Cat Codes
Welcome to the cat codes.
An example of Sapphyr's cat code and her moggy's code follows the lists
Common or formal name followed by ':'
- AB Abyssinian
- AC American Curl
- AL Americal Longhair
- AS American Shorthair
- AW American Wirehair
- BA Balinese
- BB American Bobtail
- BG Bengal
- BI Birman
- BO Bombay
- BR Bristol
- BS British Shorthair
- BU Burmese
- CR Cornish Rex
- CX Chartreux
- CY Cymric
- DL Domestic longhair
- DM Domestic mediumhair
- DR Devon Rex
- DS Domestic shorthair
- EM Egyptian Mau
- ES Exotic Shorthair
- EU European Shorthair
- GR German Rex
- HB Havana Brown
- HI Himalayan
- JB Japanese Bobtail
- KT Korat
- MC Maine Coon
- MX Manx
- NB Nebelung
- NF Norwegian Forest
- OC Ocicat
- OS Oriental Shorthair
- OL Oriental Longhair
- PS Persian
- RB Russian Blue
- RD Ragdoll
- SA Safari
- SF Scottish Fold
- SG Singapura
- SI Siamese
- SN Snowshoe
- SO Somali
- SP California Spangled
- SR Selkirk Rex
- SS Scottish Fold Longhair
- SX Sphynx
- TA Turkish Angora
- TF Tiffany
- TO Tonkinese
- TV Turkish Van
Mixed breeds, if known, can be combined in descending order of
contribution (eg: MC+SI).
If a cat "looks like" a particULar breed but parentage is unknown,
breed can be enclosed in quotation marks.
- R Red (Orange)
- W White
- S Silver
- B Black
- O Brown
- C Chocolate
- L Lilac
- D Ruddy
- G Gold
- d Diluted (i.e.: Red->Cream, Black->Blue(Grey), etc.)
- t Tabby (classic or mackeral pattern)
- r Tortoiseshell
- p Pointed
- s Smoke
- c Chinchilla
- k Ticked
- m Mink
- o Spotted
- h Shaded
Colours can be combined in descending order of area (eg: B+W)
Modifiers can be applied to individual colours by concatenation
(eg: W+Bd = white with grey patches), or groups of colours by use
of parenthesis (eg: (W+B+R)d = dilute calico,
(R+W)t+W = red tabby w/white).
- B Blue
- A Aqua
- G Green
- H Hazel
- C Copper
- Y Gold (yellow)
Odd-eyed colours can be separated by '/', eg: B/G.
Colours can also be added for mixed colours, eg: G+Y = green-gold.
yy or
Eg: 5 = five years old, 1.5 = 17 months, .10 = ten months.
- X Female, spayed, no interest.
- X+ Female, spayed, but still interested.
- X++ Female, intact, but not particULarly excitable.
- X+++ I am a kitten factory.
- Y Male, neutered, no interest.
- Y+ Male, neutered, but still interested.
- Y++ Male, intact, but not particULarly excitable.
- Y+++ I woULd go through a burning building to get at a female in heat.
- L--- I fit easily into your shirt pocket.
- L-- I can curl up in two cupped hands.
- L- I'm somewhere between kitten-sized and average.
- L I'm average cat size, just right for your lap.
- L+ I'm starting to slip off the side of your lap.
- L++ I'm large enough to make a German Shepard think twice.
- L+++ People sometimes mistake me for a mountain lion.
- W-- I'm so thin that you can count my bones.
- W- I'm slim, but healthy.
- W I'm an average cat, not too thin and not too fat.
- W+ I'm a heavy cat, but it's all muscle.
- W++ I need to go on a diet.
- C--- I've been declawed front and back
- C-- I've been declawed in front
- C- I have claws, but they're covered with "Soft Paws" (tm).
- C+ I have claws, but they're clipped regULarly.
- C++ My claws are unclipped, but they're kindof dULl.
- C+++ I have ten razor-sharp implements of death.
Note: "C*" can be substituted for "C" for a polydactyl.
These are optional fields that describe behavioral, as opposed to physical,
traits. Consider omitting the corresponding code if your cat is "normal"
(whatever that means for a cat!) or near-normal for the sake of brevity.
- I+++ You mean there's a world *outside* of the house?!
- I++ I live indoors most of the time, but will sneak out sometimes.
- I+ I prefer to live indoors, but go outside when I feel like it.
- I I drift between indoors and outdoors at will.
- I-- I'm allowed inside once in a while, but I eat and sleep outdoors.
- I--- Why woULd anyone want to live inside those big ugly boxes?
- T+++ I am a furry ball of affection and love everybody.
- T++ I like meeting new people and am affectionate with most.
- T+ I'm shy about meeting new people, but am affectionate with those that I know well.
- T I have a few special humans I really like, the rest I tolerate.
- T- People are OK for feeding and playing, but not much else
- T-- I'm annoyed by human contact and will avoid it if possible.
Note: Many cats appear to be split-personalities, eg: T++/---
- A+++ All the photos of me are blurred.
- A++ I am always getting into, under or on top of things and am hardly ever still.
- A+ If you don't play with me, I'll find a way to play by myself.
- A It's easy to get me to play, but I like to sleep, too.
- A- I work very hard at sleeping, but like to chase the occasional toy.
- A-- I may show signs of life in the presence of an excellent toy.
- A--- They thought I was dead, until they started the can opener.
- E+++ Nothing even remotely edible is safe when I'm around.
- E++ I'm always hungry. What are you having?
- E+ I woULd rather eat than play with a toy.
- E I enjoy good food, but sometimes the stuff I get is fit only for my litter box.
- E- I'll wait until the others have eaten.
- E-- I woULd rather play with a toy than eat.
- E--- I eat just enough to get by.
- H Food comes in a box, right?
- H+ I chase anything that moves, but am not quite sure what to do with it if I catch it.
- H++ I kill an occasional small rodent, bird or lizard, but woULd never eat one. (Well, *hardly* ever.)
- H+++ I regULarly kill and eat small prey but expect to be fed, too.
- H++++ If I didn't kill it then I don't want to eat it.
- S I woULdn't be caught dead doing it!
- S+ I sneak an occasional smurgle.
- S++ When I'm in the mood, I can smurgle with the best of them.
- S+++ Everybody leaves my house moistened with kitty-drool.
Note: "smurgling" is defined as kneading some part of a person's body
or clothing while simULtaneously nuzzling, licking or sucking.
- V+++ Everyone in the neighborhood deserves the benefit of hearing my magnificent voice.
- V++ I have long, meaningfUL conversations with people.
- V+ I have a small but usefUL vocabulary of important words, like:
"Food!", "Play!", and: "Clean the box!"
- V I'll let you know when it's dinner time, don't expect to
hear from me until then.
- V- I know how to say "Feed me!", but must be very hungry to do so.
- V-- Well, talking is a learned experience, I'm trying...
- V--- If you are killing me, I might squeek a little.
- F- Why did you throw that thing?
- F I'll chase it if you throw it, but forget about bringing it back.
- F+ I can be coaxed into fetching a favorite object when I'm in the
- F++ I like to fetch and will often ask my human to throw things for
- F+++ I will fetch anything, anywhere, anytime. [Are you sure you
don't have a dog?]
- Q--- Every time I blink, I discover a whole new world.
- Q-- The principals of gravity still escape me.
- Q- I'm a little slow, but I'm trying!
- Q I'm an average cat: cunning, but no real reasoning.
- Q+ I'm pretty quick-witted for a cat.
- Q++ I display near-human reasoning sometimes, such as double-takes
and abstract reasoning.
- Q+++ I'm working on my PhD thesis.
- P- I'd rather lie on a hard rock than in a person's lap.
- P I'll use your lap if you're in the right room and I'm in the mood.
- P+ I prefer laps to any other type of resting place, but they
have to belong to people I like.
- P++ I am a total lap fungus. (Hurry up and sit down so
I can demonstrate!)
- B-- Touching my belly is just cause for my taking your arm off
at the elbow.
- B- I like to lay on my back and show my belly, but you'd better
not touch it.
- B Well, OK, you can rub my belly...but not too much!
- B+ Please rub my belly. Oh, yes! Do it some more!!
- B++ I like to have my belly "drummed".
- PA-- Me purr? Never!
- PA- I'll think about it if you pat or feed me enough.
- PA I like to show my appreciation when patted or fed.
- PA+ Pat me and I'll rumble.
- PA++ I'll purr as soon as you enter the room/yard.
- PL--- There's something wrong with my voice.
- PL-- You'll have to put your ear against my tummy to hear me.
- PL- I'm a little on the quiet side.
- PL I'm an average purrer.
- PL+ I'm a little louder than the average cat.
- PL++ I'm a real power purrer!
- PL+++ I've been known to set off car alarms.
Sapphyr:F/AM (G+R)t+Bo+W B+A ? X+++(X) L+++ W C+++
I--- T++ A+++ E+++ H+++ S++ V++ Q++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++
- Sapphyr name
- F/AM Felida felica/AnthroMoggy (I made this up!)
- (G+R)t+Bo+W Gold and red tabby with black spots and white
- B+A Blue and aquamarine eyes
- ? A lady never gives her age..:-)
- X+++(X) A female with a libido biased towards my own gender
- L+++ Well I am nearly 6 feet tall!
- W A bit of fibbing here
- C+++ Slash! Hack!
- I--- Fresh air...Mmmmmmm!
- T++ I'm friendly but not loose
- A+++ Rush, rush, rush
- E+++ Munch, munch, munch
- H+++ Steak tartare, sushi..YES!
- S++ Yea, OK
- V++ Just look at this site..:-)
- - Fetching? Forget it!
- Q++ Uh....
- P+ Big warm laps are OK
- B+ Ask first please..
- PA+ Purrrrrrrrrrr
Tigga:DM (R+O)t+W G+Y 10 X L- W- C+++
I T--/+ A-- E--- H+++ S+ V-- F- Q+ P+ B- PA- PL--
![](images/tiggamin.gif> Look at Tigga (75k)</A></H3>
<H2><A HREF=)
This originated from rec.pets.cats
and the excellent posts from Eric Williams
And his cats...
- QGC Vincent: MC (B+S)t G+Y 1.4 Y L++ C+ T+ I+++ H+ S++ V+ F++
- Murphy: DS W+(B+R)t+R Y 1.5 Y L C+ T- I+++ H+ A+ V- F+ B--
- Clipper: MC B+W Y 0.5 Y++ L-- C+ T++ I+++ A++ E++
Many thanks and bowls of fish to you all
- Added: 28 March 1995
- Updated: 24 June 1995 - Images & site remapped
For more information or comments/criticisms mail:
Copyright ©1995 - J A Publishing, Saffron Walden, UK - All rights reserved