telnet:// Mikhail/Nathal 200 Great School of Magic (Courtyard / Dungeon) 20000 - 20099 97 Morgan 201 Great School of Magic (1-3) 20100 - 20199 74 Morgan 203 Glantri - Country Map 20300 - 20399 11 Morgan 204 Ierendi - Country Map 20400 - 20499 17 Humve 207 Northern Reaches - Country Map 20700 - 20799 3 Mudd 210 Mystara - Continent Map 21000 - 21199 17 225 Alphatia - Country Map 22500 - 22599 25 Athos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement: | Communication: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST UP DOWN | SAY GSAY SHOUT HOLLER TELL ASK WHISPER LOOK EXITS ENTER LEAVE | MAIL RECEIVE CHECK GOSSIP GRATS AUCTION SLEEP WAKE REST SIT STAND | NOTELL NOSHOUT NOGOSSIP NOGRATS NOAUCTION (LOCK UNLOCK OPEN CLOSE) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objects: | Information: GET DROP JUNK DONATE PUT GIVE WEAR | SCORE HELP INFO WHO NEWS TIME WEATHER GRAB INVENTORY EQUIPMENT REMOVE | WHERE CONSIDER LEVELS WIZLIST IMMLIST EXAMINE EAT DRINK TASTE SIP POUR | CREDITS TOGGLE FLAGS WIZHELP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat: | Utility: KILL WIELD FLEE ASSIST TRACK | ! BUG IDEA TYPO QUIT SAVE BRIEF COMPACT (KICK BASH RESCUE BACKSTAB CAST) | TITLE NOSUMMON COMMANDS SOCIALS DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Further information available by HELP , keyword being a command or (for example) one of the following: SOCIAL SHOPS INNS CLERIC WARRIOR THIEF MAGIC SPELLS LINK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands mainly for social interaction: accuse air applaud beg bleed blush bonk bounce bow burp cackle caress cheer chuckle clap comb comfort cough cringe cry cuddle curse curtsey dance daydream embrace fart five flip fondle french frown fume gasp ghug giggle glare grin groan grope grovel growl hand hiccup hop hsigh hug insult kiss laugh leap lick love massage melvyn moan nibble nod noogie nudge nuzzle pace pat peck peer point poke ponder pout pray puke punch purr raise roll ruffle schwing scold scratch scream shake shiver shrug sigh sing slap smirk smile snap snarl sneeze snicker sniff snore snuggle spank spit squeeze stare STOMP stretch strut sulk tackle tap thank think tickle toss twiddle twirl wave wet whine whistle wiggle wince wink worship WRINKLE yawn yodel