The Moreau Novels

"What the books do share is likable characters, fast pacing, plenty of hard-hitting action, and even a few laugh-out-loud moments in between the fights and car crashes."

The three, soon to be four, moreau novels are set in a postwar United States where there is a growing population of over ten million non-humans, the leftovers of wartime genetic engineering. The books revolve around politics, conspiracy, prejudice, and the attempts abnormal characters make to live a normal life. 

These books have developed a bit of a following within "furry fandom," the subclass of fandom that's usually associated with cartoons and animation, the primary source for images of anthropomorphic animals.  While I wasn't aware furry fandom existed before I wrote these books, I find their response to my work gratifying.  Most of what fan-mail I receive (nowadays mostly fan e-mail) comes from "furries". 

If you don't know what a "furry" is, here are a few links that expound on the matter: 

[forests art] 
[forests art]

Timeline for the Moreau Novels 

The Moreau Series: 

  • Fearful Symmetry: The Return of Nohar Rajasthan [working title] (DAW Books Inc, April 1999)

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