.
Na Narky: You're an angry young (wo)man! You've got a driving
political/philosophical/religious/ideological cause, and
you're not afraid to to let people know, deconstructed
re-thought paraphrased quoted rephrased and
reconstructed into logical formed argument until the
person you're talking to's brain seems to be melting and
dribbling out their ears.
Ni Nihilist: You're a nihilist. You don't care about anything or
anyone. People hate you, and you don't care.. the
world's environment is dying and it doesn't matter..
you're an apathetic git, whose most likely response to
an advert from the Save-the-Starving-Walrus Fund is
"save a tree, shoot a koala!".
Pa Panic Merchant: Life is a continuous panic situation that you're
never quite prepared for... BASIL!!! ;)
Pe Perky: Permanently happy. "Just because my dog died, the
hairdryer exploded in my ear, My house burned down, my
bank went bust, I've just been dumped and I wasn't
insured for any of it doesn't mean I should be all
*depressed*!!" Mopeys usually want to kill you.
Pr Perfectionist: Things have to be just right, otherwise there'll
be all hell to pay. People who don't like you sometimes
call you "anal retentive" but all those little tiny
things out of place add up to huge problems!! Now shut
up and dust along the top of the door frame.
Sc Schemer: "I have a cunning plan.." You've seen Blackadder, so
you've got an idea... your impersonation of Rowan
Atkinson in the title role is impeckable. (Note: If
you're a "scheming bitch," you might want to work out
which is more dominant: Sarky or Schemer.. and then
attribute accordingly)
Sh Shy: "Please don't look at me.. oh, please.." *scuttles to the
corner of the room* "I wish they wouldn't try to talk to
me.." *pouts* A shy person is, unfortunately, well,
dreadfully shy when it comes to conversing with other
people that they might encounter. Later, when they've
become more comfortable, they may come out of their
shells.. but, until then..
Sl Slut (and I mean this in the nicest possible way! ;)): You're
God's gift to wo/men.. This isn't just your own opinion,
either. You rarely are single for longer than a week,
but, are rarely involved in a relationship for longer
than a month. This may or may not be intentional on your
part, however, the important bit is that you have no
problems attracting fresh blood.
0 I have no personality (do not use with any other personality
! You cannot and will not be classified according to any of the
above. You are much too complex and noble a creature to
allow yourself to be pidgeonholed this way and "I will
not be stamped, indexed, filed or numbered!" is your
favourite sample from `The Prisoner.'
"G" code.
No writing "yes please" or "twice daily", ok! :) Put your gender and
then your age.
m - Male
f - Female
o - Other (please specify in brackets).
Mods :
! - I am an alien, vampire or some other life form (again, specify in
? - I prefer to let it remain a mystery, so I can continue fooling
people of the other gender on #sex.
Eg :
I am a 17 year old human male, so my code is Gm17
"O" code.
Are you in school? Uni? Working? Put your situation and how long you've
been there (in years).
pr - Primary School (what the hell are you doing here???).
hi - High (Secondary) School.
te - Tertiary institution, ie University.
ta - TAFE College.
un - I'm unemployed (only put this if you've completed your studies).
wo - I'm in the workforce.
Mods :
! - ...and I hate it!
# - ...and I love it!
$ - I work as well as study.
@x - I work x number of jobs.
Eg's :
I am in first year Uni and have a part time job, so my code is Oun1$
However, if I was still in high school, hating it and had 2 part time
jobs I'd be Ose!@2
"o" code.
What area do you work in or study? Sceners tend to study Info Tech a
lot, but not always. Sceners who are skilled or are working towards
being skilled in more than one area should include all of their talents
separated by their qualifiers. For simplicity, list them in the order
you studied them.
Are you a...
ScAu Scener of Authorship
ScAS Scener of Applied Sciences (Nursing, Librarianship, etc.)
ScBi Scener of Biology
ScBu Scener of Business/Accountancy
ScGD Scener of Commercial Arts/Graphic Design
ScCS Scener of Computer Science
ScCD Scener of Clothing Design/Production
ScDJ Scener of DJ'ing (music programming)
ScEg Scener of Engineering
ScEn Scener of English
ScJr Scener of Journalism
ScFa Scener of Farming
ScFA Scener of Fine Arts
ScSc Scener of Government
ScHS Scener of High School (use only if you're still there)
ScHu Scener of Humanities
ScJu Scener of Jurisprudence (Law)
ScMa Scener of Maths
ScMA Scener of Manual Arts (woodwork, metalwork, leatherwork, etc)
ScMD Scener of Medicine
ScMk Scener of Marketing
ScMi Scener of the Military (includes those serving in the armed
forces as part of their studies).
ScMu Scener of Music (writing, producing, _not_ DJ'ing)
ScNA Scener of Massage, herbal lore, `new age remedies,' etc.
ScPh Scener of Philosophy
ScSB Scener of Small Business
ScPh Scener of Photography
ScPS Scener of the Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc)
ScSS Scener of Social Science (Psychology, Sociology, etc.)
ScTh Scener of Theater
ScTW Scener of Technical Writing
ScZZ Scener of Other. You do something *far* more interesting!
Sc?? Scener of 'Undecided'. This would be a popular vocation with
incoming first-year uni students. Hell, I'm doing a BA in WTF?!
ScAT Scener of All Trades. For those sceners that can do anything and
everything. ScAT usually precludes the use of other vocational
ScNQ Scener of No Qualifications.
To the identifier of each one you add, the qualifier:
+4 Still pretty stupid, over qualified to work any job, went and
got my Ph.D.
+3 Had not learned enough to know better not to go back and try
for a Masters degree..
++ Managed to finish my bachelors/postgraduate diploma.
+ Started a degree, plan to finish it some day.
$ Did a course or apprenticeship, and am making some dosh for
$$ Got my bachelors, escaped alive, and am making hoards of
money writing computer software that only _I_ can maintain.
$3 The company I work for was dumb enough to fund my way through
a masters degree, then started paying me even more money.
$4 Achieved a Ph.D, have devoted my life to insignificant
research, which my employer pays dearly for.
! Learned it the hard way and I'm now proficient enough to contemplate
selling my products/services.. I'm planning my future in this field
on the acquisition of those final skills in order to do it..
!! Learned it the hard way and I'm now an expert.. schools never
teach you what you _need_ to know anyway!
I am doing a BA and studying English and Journalism, but really don't
know what I want to do. My code is oScEnJr??+
"M" code.
Music plays a large role in some people's life, and most people have a
particular taste in music. This is the code dealing with that.
M+4 Is there anything at all else to buy? Oh, _food_, that's right..
I forgot all about that!
M+3 I have the largest music collection out of everyone I know..
M++ I have a pretty decent CD/record/cassette collection.
M+ I enjoy listening to music
M I like it.. but not much more than I like taking a leak in the
loo. It just happens, okay?
M- I can't make the time to sit around listening to music.
M-- I really don't like it.
M-3 I'd rather wash my dog's testicles than listen to music.
M-4 I'd rather give my horse a six hour rimjob than listen to music,
Mods :
$ I would buy more music if I could afford it.
p1, p3, etc I play one, three, etc, musical instruments.
w I write my own music.
g I sometimes do gigs/performances.
Writing .mod's and .s3m's as such is already covered by the "Scene Role"
code, so don't put it here as well. If you ALSO record stuff for
realspace playing, then put that in.
And (if applicable) only _one_ of the following:
D I have recorded my music on tape as a Demo or personal home
S I have had my music professionally mixed and produced and have
sold copies via local shops or gigs.
R I am signed to a major recording studio/distribution network.
Eg :
I have a pretty good CD collection, would but heaps more CDs if I were
filthy rich enough to do it and I play the saxophone; so my code is
"m" code.
Now that you've worked out how much you like music, it's time to put
down what kind of music you like.
What kinds of music do you listen to?
Ac Acid Jazz.
Al "Alternative" (I don't know, YOU define it :)).
Am Ambient
Be Be-Bop
Bm Black metal
Br BritPop
Cl Classical
De Death Metal
Ex Experimental music (eg, early PIL, Thou Gideon, etc)
Ga Garage Bands - gotta love that 4-track sound!
Go Gothic (This is referred to here as a generic "goth" sound).
Gr Grunge
He Heavy Metal
Ho House (as opposed to techno, and including Deep House)
In Industrial
Ip Indie pop
Ja Jazz
Nr New Romantics
Oi Oi!
Op Opera
Po Pop
Pu Punk
Ra Rap
Re Reggae, Man!
Ro Rock
Sk Ska
Sw Swing
Te Techno
Th Thrash
To Top 40... whatever is on the charts (I have no brain...).
Mods :
* _All_ forms of music,
% _Most_ forms of music, with a few definite dislikes.
. _No_ forms of music,
? I don't know what the music I like is called.
@ I listen a lot of .mod's and .s3m's of this style of music.
! I listen to all kinds of .mod's and .s3m's
!! I listen to all kinds of .mod's and .s3m's and when doing so
listen to styles of music I don't normally listen to
(specify which in brackets).
& I *only* listen to .mod's and .s3m's!
I like a heap of different styles of music, but with a heavy leaning on
Industrial, Gothic, heavy "Rock" styles and some Ambient, but there are
some kinds of music I can't stand. I listen to .mod's and .s3m's and
when I do so I often listen to Techno and House; so my code here works
out to mInGoRoAm%!!(HoTe)
"S" code.
Are you a raver, a jock, a goth or a gym junky? Put your primary "look"
first and then any secondary looks in brackets. Only use looks that you
wear on a regular basis.
Bo - Bogan: You think the flannie goes really well with the ugg boots,
especially when out in the Torana!
Cs - Corporate Slave (suit and tie): That's right, you're in the system
and look like it. Conservative suits all the way.
Dm - Death metaller: loud DEICIDE shirts and jeans say it for you :)
Jo - Jock: Why banish sweat pants to the gym? They look great in *any*
situation! You're the one who likes wearing muscle-tees,
leotards and other fitness paraphernalia everywhere you go.
Jt - Jeans'n'T-shirt kid: Sure, we all wear jeans and T-shirts, but for
you it's all you ever wear. This is separate from, say, a
swampie who only wears black jeans and T's in that your clothes
are not geared towards another particular look specified here;
you just wear what you have or like.
Go - Goth: black, black and more black. Frills, lace, PVC pants and
boots with as many buckles you can fit on them. Yep, you're a
goth. If you want to define yourself more specifically, use the
GothCode! :)
Gr - Grunger: If it hasn't been worn to death then it's not old enough
for you to be wearing it :)
Ho - Homie: who said these pants need to fit? That's what a BELT is for!
In - Indy kid: If anyone is going to be seen in public wearing Salvation
Army style black slacks with a thin red stripe along with a
shirt with a pattern reminiscent of 1950s laminate tables,
you're it!
Mo - a Mod: You're the one who bought pink PVC dresses because they were
in, and wore them with stackup heels and a tiny backpack.
Characterised by taking mags like ELLE just a little too
seriously, and you are the only person you know who actually
WEARS the stuff you see in the JUICE fashion spread ;) (Hey,
it's not like there's anything wrong with this! Really! ;))
Ne - Nerd: Trousers that look a little bell-bottomed, coke bottle
glasses, notebook in top pocket for if you see a train and need
to jot the number down for your collection. If your mum still
buys your clothes, you're probably in this category.
Rv - Raver: Loud shirts and baggy pants, halters and hot pants etc etc.
Re - Redneck: You epitomise the pickup/boots/10gallon hat kinda look.
Sl - Slob: So long as it covers the essentials and preferably (but not
necessarily) can be removed without detergent, that's clothed
well enough for you.
Sw - Swampie: similar to Goth, but not necessarily the same. You wear
black but not in the same sort of way that goths do.
Yu - YUPPIE (casualwear): Yep, you're the one who keeps Country Road in
business. Smart casual fits your style.
zz - Something not on this list.
Z You look so amazingly bizarre and goddamned weird that your style
can not be classified from amongst this list.
I am more or less a goth, but I also wear casual stuff and sometimes a
weird mix of the two in a Jeans'n'T sort of way. It's not really a look
that goes with one of these definitions, so my code is SGo(Yuzz)
"F" code.
Most sceners do eat, so I'm told... but given the largely nocturnal
activity that modeming in all its forms tends to be, these eating habits
can turn out to be pretty interesting. Some people eat any old thing
they can find when they can't ignore their stomach any longer, and some
plan their food and meals. After all, we've all discovered at some time
that Pizza Hut really DOES close at about midnight... This code deals
with what you eat, and when you eat it.
Choose one of the following:
F+4 I keep myself on a strict diet.
F+3 I graze like a bunny.. pass me a carrot!
F++ I always prefer to go for the healthy food, but, occasionally
I'll eat some crap..
F+ I sometimes go for the healthy stuff, but hey I'm not a fanatic.
F- Food? I just grab whatever the hell's in the fridge that doesn't
leap out when the door opens.
F-- I eat only the cheap things - even with artificial meat and
F-3 I eat dead meat only -- ever seen Paul Keating in Parliamentary
Question Time?
F-4 I live on potato chips and Jolt.
F-711 I live on the food in the local 7-11... no matter what shift it
is, they know my name! :)
F! Eh what? never mind the menu, just gimme something to eat!
Fv I'm a vampire and I only drink _blood_.
Fc I have evolved to a new life form that gathers all the energy it
needs from the radiation given off by computer monitors.
Fa I prefer to use amphetamines like Speed and other illicit drugs to
avoid silly things like eating.
V I am a vegetarian.
C I am a carnivore.
O I am an omnivore.
P I do not eat meat or animal products.
D My nutritional needs are determined by my body's intolerances.
! I am allergic to almost all knowntional habits are such because I
am on doctors orders or because I have massive allergies.
F Although it doesn't affect the _quality_ of my eating habits, as
listed above, I usually live on takeaways.
M Although it doesn't affect the _quality_ of my eating habits, as
listed above, I make all my food.. I cook it all by
& I prefer not to have to cook my own food, but when that's not an
option I put a lot of effort into cooking something
% I eat three meals a day... lunch, dinner and that weird meal you
have at around one or two in the morning.
* I eat three meals a day... but at night instead of day (coders
and IRC freaks know about this one :)).
@ My eating habits are different during school/uni holidays (put
your holiday habits in brackets).
Although a few of you out there who knew me in high school probably
wouldn't believe it (anyone for a boston bun? :)), I sometimes eat
healthy food (especially Europe bars in boring lectures). Also, when I
am forced to cook my own stuff I prefer to do a good job of it, and on
hoidays I usually end up with weird sleep patterns at some stage and eat
at midnight. My code works out to F++&@(%)
"h" code.
How tall (or otherwise) are you? You can use metric or imperial here, it
doesn't matter really. Some people insist that we use the metric system
and should therefore give height in centimetres, but most people (well,
I do, anyway) still use feet and inches. For those of you who don't
know, one inch is approximately 2.5cm.
Eg :
My code is h5'8" in imperial or h170cm in metric.
"b" code.
Sceners come in all shapes and sizes. They are, after all normal people
(well, physically anyway ;)). There are two parts to the "b" code, your
fitness or flesh tone and roundness. Mix and match until you get
something that sounds right for you.
b+3:+3 Even my muscles have muscles. : I take up three movie
I crack nuts with my biceps. seats.
b++:++ I'm really into keeping my : I'm quite, er, plump.
body toned.
b+:+ I keep myself fit. : I'm little rounder than most.
b: I'm an average scener. : I'm an average scener.
b-:- I lose my breath walking. : Everyone tells me to gain a
few pounds.
b--:-- I can't walk up stairs. : I tend to have to fight against
a strong breeze.
b-3:-3 I can't even get out of bed. : My bones are poking through
my skin.
Add to this any of the following that may be appropriate:
C Ha! It's nothing that can't be fixed with cosmetic surgery... as
soon as I have the money...
D I am on a diet.
H I am in a hospital.
M This is a result of a medical condition (past or present).
T I am in training.
X I have Complete Body Dysfunction (CBD).
Eg's :
I'm of average fitness, but I'm a little underweight and a lot of people
tell me to gain some weight (not as easy as it sounds!). My code is b:-
Some other examples include: b:++, b++:, b++:--.
"L" code.
Where are you? Sceners seem to come from a pretty wide range of places.
Put your country code first in LOWERCASE (us for America, uk for United
Kingdom) then the abbreviated name or zip code for your state in
AD Andorra AE United Arab Emirates
AF Afghanistan(Islamic St. AG Antigua and Barbuda
AI Anguilla AL Albania
AM Armenia AN Netherland Antilles
AO Angola (Republic of) AQ Antarctica
AR Argentina AS American Samoa
AT Austria AU Australia
AW Aruba AZ Azerbaijan
BA Bosnia-Herzegovina BB Barbados
BD Bangladesh BE Belgium
BF Burkina Faso BG Bulgaria
BH Bahrain BI Burundi
BJ Benin BM Bermuda
BN Brunei Darussalam BO Bolivia
BR Brazil BS Bahamas
BT Bhutan BV Bouvet Island
BW Botswana BY Belarus
BZ Belize CA Canada
CC Cocos (Keeling) Isl. CF Central African Rep.
CG Congo CH Switzerland
CI Ivory Coast CK Cook Islands
CL Chile CM Cameroon
CN China CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica CS Czechoslovakia
CU Cuba CV Cape Verde
CX Christmas Island CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic DE German
DI Djibouti DK Denmark
DM Dominica DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria EC Ecuador
EE Estonia EG Egypt
EH Western Sahara ER Eritrea
ES Spain ET Ethiopia
FI Finland FJ Fiji
FK Falkland Isl.(Malvinas) FM Micronesia
FO Faroe Islands FR France
FX France (European Ter.) GA Gabon
GD Grenada GE Georgia
GF Guiana (Fr.) GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar GL Greenland
GM Gambia GN Guinea
GP Guadeloupe (Fr.) GQ Equatorial Guinea
GR Greece GS South Georgia and South Sandwich
GT Guatemala GU Guam (US)
GW Guinea Bissau GY Guyana
HK Hong Kong HM Heard & McDonald Isl.
HN Honduras HR Croatia
HT Haiti HU Hungary
ID Indonesia IE Ireland
IL Israel IN India
IO British Indian O. Terr. IQ Iraq
IR Iran IS Iceland
IT Italy JM Jamaica
JO Jordan JP Japan
KE Kenya KG Kyrgyz Republic
KH Cambodia KI Kiribati
KM Comoros KN St.Kitts Nevis Anguilla
KP Korea (North) KR Korea (South)
KW Kuwait KY Cayman Islands
KZ Kazachstan LA Laos
LB Lebanon LC Saint Lucia
LI Liechtenstein LK Sri Lanka
LR Liberia LS Lesotho
LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia LY Libya
MA Morocco MC Monaco
MD Moldova MG Madagascar (Republic of)
MH Marshall Islands MK Macedonia (former Yugoslavia)
ML Mali MM Myanmar
MN Mongolia MO Macau
MP Northern Mariana Isl. MQ Martinique (Fr.)
MR Mauritania MS Montserrat
MT Malta MU Mauritius
MV Maldives MW Malawi
MX Mexico MY Malaysia
MZ Mozambique NA Namibia
NC New Caledonia (Fr.) NE Niger
NF Norfolk Island NG Nigeria
NI Nicaragua NL Netherlands
NO Norway NP Nepal
NR Nauru NU Niue
NZ New Zealand OM Oman
PA Panama PE Peru
PF Polynesia (Fr.) PG Papua New Guinea
PH Philippines PK Pakistan
PL Poland PM St. Pierre & Miquelon
PN Pitcairn PR Puerto Rico (US)
PT Portugal PW Palau
PY Paraguay QA Qatar
RE Reunion (Fr.) RO Romania
RU Russian Federation RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia SB Solomon Islands
SC Seychelles SD Sudan
SE Sweden SG Singapore
SH St. Helena SI Slovenia
SJ Svalbard & Jan Mayen Is SK Slovakia (Slovak Rep)
SL Sierra Leone SM San Marina
SN Senegal SO Somalia
SR Suriname ST St. Tome and Principe
SU Soviet Union SV El Salvador
SY Syria SZ Swaziland
TC Turks & Caicos Islands TD Chad
TF French Southern Terr. TG Togo
TH Thailand TJ Tadjikistan
TK Tokelau TM Turkmenistan
TN Tunisia TO Tonga
TP East Timor TR Turkey
TT Trinidad & Tobago TV Tuvalu
TW Taiwan TZ Tanzania
UA Ukraine UG Uganda
US United States UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan VA Vatican City State
VC St. Vincent & Grenadines VE Venezuela
VG Virgin Islands (British VI Virgin Islands (US)
VN Vietnam VU Vanuatu
WF Wallis & Futuna Islands WS Samoa
YE Yemen YT Mayotte
YU Yugoslavia ZA South Africa
ZM Zambia ZR Zaire
ZW Zimbabwe
Mods :
+3 I live in the inner city area of the capital city of my state
or territory
++ I live in the inner city area of a non-capital city..
+ I live in the suburbs of the capital city of my state or
! I live in the suburbs of a non-capital city..
- I live in the centre of a town
-- I live in the 'burbs of a town
-3 I live out in the country on a farm or station/ranch, with road
access to towns nearby
-4 I am in utter desolation!!
! - I live in a country where a language other than English is the
primary language, making English my second language.
Eg :
I live in an inner suburb of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; so my code
is LauQLD+
Here are some examples of completed codes:
My code goes like this -
umm, it changed since then.
So who reads GothCodes anyway? :) v2.0A GoHu??+ ?TAn(JtYzz) B8/18Bk^1]1
cBRs+)++( *PSaNiMoNaLPe V+s M++p1)p2( ZInGoGnJa-- C++u a17= n+ b:- H176
g]g-[ m--?&)@1( *w++T r+B D+!* *h+ s10 k? Rmz SsYy N1295cnl LauQLD+*/-3
HfsS/zS*2 [[ @--}--- :)/:( ]] just one more and i'll walk away - cure
(The GothCode that started it all :))