Special Crew

by Roberto Ullfig

Each Culture now has 1 individual which can be bought (hired) to work on a ship. Each Special Crew member has a duty and a special ability that applies only to the ship he/she is currently on. The duties are:


A ship cannot have two Special Crew members with the same duty. If a new crew member is hired with the same duty as a current crew member, the current member is immediately returned to his/her Culture with no compensation for the player. Crew members cannot be bartered back, once they are paid for their cost cannot be recouped. Crew members can be traded normally via rule 11.4.


Each individual crew member has a hiring roll number range between 1-2 and 1-5. In order to hire a crew member the ship must be at a city or port of the crew member's Culture and use a Buy action to make a hire roll. If the player rolls within the hire roll range, the player may hire him by paying the crew member's cost. If the hire roll fails, a Buy action is still used and the player must wait until next turn before making another attempt though he/she can conduct other trading if the player still has Buy and/or Sell actions remaining.

Crew Members

Duty: Communications
Hire: 1-4
Cost: $50
Ability: The player can perform one more Buy or Sell Action per turn at a city.

Duty: Helm
Hire: 1-2
Cost: $100
Ability: The player does not need to specify a direction before rolling the movement dice.

Duty: Weapons
Hire: 1-2
Cost: $60
Ability: The player adds 1 to all Revolt die rolls when attacking.

Duty: Data
Hire: 1-5
Cost: $20
Ability: The player can peek at an undiscovered Culture when it enters its System. Also, the player can peek at Question Marks within 2 spaces.

Duty: Communications
Hire: 1-5
Cost: $40
Ability: The player adds 1 to all Swindle die rolls when attacking.

Duty: Communications
Hire: 1-5
Cost: $40
Ability: The player adds 1 to all Swindle die rolls when defending.

Duty: Weapons
Hire: 1-4
Cost: $50
Ability: The strength of 1 Laser on the ship is increased to 30.

Duty: Helm
Hire: 1-3
Cost: $80
Ability: The player rolls 1 extra die when moving - this die does not add to the speed of the ship but can be used as a pilot number.

Duty: Helm
Hire: 1-2
Cost: $90
Ability: The player can reroll his entire movement roll once but with one less die. Mulligan's Gear can only be used once per turn and only with the initial movement roll.

Duty: Engineering
Hire: 1-3
Cost: $70
Ability: The ship may backtrack once per turn.

Duty: Engineering
Hire: 1-5
Cost: $50
Ability: The player can repair 2 damaged equipment at the start of his/her turn.

Duty: Engineering
Hire: 1-3
Cost: $70
Ability: The ship's movement roll for the turn may be increased by 1.

Duty: Weapons
Hire: 1-3
Cost: $50
Ability: The strength of 1 Shield on the ship is improved to -30.

Duty: Data
Hire: 1-3
Cost: $70
Ability: When placing a chit in the cup, the player pulls out 2 chits from the cup instead of 1 - the player chooses 1 of them and returns the other to the cup.