Original Source: home.uchicago.edu/~rullfig/thecolosseum/mov/
 (Content from a "no longer on the Intenet" Webpage.)


Merchant of Venus: New Ships


Each Industrial Culture now sells 4 different ship types:

Freighter : $300
Merchantman : $280
Scow : $260
Transport : $240

Each Technological Culture now sells 4 different ship types:

Clipper : $120
Sloop : $100
Needle : $80
Scout : $60

All these ships are available from the Base. All players begin the game with a Scout.


    The last 2 GIF images have not been fully optimized yet. And with using false colors to clean-up the JPEG noise by hand, that will take about an evening per image. (Hopefully one image per week.)

[Merchant.gif 11K]
 The original merchantman.jpg image  33K 
[Scow.gif 7K]
 The original scow.jpg image  31K 
[Sloop.gif __K]
 The original sloop.jpg image  25K 
[Needle.gif __K]
 The original needle.jpg image  22K 


 Original Source: home.uchicago.edu/~rullfig/thecolosseum/mov/
 (Content from a "no longer on the Intenet" Webpage.)

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Page Content Updated: 14 October 2003