
Links about Nomic

Malcolm Ryan (malcolmr@cse.unsw.edu.au) maintains the Nomic FAQ.

Nomic Bulletin Board: A WWW replacement for alt.games.nomic. "Look Ma, no Spam!"

Peter Suber (peters@earlham.edu) the inventor of nomic, has a Nomic page.

Malenkai (malenkai@itw.com) maintains a list of Nomic Publications, newsletters about various nomics.

Nomic has been published in two books. You can order Suber's book The Paradox of Self-Amendment, or Hofstadter's book Metamagical Themas from amazon.com.

Nomic Links!

Last update June 5 1997

Agora Nomic Links

Don Blaheta (blahedo@quincy.edu) maintains the Agora Archives and has a general Nomic page.

Michael Norrish (Michael.Norrish@cl.cam.ac.uk) has an Agora page and a general Nomic page.

Charles E. Carroll (ccarroll@dfw.net) has an Agora page, and an Agora Rule page including the extremely useful Categorized Rule Lists.

The Agora Guidebook, by Chris "ChrisM" Monsour, Jeffrey "elJefe" Caruso, and Don "Vanyel" Blaheta, is full of useful Agoraculture, though it is now somewhat out of date.

Guidelines for Judging, by Jeffrey "elJefe" Caruso, which should be read by prospective Agora judges.

The Agora [semi] Daily Journal (adj@poverty.bloomington.in.us) is a production by player Scott Goehring. It is an unofficial (i.e. unsanctioned by the Rules) newspaper about Agora that is somewhat similar to a prior enterprise by ex-player Kelly Martin, The Daily Agoran.

I am attempting to maintain an Agora FAQ; the FAQ has its Rule references linked to Chuck Carroll's Categorized Rule Lists.

For those who want to see what "play" in Agora is sometimes like, I've added my "Mousetrap" thesis, which earned me the Agora title of Doctor of "Nomic History."

Agora is a member of Internomic.

Links to Nomic-like or Nomic-inspired Games*

Communist Nomic: An Imperial Nomic derivative with a warlike premise.

Fantasy Rules Committee: A game similar to nomic. Players submit rules trying to be the last one to submit a valid Rule change.  Rounds circle around various themes. Its genesis was in the Nomic World MUD that also spawned Agora. There's been an overlap in playership throughout the history of both games.

Imperial Nomic:  (aka Fascist) A modification of nomic that replaces the democratic process with absolute dictatorial rule. Has spawned a number of different games.

Gnomic: An Imperial Nomic cousin. aka Group Master Nomic.

Minic: An attempt to play "nomic" with as minimal a set of rules possible (hence the name).

VUW Nomic Game One: aka The Established State of Faint Humanity, whose initial set bears a remarkable similarity to Minic.

MacroNomic: "The United Nomic of MicroNomic II, MicroNomic, and PNomic" Perhaps the first Nomic merger in history :)  The Ruleset is MicroNomic II's, it started with a Ruleset even more minimal than Minic, currently active. (6/6/97)

Royal Assassination Nomic II: Fascist-like premise, but a goal of killing off the game's ruler. The first effort died. (5/25/97)

Blind Nomic: Allegedly related to Imperial Nomic, the catch being that you don't know what the rules are. . .  A concept similar to the card game Mao. (4/28/97)

Pokey2: Another minimal nomic, begun by the originator of Pokey Nomic. (4/28/97)

Nomic Lite: A minimal nomic begun by Agora player Scott Goehring.. It is more web-based than most, using mailto forms for a lot of its functions. (4/28/97)

Autonomic: A minimal nomic that begins with players creating Rules that only apply to themselves, something akin to a emulation of international law on a smaller scale than InterNomic. (5/13/97)

*These games have the spirit of Nomic insofar as they modify their own rules, but their initial state radically departed from Suber's initial ruleset.

Links to "pure*" Nomic Games

Ackanomic, is the other Nomic  I've been involved in. (if you don't count FRC as a nomic:) It is even more web-happy than Agora. An exhaustive set of Acka links would take way too much space, and be redundant since the web-harfer, /dev/joe, already does so on the Official Ackanomic Web Page. Points of interest; The official Map of Ackanomic; The Rules of Ackanomic. Acka is a member of Internomic.

EcoNomic: A new nomic that seems interested in developing a functional economy. (5/25/97)

InterNomic: A nomic whose players are other nomic games.  Players are currently Agora, Thring, Ackanomic, MacroNomic, and  Pumpkin Patch. InterNomic may also be a member of itself now. There is also a new non-voting member nomic, Rishonomic. (4/28/97)

Thring: Another long-lived nomic.  There's a directory of Thring-related pages, and a page for Thring Rules. A member of Internomic.

Pokey Nomic: A historically slow-moving nomic. There is now a sequel of sorts, Pokey2, which isn't based on Suber's set. (More of a Minic variant.) (4/28/97)

Oxford University Nomic: This is a Nomic restricted to members of Oxford, has its own newsgroup, ox.games.nomic.

Pumpkin Patch:  A member of Internomic. An active pure nomic.

Rishonomic: A new pure nomic that's become a non-voting member of InterNomic. (4/28/97)

*These games have descended from Suber's initial set, or only a slight modification of it

Nomic Games That Are (or seem to be) Dead

Caltech Nomic: Apparently a face-to-face nomic. R.I.P. Feb 12, 96. Pure nomic.

FutureNomic: Begun May 3, 1996, seemes to have ended January 1997. Pure nomic.

Nomic World: The granddaddy of net-nomics, this MUD spawned Agora, and  the Fantasy Rules Committee, efforts that are still going on.

Meta-Game: This was another Minic-like attempt at a Nomic with only three initial rules.

MC Game 180: Mornington Nomic: Ok, I admit it, I'm stumped here.  Perhaps it has something to do with being English. Whatever they were doing, it seems to be over.

Moderated Nomic: an effort at a webified nomic variant, something like Imperial Nomic. Seems deceased around Feb 96.

Net Waste of Time Nomic: Page seems stalled out about March 1996. Pure nomic.

NeoNomic: Drawn and Quartered: I have no idea how old this nomic is, but it seems inactive.  But its ruleset implies a lot of activity at one point.

Nomic at Horizon: Pure Nomic begun 11/9/96, the page seems to have not seen any updates since January 1997. (5/13/97)

Nomic Central: The somewhat sad remnants of a dead pure nomic. It has an archive of its mailing list which documents its takeover by spam.

Nomic nomic bo bomic, banana fana fo fomic, fee fi mo momic, Nomic!: Apparently the name of this Nomic was a mutible entity :) Another page with no updates since January 1997.  Pure nomic.

Nomopoly: An interesting cousin of Imperial Nomic, in the form of a self modifying board-game. Game 2 is over.

Prior Imperial Nomics: Imperial Nomic is based around a single omnipotent leader.  By its nature, games of  Imperial Nomic (which was "Fascist" up 'till somewhere around game 11) seems to have a finite lifespan. Imperial Nomic XX has ended. And, as the name implies, there were 20 direct ancestors to that game. Dead games with websites active are: one, two, three, four, five, six, eight, nine, X, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, nineteen, XX, twenty-one, Imperial Nomic 22.

Tabula: Once a peer of Agora, now one with the Pharaohs. A pure nomic based on Suber's initial set.

Valparaiso Nomic: A pure nomic that may have been gone long before I started this page.  What info there is is from Michael Norrish's Nomic page.

U-Nomic: If you ever wondered what the newsgroup alt.games.nomic.unomic was for, if you ever saw it, this was it. It was an ill-fated attempt by former Agoran Kelly Martin to run a newsgroup-based nomic. AFAIK, it never got off the ground.

Nomic Games in Languages other than English

Gnomic: A German Nomic not to be confused with the Gnomic listed above.

Nomic-Game: A Japanese Nomic, apparently played completely on the web, and partially in English.

NOMIC - Översikt över reglerna: A Swedish Nomic.  This page uses frames, and you're best off starting at Olle Larsson's homepage and following the nomic menu items.

Pnomic: The fact that a polish nomic exists makes me wish that I was enough in touch with my cultural heritage that I knew the language.

Variant Initial Rules and Concepts
(of games not necessarily being played)

Constitutional Nomic: An idea authored by Agora player Scott Goehring.

N: (aka Jinx_tigr's Nomic) is another effort in the vein of Minic, starting a game with as small a ruleset as possible.

Formal Nomic by Favor: A thesis by Agora player David Chess.

Formal Nomic by Gerard Vreeswijk: These are academic papers including "Formalizing Nomic: working on a theory of communication with modifiable rules of procedure" which was presented at the 4th International Colloquium on Cognitive Science (ICCS-95), 3-6 may 1995, San Sebastian, Spain.

The United Nomics: A somewhat more ambitious proposal to interconnect nomics than Internomic, but as yet unrealized.

Solitaire Nomic: An interesting idea, in case you cannot get anyone to play with you :) Authored by Doug Chatham. Based upon the Mutation Committee, a subgame that existed within the Nomic World MUD.

Ideas from the Nomic Bulletin Board Archive: Archaeonomic, Javanomic, Nomic++, Internet Convention for Nomic War... ideas posted on the Nomic Bulletin Board.

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This page maintained by Steven Swiniarski (S. Andrew Swann) -- Last Modified  6/5/97