From bc3q+@andrew.cmu.eduThu Jul 13 09:47:11 1995 Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 21:26:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Benjamin C Cordes To: Ordo Templi Paisleianum Mailing List Subject: OTP Code v1.0 Okay, you asked for it... OTP Code 1.0 by Ben Cordes: OTP X' O+++ @++++*~ A++++S D+++L HQ+++ G++++**25 Start with your degree: X, IV, etc. Put N if you don't have one. O - OTP General O+++++ I contracted my degree as an STD O++++ I have presided over an initiation O+++ I have attended an initiation that was not yours (e.g. Jamie Farr 'IV) O++ I know the greeting (and stories behind it) O+ I've seen/participated in the greeting O It's that thing in the Occult Page O- I've punted the mailing list O-- I've missed the point O--- Comedy does not belong in magick O---- Don't bother, you'll be dead within a month O* Add this if you know why. O? No! Why do you ask? @ - Rho Mu Phi @++++ I'm one of the founders of RMPh, according to the certificate @+++ I can name every RMPh chapter and what school they're at @++ I own RMPh letters @+ I'm a RMPh brother @ I know about Rho Mu Phi @- I've heard of Rho Mu Phi, but I don't understand why anybody would want want to invent a fraternity. @-- Geez, another one of shawn's "organizations", huh? @--- Join RMPh? I refuse to join ANY greek organization! @* I know where the certificate is @H I live in the house @~ The idea of a humor fraternity makes me want to, you know, kinda... A - Administratia (Officers) A++++++ I am the IRS A+++++ I can name all the offices/officers A++++ I'm on the Supreme Council A+++ I'm a Cabinet member A++ I'm an officer A+ I'm an officer but I don't know why A I know an officer A- I don't know any officers A-- I don't know why we have officers A--- The OTP has officers? A---- Yes, occifer [hic], what can I do you for? A* I regularly sign my mail/posts with my degree/office (.sig files count) A~ I know what IRS stands for AS I'm next in line for the IRS, whether shawn knows it or not D - Documentation D++++ I can rattle off all the lodges and mottoes my heart D+++ I've read the entire web page ( D++ I've read the constitution and/or the manifesto D+ I've seen the web page D I haven't seen the web page D- We have a web page? D-- We have a constitution? D--- Somebody put in the time and effort required to create DOCUMENTATION??? DL There's a link to the OTP web page on mine HQ - OTP Headquarters HQ I've been to Hotel Wendover HQ+ I've eaten a meal at Hotel Wendover HQ++ I've cooked a meal at Hotel Wendover HQ+++ I've slept at Hotel Wendover HQ++++ I've slept with Hotel Wendover -- oh what a giveaway! HQ- I've never been to Hotel Wendover HQ-- I've never heard of Hotel Wendover HQ--- You sure that isn't Hotel Bendover? HQ@ I've hurled in Hotel Wendover... or does that go under the RMPh rating? HQ* I live at Hotel Wendover G - OTP's Greeting G++++ I suggested an addition G+++ I know what all the parts mean and where they came from G++ I do it anytime more than one OTP member is around G+ I'm usually the one who starts the greeting G I do it when someone else starts it G- I don't usually do the greeting G-- I've never done the greeting G--- I think the greeting is a dumb idea G---- The OTP has a greeting? G* I know the handshake G** I know the handshake and perform it regularly G*** It's the only time I ever shake hands (no WOSAT references, please) (optional) Put a number after your G code to indicate the largest group you've ever performed the greeting with. (The current count for the "OTP Does Rocky Horror" night is 25) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ben Cordes Carnegie Mellon University Alpha Phi Omega, Kappa Chapter Clusters Facilites Student Assistant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In memory of Edward Harrison Schmuhl, Jr. (1975-1995) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------