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Bibliography Page

 "S. Andrew Swann is turning out to be one of SF's best action-adventure writers..."

I'm maintaining a set of pages about my publications. There is a page for each individual work. (Hostile Takeover is considered of a piece even though it it three separate books) The pages contain publication information, a blurb (the back cover copy if I had written it) and a link to Amazon.com to purchase the book if you find it interesting. I've also included a timeline which originally appeared in Specters of the Dawn, which gives a history of the common universe my first three novels are set in.  Those three books are part of the Moreau series, each of which is complete unto itself. (as opposed to Hostile Takeover which is a single work a third of a million words long.)  There are also  links to other places on-line that have reviewed my books. 

Click on a title for a short blurb by the author, or if you want to hear what other people have to say you can go to my Review Links page. 

If you're interested in my publications overseas, you can go to my International Rights page. 

The Moreau Series: 

"The Long View," Amazing Stories, Winter 1995 

The Hostile Takeover Trilogy: 

  • Profiteer: Hostile Takeover One, (DAW Books Inc, April 1995)
  • Partisan: Hostile Takeover Two, (DAW Books Inc, Dec. 1995)
Profiteer was nominated for the 1996 Prometheus award by the Libertarian Futurist Society  As of July, The Flesh, The Blood, and the Fire is on Ingram's A-List of  the top fifty most requested horror titles.[NEW!]

Forthcoming work:   

  • Fearful Symmetry: The Return of Nohar Rajasthan  (DAW Books Inc, April 1999)

  • TeeK, (DAW Books Inc, Sept  1999) [as S. A. Swiniarski]

  • The Zimmerman Algorithm  (DAW Books Inc, ?) [as S. A. Swiniarski]

  • The Infinity Stone (DAW Books Inc, ?)

  • The Omega Game (DAW Books Inc, ?) [as S. A. Swiniarski]

  • After the Horsemen (DAW Books Inc, ?) [as S. A. Swiniarski]
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This page maintained by Steven Swiniarski (S. Andrew Swann) -- Last Modified 7/10/98
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