The reserchers at the Institute for the Propagation of Gratuitousness in response to overwhelming demand have now released: The Code Code v.3.14159265358 inflicted on the world by Marc Gabriele Begin with the letters CO, and add any two letter suffixes you like Section P: How prolific a coder(tm) are you? P+++ : I spend at least 2 hours a day web-searching and grepping for new codes. P++ : Every time I see a new code, I immediately copy it, apply it, and place it in my .plan/.sig/other widely seen area. P+ : If I see one, I'll work it out, and write it down if it's interesting. P : I only complete codes done by people I know. P- : I don't really have time for that sort of thing. P-- : Get a life, people! P--- : Codes should have been banned by the Exon Bill! P* : I've written a code. P! : I've prevented a code from being written. P# : # of codes you have completed (optional) Section V: Veracity: Do you believe other people's codes? V+++ : Codes are The Truth sent from (Above/Below/other) to guide us poor souls on our journey through life. V++ : I can deduce every detail of a person's life from their codes. V+ : I'll use them to make decisions on occasion. V : They're sort of informative. V- : Only face-to-face conversation shows you the real person. V-- : Only chat sessions show you the real person. V--- : I'd sooner trust a Personal Ad. V* : I have initiated a relationship on the basis of someone's code. V~ : I lie on my own code. V& : I used the last condition to create a paradox. Section |+-|: Most people only tend to fill out codes that conform to them. Are you one of them? Take all of the codes you have completed to date, and add the number of plusses and the number of minuses (seperately), and compute the ratio. |+-|++++ : What minuses? |+-|+++ : 10:1 or better |+-|++ : 5:1 or better |+-|+ : 2:1 or better |+-| : worse than 2:1 in either direction. |+-|- : 1:2 or better |+-|-- : 1:5 or better |+-|--- : 1:10 or better |+-|---- : What plusses? |+-|* : Add one * for each time you lost count. |+-|# : I ran out of time and had to finish it later. Section B: One of the most recently disscussed topics in the national forum is the Bosnian situation. The following rates you on your opinion towards the use of U.S. force in the area. B+++ : Nuke the lot of 'em! B++ : Send in the troops and make the place a wholly owned subsidiary of the USA. B+ : We should send in enough troops to quell the fighting for good. B : Um, uh, I dunno. B- : We should rely entirely on sanctions. B-- : We should rely entirely on the Serbs' goodwill. B--- : We should give the Serbs equal status in NATO and hope it makes them happy. Section F: Faith: Are you enough of a blind believer in the code system that you filled out the last section even though it had nothing to do with the topic at hand? F++ : I filled it out without hesitation. F+ : I did a double-take, but I assumed there was a reason for it. F : I figured I'd get back to it. F- : I ignored it. F-- : I was so disgusted that I stormed off, and the rest of this code is being filled in by proxy. For the last two sections (1 & 2), there is only one possible set of answers. Enjoy! 1++++ : Put this only if your other answer is a +. 1+++ : Put this only if your other answer has a magnitude of 2. 1++ : Put this only if the sum of your answers is positive (i.e. more plusses than minuses) 1+ : Put this only if the sum of your answers is odd. 1 : Put this only if the sum of your answers is zero. 1- : Put this only if the sum of your answers is even. 1-- : Put this only if the sum of your answers is negative. 1--- : Put this only if your other answer has a magnitude of 4. 1---- : Put this only if your other answer is a -. 2++++ : Put this only if your other answer was an even -. 2+++ : Put this only if the sum of your answers is a multiple of 4. 2++ : Put this only if your other answer was not a +. 2+ : Put this only if the year of your birth doubled is an odd number. 2 : Put this only if your other answer was a magnitude of 4. 2- : Put this unless answering 2++++ would be wrong. 2-- : put this only if your other answer had a magnitude of 3. 2--- : Put this only if your other answer was not a magnitude of 3, but was a +. 2---- : Put this only if Alaska is a kind of waterfowl.