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The Hostile Takeover Trilogy

"Snapped me back several decades to the dear old Analog of hardboiled Harry Harrison and Mack Reynolds...crucial ancestors are probably the smartass comic-inferno satires of Pohl & Kornbluth...or Robert Sheckley." 
--- Locus 
"Designed to follow in the tradition of Poul Anderson [and] Jack Vance...a swashbuckling adventure with dramatic reversals and surprises enough to keep you guessing until the final chapter." 
---Science Fiction Chronicle 
"An enticing mix of politics and warfare, with a gratifying amount of wonder and speculation." 
---The New York Review of Science Fiction
[Profiteer Cover]
[Partisan Cover]
[Revolutionary Cover]

It is the middle of the 24th Century, after a long history of bloodshed lorded over by a dictatorial Terra, the many planets of humankind have knitted together a precariously balanced peace, a peace that has lasted for a century despite the warren of conflicting powers and interests that make up the Confederacy. Also, for a century, a planet has nestled in the heart of the Confederacy outside that precarious balance. The planet is named Bakunin, a place founded by anarchistic idealists which has evolved/degenerated into a Libertarian nightmare/paradise. Bakunin becomes the center of a web of intrigue that, once it explodes, threatens to destroy both it and the Confederacy. 

Profiteer: Book 1: Dominic Magnus, an executive with a past in the Confederacy's secret police, is caught in the center of a covert operation on Bakunin. His company is literally shot out from under him, and he escapes with little more than his life. Slowly he manages to arrange forces to take back at least part of what had once been his. 

Partisan: Book 2: After a qualified success, Dominic begins to return to business. But shortly it becomes apparent that this is more than a personal war against him, or his company. The full enormity of what is happening is revealed when the full weight of the Confederacy falls on the unprepared planet. 

Revolutionary: Book 3: After attempting to escape, it is clear that Dominic is at the epicenter of the conflagration on Bakunin. All the conspiracies, within, without-- and beyond-- the Confederacy, entangle him in some fashion. He must escape a city under siege, and sacrifice everything, to journey to the heart of human space to confront the most powerful man in the Confederacy, and-- in the end-- himself... 

DAW Books Inc., 1995, 352pp 
$4.99 ($5.99 Can.) 
DAW Collector's No:981 

DAW Books Inc., 1995, 352pp 
$4.99 ($5.99 Can.) 
DAW Collector's No. 1007 

DAW Books Inc., 1996, 368pp 
$5.50 ($6.99 Can.) 
DAW Collector's No. 1026
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