From ucla-seas!ucla-cs!usc!apple!mauxci!problem!telly!erotica Mon Mar 25 04:52:37 PST 1991

Archive-name: bluebox/1

                               **Chapter 1**
     "I knew  it," Jeffrey  muttered to  himself.   "One letter  in my
INBOX, and  it had  to be  this one."   In the past three years of his
dealings with the government, they had always used private couriers to
correspond, or  more often  the telephone.   But when the message came
via  MCI  MAIL,  he  knew  that  his  three-year  project  was  at  an
unsuccessful end.
          From: George F. Frankel    MCI ID: 213-9164
          To:  * Jeffrey Landers     MCI ID: 150-1060
          Message-ID:  5M113684/818802K3
          Subj: Final Project Decision - Confidential
          Dear Mr. Landers,
          It is  with great  regret that  we must inform you
          that your  proposal to  refine, and  implement the
          use of,  the device  we have  discusssed has  been
          denied.   Unfortunately with  budget cuts applied,
          this department  does not  have the  resources  to
          properly   administer   programs   which   consist
          primarily of  research and  development.   I  will
          personally keep  the proper information on file so
          that, if  the situtation changes, we might be able
          to continue  work on what could be a valuable tool
          to our  society.   I also  commend your  work  and
          thank you  for your efforts to this point.  Formal
          notification will  be sent  to IDT  shortly  along
          with cost recovery information.
          Sincerely Yours,
          Gen. G. F. Frankel
          Human Services
     He switched  the terminal  off.   Government Imbeciles.  Not only
did they make any sort of effective demonstration impossible, but they
had to break the news through MCI MAIL.

     Strangely, he  felt little  anger.  He had a good time working on
the project,  excellent pay,  at the  mere expense of his social life.
His time  had been  devoted to  endless revisions,  modifications, and
testing of  the Device.   It  wasn't his fault that the Federal people
who came  to  test  it  were  just  too--  too--  boring  to  use  it.
Unfortunately he'd never be able to prove that.  He wasn't sure of the
situations that caused the tests to fail.  It worked for him, he felt,
because he had a good imagination.  Good enough to think up the device
in the first place means that one must be good enough to use it.

     The Device  was a  thought amplifier.   Bred  from some  licensed
Japanese electro-encephalographic  technologies that never saw any use
outside some  experimental psychiatric  clinics that (giggle) were now
being sued  for some  sort of  fraud, the  Device was  a miracle  more
stunning than  the space program, the new light-speed superprocessors,
or Ronco's solid-state IR laser turkey carving set.  It started out as
a device  which could clarify thought patterns for analysis by trained
therapists, for  use in  mental hospitals.  The Feds got involved when
the NSA  wanted to  know if  it could  be used to read minds.  Even if
Jeffrey could  have spent a few years researching that application, he
wouldn't think  of it--  because certainly  he wouldn't  be ALLOWED to
think of  it if  the device became a reality.  But Jeffrey's employer,
Interactive  Device   Technologies,  liked   the  idea   of  lucrative
government  contracts   and  encouraged   him  to  continue  with  the
development.   Three years  later, Jeffrey  and IDT  had finished  the
thought amplifier,  but this  last MCI  letter meant  that  there  was
NOBODY, and  that meant nobody, interested in continuing with it.  Now
that IDT  had no  hopes of  a  $12  billion  contract,  Jeffrey  would
probably be out of job.
                            *** Chapter 2  ***
     Cheryl walked  into the  Lab.   "Is that the TA-12?" she queried,
pointing to  the metallic blue box on the counter, without even saying
     Jeffrey knew  at that  instant he was being set up.  Cheryl never
had anything  to do  with the technical staff.  He had seen her around
the building often enough, but learned quickly of her distaste for the
techies, and  had properly ignored her ever since.  Undoubtedly one of
the IDT  managers got  a carbon-copy of the MCI letter and sent Cheryl
in to  cheer Jeffrey  up, rather  than stopping  in themselves.    How
unthoughtful.   He didn't  want to  be cheered  up.   Cheryl was still
standing there,  though, and  Jeffrey racked his mind to remember what
she had asked him.
     "Yes, that's it."
     Cheryl didn't waste a second.  "It doesn't work, huh?"
     Nice cheering-up  job, Jeffrey  thought.   He answered  in a tone
normally reserved for when you lose your best friend.  "It works fine.
It just  doesn't work  for everyone,  that's all.   All the government
people who  tested it  were so skeptical, so narrow-minded it couldn't
have possibly  worked."    He  wondered if  he was rationalizing it or
     Cheryl continued  her insistent questions as if she had a list of
them.  "It works for you?"
     "Yes.  And most other people can use it too."
     "Oh."   It sounded like she just ran out of questions.  "Sorry to
be ignorant.   I just don't pay much attention to what our experiments
do, that's all."
     Jeffrey reached  behind him  and picked  up the  Device.  "Have a
seat", he  said, pointing  to a  chair across  from him.   Cheryl sat.
"All it  is, primarily,  is a  thought amplifier.   It  looks to  what
you're thinking,  and retransmits  it so  that you  can  see  it  more
clearly.   But the big advantage is that it transmits to others within
a few feet.  Want a sample?"
                             *** Chapter 3 ***
     Cheryl nodded  without saying  a word.  Jeffrey started his long-
rehearsed demonstration  speech, required  so that  the visitors would
know what's  going on  and would  have some  margin of  safety  should
something go wrong.
     "Touch your  finger here  for a  second", he  said, pointing to a
small metal circle on top of the Device, which was in his lap.  Cheryl
did.   "All you  did was  allow the  device  to  calibrate  itself  to
your..." (he  hated the  oversimplification)... "'wavelength',  so you
can participate.   You  know what  the Device does, and it's easier to
show you  it's abilities  than to  tell you.   All you have to know is
this:   This box  cannot reproduce  itself in this color in your mind.
It's a  safety device  that took  almost nine months to install.  If I
were to try to fool you into thinking that the demonstration was over,
you'd notice  that the box was red, not blue, because it won't let you
see it  any other  way.   There's a timer on the top that will end the
demonstration in..."  (he set  the timer) "about ten minutes.   That's
another safety  device in  case for  some reason  I can't turn it off.
It'll also turn off on any sort of sensory disturbance, so you have to
be comfortable  before you  can start."   He elected to omit the usual
comment about  using the  rest-room first.   "The  final safety device
limits the  amount of  pain and  suffering you can feel no matter what
happens to  you.   In the  image that the box presents, you could stab
yourself with  a knife  and would feel only momentary discomfort.  And
of course,  you wouldn't  sustain any real-life damage.  That prevents
the Device from being used to torture someone, for the most part.  Now
just clear your mind for a moment, and relax."
     He looked up at her.  She closed her eyes.  He stole a quick peek
at her uncrossed legs and the space between them, that had crossed hi
mind many  times before.   Why  didn't she  like the technical people?
Such a  waste.   Oh well.   He  leaned back  and pressed the switch to
start the demonstration, then put his hands at his sides.
     He opened  his eyes.   "Cheryl?"   She opened hers without saying
anything.   The box was red, instead of blue.  It was incredible-- she
could have,  by any other measure, been actually sitting there staring
at a  red box  there with  Jeffrey.  But no, the box was blue, and her
eyes were closed.  It just SEEMED that way.  She moved her arms.  They
moved.  Fingers too.
     "Everyone always  does that",  Jeffrey giggled.    "Obviously  it
works with  you.   Yes, everything seems normal.  Your fingers wiggle.
And no,  they aren't really wiggling in real life.  But, for now, they
might as well be."
     "Incredible.  You did this?"
     Jeffrey smiled.   "Yup.   Three  years for this.  But you haven't
seen anything yet!"
     They both  got up.  Just as they got to their feet, the walls and
ceiling of  the building  vanished, revealing  the trees, sky, clouds,
and such  outside.   It may  have  been  41  degrees  on  the  outdoor
thermometer 5 minutes ago, but it was a comfy 70 or so now.
     "How did that happen?"
     "Easy.   I just  decided that  the walls should go away, and even
before I  imagine it  happening, it  does.   The Device reads what I'm
thinking, and makes it seem like it's happening.  It was all so simple
once we got the basic theories straight.  Notice how there's no detail
left out?"
     Cheryl looked around the room (what was left of it) and nodded.
     Jeffrey continued.   "In  actuality, that's not true.  For all we
know, none  of the things we're not looking at this second exist.  But
once we  go to look at anything, the image gets filled in from our own
thoughts.  For the most part, what we see, hear, smell, feel, or taste
depends on  who looks  at it  first-- it fills in the detail from that
person's memory.  The other person sees that as the first imagined it.
But the  person who's  holding  the  physical  box  has  the  ultimate
authority.  Watch."  A small metal box appeared on the counter, with a
lid that  was closed.   "There's  an index card inside that box with a
four-digit number  on it,"  he said,  "but I  don't know  what  it  is
because I  haven't decided on one.  Why don't you open the box and see
what it says?
     Cheryl walked  over  to  the  box  while  Jeffrey  looked  around
outside.  It was mid-afternoon.  Some birds flew nearby, something not
formerly present.
     "It's 9601,  the last  four digits  of my  phone number",  Cheryl
reported.  How did that happen?"
     "Either because  you wanted  it to, or because the Device decided
that it  was the  most likely  thing to  put there.  I don't know your
phone number and couldn't have put it there.  See?"
     Again, Cheryl  just nodded.   With  that, the numbers on the card
changed  to   2066,  Jeffrey's   office  extension  number.    Jeffrey
explained.  "You might create something out of your imagination... but
if there is a conflict, the box-holder gets his way with reality.  The
problem with  the tests was that the people who tried it either didn't
have the  imagination (faith  if you like) to make the device work for
them, in which case the only effect they ever saw was the box changing
color, or  they couldn't mentally lock on to the signals from the box,
which meant that even THAT didn't happen."  Again, did he really know?
Maybe not.   It  could take  years of  research.   Oh well.  "Come on,
let's go."
                            *** Chapter 4  ***
     Cheryl wheeled  around and discovered that Jeffrey had sprouted a
perfect pair  of wings,  feathers and all.  It was one of his favorite
diversions, which  he had developed after weeks of testing.  He picked
Cheryl up  from behind;  his arms  fitting into  the somewhat innocent
space below  her breasts.   She  was very light because he had decided
that she  should be,  at least for now.  She didn't complain about it.
In an instant Jeffrey cringed down, and leapt into the air.
     It was  too fast  for Cheryl, who felt that the exciting part had
been rushed.   They were already fifty feet above the ground, coasting
over the  trees towards  downtown.   With a  few flaps, Jeffrey lifted
them both to several times that altitude.  "Nervous?" he asked.
     "No, I'm  fine."   It wasn't  convincing.   The only other person
he'd ever  taken on  this tour  couldn't take  it too  well.   Jeffrey
pitched upwards  a little  bit and  slowed down, then gained some more
altitude, and  generally swooped  around  a  bit.    The  scenery  was
breathtaking, and the feeling was unparalleled.
     "Afraid of  heights?"   Jeffrey remembered  how he had thought of
the Device  as a  tool to eliminate such fears, the last time he asked
that question.  Cheryl didn't answer.
     With nothing  to lose  as far as Cheryl's opinion of him, Jeffrey
did the  only thing  he could  think of  to remedy the situtation.  He
dropped her.   Cheryl screamed, fell a few feet, and stopped in midair
at Jeffrey's  command.   She couldn't  have done  that  herself.    He
stopped in  midair and had her float up to him, facing him.  "You see?
There's nothing  to be  afraid of.   You  can't get  hurt here.  And I
wouldn't let you get hurt anyway.
     She didn't look resentful.  She looked down at the streets below,
then reached  down as  if to  see what  was holding her up.  It always
seemed to  take a  while for  people to  get  "the  idea"--  that  the
constraints of reality no longer hold.
     "It can  be like  an amusement  park-- thrills without danger, or
whatever amuses  you."   Cheryl was  now smiling.   It  was  time  for
Jeffrey to try and promote that idea.  It was no fun here with someone
that didn't  understand, and  it looked  like Cheryl was beginning to.
Jeffrey continued.   "Take my hand," he said.  "I think you've got the
     She did.   Jeffrey's  wings disappeared.   A  moment  later  they
started falling,  from the  five thousand feet (funny, we weren't that
high up  a moment  ago) to the town below.  Jeffrey looked straight at
Cheryl.   She looked  up at  him.   It had  worked!   She felt  enough
confidence in  him to  be able  to take  her eyes  off the approaching
Earth.  He couldn't keep his feeling to himself.
     "I'm impressed,  Cheryl.   You've got more inside than I credited
you for.  Congratulations."  He pulled her to him, and held her tight.
She wrapped her arms around him, and looked down.
     Just before  they reached  the  earth,  a  large  pool  of  water
appeared below them and they splashed harmlessly into it, coming to an
almost instant  stop.  Cheryl, who had let go just as they reached the
water, paddled  back over  to Jeffrey  and grabbed onto him again.  He
liked the feeling where she was pressing against him.
     Finally, she  spoke up  again.   "Can we  try it  again?  Not the
fall, I mean, but flying around?  I'd like to try it out for myself."
     Jeffrey nodded.   A  moment later,  they were both in midair, and
Cheryl had  developed some  nice orange  feathers.   Jeffrey  followed
Cheryl as  she flew  back towards  the company,  swooped down over the
trees, and  shrieked with  excitement.   "I want  to try landing", she
said.   "Will you go first?"  Jeffrey agreed, and lined up in front of
her, feet down, heading for the flat roof of IDT's main building.
     Then he was sitting in a chair, with the blue box on his lap.  He
looked at  the top  of it.   "Timer's...  No, there's still time left,
must be..."   He  looked towards  the door.  His supervisor had walked
in, and  the noise  had tripped the sensory-monitor device, ending the
     "Good night, you two.  Lock up the lab when you leave, OK?"
     Jeffrey and Cheryl both nodded.  Jeff added a "Good night" as the
supervisor was on the way out the door.  As the door closed, he turned
to Cheryl  once again.   "Always  happens that way...  There were only
about 30 seconds left anyway."
     "That certainly  seemed like more than four and a half minutes!",
Cheryl exlaimed.
     "It always  does seem  longer," Jeffrey  agreed.   "It  would  be
impossible to test, though, right?  A simulated clock would go just as
fast as  you would  imagine it  to go.  Everything else could speed up
too.  It just seems to be the way people think."
     Surprisingly, although  it was  a few  minutes after five, Cheryl
wasn't leaving like Jeffrey expected her to.  Did she really feel like
spending time  with Jeffrey?  Maybe her opinion about techie types had
changed a bit.
     "Can we try it again?  Everyone's gone now and I just had so much
fun with you...?
                             *** Chapter 5 ***
     Jeffrey couldn't  get his  mind off  the words  'with  you'  very
easily.  "Sure, I'm in no hurry tonight."  He started to reach for the
timer controls again, and Cheryl interrupted.
     "Could I do it this time?  You did it last time, and..."
     Jeffrey nodded  and handed the box to her, touching the circle on
the top  after setting  it in  her lap.  "We just set the timer for as
long as we want-- maybe ten minutes would be better this time, and..."
     Cheryl didn't  wait for  the explanation.   She set the timer for
four hours,  sat back.  An instant later, the box turned red.  Jeffrey
got up,  startled, and  noticed the  timer was set for 4:00, not 0:10.
"How come you--"
     "Because I don't want to be interrupted again.  I can turn it off
anytime before four hours runs out, right?"
     "Yes-- you  just IMAGINE  you're holding the box, and are turning
it off,  and it  does.   Maybe we should do that, and fix the timer--"
Jeffrey reached  for the box, but it vanished from Cheryl's lap before
he could  reach it.   She  had made  it disappear.  She could bring it
back, but he couldn't.  He felt uncomfortable at the prospect.
     "I just want to play a while.  I'm SURE you won't mind.  You said
you weren't going anyplace."  Pointing to her lap, she added:  "Pretty
good, huh?"
     "Um... Yes",  said Jeffrey,  obediently staring at her lap.  "OK,
then, let's see what you can do.  Want to go flying again?"
     "Not right  now.   I was  just thinking  how you  can do anything
here-- like  flying before.   Anything."  She looked straight into his
eyes.  "Must be pretty good when your company's getting horny, huh?"
     At first,  Jeffrey thought she was talking about him.  After all,
the thought  had  crossed  his  mind  since  they  first  started  the
adventure.   But no, he hadn't expressed that thought.  Then maybe she
was just  being hypothetical.   But  the tone of her voice was telling
him otherwise.  He didn't know what to say.
     Cheryl stood  up, and  wrapped  her  arms  around  him,  pressing
herself against  him.   "Remember?  In the air?  It was your idea, not
mine.   I don't  know whether it was all the adrenalin, the thrill, or
you personally.   And  I don't  know how  you  felt,  but  it  got  me
positively wet between the legs.  Even if I was just imagining it."
     Jeffrey restrained  himself at  the thought  of that wetness.  He
had felt  a little  something, but  at the same time was worried about
being a little too forward.  But he had to say something.  "Isn't this
a little...  fast?   I like you a lot.  But two weeks ago you wouldn't
have given me the time of day, much less admit what you just said."
     "Maybe.   I never really thought about you at all until about two
weeks ago.   I don't know why.  I guess I started feeling guilty about
the reasons I DIDN'T pay attention to some people.  So, it seemed like
the perfect  opportunity when  Dan asked me to see how you were doing.
And..." (she  ran one hand across his bottom) "...what a better way to
meet?   Perfectly romantic."   They  were standing on a boat, facing a
setting sun,  with a  violin playing  in the  background.  "Or however
else it  should be."   The corny sunset-boat-violin scene disappeared,
leaving total  darkness except  for themselves.    "Much  better  than
meeting in a laundromat."   Sounded rational.
     Of course, rational was the last thing on Cheryl's mind.  Jeffrey
had his  arms around her.  He slid his hands down across her derriere,
feeling the  soft fabric  of the jeans she was wearing.  She seemed to
approve.  But she let go of him.  She stood back a foot or so.
     Slowly, and  tauntingly, Jeffrey's  clothes began  to fade  away.
First his  shirt, then  his slacks,  and without  any hesitation,  his
underwear  began   to  become  transparent,  revealing  everything  to
Cheryl's eyes.   He  couldn't bring  his clothes  back.   The  awkward
situation made him lose what erection he had.
     "Neat", Cheryl  exclaimed.  "I just have to imagine it starting--
your clothes disappearing-- and unless I stop it, it happens by itself
without me helping".
     At first,  Jeffrey though "Neat" was referring to his naked body.
But then  he realized  that he was an unwilling accomplice to Cheryl's
vanishing-clothes trick.   She had never seen him naked before, and so
the vision  that she  now  saw  was  constructed  from  Jeffrey's  own
thoughts.   He was  beginning, more and more, to feel like the student
in this  environment, when before he was only the teacher.  He'd never
done anything quite like this in the demonstration--
     Cheryl's voice  interrupted his thoughts again.  The sexy tone in
her voice  had returned.     "YOU'RE neat  TOO, you  know."   She  was
staring, unashamed,  at his previously private areas.  She walked back
up, still  dressed, and  touched his  penis.  He didn't complain.  She
looked at him straight in the eyes, and made her own blouse disappear,
slowly like  before.   No bra--  just two  very  nice  tits  were  now
visible.  She still looked straight into Jeffrey's eyes, watching them
sweep down  her body,  hesitate, then  look back up into her eyes.  "I
want to  see you  get hard.   I want it to happen right here.  Bigger,
harder than you ever have before."
     Jeffrey obliged  her.   He felt himself starting to stretch right
in her  hand, growing,  getting warm,  and longer.  Her grip tightened
around him  as he  grew.   He ran  his eyes over her chest freely now,
using the  stimulation to  carry out  Cheryl's request.    Finally  he
reached up and touched her breasts, which somehow seemed to excite him
more than  her.   Her attention  was on his growing member.  He rubbed
his fingers,  then hands,  then both hands over her tits, watching her
nipples grow erect at his fingertips.
     She let  go of  him.   It felt  cold now,  but his  penis  didn't
wither.   Cheryl stood back, again, and this time revealed the rest of
herself to  him.   Jeffrey's eyes, as one might expect, focused on the
little patch  of brown  hair between her legs-- as his mind focused on
the infinite pleasure just beyond.
     At this  point Jeffrey's  mind was  so  fixed  on  the  impending
copulation, that  even the unnatural absence of background didn't seem
unnatural anymore.   This  wasn't imagination;  it was reality.  There
was Cheryl,  and Jeffrey, and that was all.  Nothing else.  And Cheryl
had decided,  apparently, that  there was  only one thing to be done--
and it  was just  minutes away.  He was impatient-- knowing that those
minutes would seem SO LONG -- until he finally reached his goal.
                             *** Chapter 6 ***
     Cheryl's voice was the sexiest he'd heard yet.  "Touch me.  Touch
me all over.  You know what I want.  You know what to do so I get it."
Jeffrey slid  one arm  around her,  pulling him  to her.    Her  bosom
pressed into his chest again, and he could feel her nipples stiffening
against him.   He wrapped his other arm around her, and slid his hands
over her  buttocks.   It was something he never thought he'd be doing.
A few seconds later they were both floating, weightless.
     Cheryl kissed  him, sliding  her tongue into his mouth, exploring
it.   Her hands  went to his bottom also, one hand between his bowels,
rubbing the  area around  his anus.   Nobody  had ever  done  that  to
Jeffrey before; he liked it.
     Jeffrey's hands approached her pussy.  It seemed warm even before
he touched the hair around it.  He could smell her wetness.  The scent
was making him lose what little control he had left.  He hesitated for
a moment,  giving himself  final clearance  to  proceed,  then  probed
through her pubic hair, touching the skin between her legs.  He rubbed
the area for a minute before one finger felt her pussy's lips.  It was
wet inside.   He  spread them  apart, and  touched it.   After  a  few
seconds he knew what was where...  She clenched him as one finger slid
by her clitoris; and when a finger finally discovered the opening into
her vagina,  she grabbed  his hand  and pushed  his finger inside.  He
slid it back and forth.  His other hand was now on her breasts.
     Cheryl came  after just  a few  seconds.   She  pushed  his  hand
against her.   He  felt a ripple inside her as her muscles contracted.
She held him there for a moment, then let him slide out.
     "Lick me," she demanded.  "Learn what I taste like."
     Jeffrey wasn't  bothered by  that prospect.  He floated away from
her for  a second,  then she  floated towards  him, aiming  her  pussy
towards his  head.   As he  started to  slide between  her thighs, she
locked her  legs around him, squeezing him, locking him in place.  Sh
was getting  him wet.   His  tongue instantly  found its target, first
sliding across  her clitoris,  and then  inside.    He  swallowed  her
juices.   She came  again, squeezing with her legs so hard that, for a
minute, he  couldn't breathe.   Her  pussy surrounded  him.   He  felt
another surge  of liquid from within her.  As soon as it was over, she
released him, and they floated alongside each other.  She had regained
some of  her control;  yet  now  her  pussy  was  aiming  towards  his
previously ignored  cock.   She held on to him, and pulled him towards
her, keeping a careful eye on his navigation.
     Jeffrey seemed  to have  some reservations.   He hardly knew her,
really, and  that thought  was starting  to surface.  That thought got
through to  Cheryl, who  knew better--  that they both wanted the same
thing and there was no reason not to have it.
     "You have no choice now."  The distance between their pubic areas
continued to  reduce.   "Besides, I  know what you want.  You wouldn't
have gone  this far.   You're  not getting  away now.   You want me as
much as I want you."  She was right.
     Jeffrey insisted,  though, not  because  he  was  unwilling,  but
because he  was afraid that she'd regret it later, and would blame him
for it.   "It's too fast.  Why are you rushing?  I want to learn about
you... get to know you..."
     Cheryl didn't  listen.   Jeffrey's penis  touched the hair around
her pussy.   Then he felt the warmth at the tip of it.  His cock still
had some  flexibility to it. In a short time-- almost too fast, Cheryl
took him  inside.  The heat made him grow very hard, conforming to her
shape.   She started to wrap her legs around him, and to slide against
him.   He grabbed  her body,  realizing that it was the last chance to
save his  rational self, and stopped her from moving.  He concentrated
on everything but the fact that they were now mating.
     She resented  the fact  that he  was  forcibly  interrupting  her
pleasure.   But it  did return  her faculties  to her,  long enough to
realize once again that this wasn't really happening, and that she was
in control  of things.   She  hadn't heard what Jeffrey said, but this
time decided  quite consciously to continue.  She could show her anger
now without  Jeffrey being able to do anything about it.  Besides, she
knew that  he was  struggling to  hang on to his mind, while her pussy
did its work on him, her breasts and body draining his willpower.
     "Shut up.   It's  too late.  I'm screwing you and there's nothing
you can  do to  stop me."  The words, she figured, would send him over
the edge  and he'd stop resisting.  Jeffrey never thought he'd ever be
in the situation of resisting a beautiful woman's advances, unless she
was married  or had  some disease  or something.   But neither was the
case now.
     Her words  were a  temptation of defial.  He placed both hands on
her hips,  and started to push her away, hoping she'd forgive him, and
even be  thankful that  he gave her a chance to think rationally about
her actions.   His  penis started  to slide out.  The tip was swelling
inside her,  though, at  Cheryl's command.    Jeffrey  felt  his  skin
stretching.   He didn't know how big he was, and he wouldn't feel much
pain as long as the Device was working.
     Cheryl's orifice  tightened around  the base of his cock.  It had
grown inside  her, and  she was  growing tighter.   He  pushed  harder
against her  hips, but  couldn't slide out.  He was locked inside her.
He slid  back in  to try again, and this time the sensation of sliding
into her  warm flesh  pushed him  over the  edge.   Her words had come
true.   He lost  his last  reasons for  stopping it,  and his thoughts
faded with  only one intense purpose remaining.  He started sliding in
and out, making no further attempts to escape.
     Cheryl giggled  once.  "That's it, animal.  Fuck me.  Then, maybe
I'll let  you go."  It was all a game, Jeffrey and Cheryl both knowing
the rules  quite well.   Each  word, each motion, could do nothing but
stimulate  desire.    Jeffrey's  attempt  to  "stop"  her  was  played
perfectly.   He probably  knew it  would excite  her.  And now, he was
hers, undulating  against her,  and pulsating inside her.  She giggled
again once  more, watching  Jeffrey turn  into the  animal she wanted,
before her  own thoughts  turned again towards the act of mating.  She
grew hot inside as the excitement increased.
     Cheryl was approaching her climax, but still had a handle on what
was happening.   Her  words came  one at  a time, with each breath and
each of  Jeffrey's thrusts.   "I..  want.. all  of.. you...   inside..
deep.. yes..."



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From ucla-seas!ucla-cs!!usc!apple!mauxci!problem!telly!erotica Mon Mar 25 04:52:20 PST 1991

Archive-name: bluebox/2

>From People Link - Ink*Link Club

                             *** Chapter 7  ***
      It took  a  few  more  seconds  before  Jeffrey  understood  that
 Cheryl's words were not just the usual ones that come to a female mind
 in the  heat of  passion.  With every undulation, he felt as if he was
 sinking deeper  into her, deep between her legs, feeling more and more
 of her.   But  it didn't just seem that way... it was true.  Her pussy
 was widening,  her pelvis  growing, and  her legs  spreading, and  all
 together, somehow,  they were  taking more than just his cock.  He had
 somehow slipped  inside her,  and now much of his body was feeling her
 warm slipperiness.   He  was using  most of his body, not just a small
 part, to  excite her to orgasm.  Each of her motions caused her vagina
 to swallow more of him, as she urged him deeper inside.  His torso was
 inside now,  his arms  around her  legs, all of him sliding in and out
 like only his penis was doing before.  His whole body had the exciting
 sensation that his penis had before-- he was experiencing her in a way
 that could never happen without the Device.   Jeffrey had less trouble
 now reminding himself that it wasn't really happening, thank goodness;
 because he  had lost  his grip  on  her  legs,  and  her  opening  was
 devouring him, pulling his arms and head into her body, consuming him.
 He might  have been able to see out through her cunt, but it was still
 only dark  outside.   She was losing her control over the Device-- her
 mind wandering  towards orgasm  and no  longer  maintaining  Jeffrey's
 sense of  reality.   Jeffrey started  to feel  closed  in--  not  sure
 whether her  vagina was  still open,  or where  it was,  or  what  was
 happening at  all.   He came,  and felt  his own semen mixing with the
 wetness that was there all along-- but it didn't seem quite real... it
 was too  much like  a dream.   Neither  Cheryl nor  Jeffrey,  for  the
 moment, could think clearly enough to define reality.
      Jeffrey felt  a sudden  tightening around him, and a sudden flood
 of love  juice around  him.   It was  very, very tight, and as Jeffrey
 returned to  clearer thoughts, he had to tell himself he could breathe
 even while immersed in Cheryl's come, if that's what it was (it tasted
 like it)  and that's  where he was located.  Her orgasm seemed to stop
 for a moment, and then continue, and finally, it was over.
      He was  back outside  her, penis  still inside,  as if the wilder
 events never  happened.   Did she  really pull  him ALL  inside  after
 uttering those words, or did he just imagine it after she lost control
 of the  Device?   He'd have to ask later, but somehow that seemed like
 it would be an embarassing question.
      Jeffrey tried to turn around, out of her, then realized that they
 were still  fixed together.   Jeffrey  pointed  "down  there",  Cheryl
 nodded and relaxed herself, and he slid out of her.  They floated down
 towards the soft floor.

                              *** Chapter 8 ***
      They had  rested for  quite a  while, lying next to each other on
 the undefined  black surface.   Jeffrey  knew that  in real life, they
 didn't need to rest at all.  It just felt nice, for now.
      Cheryl was the first one to speak.  "Alright, enough of the black
 hole, here."   With  that, Jeffrey  watched as  Cheryl "painted" in an
 environment.   Warm afternoon  sun, blue  sky with  just a  few  puffy
 clouds, ocean  off in  the distance.   As  long as Cheryl was occupied
 with that  area, Jeffrey  created a  lagoon a  few feet  away, and the
 obligatory waterfall  at the  opposite end  of it.  Soft, grassy earth
 underneath.   Still no  clothes.  He appreciated the naked female body
 next to  his, which looked almost a little tan now, and didn't want to
 change anything.   In  fact, he  couldn't remember what either of them
 were wearing  before-- it  all seemed  so natural  now.  Cheryl turned
 around and  admired his work, while Jeffrey admired hers-- faint salt-
 air scent,  all the sounds of the surf, and even a few seagulls, which
 flew in  lazy circles  for as  long as  he  stared  at  them.    Quite
 pleasant.   The warm  sun and  cool breeze  went well together.  There
 were enough  details now to make Jeffrey seriously consider staying in
 a place  like this  more permanently--  rocky cliffs in one direction,
 and an innocent-looking wooded area the other way.  Best of all, there
 were no insects or other pests.
      Time was  proceeding slowly,  and they  didn't  rush  themselves.
 They played  with each  other for  a time; talked about themselves and
 each  other,  learning  things  that  were  suddenly  easy  to  learn.
 Everything felt  comfortable.   They swam for a while, made love again
 in a much more conventional, casual fashion, then walked on the beach,
 and then,  at Cheryl's  request, both  went for a long flight over the
 area, trying  to imitate  (for a  while) the  way the seagulls floated
 into the  wind, hardly moving.  They landed, returning to their normal
 form, walked  along the shore again, talking.  No sunburns here, thank
      Jeffrey didn't  credit the  Device for all this.  Cheryl had what
 it takes--  the imagination,  spirit, and  will to make it all happen,
 and she seemed to love sharing all her experiences with him.  Somehow,
 things would never quite be the same again.
      "How long is left?" Cheryl asked.
      "Don't ask  me.   You have the Device, remember?  The only way to
 actually look  at the  timer, is  to bring the box back, and just read
 the time off the top.  You can't change the setting from here, though.
 That can only be done in real life."
      Cheryl held  her hands  out, and  the red box reappeared in them.
 She peered at the liquid-crystal display.  It read 1 hour, 17 minutes.
 "One-Seventeen, it says.  We've used up most of the time we have."

                              *** Chapter 9 ***
      Jeffrey said,  "Then it's  about 7:44  back in reality.   We'd be
 hungry (or  have other bodily needs) not too long after the timer runs
 out...   So we  better just  make good  use of the time we have.  I'll
 take you out for a REAL dinner at 9, then.  Good thing today's Friday.
 When do you usually eat?"
      "Pretty early, but I can eat late with no trouble."
      Jeffrey peered  towards the  box.   "Good.  If you got too hungry
 back in  reality, the  Device would shut off.  Same if..."  He trailed
      "I used the ladies' room at about 4:30."
      That answered  his question.   "Good  enough.   Then we'll  be OK
 until 9  and don't  have to worry about it before then.  Of course, we
 could stop now--"
      Cheryl cut  him off.   The  box disappeared  again.  "No need to.
 Why leave early?"
      Jeffrey agreed,  now thankful  for Cheryl's  decision to  set the
 timer for four hours.  He nodded.
      Cheryl looked  more serious  now.   "Jeffrey, there's one thing I
 absolutely have  to do  while I'm  here.   You've been  great so  far,
 putting up  with all  my wishes--  like it  or not.  You've enjoyed it
      Jeffrey couldn't  agree more.  His eyes swept towards the ground.
 "Very much."
      "Good.   But I've got to try this while I'm here.  You'll have to
 put up with this even if you don't like it.  I don't think you'll mind
 at all--  I never have, but I'm not you.  But I'd never forgive myself
 if I  didn't experiment  with this--  even if  you'd never speak to me
 again.  Understand?"

      Jeffrey nodded,  confused.   Why didn't  she just  ask  what  she
 wanted?   Was she  afraid that  he'd say "no", and didn't want to give
 him that chance?  And what hadn't they already tried?  And how did she
 know she liked it if she never tried it?
      Cheryl led  him back  to a  point near the lagoon, where they had
 started.   The sun  had dropped  a bit.   "No, this isn't good enough.
 It's too  perfect, and  not realistic  enough."    With  that, a  door
 appeared.   Nothing else, just a door.  It was kind of pink, and had a
 little plate  on it  that said  "Cheryl".    She  took Jeffrey's hand,
 walked to the door, and opened it.   There was a complete room inside,
 where there was only a door outside.  She'd seen too many Pink Panther
 cartoons, where such anomalies were commonplace.  This was realistic?
      The room,  of course,  was Cheryl's  bedroom.   Quite roomy for a
 bedroom, it  had all  the details  already in  place.  She led Jeffrey
 inside  and   closed  the   door,  ending  the  beach/lagoon/waterfall
 environment entirely.   All the details were already here, even a damp
 towel on  the back  of the chair and a pair of panties on the floor in
 the corner.   The  bed was  made.   "Sorry, I  didn't  clean  up  this
 morning."  AHH.  Now it made sense.  Her room was FAMILIAR to her, and
 thus  was  infinitely  more  realistic  than  an  environment  created
 (literally) from scratch.  This place had a real counterpart, and that
 eliminated the constant reminders that none of this was happening.
      "Bet you'd never thought you'd see the inside of my bedroom, huh?
 Not many people have."
      Jeffrey was  looking out  the window  into a  parking lot,  which
 belonged to  a professional  office next  door.   All he could tell is
 that they  were on  about the  second floor  of some kind of apartment
 building.     Every  bit   of  information   was  from   her   memory.
 Absentmindedly, he  answered.   "No, I never did.  And your room isn't
 messy.   You should  see mine.   I actually cleaned it today, but it's
 usually a mess until after I get home."
      Cheryl pulled  him from  the window,  reaching up  for the shade,
 then realized  that there  could be nobody out there who could see in.
 "I'll show  you the  rest of  the place later.  But we don't have much
      Jeffrey looked  impatient, somewhat  frustrated because he didn't
 know what was going on.  "Well, what do we do?"
      "Just stand  there.   Just like that.   Relax."   She reached for
 his penis  again, which  was in a semi-erect state and started to grow
 again at her touch.  But she wasn't fondling him-- it seemed more like
 an examination.   She  stooped down  and looked  at it  more  closely,
 lifted it and examined his scrotum, and ran her fingers around it all.
 Then she  just dropped it, and turned to look at herself.  She set one
 leg on her bed, and took a quick glance at her own genitals, then took
 a quick  look at  her whole body in the mirror.  Then she plopped down
 on her bed, one knee up, with a satisfied look.
      Jeffrey took that as an invitation.  He advanced towards her bed,
 growing harder.  But Cheryl stopped him.
      "No, just stay right there.  You'll join me in a few minutes."
      Again, he  was frustrated,  confused, and,  now, somewhat  angry.
 But before  he could say anything, he felt funny.  Just a little.  His
 erection had  disappeared.  Cheryl, again, was examining herself, with
 one hand  near her  thighs.  She kept looking down there, then back at
      Jeffrey took  the clue to look at himself.  His scrotum was gone,
 and his penis was far smaller than it ever was before.  He grabbed it,
 and felt  it slide  away, out  of  his  fingers.    Something  equally
 eventful was  happening to  Cheryl, but her attention was still mostly
 focused on  him.  She was almost smiling while he was anxiously trying
 to figure  out just  what she  was doing.  She didn't look right.  For
 starters, the breasts he had admired so much were gone.  Why would she
 do that?   She liked 'em too.   Jeffrey reached for his groin again...
 and this  time, found  nothing there  at all.  The patch of pubic hair
 had nothing in the middle of it.  It felt like his penis, somehow, was
 inside, but there was nothing for it to be inside of.
      That drew  attention away  from the  rest of  his body, which was
 starting to  change also.  For starters, he had lost some height.  And
 weight.   The muscles that he was so proud of before, hardly showed at
 all.  The hair on his chest, arms, legs, were all gone.  His shape was
 changing, too.
      It wasn't until he felt a slight depression between his legs that
 he noticed  the other  changes, and  with considerable  fright learned
 what Cheryl  had done.   He  looked on  the bed,  and saw some sort of
 penis starting  to emerge  from her  crotch.  With all the exploration
 they had done, Cheryl had decided that she wanted to know what it felt
 like to  be a  man, and she was changing Jeffrey into a woman, like it
 or not.
      Cheryl was starting to grow a little hair on her chest.  She slid
 over, and  now invited  Jeffrey to  lie down next to him.  Jeffrey had
 his fingers  between his  legs, trying  to figure  out just how he was
      "Relax, you're  only a  little girl  right now.   Don't fight it.
 You can  explore yourself  later."   Her  voice  was  changing.    The
 process, just  like the  disappearing clothes,  had been  started, and
 would continue  by itself  to completion  unless  Cheryl  stopped  it.
 Jeffrey, feeling helpless as well as speechless, climbed onto Cheryl's
 bed, stared  at the  ceiling, and  then turned  to  look  at  Cheryl's
 developments.  Her penis was almost fully-grown, and she had developed
 balls just  like his were before.  There was some on her chest, she no
 longer had  a feminine  figure-- at  this  point,  for  all  practical
 purposes, Cheryl  was a man, though it would take her a while to learn
 just what that meant.
      Jeffrey looked  at his  chest, which  although was  now hairless,
 didn't really  seem different.   He looked at Cheryl as if to ask what
 was happening.
      She understood.   "I'm  sending you through it slowly.  Feel what
 it's like  to change  from a girl into a woman.  You might as well get
 the experience."  And if you have anything to teach me, go ahead."
      The word "girl" had an effect on him.  It was hard for Jeffrey to
 think of  himself as  a "girl",  but now,  he was.   There just wasn't
 anything masculine  left.   Cheryl was  maturing faster,  but she  was
 changing all at once.  Jeffrey was changing according to some schedule
 that Cheryl had defined.  Jeffrey made a few "touch-up" adjustments as
 Cheryl started  her journey through puberty, particularly the annoying
 parts that came to mind-- a voice that wouldn't stay at one pitch, and
 so on.   But  before long,  she had  grown to  maturity, with complete
 genitals, hair  on chest,  and so  on.  Jeffrey removed the only other
 reminder of  Cheryl's former  gender--  the  long  hair,  trimming  it
 mentally to a more appropriate length.  Jeffrey was wondering, though,
 how the  Device would  reproduce the effect of hormones-- or instinct,
 that had changed.  The best that could be done for now was for Jeffrey
 to concentrate  for a  moment on  the hought  of male  hormones  being
 generated in Cheryl's new genitals, surging through her bloodstream in
 increasing quantity.  She was done, now.
      Jeffrey, however,  wasn't.   He had  started to develop hips, and
 his vagina  was complete.  But the rest wasn't happening by itself, or
 so it  seemed.   Jeffrey explained  the hormone/instinct  question  to
 Cheryl, who  of course couldn't answer either, but promised to do what
 she could to connect Jeffrey's new organs, and hormones, hopefully.
      Cheryl turned  his  attention  to  Jeffrey.    His  areolas  were
 widening, darkening, and had swollen a little, a sure sign of the next
 step towards womanhood.  He felt a distinct tingle in his chest, first
 in the area around the nipple, then spreading.
      "You're growing  tits, girl!"  Cheryl exclaimed.   "Funny how you
 have tits  one day, before you can even see 'em, but suddenly you just
 know what's there!"
      They both  stared at  Jeffrey's chest.  Now the whole area around
 each nipple was swelling.  His breasts enlarged, perky and cone-shaped
 at first.   His  areolas still  seemed swollen.  His breasts grew into
 the familiar round shape, now even with the areola, then grew yet more
 before the  changes finally stopped.  They drooped a bit to his sides.
 They seemed  heavy to  Jeffrey, even  though he was lying on his back.
 Cheryl ran  her fingers  over them  lightly, then  turned to  talk  to
      Her voice  was deep  and a  little unnatural.  "I don't feel that
 different, really,  except when I think about my cock, or that my tits
 are gone.  I don't know just how I'm supposed to feel everywhere else,
 or if it's really the same."
      Jeffrey thought  a moment,  then answered  in  his  new  feminine
 voice, which  sounded at least a little more realistic.  "I don't know
 if we'll  ever know  for sure.   I-- I guess that most of the stuff is
 the same, but the Device just can't tell us that.  The biggest changes
 would be  our lifestyle,  not the  way our  own bodies  feel to  us, I
 guess.   But..." (he touched her penis) "...Some of it we can find out
 right now."

                             *** Chapter 10 ***
      The cock  didn't  grow  at  Jeffrey's  touch  like  he  expected.
 Apparently the  equipment was there, but the instinct wasn't, at least
 yet.   Undoubtedly the  Device was  working on it, and the software he
 knew so  well, was now madly trying to interpret each other's thoughts
 and sort  out the  neural patterns  that probably were responsible for
      "We don't have each other's instincts yet.   We can try it anyway
 and see  what happens."   As Jeffrey said this, his fingers were still
 on the  part of  Cheryl's penis  he knew was effective when it was his
      "No, not  yet", she  replied.  "Let's get a feeling for it first.
 I mean--  we're just  out of puberty and rushing to lose our virginity
 before we even understand ourselves.   You haven't even had your first
 period-- no,  I guess I'll spare you that.  You probably wouldn't like
 it and we don't have the time."
      Jeffrey was  thusly reminded  once again  of the power the Device
 could vest  in someone.   He started thinking of the political uses of
 it.   Literally, you  could cause  someone great  mental  duress  even
 though the  Device would prevent someone from inflicting much physical
 pain.   You could  have someone raped by a goat in the middle of Times
 Square, and  although it  wouldn't do  any physical  harm or  even  be
 painful, it  would be  humiliating and  unpleasant, and  enough things
 like that  could persuade  anyone to do anything.  Certainly something
 to look into if the Device gets any further "official" interest.
      Cheryl was  up now,  and Jeffrey  got up  too.   She dressed them
 both, in  clothes similar  to the  ones they  were really wearing.  It
 happened suddenly,  and Jeffrey realized that the tightness around his
 bosom meant  that Cheryl  had decided to outfit him with a bra.  Given
 the size  of its  contents, it seemed necessary.  Everything else felt
 normal except  the lightness  between his  legs.   Cheryl looked quite
 normal in her selection of clothes.
      Jeffrey looked  in the  mirror.   It  took  a  moment  to  really
 convince himself that the female in the mirror was, in fact, him.  The
 fact that he couldn't hide his new figure, and that he didn't want to,
 piqued his  interest.  Cheryl took a quick glance at herself, adjusted
 her shirt a bit, and walked towards a door near the bed.
      "Where are you going?"
      "The bathroom.   I'll  be back."    Cheryl didn't bother to close
 the door, and Jeffrey didn't look to see what she was doing.
      Again, puzzling.   The only time anyone would actually have to go
 is when  they REALLY  had to go in real life.  The Device would create
 that sensation  when it  sensed that  condition in  reality.  It meant
 that it was about to shut off the simulation.  But that didn't happen.
      He heard  the sound  of a  zipper, then the sound of urine in the
 toilet, silenced  for a  moment, along with Cheryl's giggle.  "I guess
 my 'aim'  needs practice."   He  sat on the bed and waited.  The sound
 stopped,  another  zip  followed  by  a  flushed  toilet,  and  Cheryl
      "Neat", she  said.   "I guess  that's really handy at times.  Not
 that I'd  want to  live with  it forever, but it is definitely a plus.
 It really  does feel different.  You ought to try too.  Maybe it would
 help this identity thing work faster."
      Jeffrey answered  "You mean  instinct.   I don't  have to...  You
 can't get the feeling unless you really have to go.   Besides..."
      "Nonsense.   You just  tell yourself you have to go, and suddenly
 you do.  Go ahead, I'll wait."
      "Wait a  minute, that  means you  can actually  imagine  internal
 FEELINGS directly--  without first  imagining some physical event that
 causes it.   That's way beyond the design expectations that the Device
      He was  cut off  by a  sensation from  his bladder.   Cheryl had,
 essentially, decided  that he  had to  go, and  now he did.  He didn't
 finish his  thought, but  merely sighed  "Okay",  and  walked  to  the
 bathroom.   He didn't bother to close the door either.  Why should he?
 He found  it a  sudden inconvienence  that he  had to  remove half the
 clothes that  Cheryl had  just given  him.   He saw the panties he was
 wearing, for the first time.  That elicited a chill along with a "what
 am I  doing?" feeling.   He  sat on  the toilet  and relieved himself,
 surprised once  again to  find that  the feeling  did go  away  as  he
 emptied himself.
      He was  surprised  to  find  Cheryl  looming  near  the  doorway,
 watching him perform this animal function.  "Different, huh?  Now just
 imagine that  every day  for your  whole life.   Imagine being used to
      "Yea...    I  guess I  might.   Oh well."  He got up, flushed the
 toilet, and  dressed again.   "I think I know what you're doing.   The
 clothes... the  bathroom...  You need to make me feel like a woman, in
 addition to just looking and sounding like one.  Right?"
      "Exactly.   I'm starting  to feel  a little  more like  a man,  I
 think.   I want  to know what it's like before our time runs out.  So,
 do you feel the part, or what?"
      "I think  I am.   The hardest part right now is convincing myself
 that I might want to make love to you-- you're a MAN."
      Cheryl had  an answer ready.  "I know.  But then, you're a woman.
 That should  make it easier.  It's natural, now."  She took his arm as
 he re-entered her bedroom, guiding him towards the bed.
      Jeffrey took  a look  at Cheryl's  pants, which started to show a
 bulge.  "You're getting horny, aren't you?"
      The bulge  continued to  grow.    "Well..."    Cheryl  looked  at
 herself.  "I guess I am.   It's just that you're so..."
      Jeffrey interrupted as Cheryl trailed off.  "Hormones.  Instinct.
 It's working.     You've been looking at me.  I've been turning you on
 all this time."

                             *** Chapter 11 ***
      "Geez, I  never thought  I'd feel like this.  I DO want you.  And
 the longer  I think  about it,  the harder it gets to take my mind off
 you."  Cheryl started to unbutton and unzip the jeans that Jeffrey had
 only finished with.
      Jeffrey stopped her, then looked up into her face.  "I don't know
 if I'm  ready.  This body's too new to me.  I'm not sure if I want you
 doing that... with..."
      Cheryl put  both arms around Jeffrey, which was now very easy for
 her.   Jeffrey put  his head  on her  shoulder.   "It's my fault", she
 said.   "This is  really spectacular.   I  know what  it  feels  like.
 You're ready.  You're just not as excited as I am.  What did you do to
 excite a female when you wanted to...?"
      "I was  gradual.   I'd touch  innocent places  at first...  Kiss,
 touch her  nipples, rub where she liked it, put my fingers between her
 legs..."    Jeffrey realized that he was now telling Cheryl what to do
 with him.  The words, and the images, started to work on him.
      Cheryl took  him to  bed, and kissed him.  He didn't resist.  She
 played with  him, gradually  stimulating him,  like he had done to her
 before.   She put  her hand under his blouse, and touched his bra.  He
 still didn't resist.  Jeffrey's pussy was getting wet.  The Device was
 even able  to produce  his scent's  effect on  Cheryl.   It caught her
 attention, and  made her  anticipate the  copulation she  wanted.  The
 bulge in  her pants  had grown,  and she  removed her jeans and shirt.
 Then she  put her  hands in  Jeffrey's pants,  and quickly  found  the
 opening of  his pussy.   She  stroked him for a while before sliding a
 finger inside.  It was very wet.
      "Wow..." was  all that  Jeffrey could  say.   Cheryl stopped long
 enough for  them to undress.  She now inserted her finger all the way,
 feeling the  softness around  it, and  watching Jeffrey fade away into
 ecstasy.   Finally she  couldn't stand it.  She climbed on top of him,
 but couldn't  manage to find the opening with her penis alone.  In the
 ultimate act  of consent,  Jeffrey reached between his legs and guided
 the tip  of her  cock into his pussy.  Her cock was dry, and it didn't
 go in  at first.   Jeffrey's touch on her penis was driving her crazy.
 She started  moving, in  and out, and with each thrust was moistened a
 bit, and  slid further  in.   They both chimed together; "Oooh" as she
 penetrated him, her penis finally vanishing into his body.  Copulation
 lasted for  several exhausting  minutes...  Jeffrey  keenly  aware  of
 Cheryl's presence  inside him,  and Cheryl  feeling the semen building
 inside her,  ready for  the climax.  They came a moment later, Jeffrey
 feeling his  cunt tightening  involuntarily around  Cheryl's member...
 and Cheryl  feeling the  hot come  traveling through her body, through
 her penis,  and finally  relieved as  it quietly  spurted out from her
 penis and  vanished into  Jeffrey's body.   She collapsed, penis still
 inside, and  a few moments later found the energy to move.  Her penis,
 which was  smaller now,  slid lazily  out of Jeffrey.  Neither of them
 talked for about 10 or 15 minutes, it seemed.

                             *** Chapter 11 ***
      Cheryl was  the first to speak.  "I'm never going to forget this.
 Now I  know just  how it  feels.  I can be a perfect lover, now that I
 know what  does what!     But you  know  something?    We  COULD  have
 forgotten something."
      "I know  we didn't  need it here, but I bet you didn't even think
 of it.   Protection.   Birth  Control.  For all you know, I could have
 just made you pregnant!   To think!  I could have made YOU pregnant!"
      "Well... Hmm.   No, I guess I didn't.  As a man, I would have.  I
 did when  we mated  the first  time.  Eeeks, you're right.  I'm on the
 other end now, huh?   At least..."
      With a  bit of  pride, Cheryl  resumed.   "Well, you  never know.
 Right this  second *MY*  sperm are swimming around inside YOU, hunting
 for an  egg that  may or  may not be there.  If they find it...  Well,
 let's just  say you'll have another use for your tits besides exciting
      Jeffrey was  suddenly concerned.   She had done strange things in
 the past.  "You wouldn't...."
      That's the  question Cheryl  expected.  "Relax.  I've never had a
 baby.  So even if I was going to be mean about it, I wouldn't know how
 to make you feel it.  And it takes a while before you'd know, anyway."
      They continued  talking for  a  while,  mostly  exchanging  their
 experiences so far.  They played with each other some more.  They made
 love again,  this time  with Jeffrey  sitting on top of Cheryl.  After
 that, they  learned that they could "reset" right away if they wished,
 and started  again, side  by side.   But  this time, just after Cheryl
 pushed inside  Jeffrey, he  tightened up and motioned her to stop.  He
 proposed an experiment.

                             *** Chapter 12 ***
      "Let's try  something.   Let's switch  back to ourselves, and try
 again that  way.   I want to feel the difference now that I've had sex
 as a woman."
      Cheryl nodded,  but didn't  move from  her position.  She was too
 far along  to just  stop.  She pushed her penis into Jeffrey as far as
 she could, and pressed herself tightly against him.  Then she held him
 still.  Jeffrey didn't say anything.
      She had  pressed her  chest  against  Jeffrey's;  nipple  against
 nipple.  They adhered to each other.  Jeffrey started to feel his size
 changing.    Cheryl's  body shrank  in Jeffrey's arms, and he felt his
 former strength  returning.   She planted the penis firmly inside him.
 It fused  to his  vagina as  his breasts  fused to Cheryl's chest.  He
 felt the sensation between his legs changing.
      She started  to pull  away from  him, tugging  on his  chest  and
 groin.   As she  did, Jeffrey  started to  feel  a  stickiness  within
 Cheryl; it  grew, and  started to  change to slipperiness.  He was now
 moving within  her.   She tugged  once again on his chest, and now the
 breasts were Cheryl's.  The secondary changes had all happened-- hair,
 voice, and such, but nobody noticed.  Without even separating, Jeffrey
 started sliding *his* penis in an out of *Cheryl's* pussy, and started
 towards his  orgasm.  It didn't feel better or worse to invade than to
 be invaded,  he decided.   Different,  but he liked it both ways.  The
 contractions of his pussy were now the pulsations of his cock.
      He nearly  lept out  of his  chair.  The Device had switched off.
 Cheryl opened  her eyes  and set  the blue  box down  on the  counter,
 panting even  though she  couldn't have  possibly been  out of breath.
 They sat  for a  moment.   Jeffrey could tell that Cheryl was wet;  He
 grew hard  for a minute or two, carrying over from the fantasy just as
 Cheryl had.  The erection subsided.
      Jeffrey broke  the silence.  "That's too bad.  It always seems to
 happen at a bad time.   Oh well, I promised you a dinner, and you must
 be hungry.  It's after 9."
      Cheryl sighed  one last  time.  "No, it's not 'too bad'.  Uhh.. I
 don't know  what to  say!  Thanks very much.  Mind, though, if we save
 the dinner  for some other night?  All I want tonight is a quick pizza
 or something."
      Jeffrey tried  not to look too dejected.   He got up and switched
 off the  equipment and  a few  lights.  "No, that's OK, I can take you
 out some other time."  He continued locking up, and headed with Cheryl
 towards the door.
      "Good.   It's getting  late, and  I want  to have as much time as
 possible... That  is, if  you don't mind spending the night.  Or a few
 nights.  Just this time, let's remember the birth control, okay?"
      Jeffrey laughed,  then embraced  his mate  for a long kiss.  With
 that, they headed out for a pizza.


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  Chapter 13

     Cheryl and  Jeffrey took Jeffrey's car to Pizza Hut.  It wasn't a
long walk  to the  restaurant or  to Cheryl's  apartment, but  Jeffrey
didn't want  to leave  his car  at IDT  overnight.   The drive  seemed
short, because they both had so much to talk about.
     Cheryl was  speaking.  "Darn!  There's some stuff I forgot to try
back there.  I'm thinking of all these things to do NOW!  Why couldn't
I imagine it BEFORE?"
     "Forget it," suggested Jeffrey.  "EVERY TIME I've used that thing
I've thought  of stuff  to do after I left.  I just try to remember it
for next  time.  Even then, there's just so much to do when you can do
     "Yea... Can we try it again tommorrow?"
     "I suppose  so.   Don't tell  anyone this,  but  I  have  another
version of the Device nearly completed at home.  I just couldn't stand
to have my own invention taken away so I can't use it.  We didn't have
any security agreements anyway."
     Cheryl sounded  like a  little girl.   "Want to go to your place,
     Just at  that moment  they  pulled  into  the  Pizza  Hut.    The
conversation continued over a 14" Sausage pizza.
     "It's fine  with me.   But,  really, I  can't recommend using the
Device again  for a  while.  It's just not healthy to be using it very
     Cheryl didn't  know if  she understood,  but decided  not to  ask
further questions.   "Oh.   Let's  go to  my place then.   Besides..."
(she gave  Jeffrey a  very interesting  glance) "...I'm  sure we'll be
able to enjoy ourselves, no?"
     "I think we can manage it.  Besides, I'll get to see if your room
is really like you pictured it with the Device."
     For a while, the conversation turned to more conventional topics.
They talked  about their  parents, what  they thought about their job,
the fact that neither had plans for the future, really, and so on.
     Just after  getting into  the car,  Jeffrey remembered something.
"Oh, Cheryl,  this is  always so  awkward...   But, I  promised you  I
wouldn't forget, and since...   well, are you... protected?  I'm not."
     Cheryl answered flatly.  "No.  I have a Card, though, if you do."
She reached into her purse and pulled out a red plastic card.
     "Looks like you have a card WHETHER OR NOT I have one.  I DO have
one.  Where's a machine?"
     "The drug  store on  the corner.  Turn right here.  My building's
on this block."
     They pulled  into the  drugstore's parking  lot and  went inside.
The machine was near the door.  It was a very innovative form of birth
control, just starting to gain some acceptance.  To use it, you had to
apply for  a Card,  which cost  several hundred dollars because of the
complex tests  and encodings  which were  done when you got your Card.
Basically, your Card was encoded with an image of your gene me pattern
(that's the  expensive part),  as well  as your  fingerprints and some
other data.
     Cheryl walked  over to the side marked "Female", and slid her red
card into  a slot.   Jeffrey pulled a similar, but blue, card from his
wallet, and  put it  in the  blue slot,  which was  marked "Male".  He
grabbed a  $10 bill  and put  it into the slot marked for such.  There
were two  openings at  the far  ends of  this machine.  Cheryl put her
left hand  in one,  and Jeffrey put his right hand in the other.  Foam
pads gripped  both wrists,  and some  light and  noise came  from  the
     What it  did was  still somewhat  of a  marvel.   It checked your
fingerprint against  the one  on your  card (to make sure it was YOU),
and took  a very small blood sample.  The sample was used to check for
every  known  sexually  transmitted  disease  as  well  as  for  other
abnormalities, a  feature well  worth the  $10.   Finally,  using  the
information on both cards, it prepared a two compounds which were air-
injected through  the thumb  of each person.  The effect was that THAT
man's sperm  could not  fertilize THAT   woman's  egg.   It was called
Specific Binary  Contraception:    Specific  because  it  only  worked
between the  two people  that had it, and Binary because both partners
needed the treatment.  It lasted (supposedly) for about two months (56
days, officially), but was guaranteed only for 31.
     Jeffrey and  Cheryl both felt the "twinge" of the injection.  The
foam pads  released their  grip.   The screen  on the  device now read
"Process completed,  Tests negative.  REMOVE CARDS."  After Cheryl and
Jeffrey pulled  their cards  out, two reciepts appeared at yet another
slot.  As was the custom, each took one and put it away.

     Specific Binary Contraception



     Ref. No. 91626S
     Treatment Date: 06-22-01
     RENEW BEFORE:   07-23-01

     Keep this reciept.  The information
     on it is contained nowhere else.  It
     is your only proof of treatment.

     Periodic Medical Examinations are
     recommended.  Treatment may lead to
     temporary specific sterility lasting up
     to six months.

     Dieters!  Try SPECTRATECH Nutra-Solv
     now available at health food stores!

     Although Jeffrey  rarely had occasion to use them, he didn't like
the Spectratech machines, merely for the fact that the reciepts had an
advertisement which wrecked the otherwise serious, important nature of
the document.   The IBM machines were much classier, even if they cost
twice as much and were rumored to have an imperfect success rate.
     Having a  SBC certificate  in your  pocket was  almost erotic  by
itself.   It meant  that out  there somewhere  is someone who wants to
make love  with you.   Of  course, Jeffrey thought, there's no telling
how many  receipts Cheryl  has with  her right  now, but  he was  most
pleased just  to have  one.   It meant  she was SERIOUS about him.  It
meant that  there was  no going  back now.  He didn't know that Cheryl
felt the same way.

                                Chapter 14
     The short  trip to Cheryl's happened in silence, though there was
a lot  of smiling.   Jeffrey  was still  wondering what he was doing--
having spent  the evening  having all  sorts of  sex somewhere  in  an
environment that  came from Cheryl's mind-- and now, on his way to her
apartment with a certificate in his pocket.  The most amazing part was
that this  morning, he  couldn't have  even dreamed  of what  would be
happening tonight.  It was confusing, overwhelming, and he didn't want
to change  it.   He felt  a little  light-headed, even.  As Cheryl was
trying to  break through  this mental  fog, with the directions to her
parking lot,  Jeffrey finally  decided that  he was becoming lovesick.
That discovery only made the other feelings worse.
     The only thing he was allowed to notice on the way to her bedroom
was that  there was  another bedroom in this apartment.  "A roommate?"
he asked.

     "Uh huh, but she probably won't be here tonight.  It's Friday."
     The apartment  was simple;  a large  common area  with a kitchen,
some closets,  and two  bedrooms, the door of Cheryl's looking exactly
like the one that appeared near the lagoon this afternoon.  She didn't
say a  word, but  led him  straight to  her bedroom, holding his hand.
She closed  the door.  She turned to him, and he took her in his arms,
kissing her.   Jeffrey  couldn't believe it; the mechanism of love had
started and  wouldn't be  stopped.   Cheryl's tongue  probed Jeffrey's
lips, and  then poked  its way  inside.  She ran her tongue all around
his mouth, blissfully around and underneath his tongue, then back into
her own  mouth.   Jeffrey welcomed  the invitation,  and  slipped  his
tongue inside  her.  He could hear them both breathing, and could feel
her tits  pressing against his chest.  His hands on her back, he could
tell that she was wearing a bra, which she didn't reveal before.
     Cheryl pressed  her waist  against Jeffrey.   She  could feel him
growing, through  the fabric  of his  underwear, his pants, her jeans,
and her  panties.   The bulge was growing and pressing gently into the
soft area just above her pubic hair.
     She leaned  back and  unbuttoned his  shirt, slipping it off him,
and then  ran her hands through the hair on his chest.  She pulled her
shirt up  out of her jeans, and lifted it over her head.  Jeffrey took
it from  her and  removed it.   He  looked for  a place to put it, and
finally threw  it on  a chair.   The  panties that  were in the corner
earlier weren't  there, so  either she had put them there in her mind,
or the  image was  from some other time than this morning.  Her shades
were drawn, and it was dark out.
     Jeffrey ran  his hands  over the outside of her bra.  Her breasts
were quite  warm, and  that warmth  was coming through the fabric.  He
unclipped her  bra and it fell away by itself.  He touched her breasts
gently, and  then, as  her nipples  awakened, poking  out at  him, she
unbuckled his pants.
     Her tits  kept him  busy  while  she  undressed  him.    She  was
impatient.   He had  to tear himself away from her to remove his shoes
and slide  out of  his pants.  It was cold without any clothes, unlike
before.   He unfastened  her jeans,  and slid  them off  while on  his
needs.   Her scent  was already  there, through  her panties.   It was
similar to before, but now seemed more powerful.  He clawed at the top
of them,  pulled them  down to  her ankles,  and gave her a light kiss
right in the middle of her pubic hair.
     Cheryl giggled,  and ran her fingers through Jeffrey's hair.  She
grabbed his earlobes and pulled him to his feet.  "I'm getting weak in
the knees.  Come on, let's get in bed."   She let go of him and jumped
onto the  bed, then  bounced back  to her  feet.   "I'll be back," she
said.   "I better  do this  now."  She patted the covers.  "Warm up my
bed for  me."   She opened  the door and went into the bathroom, where
she was  for at  least five  very long  minutes.  He got into her bed,
which seemed  like a  very unfamiliar  place even  though, in Cheryl's
mental adventure,  he had  been there  before.   The sheets were cold.
His erection subsided.
     Cheryl returned.   Jeffrey  told her  that he had to take care of
the same  business.   "Be my guest," she said, grabbing his hand as he
got up.
     "I'll only be a minute", he said.
     Cheryl clawed  her fingers  through his  hair.  "I'm in no hurry.
We have all night!"
     Jeffrey liked  the way  that sounded.   He  stood in front of the
toilet and then realized that Cheryl had followed him, standing behind
him.   She put  her arms  around him,  knocking him  off  balance  and
preventing him from doing what he came for.
     "Go ahead", she whispered.  "Don't mind me."
     "Well, I guess.  But..."
     Cheryl was a bit insistent.  "You should feel comfortable.  After
what happened  today, I  can't say  we have anything to keep from each
other.   Right?  I sucked your body into mine.  You belong to me.  And
I'm all yours.  Share everything."
     Jeffrey's eyes  were suddenly brighter than the hundred-watt bulb
in Cheryl's  bathroom.  "You really did that, didn't you?"   He turned
around, facing her.  "I mean, I wasn't sure if I was only imagining it
     "Well, I  kind of  lost you  somewhere.   I couldn't concentrate.
You were  making me  come.  But, yes, that was the idea.  I wanted you
so much,  I had my pussy swallow you alive.  I could feel you slipping
into me  as I  sucked you  in.  I could tell where you were inside me.
Then I started coming, and lost track of you."
     Jeffrey grew  hard again.  The images of the afternoon came back.
Cheryl continued.   "I  want us  to be ONE, Jeffrey.  Not two separate
people.   I want  to be  part of  you, and want you to be part of me."
She turned him around, and held his penis from behind.  "Now let's go.
You DO want to go to bed, right?"
     Jeffrey thought a second.  "More than you could ever imagine."
     Cheryl pressed  her other  hand  above  his  penis,  against  his
bladder.   She had  excited him,  and it took half a minute for him to
manage to  overcome that  feeling so the right valves would open.  She
held him  while he  emptied himself.   Cheryl took some delight in the
fact that  her body  would soon  coax  a  different  fluid  from  that

                                Chapter 15
     They both  got into  bed and  spent a  while in foreplay.  Cheryl
enjoyed the  closeness,  the  feeling  of  satisfaction  in  having  a
bedmate, someone  that would  be with  her during  the  time  she  was
normally alone.   She  realized that  she was  giving  herself  up  to
Jeffrey, and  that he  would probably  never again  be content without
her.   Each moment  they spent together drew them irreversably closer.
Finally, Jeffrey  stopped playing with her breasts long enough for his
fingers to  play with  her anxious pussy.  His touch made her grow hot
inside.   The heat drew his fingers in.  Other fingers found her anus,
which magically opened as he touched it.  One finger played around the
edge, and  then carefully  probed inside.  It was warm like her pussy,
pushing against  him, loosening  to let him further in.  He could feel
the fingers  that were in her cunt, rubbing the flexible walls between
his fingers.  Just as happened with the Device, she was so excited she
started coming  right away.    She  held  his  hand,  fingers  inside,
pressing hard  against the  soft space  between her  legs.  She spread
them apart,  lifting one  over Jeffrey, so he could reach deeper.  Her
come leaked  out around his fingers.  She was shuddering.  Jeffrey was
very close  to his  own orgasm,  stimulated by  the pure  energy  that
Cheryl was releasing.
     She was  ready.   She took  Jeffrey by the shoulders, and lowered
her knees  so he  could climb  between them.   Once he was between her
legs, she  lifted them  and wrapped  her legs  around him.   He  aimed
carefully, and as she squeezed him, the tip of his cock rubbed against
her rough  pubic  hair.    Her  pussy's  lips  slowly  separated,  and
Jeffrey's cock  was now  welcomed into  the wet  area just outside her
cunt, her  pussy's lips  sliding up  around him.   He slid very slowly
into her,  pushing deeper,  and in  seconds  began  a  slow,  rhythmic
motion.   She pulled  on his  cock, then  squeezed it  inside with her
powerful muscles.  He was very hard, but she could still feel his cock
yield to  the force  her pussy  exerted.  It made it tight, and sealed
the plumbing  that now  existed between  them.   She  anticipated  his
orgasm, pulling  him in  with her  legs.   The tip  of his cock seated
against her  cervix, the  walls of  her pussy  were now  involuntarily
contracted, the  tight feeling  letting Jeffrey  know that  Cheryl was
having her  orgasm.   Jeffrey's come  pumped  out  of  his  body  into
Cheryl's, travelling  into her  pussy, through his penis, and directly
into her  womb.   From the point where Jeffrey's penis entered Cheryl,
they could  both feel  it happening.   He kept pumping it into her for
several seconds,  the hot  semen disappearing into her so efficiently,
that her newly ovulated egg would have certainly been fertilized if it
wasn't  for   the  SBC  that  only  minutes  ago  started  effectively
protecting them.
     It was  over.   Cheryl tightened  her (rather tired) pussy so she
could roll  over, on  top of Jeffrey, without losing him.  She put her
legs between Jeffrey's, closing them tight around his penis, which was
still entirely  inside her.   She  put her head on the pillow right at
Jeffrey's shoulder, and both went quickly to sleep.
     As they  slept, Cheryl's  pussy went to it's resting state faster
than Jeffrey's  penis.   Her opening  shrank  almost  to  its  normal,
unexcited state,  squeezing Jeffrey's cock tight enough to prevent the
blood from  leaving it.   He couldn't shrink this way, so her sleeping
pussy held  his still-enlarged  cock quite firmly.  It was a technique
she liked  to use,  for it  meant more  excitement when either of them
awakened.  Unlike the earlier events, Jeffrey could escape her grip if
he wanted  to, but  it made  it difficult,  and it  certainly wouldn't
happen by  itself.  A few times when either of them tried to roll over
in their  sleep, the  gentle tug  between their legs would remind them
that they  were, for  the moment, one, and that neither wanted to move
from this position.

                                Chapter 16
     Jeffrey woke  up first.   It  took a  moment for  him to  wake up
enough to  realize that yes, Cheryl was asleep on top of him, and yes,
his cock  was still  buried in her pussy.  He liked the feeling of the
way her  breasts pressed  against him, moving as she breathed.  He was
getting excited again.  He started to stretch inside her, from almost-
completely-erect to  completely so.  But she was asleep, and her pussy
was too.   It  wouldn't grow  along with  him like it would if she was
awake.   It started  to get painful.  Even her legs were squeezing him
too tight,  it seemed.   But  he didn't  want to  awaken her.  He lied
there that  way for  almost an  hour,  watching  the  ceiling  through
Cheryl's hair,  which was  draped over  him.  The sun was up and there
was some  traffic noise  outside.   Then he  realized that some of the
noise was  coming from  inside  the  apartment.    Cheryl's  roommate,
entering the  apartment, had awakened him.  She was clanking around in
the kitchen.
     Jeffrey was  quite happy when Cheryl finally opened her eyes, for
a second.   She  closed them.   He  decided not  to let her go back to
sleep, and  whispered "Good  morning" to  her.   Cheryl didn't seem to
hear, but seconds later, she spoke out loud, though in a sleepy voice.
"Morning, lover.  Guess we really wore each other out last night.  How
many times did we?"
     "Only once,"  said Jeffrey.    "In real life, at least.  So far."
He didn't  mention the  pain he  still felt  in his  cock, or  that he
wanted her  again, right now.  Maybe, like previous partners he'd had,
she'd just want to get up and have breakfast.  How depressing.
     Cheryl was  a little  bit more  awake.  "Oh, right.  Gee, we're a
little tight, aren't we?  I hope I wasn't..."
     Jeffrey finished.  "Painful."
     Cheryl started  to prop herself up on her elbows, her breasts now
dangling down  in front of Jeffrey's eyes, still touching him.  "Well,
I can  fix that  right now."   She  slid the  covers  off  (they  were
uncomfortably warm),  and   looked down  at the  point where  she  and
Jeffrey were joined.
     Her pussy  started pulsating.  Blood was flowing to Cheryl's cunt
as she  exercised it.   It grew warm, then hot.  It started to get wet
inside.   And, finally,  it  loosened  it's  grip.    What  a  relief.
Jeffrey's cock,  having slid  out just a bit during the night, slid in
by itself.      The  pulsations continued  for  a  while,  stimulating
Jeffrey to  the point  where he put his hands on her hips, and started
to lift  up and  down, beneath  her.   It was  very slow  and  gentle.
Cheryl didn't  seem to  mind, but wasn't helping.  She was letting him
do the work this time.  Her pussy stopped pulsating.
     There was  a knock  at the  door, which  then opened  even though
nobody said  anything.  The woman at the door was about Cheryl's size,
and age,  and build.   She  looked totally  different, though, and had
dark, short,  curly hair,  as opposed to Cheryl's long, straight hair.
She was  wearing a  T-shirt, which  covered her just enough so Jeffrey
couldn't tell if there was really anything else on.

     "Oh, sorry.  Good morning.  Found a friend?" the girl asked.
     Cheryl looked back at her door.  Jeffrey was a little nervous.  A
long, tight  squeeze of  her pussy  silently told him to relax and not
worry about it.  He got the message.
     Cheryl put  her head  back on  Jeffrey's shoulder.  "Deirdre, I'd
like you  to meet  Jeffrey.   Jeffrey, this  is Deirdre, my apartment-
mate."   She didn't  seem to  mind the  fact that  Deirdre  was  still
standing there,  unembarassed even though she must have known that she
and Jeffrey  were at  this moment  locked together,  and weren't  even
under any covers.
     Cheryl continued.   She  obviously wasn't  trying to  get rid  of
Deirdre, either  because Deirdre  was of  the sort that didn't get the
hint, or  because they  shared this sort of thing. That idea intrigued
Jeffrey a bit.  "So how was your night?"
      Deirdre answered. "Terrible.  That guy your friend introduced me
to was  no fun at all.  We played Trivial Pursuit for almost two hours
and he's no good at it.  Then all I did was sleep.  I should have just
come back  here after  dinner.   What was he, too tired to do anything
     "Ask Sue, not me.  I don't know him."  Cheryl seemed oblivious to
Jeffrey, until  another squeeze  let him know that he was still on her
     "OK.  Tell me when you're ready for breakfast.  You too, Jeff."
     Jeffrey spoke to Deirdre from underneath Cheryl's hair, which had
fallen across him again.  "Ok, thanks."  He got a mouthful of hair.
     Deirdre left,  but didn't  close the  door the whole way.  Cheryl
didn't even  look.  She made Jeffrey come rather quickly, in less than
ninety seconds,  and her  own orgasm went by just as fast.  She spread
her legs  far apart,  letting the  cool air  finish off  the  last  of
Jeffrey's erection.   His penis slipped out of her.  She got up on her
knees, her pussy dripping combined love juices onto Jeffrey's abdomen,
then got  off the  bed, as if there was a hurry to go somewhere.  They
went into  the bathroom,  and this  time Jeffrey stayed there, talking
with Cheryl  as she relieved herself.  He kind of admired the way that
she felt  comfortable performing  an animal  function with  him  right
there.  She seemed kind of elegant while doing so, too.
     They showered together, which was fun though neither of them were
really ready  to excite  themselves over  it.   Jeffrey watched Cheryl
pick out  some clothes,  and dress herself.  She picked out some black
panties, showing  Jeffrey that the choice was made with him, and later
activities, in  mind.   Jeffrey wore  the same  jeans,  but  with  the
underwear and shirt he brought in from his car last night.
     Breakfast was  uneventful.   Jeffrey managed  to have what seemed
like a  good rapport  with Deirdre.   She  was a  little crazier  than
Cheryl, but  had a  good sense of humor.  Even though Cheryl had taken
him to  bed the same day that they met, it was Deirdre whose lifestyle
was more  liberal.   Apparently, it was a running joke between both of
     "Always thought  I was  the slut  around here", said Deirdre in a
tone that  couldn't have  been mistaken  for an  insult.  "For someone
I've never  seen before,  you two  were humping  away like I've hardly
ever done."
     Jeffrey was a little annoyed.  "We weren't..."
     Cheryl bailed  him out.   "Deirdre,  what we  did in  my room..."
(Jeffrey was  thinking "...wasn't  any of  your business"?) "...was...
was...   Well, you  should have  seen what  we did before!  I just did
more in four hours than you've ever done in your whole life."
     Deirdre was  shocked.   Jeffrey was  too, shocked that Cheryl was
telling  Deirdre   all  this.     Deirdre  grew  indignant.    "That's

                                Chapter 17
     Cheryl was smiling.  Could she, after all this time, have finally
outdone her  roommate?   Of course  she did.  As Jeffrey learned about
this friendly  rivalry, he  looked a  little smug, too.  After all, it
was not  only his mind that made it all happen, but it was his Device,
too.   Cheryl explained  the Device, and most of the achievements that
she and Jeffrey made during those four hours.
     "But... Really?"  Deidre asked.   "You  sucked him  inside?  Into
your pussy?  Changed him to a female?  Made love with him... or her...
using a man's body?  Now THAT'S REALLY impossible.  Isn't it?"
     Jeffrey realized  that if  Deirdre continued to doubt the Device,
those doubts  would block  the ability  of the  Device to work on her.
Just like  the government  people.   Somehow, skepticism, carried near
the extreme, blocked the communication to and from the Device.  It was
a problem he was trying to fix on his personal version of the machine.
     "Deirdre, listen."   He had to explain it the right way the first
time.   "It's a real device.  It monitors the flow of information from
your brain  to the rest of your body.  It intercepts that information,
but returns  a false  neurotransmission that's  consistent  with  your
environment.   It also  monitors your  thoughts.   If you  have a good
imagination, you  can not  only LIVE  in this environment, but you can
actually CHANGE it.
     She understood.   "What  happens when  two people  disagree about
what's going  on?  Like if I wanted us to have a box of cheerios here,
and you imagined a box of raisin bran?"
     "It depends on who's holding the box in real life.  Whoever holds
the box gets the final say."
     "Then," Deirdre  asked, "what if neither of the two people having
this argument are holding the box in real life?"
     "Then those  two people  would keep  changing it  back and forth,
until the  one with  the  box  decided  to  make  a  change  that  was
permanent.   The one with the box can decide, mentally, whether or not
the others can change his creations."
     That seemed logical enough.  Deirdre stood up and tossed her bowl
into the sink.  "Sounds fun.  Ok, let's go!"
     Cheryl didn't  expect this.   Jeffrey  had only been here a short
time and  she didn't  want to share his time with Deirdre.   She said,
quietly, "Right  now?"  She realized that this was a bit selfish after
all Deirdre had done for her.
     Jeffrey and Deidre answered together.  "Why not!"
     Cheryl, outvoted  anyway, agreed.   "Ok.   I  think Jeffrey and I
have a  lot of  things to  show you!  Wait a minute, IDT's locked.  We
     Jeffrey had  an idea.   They  all piled  into Jeffrey's  car, and
headed for  his place.   It was neat, thank goodness.  They were there
in a  few minutes.  Jeffrey's version of the Device was on a workbench
in one  corner.   The two  females watched  Jeffrey's not-really-legal
cable TV, talked, and made lunch, for the two hours it took Jeffrey to
put  the  Device  together.    He  unplugged  it  from  the  umbelical
connecting it  to the  recharger, computer,  and test  equipment,  and
brought it out to the center of the room.  It was smaller than the one
at IDT,  and looked a little neater, even though the case had a number
of holes  sealed with rubber plugs.  The controls were different.  But
it was the same blue color as before.  Cheryl and Deirdre came over to
him when he brought the box over to his coffee table.
     At Cheryl's  recommendation, they  each used  Jeffrey's bathroom.
Jeffrey, last to go, poured three glasses of water while Cheryl was in
the bathroom.   When  Cheryl returned  and Deirdre left, she wanted to
talk to him.
     "I don't  know what  we're going  to do.  If you haven't noticed,
Deirdre likes  some pretty  kinky things  and I  have a feeling that's
what she's  going to  want to  do.   She won't  be happy flying around
     Jeffrey didn't know how he was supposed to react.  "So?"
     "We can  have fun  with her if YOU DON'T MIND it.  But I hope you
understand.   You're the only one I have.  I want to keep you.  I love
you.  She might like your body, but she can't love you like I do."
     Jeffrey answered  quietly.   "I love you too.  I haven't told you
yet.  You must have known it."
     Cheryl was  relieved a  bit.  "I saw it in your eyes.  The Device
couldn't have reproduced that."

     "Guess not.   Don't  worry, I  belong to  you  know  matter  what
happens with Deirdre.  I want YOU to be my girlfriend."
     "I already am."  They kissed, and Deirdre returned, breaking them
up.   Jeffrey headed for the bathroom, noticing that the two girls had
warmed up the seat.
     Deirdre was  excited.  "I want to try what you did.  I want to go
skydiving.   Walk on  the moon.  There's so much I don't know where to
     Cheryl tried  to calm her down.  "You won't be able to do it all.
Just relax!   Enjoy what you DO do.  That's all that's important.  And
remember, Jeffrey's MINE."
     "You mean...  We can't..."
     "No, we  CAN share  him.   You'd do  that for me.  And there's so
much for you to experience.  But I want him back."
     "Fair enough."
     "I think  we'll even have a little fun with him.  It doesn't look
like he's  ever had to deal with two girls at once.  I'm sure he won't
     Jeffrey returned.   They  sat down  around the table.  He touched
the metallic  circle on  the top, had Deirdre do the same, and then he
gave the  box to  Cheryl.   "I think  you should do it this time.  You
know what you're doing, and know Deirdre better than I do.  Four hours
     She puzzled over the controls.  They weren't simple anymore.  The
display was  blank.   Jeffrey talked her through it.  "Press TIME, and
when it says 'TIME?', press 4, and then four zeroes."
     Cheryl entered  the time.   The  display then  said "START?", and
Cheryl pressed the button marked START.

                                Chapter 18
     The box  beeped.   The display  read "START  -10", and the number
stared counting down.  Cheryl sat the box on her lap, and all three of
them sat  back and  closed their eyes.  There were five more beeps the
last five  seconds, and  then a loud one, which Jeffrey knew was being
generated by  the Device only in their minds.  When Cheryl and Jeffrey
opened their  eyes, the  box was  yellow.   Deirdre's eyes  were still
     Cheryl looked at the box.  "Why is it yellow and not red?"
     Jeffrey had  forgotten to  mention that.   "Security  device.  It
won't run until I personally enter a code to make it start.  Deirdre?"
     Deirdre's eyes were still closed, and she didn't answer.  Jeffrey
tapped her  on the  shoulder.   Still nothing  happened.   "Darn,  she
didn't lock on it."
     Cheryl was  concerned.  She got up, setting the box on the table,
and slapped  Deirdre on the side.  Still no response.  Jeffrey reached
for the  box and  pressed the largest button on it, a red one labelled
     They returned  instantly to  their sitting position, the blue box
back in  Cheryl's lap.   Deirdre's eyes were open, and she was sitting
up.  Jeffrey looked at the box;  the display read "CODE STOP 0:00:22".
This box  was much  more informative:   It  was  explaining  that  the
adventure was cancelled from within, while the box was waiting for the
authorization code, as well as the total elapsed time.
     Deirdre said,  "What happened?   All  you did  was sit  there.  I
didn't see anything."
     Jeffrey had  had this  problem with  the people  who  tested  the
Device before.  Deirdre wasn't being receptive to the signals from the
thought amplifier.  She might get past one failure, but if it happened
again, she'd lose so much confidence in her ability to enter the other
world, that  she'd probably never be able to do it.  Jeffrey picked up
the box,  removed one  of the rubber plugs, and adjusted a knob inside
using a  plastic tool of some sort, watching the display on the top as
he did  so.   He put the tool and the rubber plug back where they came
     "Deirdre, it  worked, it just didn't take you along for the ride.
It's partially  my fault.   The  final amplifier  was set too weak for
where you were sitting.  I turned it up."
     Deirdre looked happy again.  "So we can try again now?"
     Jeffrey gave the box back to Cheryl, asking her not to start yet.
"First, I want you to stare at the center of this table.  Just look at
the table.   Ok?"   When  Deirdre did as asked, he continued.  "I want
you to  imagine a  soda can  right in  the middle of the table.  Get a
picture of it in your mind.  See it?"
     "Tell me  about it.   What kind of soda is it?  Which side of the
can do  you see?   Don't  make it up now, tell me what you see in your
     "It's a  Coca-Cola can.   The side that says "Coke" is facing me,
and the tab's... TAB's?  Hahaha.  The pull-thing is facing over toward
Cheryl.  It's open, but not empty, because I hear it fizzing."
     "That's very good.  Cheryl, you have the picture?"
     Cheryl nodded.
     "Ok, Cheryl,  four  hours  again.    Deirdre,  close  your  eyes.
Remember that  can.   Don't open your eyes until we tell you to.  Just
sit back,  relax, and  remember the soda can on the table just the way
you saw it.  Whenever you're ready, Cheryl."
     Five seconds  later, there  were five  beeps and  a  louder  one.
Jeffrey and  Cheryl both  opened their  eyes.   The  box  was  yellow.
Jeffrey leaped  over to  where Cheryl  was sitting,  and punched a few
numbers on  the keypad on top of the Device.  It beeped once again and
turned red.  "Okay, Cheryl, let's see that can now..."
     A few  seconds later,  the can that Deirdre described appeared on
the table.   Jeffrey  looked to make sure that the side facing Deirdre
was as it was supposed to be.  "Okay, Deirdre.  Open your eyes."
     This time,  her eyes opened.  "You guys are kidding me.  That's a
real can.   I  knew I  was being set up."  Her skepticism was showing,
but the  Device was  working on  her.   She picked the can up.  It was
cold, and half-full.  She had a taste.  "This is real Coke.  Where did
you get this from?"
     Jeffrey pointed  to the  box.   "It's not  red in real life.  You
made it here!"
     Cheryl, while  Deirdre was  looking at  the box, changed the Coke
can to  a Sprite  can.   When Deirdre  looked again, she was startled.
"Cheryl-- you  just imagined  this?   Very impressive!  So realistic!"
If a  soda can  was impressive,  Deirdre had  some pleasant  surprises

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                                Chapter 19
     Cheryl asked  what else  was different  with the Device.  Jeffrey
was anxious to explain all the new developments.  "This box does quite
a bit  more than  the other one.  It's a lot smarter, has more memory,
and is programmable, if you know what you're doing."
     Cheryl and Deirdre both asked at once, "Programmable?"
     "Well, yes.  The first version of the Device couldn't do anything
unless you  imagined it  happening RIGHT  THEN.    That  was  no  fun,
because, for example, if I were to roll a tennis ball over to you, one
of us would have to pay attention to it, or it would just stop moving.
The one  you saw  yesterday could  handle SEQUENCES of events-- flying
birds, disappearing  clothes, or other things that happen the same way
no matter  what you do."  Cheryl had mastered event sequences when she
changed him  into a  female, literally  setting it  up in  advance  so
Jeffrey would  go through  the changes  she wanted.   "This device can
handle repetitive  or conditional  events.   That means you can set up
some event  which happens IF, or WHEN, something else happens, even if
you're not in control of the other events.   I can say, if Cheryl will
let me,  that IF  someone touches  the top  of the table, THEN it will
turn green.  I don't have to stick around waiting for someone to touch
it, and  then make  it green myself.  If I set up something like that,
Cheryl could  undo it.   But  if she  did, I couldn't undo it, because
she's holding the box."
     Deirdre touched  the table,  and  it  did,  indeed,  turn  green.
"Neat", she exclaimed.
     Jeffrey tried something else.  "Watch this one."  A thin piece of
plastic appeared  in his  hands, clear,  and about  a foot  and a half
square.  It had sixteen small squares on it, visible from either side,
which were  just black outlines.  He handed it to Deirdre, who took it
by the  edges.  "Cheryl, don't do anything.  Just watch.  I'm going to
play one myself, and not even pay attention to Deirdre."
     Deirdre still didn't know what to do with it.
     "Touch any  box," Jeffrey said.  "Try to get four in a row before
the Device does."
     Deirdre touched  a square,  which glowed  green.   A light "beep"
sound came  from nowhere.   Then,  another square  glowed red, with an
omnious "bong"  noise.   Deirdre touched  another  square,  there  was
another beep,  and another  bong, and  two more colored squares.  This
went on for a few more seconds until there were four red squares along
the bottom  row.   A deep voice laughed, and boomed out:  "You LOSE!!!
Hahahahaha."   The winning squares blinked.  Then the piece of plastic
just vanished.
     "That whole series of CONDITIONAL events was set up before, while
I was  testing.    I  can start the same thing again without having to
put a  lot of  mental effort  into it."   Three  more  plastic  sheets
appeared.  He handed one to Cheryl, and one to Deirdre, and played the
third himself.   "Damn",  yelled Jeffrey,  as four red squares started
blinking and  the "You  LOSE!!!   Hahahahahaha" sound  boomed out.   A
moment later,  a giant illuminated sign appeared, with arrows pointing
to Deirdre,  who was  holding a game with four blinking green squares.
The sign  said "Congratulations!".   Bells  rang, sirens  whooped, and
then the sign and plastic card vanished.
     Cheryl was still staring at her card.  She had made one bad move,
so that either of the moves she could now make would result in a loss.
As the  other two  were watching,  one of  the red squares on her game
turned green.   Cheryl  then touched  the one  in the  corner, causing
another "Congratulations"  sign to  materialize.   "No  fair!"  yelled
     "Of course  it's fair.  Everything's fair to ME.  I'm holding the
box!  By the way, nice work.  That's really neat how things can happen
by themselves.  Now I have to think up some uses for it!"

                                Chapter 20
     It wasn't  too long  before the first few erotic thoughts crossed
Cheryl's mind.  Meanwhile, the trio had just been talking, and amusing
themselves with  simple magic  tricks, all  of which  used real magic.

Cheryl had  promised Deirdre  some fun, but, with all the joking going
on, it  was time to play one on her.  She waited until the others were
watching her.
     "And  now,  a  real  disappearing  act!",  she  said  in  a  very
professional voice.  She stared at Deirdre for a second.  She picked a
bag up  from the  floor,  which  had  materialized  where  the  others
couldn't see it.  Holding it open to them, and then shaking it just as
magicians  do,  she  showed  that  it  was  empty.    "Nothing  up  my
sleeve...", she  exclaimed with  laughter.   She reached into the bag,
fumbled around  for a few seconds, and pulled a shirt from it.  It was
Deirdre's.  Cheryl had a very wide smile on as Deirdre discovered that
her shirt  was no  longer on  her, but  in Cheryl's hand!  Jeffrey was
looking at  her.   She felt a bit embarassed for a few seconds, as she
put her  arms in  front of her bosom.  Then she relaxed a bit, lowered
her arms,  and took  a deep  breath, making  the contents of her bra a
little more prominent, as if to show off.
     Cheryl was  digging around in the bag again.  "Let's see...  What
else do I have here?"
     Deirdre felt a tug on her bra, which Cheryl pulled out of the bag
from across  the table.    Her  breasts  bounced  a  bit  as  the  bra
disappeared.  Jeffrey looked again, and this time looked away quickly.
Deirdre felt embarassed again.
     "Hmmm....   What's this?"  Cheryl queried, as she rummaged around
once again.   She tugged as if whatever it was inside the bag wouldn't
come out  easily.  She pulled out Jeffrey's underpants, which vanished
from inside  his pants.  (Cheryl couldn't have done that if she hadn't
already known just what he was wearing!)
     Deirdre and  Cheryl both giggled.  "Hey!" yelled Jeffrey.  Cheryl
reached into  the bag again, and gave Jeffrey's cock a gentle squeeze.
He started to grow inside his pants.
     Cheryl then,  in rapid  succession, pulled from the bag Jeffrey's
shirt, his  pants, and  Deirdre's slacks,  and finally  panties.   She
pulled her  own shirt  off over  her head,  and then  made her own bra
disappear, as  well as the bag, and everyone's footwear.  She made the
table disappear,  which gave  Jeffrey a  good look a Deirdre's private
parts and vice versa.
     It became  a contest  of sorts.   In minutes everyone was showing
off.   Cheryl had  managed to  relax everyone's inhibitions.  "What do
you think?",  she asked  of Jeffrey, while pointing to Deirdre's bush,
which was neatly trimmed, looking a little less natural than her own.
     Jeffrey didn't  know how  he was  supposed to  answer.  "Not bad.
It's no  fair though.   There's  nothing to  see from  here."   He was
right-- all  he could see was the dark patch of hair between Deirdre's
legs.   The actual  equipment, unlike his own, was concealed, at least
until she was ready to use it.
     "GUYS don't  have to  cover up  their CHEST.  Besides, what would
you want to see anyway?"   With that, Deirdre slid down in her chair a
bit, and  lifted one  leg, spreading  her legs apart.  The lips of her
pussy were  visible; as she spread her legs, the lips parted.  Jeffrey
and Cheryl  both got  a good  look and  the pink flesh inside, and the
moist opening into her body.
     Jeffrey closed  his eyes and sighed, the image fixed in his mind.
His cock grew completely hard.
     Deirdre put her leg down, and then stood up, pointing an accusing
finger at Cheryl.  "What about YOU?"
     Cheryl still  had her  pants on.  She stood up, and her jeans and
panties disappeared  at the  same time.   "Fair  is fair",  she  said.
Jeffrey opened  his eyes, and looked at Cheryl. She smiled at him, her
pussy looming  at  about  eye  level  with  Jeffrey.    It  wasn't  as
interesting as  the view  that Deirdre  had  just  shocked  him  with.
Cheryl was  standing with  her legs  together.  He sighed again.  Both
girls noticed the state he was in...  Their bodies had melted him.

                                Chapter 21
     Cheryl startled  Jeffrey back  to life  by zapping  the chair out
from underneath  him.   He fell  to the floor, hitting his rump on the
somewhat rough carpeting.  "Ow!", he yelled.
     Cheryl apologized, having underestimated the force of the impact.
She changed  the  flooring  from  carpet,  to  a  smooth,  comfortable
surface, kind  of like foam rubber.  It was soft to the touch, but you
wouldn't sink  down into  it.    Deirdre  nodded  in  approval.    She
simplified the  room, eliminating  all the  furniture, and  making the
room square, and smaller.  There were no doors.  Jeffrey stretched his
legs out, and started to sit up.
     Cheryl stepped  over him,  straddling his legs, with her hands on
his shoulders.  Her pussy was almost right in his face.  Her scent was
mesmerizing.   She squatted  down, pushing  his shoulders, and forcing
him to  lie down.   He didn't complain.  In seconds she was straddling
his pelvis,  her pussy  wide open,  and his cock pointed straight into
it.   He grabbed  her hips,  and helped  her ease  down onto him.  She
teased him  a bit, pulling up just as the tip of his cock touched her.
Deirdre was  watching intently,  noticing the elements of Cheryl's and
Jeffrey's technique  she hadn't  seen yet.   Cheryl  finally sat down,
squeezing him  between her  legs, and  his penis  sank deep  into  her
vagina.  With that done, sitting stationary and upright, she looked up
at Deirdre.  "Well, come on!!  Take a ride!"  She squeezed her vagina,
sending a  silent, invisible  wink to  Jeffrey.   He squeezed  his own
muscles, sending the reply.
     Deirdre was  standing over  Jeffrey, with her feet on either side
of Jeffrey's head.  She was facing Cheryl.  Deirdre smiled at Jeffrey,
then squatted  down.  She got on her knees, and twisted around to take
one last  look at  her pussy's target.  "I'm gonna come all over you",
she said  to him, with a wide grin.  Jeffrey sent another "message" to
Cheryl, who  then smiled at Deirdre.  Deirdre then slowly settled down
on Jeffrey.   His  face disappeared  between her legs.  She squirmed a
bit, nestling him in, and allowing her pussy to open to him.  Her lips
opened around  his.   She put  most of  her weight on him, pinning him
down.   Her legs  squeezed his  head-- blocking  his  ears.    Jeffrey
tampered with the image to allow himself to breathe, through his nose.
His mouth  was sealed  to Deirdre's cunt.  He started to probe it with
his tongue, and he reached up and found her tits with his hands.  Even
though he  couldn't see,  hear, or  talk, he  did  an  admirable  job.
Deirdre's breasts  were a little larger than Cheryl's, and her nipples
responded to  his touch  just as  quickly.   His  tongue  circled  her
clitoris.  She started moaning.
     Cheryl, jealous  for a  second at  Deirdre's  state  of  arousal,
started rocking  back and forth, and then started sliding up and down.
Jeffrey started  to  bounce  underneath  her.    She  didn't  feel  as
involved; Jeffrey  couldn't reach her body with his hands, and she was
watching him play with Deirdre.  Deirdre and Jeffrey left the world of
self-control before  Cheryl did--  Jeffrey being unable to communicate
with her  any longer, even through his cock, which was too busy inside
her now.   As  she saw  Deirdre show  familiar signs of an approaching
orgasm, her own seemed far away.  So, Cheryl tried something new.  She
whispered to  herself...   "Let him  hear me.   I've  got to  talk  to
     Jeffrey was  startled by  Cheryl's voice,  which was  coming from
inside his  head somewhere.   "Jeffrey...  I need you...  Take me with
     Jeffrey pulled  his tongue from Deidre for a moment.  He replied,
just as  Cheryl had.   He  had never thought of this use of the Device
before.  "You ARE coming with me...  I'm giving as much of myself as I
     He took  one hand  off of  Deirdre's bosom,  and grabbed Cheryl's
hand with it.  "You have to hurry, I can't hang on much longer..."
     Cheryl had  yet another  good idea.   "You can hang on as long as
you want..."
     Deirdre's juices  were getting  to Jeffrey.    Even  without  his
tongue, she  was starting  to come,  and the  juices he was swallowing
were making him lose touch with everything.  He managed to get a final
few words out to Cheryl...  "Use...  A... Conditional...".
     Cheryl knew  what he  meant.   She sent  a few words to him.  Not
only did  those words  give the  Device a  rule to  follow,  but  just
thinking them  sent Cheryl  into a  deep level  of intercourse.   "You
CAN'T come... until I do..."

                                Chapter 22
     Jeffrey's tongue  was back inside Deirdre's body.  He had it grow
inside her, so that it was long, and thrust it in and out, feeling the
texture of her vagina with his tongue.  Every contraction squeezed it.
Her come  started to  leak over  Jeffrey's  face.    Deirdre's  orgasm
continued, and  more come  flowed from  her than  Jeffrey could drink.
She loved  to come,  to see  the fluid  leave her  own body  and cover
someone else,  as if  it was  evidence of  her pleasure that she could
keep.   With the  Device, the  amount of  fluid she  could produce was
unlimited.   She took  advantage of it.  Jeffrey's hair was wet, even,
beneath her  pelvis.   It made  him slippery,  and she  slid her  body
around a bit.
     Jeffrey was  on the  edge.   Cheryl's pussy was ready to suck his
come out  of him,  and he  was ready to shoot it into her, but he just
couldn't.  He was on the edge, but couldn't go over it.
     Deirdre, exhausted,  out of  breath, and  completely drained, let
her orgasm  complete itself.   Jeffrey  knew that  it  was  over,  and
returned his  tongue to  his mouth.   With  a sucking  noise,  Deirdre
lifted herself from Jeffrey, who immediately started panting.  She lay
down next to him.
     Cheryl went  on for a few more minutes, sometimes taking it easy,
and sometimes very intense.  She started coming when Jeffrey took both
tits in  his hands.   Jeffrey  felt her  orgasm.   His own  was  still
pending; the semen already built up, and ready to leave him.  Finally,
just as  Cheryl finished  coming, Jeffrey went stiff, pushing his cock
in as  far as  possible, and  letting his come enter her body.  It was
finally over.  Fluid leaked from Cheryl, into Jeffrey's pubic hair.
     Deirdre was  still panting.  Touching the puddle of her own come,
which surrounded Jeffrey's head and made his hair both wet and sticky,
she talked to Cheryl.  "Not bad, huh?"
     That was  another running  joke  between  them.    Always  highly
competitive, Cheryl  and Deirdre  had even  compared the  quantity  of
their own come, as if that was some measure of sexual ability.
     Cheryl said, "Not bad, but...", and pointed to the spot where she
was joined with Jeffrey, and liquid was still dripping out.
     "That doesn't count.  That's Jeffrey's too."
     That got  Cheryl to her feet.  Staring Deirdre right in the eyes,
she said:  "Oh YEAH??   Take  THIS, then!"   She  squatted down a bit,
still straddling  Jeffrey, and  a flood of come lurched forth from her
pussy.   It was  very warm as it poured onto Jeffrey, and didn't stop,
as if someone had left a faucet open.  "So there!"
     "Okay, Okay, you win!  Stop already, you're getting ME all wet."
     Since everything  was wet anyway, Cheryl shook her pelvis once in
Deirdre's direction, splashing her with the hot liquid.  Then the flow
stopped, and Cheryl's pussy closed.  Things had gotten quite silly.
     "Time for  a shower,  I think", Jeffrey said quietly.  With that,
Cheryl transported  them all  to the top of a grassy hill, outside, in
the dark  mid-afternoon as  some storm  clouds rolled  by.  It started
raining.  The rain was warm, and cleaned them all up.  Jeffrey sat up,
and rinsed  the come  out of  his hair.   Nobody  said anything  about
Cheryl's novel way of taking a shower.
     A few  minutes later,  the rain  stopped.  It was warm and breezy
out.   The seagulls  from last  time were  back, though they made less
sense here  since there  was no  ocean in  sight.  The sky lightened a
bit.   Everyone was  warm and  dry, still naked, after a time.  Nobody
said anything,  until Cheryl  finally broke the silence.  "So, what do
you think of my boyfriend?"
     Jeffrey's ears  perked up.   He was Cheryl's boyfriend.  He liked

     "I'd take  him myself  if  he  wasn't  yours."    So  flattering!
Jeffrey had to return the comment.
     "You're BOTH  good.   I haven't  been able to overestimate Cheryl
yet."   Jeffrey licked his lips.  "And you DEFINITELY know what you're
doing, Deirdre."   She  smiled.   Both girls  slid over  and leaned up
against him.   He  put one  hand on  each of  them,  gently  caressing
Cheryl's left  breast, and  Deirdre's right.   They  sat again in this
position for a "while" (minutes having no real definition).

                                Chapter 23
     Cheryl sat  up.   "Well, shall  we go back?  Or do you want to go
flying or something?"
     Deirdre wasn't too excited about flapping about thousands of feet
from the  ground.   "Well, I'm  kind of  beat, and  I  don't  want  to
     Cheryl answered:   "It's  no trouble  at all.  We can go back and
find something REAL to do..."
     Deirdre jumped  in.   "Well, there  IS one  thing I'd like to SEE
with my own eyes, if you two will oblige me.  "
     Jeffrey answered, "What's that?  Whatever you like."
     "After all,  we could  have just  done what  we did in real life,
almost.   Well, what  I'd really  like to  see is  what Cheryl told me
about.  I want to see her pussy swallow you, if you don't mind."
     Jeffrey looked  at Cheryl.   Her  pussy looked  so small...    It
looked like she was thinking about it.
     Cheryl, without turning her head, said, "Ok... Let's go back...".
A moment  later, they  were back  in Jeffrey's apartment, just as they
had left  it, except  that the floor was clean and dry now.  Deirdre's
eyes lit up.  "You're really going to do it?"
     Jeffrey smiled  a bit  at the  thought.   Cheryl first  said, "Of
course!   That's what you wanted, right?  Not as if we haven't done it
before!   But this  time, I'm  going to  do it  RIGHT, so I don't lose
reality..."  She pointed to Jeffrey, and uttered a command:  "Shrink!"
     Jeffrey looked  around, at himself.  "Huh?"  Nothing seemed to be
     "You're a  little too  big to  fit inside  right  now!"    Cheryl
pointed to  her pussy,  which did  indeed seem  to be tiny when one is
considering being  inside of it.  "So, I'm shrinking you.  About cock-
sized would be very nice!"
     Deirdre ran  her fingers  through Cheryl's  bush, touching for an
instant the lips of her pussy.  "I can't believe it!"
     Jeffrey was  shorter than  Cheryl now.  He reached up and touched
her, and  his hands  slid down  her sides  as he shrank.  When he only
came up  to her  knees, she sat on the floor, spreading her legs, with
one on  each side.   She  waited.  Deirdre knelt down beside Cheryl so
she could get a close look.
     Jeffrey was  now only  about six  inches tall.   He  looked up at
Deirdre, who  smiled and then laughed at him.  He didn't say anything;
he didn't  know what  his voice  should sound  like.    He  walked  to
Cheryl's crotch,  and ran  his fingers  through the  stiff, wiry hair,
touching the moist lips that he only could have moved with both hands.
Unlike before,  she hadn't grown a bit.  He couldn't have climbed over
her legs, even.  He started to walk away from her, as if he was having
second thoughts about being subjected to it all.  Cheryl would have to
do this one.
     She grabbed  him, as  he was  walking away.  Her grip was gentle,
and she  wrapped all  her fingers around him to hold him.  She brought
him close  to her  crotch.   Her other  fingers went  inside, and  she
rubbed him, coating him with her slippery fluid.  She had to lubricate
him to get him inside.  She held him on his back, her hand around him.
     She leaned  back.   The time  was here.   She  poked him  towards
herself, with  his feet  first.   His feet bumped up against her skin,
very close  to her anus.  She brought him up, and with one hand opened
her pussy.   His  feet and  legs slipped  effortlessly inside.  It was
warm, soft,  and infinitely more realistic than before.  He could feel
every response of her vagina as he slid inside.  Cheryl pushed him in,
past his knees, telling him to hold stiff.  He wouldn't fit otherwise.
She let  go, and  grabbed him  again, higher up.  This time she pushed
him in past his waist.  Her cunt, inside the lips, was sucking at him.
She let  go again,  and laid  down, no longer looking.  She raised her
knees.   Deirdre watched with intent as her pussy began sucking.  He'd
move out  a bit,  then in,  each time  a bit deeper.  Jeffrey realized
that he  didn't want  his arms  to be  last inside;  as his  chest was
pulled in,  his put  his arms  at his sides, letting Cheryl grasp them
and pull  them in, too.  Cheryl took a deep breath, and pulled him in,
up to  his neck.  She took a few deep breaths, breathed the words "Say
goodbye!", and  with another  effort,  expanded  her  vagina,  sucking
Jeffrey in  completely.   Her lips  slid  around  his  head,  brushing
against his ears, and, as he was pulled into the hole, closed.
     This time,  Jeffrey was  able to see Deirdre's curious face right
up to  the time  when Cheryl's  pussy closed.  Deirdre, still shocked,
hesitated before  pulling Cheryl's  labia apart  with her fingers.  By
the time  she did  that, Jeffrey  had disappeared into Cheryl's vagina
beyond where she could see him.
     "He's gone?"
     "No, he's inside me.  I can feel him.  Like that."
     "What's it feel like?"
     "It's kind  of like  having a  man inside you.  I mean-- a penis,
kind of.  Except--" she giggled-- "this one knows right where to touch
     Jeffrey was  having a  tough time  moving his  arms around inside
her.   Her vagina was very strong, and it was a tight fit.  He decided
to find  a sensitive  spot inside  her-- it  would be  interesting  to
Deirdre to see Cheryl come with no outside stimulation.
     "Can I talk to him?" Deirdre asked.
     "Well..."   Cheryl put  two fingers  inside, to  open a space for
Jeffrey to  talk through, but he was too deep.  She pulled her fingers
out, and her pussy snapped closed again.  "Oh, of course.  Go ahead."
     Now Jeffrey could hear the outside world, where all he could hear
before were  the rumblings  of Cheryl's intestines, and heartbeat.  He
could breathe, so he was able to answer.  His voice, somewhat muffled,
came from between Cheryl's legs.
     "How is it in there?"  Deirdre asked.
     "Warm and cozy.  Really wet too.  Even wetter if I can find..."
     Cheryl giggled  again.   A powerful  contraction  of  her  vagina
nearly crushed Jeffrey.
     "Look up, not too far inside.  That's where mine is."
     "Fine," came  the voice.   "But where's UP?  There's only in, and
     "It's kind of rough.  You'll find it."
     Jeffrey reached  up.   He could  just reach a rough spot with his
fingertips.   He used  his legs  to try to climb up, but couldn't bend
his knees.   He slipped, and the tightness forced him further in.  His
feet were caught in her cervix.
     He pulled  one foot  loose.   Now that there was a little room to
bend, he  started sliding  his whole  body back  and forth through the
muscular barrel.   His  cock rubbed  against the  smooth,  warm,  soft
walls.   It excited  him.  He felt contractions, but just kept up what
he was  doing.   Loud thumps  told him  that Cheryl had collapsed back
onto the floor-- she must have been getting up.
     It got  wet, very wet, and hot.  Very hot.  Almost painfully hot.
He put  all of  his energy into her, from within.  She was putting her
energy into  him, squeezing him from everywhere.  He kept sliding back
and forth.   She came, her body loosening for a moment.  For a second,
he could  see outside-- light-- and the walls of the room.  Cheryl was
on her  back, and  had spread her legs.  His legs caught firmly in her
     He heard  Cheryl's panting.  Her heartbeat, which surrounded him,
was fast,  but slowing.    He felt himself tipped, head down.  She was
standing up.  It was still comfortable.  He got another glimpse of the
outside; this  time he  saw the  floor.   Then it went dark.  "You can
STAY in  there for  a while," she said.  It got light again, her pussy
opening a  bit.  This time, he saw the inside of her panties.  She was
putting them  on.  Through the fabric, he saw the inside of her jeans.
He tried to scramble towards the outside-- it was loose enough now for
him to  have moved around, but his legs were still stuck.  It got dark
again.   He heard the sound of her zipper, and then a snap, along with
muffled giggles.  She had locked him inside!

                                Chapter 24
     Cheryl and Deirdre had both dressed themselves, and decided to go
for a walk, on a catwalk they had stretched about fifty feet above the
town.   The sun  was setting,  and the  terrific view  was one  of the
reasons that  Cheryl had built the elevated walkway.  The other reason
was, possibly,  to help  alleviate her roommate's fear of heights.  It
seemed to  be working.   They  walked most of the way around the town,
above the  silent, vacant streets.  The town was mostly in shadow, but
the two  girls, above  the buildingtops,  were in sunlight.  They cast
long shadows  in an  area that  was blocks  away.   They talked  about
Jeffrey, and  how they  met.  It became evident to Deirdre that Cheryl
was really  in love  this time;  that made  Deirdre, who  made friends
easily but had no steady lovers, jealous of Cheryl for the first time.
Deirdre had always thought that she was a little too forward, and that
had turned  people off.   Cheryl  revealed that  her involvement  with
Jeffrey was no accident.  She had made up her mind, thanks to Deirdre,
that she wasn't treating people properly.  Jeffrey had done favors for
her at  IDT that  she had  never  returned,  fearful  of  gaining  his
attention.   She knew that hurt him.  Everyone seemed to like him, but
she wouldn't give him a chance, even though she was lonely.  He was on
her mind  much of the time.  She didn't want to wait through a lengthy
courtship-- she had convinced herself, over time, that she wanted him,
and that  he might  want her.   She had learned of the Device, and one
night decided  that if  she wanted Jeffrey, she'd just have to get his
attention and  hold on  to him  long enough for him... to realize that
she really was worth having.  So, when the opportunity came up for her
to meet  Jeffrey alone  AND possibly  try out the Device, she had just
taken a  deep breath  and jumped  in with both feet, which is what she
was hoping he'd do.
     Deirdre complained  that for  her, it  wasn't that easy.  Even if
she had  done the  same thing with people in the past, she hadn't been
able to  hold on  to them.  She had a lack of commitment; she gave the
few potential  boyfriends she'd  had a  feeling  that  she  was  still
shopping for  something better, and none of them would put up with it.
She was  two years  older than  Cheryl, and  had been  doing the wrong
thing all along.  She was depressed.
     They had  walked over  the woods  outside their  town for a while
now.  It wasn't getting any later; Cheryl hadn't programmed the Device
to continue  with the  sunset.   It was  still very  pleasant.  A cool
evening breeze  blew from  one side  of the  walkway.   Both women had
totally forgotten  that Jeffrey  was still  inside Cheryl's  body-- he
hadn't moved  a bit since they started walking, though at first Cheryl
could feel  his presence  inside her  as she walked.  As time went on,
her vagina  had returned  a state  of tonal  contraction-- it was very
tight.   As she  walked, the  tightness had  forced Jeffrey  from  her
vagina into  her womb,  where at  this second  he was  both quiet  and
comfortable, the  smooth rubbery  walls insulating  him from the world
just as  the sealed opening below him locked him inside.  He felt very
secure.   He floated  deep inside  her for long enough to know she had
forgotten about him.  He had tried to "magic" his way out, and to send
a message  to Cheryl,  but her  mind wasn't  on him, and he could only
supersede her  reality with  her consent.   He  wasn't claustrophobic,
fortunately, so  he just  went along for the ride.  With not much else
to do  besides feel the sway of Cheryl's body and listen to the sounds
it made,  he had (for most purposes) fallen asleep.  Sleeping with the
Device engaged wasn't much different from sleeping in real life.
     While they glided back to Jeffrey's on the walkway (which was now
a moving one), Cheryl talked Deirdre out of the mood she was in.
     "I can't  create a  friend for  you.  I can do most anything else
here, but  not that.   You  HAVE a  friend-- ME.  There isn't anything
wrong with  you!   You're just  killing yourself trying to have a good
time, instead of letting it come to you."
     "It doesn't  just come by itself," said Deirdre.  "You didn't get
Jeffrey by just letting him come to you."
     "No, but that was my fault," replied Cheryl.  "If I had been nice
to him earlier, we could have been together that much sooner."
     Deirdre was still depressed.  "I feel like I'm losing a friend."
     Cheryl knew  the feeling.   Somehow,  it wasn't fair that someone
you just  met could  take you  away from  someone you  knew for a long
time, just because the new person was of the other sex.  She had had a
great time  with Deirdre;  they never  fought, and managed to do a lot
     "Deirdre, you're  not getting  rid of me that easy.  Jeffrey gets
along with  you.   And, heck,  I'm not  moving out.   Maybe  he should
     "Not a bad idea," replyed Deirdre, a little more cheerfully.  "He
could pay part of the rent.  God knows we have the space.  If he'll be
on your mind all the time, he might as well be around all the time."
     "Hmmm... Maybe I'll ask, if the time is right.  You're right.  He
is on  my mind a lot.  He's also in my...  OH NO!"  Deirdre and Cheryl
both took  a worried glance at Cheryl's pants.  "He's been in there...
for a LONG TIME!"

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                                Chapter 25
     As the  walkway brought them into Jeffrey's apartment, Cheryl was
tapping her  pants, near the zipper.  "Jeffrey?  Where are you?"  They
ran into  the room,  zipping off  the end  of the walkway which Cheryl
didn't bother  to remove.   In  a panic,  she unsnapped  her pants and
unzipped them.   The  sneakers she  was wearing  disappeared, and  she
removed her  pants.   She was  about to  remove her  panties, when she
remembered that she could probably speak to him.  "Jeffrey?"
     Jeffrey awoke  from a  dream with  a start.    He  reached  over,
expecting to find Cheryl in bed next to him.  Boy, was it hot in here.
But he wasn't in bed.  Cheryl was nowhere to be found...  Wait... It's
wet... soft... all around...   He realized, in an instant, that Cheryl
was EVERYWHERE.   On every side of him.  Surrounding him.  It was very
exciting, and he became erect immediately.
     "Jeffrey?"   Her voice  was muffled.   It  was coming  from  down
there, somewhere.  He tried to answer.  "Cheryl!  I was asleep."
     Unfortunately, Cheryl  couldn't find  him to  "magically" listen.
Jeffrey bumped the wall of her uterus with an elbow.
     Cheryl put  her hand  on her  abdomen.   "Jeffrey...  He's REALLY
     Deirdre thought  this all  most amusing.   "Well,  of COURSE he's
inside.  That's where you put him.  I'm sure he's fine."
     "No, you  don't understand...    He's  not  in  my  vagina.  He's
REALLY inside.  I don't know how to get him out.  I can't see him.
     "No need  to do that," Deirdre reasoned.  (She was really getting
into it,  now.)   "Cheryl, you HAVE the equipment.  Just USE it.  That
should be no problem for YOU!"
     "Okay, okay.  Help me off with this stuff..."  Cheryl removed her
own panties  while Deirdre  stood there wondering how to help.  Cheryl
pulled her  shirt off,  and sat  on the  floor.   She lay  back on the
floor, spread  her legs, and pulled her knees up.  Then she sat there,
not knowing what to do.
     "Now what?" asked Cheryl.
     "Just push", replied Deirdre.  "Push from inside.  Breathe deep."
     Cheryl took  a deep  breath.   Her vagina squeezed shut.  Nothing
else happened.  Deirdre took a closer look.
     "No, no... Don't squeeze, push.  It's the other way."
     This time,  Cheryl did it the right way.  Her muscles contracted,
and pushed  Jeffrey towards  the outside.   He  slithered through  her
cervix, propelled  by her  powerful muscles.   Now she could feel him,
sliding towards  her more  sensitive areas.   Her  cervix snapped shut
after he  was through.   A  few more pushes contracted her vagina.  An
instant later,  Jeffrey slid from her body, landing on the floor right
at her  crotch.   He was coated with a thick, shiny substance.  Cheryl
relaxed, panting not due to the exertion, but from her panic earlier.
     "Whew!" exclaimed Deirdre and Cheryl together.  Jeffrey leaned up
against Cheryl's leg.
     Deirdre reached  between Cheryl's legs and picked Jeffrey up.  He
looked perfectly  fine.  Holding him up to her, she asked: "Want to go
for another ride?"
     Cheryl wasn't  watching.   She was  still staring at the ceiling.
Deirdre, without  waiting for  Jeffrey  to  answer,  which  he  didn't
anyway, unzipped her own pants, and pulled her panties down a bit, and
started to put Jeffrey between her own legs.  It looked fun for Cheryl
and Jeffrey,  and she  didn't want  to be  left out.   Watching Cheryl
extrude Jeffrey's body was exciting.
     Cheryl looked  up for  a moment, then stared back at the ceiling.
"No," she said, "not now."
     Jeffrey grew  to his  former size in seconds before Deirdre could
do anything.  She couldn't hold him up.  He yelled another "Ow!" as he
hit the ground.
     "Oh.   Sorry!", said  Cheryl.   "Let's go back now, OK?"  Without
waiting for  agreement, she  summoned the  Device while  still on  her
back, and  pressed the  STOP button.  Then they were all back in their
seats around  the table.   Cheryl  looked at  the display...  it  read
"IMAGE STOP 3:11:21".  Jeffrey took the Device and plugged it into the

                                Chapter 26
     The three  of them  went out for the rest of the afternoon.  They
went for  a walk  in the  mall, played some indoor miniature golf, had
dinner early,  and saw  a movie  that they  later decided wasn't worth
seeing.    Jeffrey  drove  them  Cheryl  and  Deirdre  back  to  their
apartment.   They both  invited him to stay the night.  After all they
had done  together, Jeffrey  had no  reason to  decline.  They watched
some television,  and finally,  Cheryl  and  Jeffrey  headed  off  for
Cheryl's bedroom.   Deirdre  followed.   That  made  things  a  little
     "Oh, Deirdre,  it's you...", Cheryl yelped, as if she didn't know
who was  behind her.  She turned around, just inside her room, holding
on to Jeffrey.
     "Cheryl, you  won't mind,  just this  once?  After today, I don't
want to be alone tonight.  Oh... if you DO mind, I'll...."
     "No, Deirdre,"  spoke Cheryl in a disappointed voice.  She really
wanted the  time alone  with Jeffrey;  but it  was too  early to  make
Deirdre's fears  come true.  She'd get over it in the morning.  Cheryl
would have Jeffrey all to herself for a long time.  "It's okay.  Let's
just not make a HABIT of it, okay?"
     Deirdre nodded.   They all undressed themselves quietly.  Jeffrey
got into  bed first.   Cheryl  slipped in  on one  side,  and  Deirdre
bounced in  on the other, wrapping an arm around Jeffrey before Cheryl
could.  There was plenty of room in the bed.
     "Deirdre, are  you...   Well, Cheryl  and I  have an  SBC between
     Cheryl quietly  answered Jeffrey.  "She's got a general, Jeffrey.
She's protected."   Cheryl  hadn't planned  on Deirdre actually having
Jeffrey, at  least not  in real  life.  There was something she didn't
like about  sharing him  in reality.   She was having worried thoughts
about Deirdre's intent.
     Cheryl felt  Jeffrey's hand  on her  breast.  He squeezed it.  He
seemed very excited; she wasn't, yet.  There was a good reason for it;
Deirdre had one hand wrapped around his cock, which was growing at her
touch.   This delighted Deirdre very much.  She moistened him with her
own juices.  Jeffrey was putting his efforts into Cheryl, not Deirdre.
His hands  found two  pussies;   Deirdre was  wet, and hot; Cheryl was
warm, but  dry.  He got a finger inside Deirdre, but he could only rub
Cheryl on  the outside,  so far.  She started breathing deep.  She was
opening-- he  started a finger inside Cheryl, and she started moaning.
It was  intentional; Cheryl  was letting  Deirdre know  that Jeffrey's
attention was  on her.   He  slid his finger deep into Cheryl, rubbing
the spot that made her come before.
     Deirdre, who wasn't holding Jeffrey's cock anymore, rolled on top
of Jeffrey.   Her  legs were  in the  right place; his penis was right
between them.   Her  vagina swallowed  his penis quickly.  She wrapped
her arms  around him,  pulling his  hand out of Cheryl in the process,
and really  started to screw him.  Jeffrey's eyes were closed, and his
arms were  wrapped around  her.   He was  locked into  copulation with
Deirdre, as Cheryl did nothing but watch.
     This, of  course, was  too much.   Deirdre  had managed  to press
Jeffrey's buttons the right way.  He was under HER control, and wasn't
being nice about it.  Cheryl grabbed Deirdre's hair and pulled her up,
which produced  a breathy  "Ouch" from  her.   She bent  backwards  as
Cheryl tugged  on her.   Cheryl  slipped  in  front  of  her,  sat  on
Jeffrey's face,  and let  go  of  Deirdre,  whose  head  dropped  into
Cheryl's bosom.   Deirdre sat up a second later, forced to let Jeffrey
slide out.   She took him again, sitting up exactly as Cheryl had done
before.   Cheryl looked like he was having a good time, though Jeffrey
now had to tilt his head back every so often to breathe.
     Cheryl liked  this better.   His  hands were  all over  her,  his
tongue inside.   It  wasn't as  stimulating as  his cock was, but that
made it  last longer.   Deirdre  was humping away again.  She came, as
Jeffrey did,  and rolled  off so  she could lie down, Jeffrey's sticky
come inside  her, and her juices all over his crotch.  Deirdre now had
to watch  Cheryl as  she started  coming.   She was making it slow and
painful to  Deirdre.   She sat  there, pounding Jeffrey's head between
her legs,  for over  a half  hour.  She'd come, stop for a moment, and
start all  over again.   Obviously,  Jeffrey was  participating.  What
endurance!  Deirdre was too tired.  Cheryl and Jeffrey kept her awake.
Cheryl finally  got up, which prompted a "...finally..." from Deirdre,
at which  time she  merely swiveled around, and sat on his cock, which
had hardened  again while  he was licking her.  She tasted better than
Deirdre, Jeffrey  thought.  Deirdre tasted too sweet.  Of course, that
was not  necessarily what she REALLY tasted like, but only what he had
imagined, or  either Cheryl  or Deirdre  projected.   Neither of  them
would have known Deirdre's flavor, right?
     They made  love now,  in a  slow, gentle fashion.  Their rhythmic
motions were  actually pleasant  to Deirdre,  as the bed slowly rocked
her.   She still couldn't sleep.  The pace picked up for a moment, and
then, with  a short  scream from both Cheryl and Jeffrey, it was over.
Cheryl rolled off to the side.  They all slept very soundly.

                                Chapter 27
     When Cheryl  and Jeffrey  finally woke  up, Deirdre wasn't there.
They weren't  in the  mood for  sex, though  they cuddled for a while.
They got  up, and  found a  note from Deirdre thanking them both for a
wonderful time,  and telling them that she left early to go visit some
friends.  She had even picked up the apartment before she left.
     They took  their time  eating breakfast.    Cheryl  still  looked
sleepy.   They procrastinated  for quite a while before taking a bath,
which, as one might expect, they took together, sitting in the tub for
almost two  hours, talking,  and playing.   When Jeffrey finally asked
what Cheryl had liked best so far, she thought about it a moment.
     "Meeting you,"  she said.   "Really.  All the feelings I'm having
are so sudden-- and I can't attribute them all to the Device."
     Jeffrey smiled.  "What else?"
     "Well, if I had a choice, it was to be a man for a while.  That's
what I'd want to do again the most.  All my life I've been female, and
I only  got to  be a male for a couple hours.  Didn't you like being a
     "Yes, Cheryl.   I  hope I don't regret saying this, but I'd do it
again.   In fact,  I wish  we could  trade places  in real  life for a
while.  I'd like to see what it's like to be treated like a woman."
     Cheryl smiled,  and then  looked puzzled.   "What's  so different
about real life?"
     "Well, it's  different.   For one  thing, there  are people in it
besides those  few you  take with  you.   I can't  get the  Device  to
simulate other  people, even  if the new one IS programmable.  I could
have giant  crowds, or  other people  at a distance, or a few up close
that only do certain predictable things.  But I've heard so much about
how women  are TREATED  different, I'd  like to  see it.   Have  doors
opened for  me.  Have a zillion guys wanting to take me out, and being
able to say 'no' to all of them."
     "I hope  you know  it's not  like that," Cheryl replied.  "Not at
all.   Well, I  mean not  for everyone.   First  of all, unless you're
really attractive,"   (Jeffrey  smiled.   She WAS  really attractive.)
" don't have guys crawling all over you even if you wanted them.
And if you DO look good," (Cheryl smiled back) "the guys who ARE after
you are  after you because of your looks.  Then you have to decide how
to turn  them down.   It's  so hard at first... and then you just feel
MEAN about having done it.  But you can't LOOK like you're sorry about
it.  But, I have to admit, I was going too far.  I would have lost YOU
if I  had kept  treating you  that way.   And  you never  made a  move
towards me.  In fact, you were kind of nice."
     "All I know is that I'd rather have a SURPLUS than a SHORTAGE."
     Cheryl shook  her head.   "You  forget, dear Jeffrey, that NOBODY
wants to  go out  with someone  who goes  out with  EVERYBODY.  I know
that's true for guys too, now."

     "I guess  so.   I'd still  like to  see for myself.  For a while.
But, I can't.  You'd like to do the reverse, wouldn't you?"
     "Sure I  would." answered  Cheryl.   "As  long  as  you  were  my
girlfriend.   Actually...   notice something  lately?   Now that we've
seen the other side, we have a different perspective."
     "Exactly.   I'd love  you no matter what bodies we were in.  This
way, or the other way.  Or just together."
     Cheryl's eyebrows perked up.  She didn't say anything, though.

                                Chapter 28
     They spent the whole day together.  They washed Cheryl's car, did
the laundry  together, and  enjoyed every  minute of it.  Jeffrey felt
that he'd  be very  comfortable living  with her  on a  more permanent
basis.   Cheryl seemed  unusually  quiet  and  moody  that  afternoon.
Jeffrey asked her why.
     "Oh, I  don't know, Jeffrey.  I haven't been away from you at all
since Friday afternoon, and we have work tommorrow.  I love falling in
love.   In the morning we go back to a regular existence.  I can't get
my mind off of it.  I'm starting to hate this job."
     "Cheryl, we  DO work  in the same place.  We aren't ever far away
from each  other.  And after work we'll be together again.  And what's
so bad about your job?"
     "I can't  do it  right.   There's too  much  politics,  too  many
favors...  and...  Kevin."
     "Kevin?"  Jeffrey asked.
     "Yes.  The assistant supervisor in the records department."
     "Oh, THAT Kevin.  Yes, I know him.  What about him?"
     "I can't  stand him.   He's on the same employment level as I am,
but treats  me like  an underling  because his  Dad is on the Board of
Trustees.   He's asked me to do things that even the janitor shouldn't
have to  do.   He hates the fact that I was promoted to his level even
if I'm in a different department.  And..."
     Jeffrey waited, holding his breath at the suspense.
     Cheryl started whispering.  "he's made it very clear that I won't
get promoted until I... take him to bed."
     "That's  impossible,"  Jeffrey  said.    "He  wouldn't  have  the
authority.   And he'd  get into big, big trouble.  Why didn't you blow
the whistle on him?"
     "With what  evidence?   How could  I  prove  anything  without  a
laserdisc recorder?   And  you  KNOW  it's  impossible  to  smuggle  a
recorder into the records area.   I'd even thought of inviting him out
somewhere and THEN recording him, but he won't do it.  He knows me too
well.   So, I  just stopped  talking to him.  And I haven't gotten any
promotions since then.  Nobody will explain why.  He's on my level, so
he's part of the team that has to review me."
     Jeffrey thought  a moment.   "Sounds  like he's  called in  a few
favors from  up above.   He  can't keep  it up forever.  Even with his
ego, he's going to run out of favors sooner or later."
     "No, he  won't," replied  Cheryl.   "He's only  got to see that I
stay in  this position  a little  longer.   Then HE'll  get  the  next
promotion, even though I've been here longer."
     Jeffrey thought  again.  Then his eyes lit up.  "Ego.  That guy's
probably the  only one  on the earth who feels that he's superior just
because he's  a man.   He'd kill himself if he had to live as a woman,
don't you agree?  Well, maybe not KILL himself..."
     Cheryl knew,  instantly, what  he was talking about.  Jeffrey was
exactly correct.   They  spent the afternoon arranging the Plan.  They
slept at Jeffrey's that night.

                                Chapter 29
     It was  lunchtime at  IDT.   As with most companies of this sort,
that meant about two hours where this part of the building was vacant.
Jeffrey stayed  in the  Lab until everyone else left.  Cheryl burst in
shortly thereafter.
     "It's perfect,"  she said.   "He's  asleep as  usual.  He usually
sleeps half the morning and then goes out to lunch, the moron."

     Jeffrey grabbed  the Device  (IDT's version)  in  one  hand,  and
Cheryl's hand  in each  other.   They went to Kevin's office.  Jeffrey
set the  Device up  outside his  door, and  then Cheryl  took it,  and
quietly brought  it into the room.  She brushed the metallic circle on
the device  against a  finger; this  almost woke  him up.  She waited,
then quietly  opened his  drawer, dropped something inside, and closed
it.  She then quickly stepped out of the room with the Device.
     "This way,"  Jeffrey said,  pointing to the door to a maintenance
room adjacent  to Kevin's  office.   "In here."  They quickly went in,
and closed  the door.  "I turned the power up this morning.  It should
easily get through this wall.  Where did you put the stuff?"
     "In the right bottom drawer.  Next to his lunch.  Got it?"
     "Ok, right  bottom drawer."   Jeffrey  set the  timer for  ninety
minutes, and set the box in his lap.  "Comfy?"
     "Yup!"   Cheryl leaned  against him.   He pressed "Start", closed
his eyes  for a  second, and  when they opened their eyes, the box was
red.   He made  the box disappear, and got up.  "We're in real trouble
if we get caught, you know."
     Cheryl was  determined to  go through  with it.   "We  won't  get
caught.   Now let's  get in  there before  he wakes  up.   You have to
change first."
     "Ok, Cheryl.   Help  me out  a bit,  ok?  I won't have a THING to
wear."  He grinned at her.  She nodded at him.  He closed his eyes for
a moment, concentrating on the image they had agreed upon earlier.  He
started changing.   The  tingle in  his chest  grew, and  two  breasts
started to  swell under  his shirt.   Cheryl nodded approvingly.  They
stretched his  shirt a  bit; Cheryl started unbuttoning it.  Jeffrey's
figure changed rapidly.  His hair grew much longer, and straight, like
Cheryl's.   There was a warm, light feeling between his legs that told
him that the female parts were now in place-- it felt strange, but now
a bit  familiar.   Cheryl put  a bra on him, gave him a bright blouse,
and, this  time, a  skirt.  She kept on what she already had.  Jeffrey
didn't look  a bit  like Jeffrey  anymore.   He made a perfect female.
Cheryl straightened  him up  a bit,  brushing his hair back, adjusting
the blouse  a bit  so that Jeffrey's nipples would show once they were
erect.   Then she  gave him  a long  hug,  her  breasts  meshing  with
Jeffrey's.  It was unique.
     The noise of the door opening awakened Kevin, who was a bit upset
at having  been awakened  as Cheryl  entered.   He squelched his anger
when he  saw Jeffrey  enter the  room.  This other girl was beautiful,
and rather unexpected.  Cheryl went to his desk.  She spoke in a sexy,
yet businesslike, voice.  "This is an old friend of mine."  She looked
at  Jeffrey.     "Sue,   meet  Kevin,   one  of  the  other  assistant
supervisors."   Jeffrey held  out his  hand.  Kevin kissed it.  It was
working.  With Cheryl's coaching, he could now fool anyone.  He smiled
     Cheryl sat  on his  desk.   She whispered into his ear.  "She's a
REAL good  friend of  mine.   I knew  you wouldn't mind having BOTH of
     Kevin's eyes  lit up.   He  stared at  Sue again,  who was  still
smiling.   Jeffrey was  quite impressed  with himself.   Cheryl sat in
Kevin's lap,  and with  her bottom  could feel  Kevin growing  in  his
pants.   It wouldn't  be long  now.   She whispered  to him again.  "I
couldn't stand being an assistant forever, you know?"
     Jeffrey walked  over to  Kevin now,  behind his desk, and ran his
fingers through  Kevin's hair.   He  didn't like  it.   He had to keep
convincing himself  that it  was really  okay; he WAS a female for the
moment, and as such there was nothing 'strange' about his actions.  Of
course, the  whole thing  was strange.   He  was generating pheromones
now, that  were wafting  out under  his skirt,  and making  Kevin more
susceptible to the seduction.
     In minutes  Kevin was  on the  floor,  on  a  foam  mat  he  kept
supposedly for  such occasions,  and had  pulled out  of  his  drawer.
Cheryl was  right, Jeffrey thought.  He WAS overly aggressive.  He had
already unbuttoned  Jeffrey's blouse,  and had his hands all over him.
His nipples  responded quickly  to Kevin's  hands.   He  had  to  keep
Kevin's attention  off of  Cheryl, who  was at  this moment  unzipping
Kevin's slacks.   She  didn't take them off.  She reached for her belt
and started to unfasten it, and then nodded once at Jeffrey.
     Jeffrey, who  felt comfortable  as "Sue"  now,  swiveled  around,
lifted the  skirt, and  quickly sat on Kevin's face. He wasn't wearing
panties at  all.   Kevin quickly  nuzzled through  the pubic  hair  to
Jeffrey's cunt,  and probed  inside with  his tongue.   He  was  good,
Jeffrey thought,  but not  as good  as Cheryl.  His mind floated for a
second.   He had  to keep up with the script.  He looked at Kevin, who
reached for  his breasts.   "Suck me," Jeffrey said.  "Drink my come."
It sounded  perfect.   He sat up straight, burying Kevin entirely, and
then dropped the skirt.  The skirt hid everything from Jeffrey's waist
down.  He nodded once at Cheryl, who now finished removing her pants.

                                Chapter 30
     The skirt  was was  a great  idea.  Even if Kevin COULD have seen
anything other  than "Sue's"  private parts  at this instant, which he
couldn't, the  skirt would  keep him from seeing the other things that
were happening.   He  would never  be allowed to actually see Cheryl's
naked body.  She didn't want that to happen, ever.
     Cheryl straddled him.  In a well-rehearsed move, she quickly took
his cock  between her  legs.  Kevin made some noise, which was muffled
by Jeffrey's  cunt.  Jeffrey closed his eyes for a second, remembering
the second  image they  had discussed.   When he opened them again, he
patted Cheryl on the head.  She panted a bit, and licked his hand with
her huge  tongue.   Cheryl  was  now  a  golden  retriever.    Without
speaking, he asked her:  "You okay in there?"
     She replied almost instantly.  "Fine!  How do I look?"
     "Beautiful, well,  as beautiful  as a  dog can  be, I guess.  How
does it feel?  We've never tried THIS before."
     "Fur is  definitely warm.  I'll tell you later.  Let me screw him
and get it over with, ok?"
     Cheryl, who  was in  a sitting position, held her tail still, and
enjoyed the  ride as  Kevin plunged inside her, and out again.  He was
really into it, as Cheryl and Jeffrey both were.
     Jeffrey came  first.   Remembering what  Cheryl had  told him, he
made Kevin  drink a  lot of  come.   Jeffrey's body shuddered, and his
legs squeezed  Kevin tight,  preventing him  from breathing,  for  the
moment.  There was no chance that he'd miss "Sue's" orgasm.
     When it was over, Jeffrey didn't get up.  He rocked forward a bit
so Kevin  could breathe  again, but  wouldn't get up.  He waited until
Kevin started  coming, then  lifted up just a bit so Cheryl could hear
Kevin:  "Oh, Cheryl, you're REALLY good..."
     Cheryl wagged  her tail  a bit,  brushing the  inside of  Kevin's
legs.  Finally, Jeffrey got up.  Kevin's mouth fell open.  The dog had
obviously had a good time.  Kevin turned quite red.  He pushed Jeffrey
out of  the way.   Jeffrey stumbled, but managed to regain his balance
just in time to teleport Cheryl so that she, in her original form, was
standing next  to the  door, leaving  the image  of the  dog under his
control.   Cheryl opened  the door,  and Jeffrey  had the dog, who was
about to  get smacked  by Kevin, run outside.  Cheryl closed the door.
She had a devilish grin on her face.
     "You've called me a bitch enough," she said, still smiling, "that
I thought  you might like to make love to a one.  By the way, if there
are any puppies, you can keep some of them..."
     Kevin was  on his feet, advancing toward Cheryl, threatening her.
Jeffrey was  worried; if  he tried  to  hurt  her,  he'd  have  to  do
something that would ruin the show.
     Cheryl kept  on talking,  still smiling.   "So, Sue, did he drink
     "Every  bit  of  it,"  Jeffrey  answered.    "I  could  feel  him
swallowing."  Kevin knew it was true.  He turned his attention to Sue,
wondering what had happened.  Cheryl continued, still grinning.
     "They have  some neat  stuff in  genetics now.    A  viral-acting
modifier, I  think they  call it.  It invades your cells one at a time
and changes one specific gene to another.  It can't have any effect on
Sue, but it was in her fluid..."
     Kevin turned  towards Cheryl  again.  Jeffrey started the changes
working on him.  It made him suddenly weak.  He took one more step and
fell to  the floor,  his legs  no longer  able to  hold him.   Jeffrey
rushed over with the foam pad and helped him onto it, placing a pillow
beneath his head as if he cared for him.
     Kevin's voice  wasn't working  right anymore.    With  effort  he
managed to ask:  "What... have you done... to me..."
     Cheryl was  happy to  answer.   "Well, dearest  Kevin, you'll  be
fine.   There's just a temporary delay while your body repairs itself.
You see,  the women  here have  put up  with you long enough.  We felt
that this  was the best thing to do.  I mean-- you can chase after the
men now,  but I  don't think  that will  be like  it was before."  She
started giggling.
     Kevin's voice  was clearer  now, but  higher.    He  was  feeling
better.   "Cheryl, WHAT  DID YOU  DO?  Undo it or you'll be waiting on
line for unemployment tommorrrow."
     With effort,  Cheryl stopped  laughing.  "Sorry Kevin... I can't!
There just  isn't a  way yet  to replace  X chromosomes with Y...  And
besides, even that wouldn't work if you've had the other virus..."
     Kevin's mouth fell open again.  "You mean... I'm..."
     Jeffrey, still  kneeling next  to Kevin,  brushed the  hair  from
Kevin's chest.  Kevin's figure was changing, and he hadn't noticed it.
     "That's right, Kevin!"
     "Impossible!" he yelled.  "If we could do that I'd know about it.
It's a trick."
     "You better  tell THESE  that, Kevin!", Jeffrey said, pointing to
the elevated, dark circles on Kevin's chest.  Jeffrey poked one with a
finger.   They were  swelling a bit, but the breasts themselves hadn't
started yet.   Jeffrey  wanted to  make it  slow, and  thus harder  on
     "Shit!"   Kevin jumped to his feet.  He was shorter, and smaller.
He ran  to his  mirror, and  looked at  himself.  Breasts were in fact
growing now.   He  pressed them with his hands, as if he was trying to
hold them back.  He couldn't.
     Cheryl pointed  violently to  her  crotch,  and  then  to  Kevin.
Jeffrey had  forgotten to start the important changes.  He nodded back
at her,  at which time Kevin's apparatus started to disappear into his
body, folding  inside out.  The sensation took his attention away from
his partially-mature  mammary glands.  He grabbed at his penis, trying
to hold  on to  it.   It slipped  out of  his fingers, and disappeared
entirely into  the vagina  that had  formed there.   Another expletive
came from his mouth.
     He looked  back up  to see that the breasts were now complete and
final.   All of the other changes had happened.  He screamed once, and
it came  out as  a very  female scream,  which made  him scream again.
Cheryl and Jeffrey smiled at each other.  Kevin now looked up at them,
with water  in his  eyes, and gave them the sorriest expression they'd
ever seen  on him.  They would have rather seen Kevin's face with that
expression, but  just knowing  that it  was Kevin  who was  inside was


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                                Chapter 31
     Cheryl walked  over to  Kevin and  patted him  on  the  shoulder.
Jeffrey had  changed her  again, this  time  in  ways  not  quite  yet
visible.   "Kevin, it's  not THAT  bad...  Really.  Half the people in
the world are female, right?"
     Kevin's face  was still  red.   He was  crying  a  bit.    "No...
... It's  not possible.  I'm dreaming.   I CAN'T BE THIS WAY FOR
     Jeffrey fired  off a  mental communication to Cheryl.  "He has to
stay convinced that this is real.  Otherwise we'll lose him."
     Cheryl put  her hand  on Kevin's  forehead.   "You're burning up.
It's the  virus.  It always does this.   We have to get some water and
food into  you.  Many of your cells are being replaced with new ones--
that's why you're so hot."
     "I am really hungry.  I've got lunch in my drawer.  But I have to
use the bathroom first."
     Cheryl whispered  loudly enough to Jeffrey that Kevin could hear.
"She's got to get rid of all the stuff her body doesn't need any more.
She'll be alright afterwards."
     Cheryl took a towel that she had brought with her, and wrapped it
around Kevin's  shivering body.   They  helped him  through the  quiet
hallways to  the ladies'  room.   He cried  out again when he realized
where he  was.   Sue took  him inside and waited for him while Cheryl,
outside, was  supposedly at the cafeteria getting something for him to
eat.   She was,  in fact,  just waiting  outside the door, holding the
lunch that Jeffrey had materialized.
     They all  returned to Kevin's office a few minutes later, and fed
Kevin the  mean that  Cheryl had  "bought".  He'd be very hungry for a
while and  would eat  his own lunch later.  Kevin, though still upset,
felt better.   "I still can't believe it.  You've ruined my life.  How
am I going to live like this?   I can't face my friends."
     It was  time for  the final act to start.  Cheryl spoke.  "Kevin,
you're not  alone here.  You'll make lots of new friends.  You're very
pretty.  Isn't she, Susan?"
     Jeffrey nodded.
     "I mean,  just look  at the  way you've  developed.   You'll have
everyone here  after you.   Except  the women,  but that was the idea,
     Kevin nodded silently.
     "Look at  all you get to do now.  You can have children.  You get
to see  life from  both sides,  where the rest of us won't.  Not until
the virus goes into full production, and even then it only works once.
Besides, there's  one very  good benefit...  The REAL  reason you're a
woman now..."
     Kevin was almost cheerful.  "Why?"
     Cheryl, all  of a  sudden, had  a masculine  voice.  "Because you
wanted to make love with me, and now you can.  I can't believe you, of
all people, didn't know."
     "You're a... man?  But how?"
     "I can't  believe I had you fooled all this time.  I was a victim
of the test of a reversible virus a long time ago, and it didn't work.
Only changed  me enough  to sound  female and look it from a distance.
They're supposed  to change  me back eventually, though.  For now they
gave me a new identity and lots of money."
     "And... you're STILL working here?"
     "Of course.   Lets  me monitor  the progress and help out with my
own cure."   She  unzipped her  pants, and  pulled her  penis from it.
     Kevin's towel fell away.  "You ARE male..."
     Cheryl advanced  towards him.   "Good  thing, huh?   Come  on..."
...her penis  grew hard,  and she  started to  undress.   Kevin backed
     Cheryl had  breasts, but they were extremely underdeveloped.  Her
clothing was  padded to  make her  look female.   She disrobed.  Kevin
shook his  head.   Seconds later she was on top of him.  Kevin was too
weak now,  Cheryl overpowered  him, rolling him on his front, climbing
on his  back, and  recklessly plunging  her penis  into him.   It  was
difficult at  first.   Kevin wasn't  ready.  He hadn't asked for this.
He struggled for a minute.  Cheryl clasped Kevin's breasts, and worked
her penis inside from behind him.  Her other hand went to the front of
Kevin's pussy, and her touch excited him.  Jeffrey sat on the desk and
watched with interest.  Cheryl slid her cock into his cunt easily now.
Kevin couldn't  say a word.  It was over quickly, Cheryl squirting her
come inside, and pulling herself from him before he could learn what a
female orgasm  felt like.   She got off of him, and got dressed before
he could  recover, stuffing  her penis back into her pants and tucking
it in  so it wouldn't show.  She and Jeffrey helped Kevin to his feet,
and into his chair.
     "Sorry to  be in a hurry," Cheryl said, "but we haven't eaten yet
and there's  only a  few minutes  left to lunch."  Kevin looked at the
clock.   "Sue here  brought some  clothes for you, and I even think we
got the right size."
     Jeffrey took,  from Cheryl's bag, some clothes.  "Now here's your
panties, and I think this bra should be about right..."  He handed the
bra to  Cheryl, who  started putting  in on Jeffrey.  Kevin grabbed it
and angrily threw it down.  "I can't wear girl's clothes."
     "Now now,  Kevin, it's  only appropriate.   You're  a girl."  She
took the  clothes and  put them  in the drawer.  "You'll have to start
learning a  lot of  new things.   Clothes  are one of them.  You can't
just sit  here naked.   Put the stuff on when you're ready, it's right
here in your drawer."
     Kevin didn't  look up.   Cheryl  and Jeffrey headed for the door.
Jeffrey looked at the clock once more on the way out.
     The door  clicked shut.   Jeffrey  and Cheryl  ran  back  to  the
maintenance room,  changing to  their original forms on the way.  They
sat down  where they  were before,  leaning against  each other.   The
Device, red,  reappeared in  Jeffrey's lap.   He  looked at the timer.
"Almost perfect.   There's about ten minutes left before everyone gets
back, like  the clock  said.  Here goes."  He pressed the STOP button,
and suddenly  they were sitting a slightly different way, eyes closed.
They opened  their eyes.   The  box was blue.  They hurried out of the
closet.   The halls  were still empty, thank goodness.  They went back
to Jeffrey's lab.

                                Chapter 32
     Kevin opened  his eyes.   He  sat in  his chair  for all  of five
minutes pondering  his fate;  worrying about  whether or  not  he  was
really pregnant,  how he  would learn  all the things he now needed to
know, and  so on.   It  wasn't until  he looked at his feet, trying to
decide what  kind of shoes he would have to buy, that he realized that
his own  shoes were still on his feet.  In fact, he was still dressed.
He checked  himself-- no breasts, and the cock that he was so proud of
was still  there.  What a realistic dream!  He was overjoyed that none
of the events he had just imagined had happened.
     Meanwhile, Cheryl  was hugging Jeffrey.   "We did it!", they both
told each other.
     Kevin's bubble  had just  burst.   He was  hungry, and opened his
drawer to  get lunch.   Sitting there, in the drawer, were the bra and
panties that  Sue had  given him.   They  were EXACTLY the same as the
ones they  were about  to outfit  him with just minutes ago.  He never
had put anything into that drawer except lunch.  He sank back into his
chair, having lost his appetite.
     The Boss  walked into  the Lab.   An imposing man in his 40's, he
was  officially  called  the  inter-department  coordinator,  but  was
responsible for  most everything,  and thus  everyone called  him  The
Boss.   He   was friendly,  but very  firm about people doing the work
they were  being paid  for.    Cheryl  started  slinking  towards  the
doorway, then  realized that  the Boss  had  brought  two  sandwiches.
"Missed you  at lunch,  Jeffrey.   I  figured  you  had  to  be  doing
something important."  He handed one sandwich to Jeffrey and the other
to Cheryl.  Jeffrey looked at his sandwich, and set it down.  The boss
had forgotten  that he didn't like ham sandwiches.  Well, he MIGHT eat
it if  he was hungry, but later.  Cheryl bit into hers.  "Thanks," she
mumbled with a mouthful.
     The Boss  hadn't left, so Jeffrey decided it was time to show him
some of  the latest  developments he'd been working on.  He had almost
finished a  sort of  recording machine that could record everything in
an enclosed  area at  once.  There was a camera under development in a
different department.  Together, you could record a place for a while,
and then,  at any  time in the future, you could use another system to
play back  any view at any angle.  By manipulating controls, you could
move a  "virtual camera"  to any  point in the area.  It would produce
perfect 3-D  images.   Of course,  Jeffrey's dream at that time was to
hook the recorder up to the Device-- HIS device.  IDT's version didn't
have the  interface for the recorder, but his did.  That's why he made
sure he  was involved with the recorder project, so he could build his
     Jeffrey showed the boss an optical cartridge.  "It DOES have some
recordings on  it now," he claimed, "but we can't play them back quite
yet.   That's why  we don't  know if  the bugs  in the original camera
affected it or not."
     Suddenly, the  doors to  the lab  burst open.   It was Kevin, who
stormed in.   He was mad.  "You're out of here, Landers.  You and your
girlfriend  here  set  me  up  with  the  Device.    That's  the  only
     Cheryl, to  Jeffrey's surprise,  was the  one to  answer.    "But
Kevin, YOU said I HAD to have sex with you."
     "Yes, but  with you as a girl..."  It was the wrong thing to say.
The Boss'  eyebrows were  raised.   Cheryl baited the trap, and in his
anger, Keven  fell right  into it.   The  Boss  had  heard  occasional
allegations of  Kevin's wrongdoing, but even with the influence he had
with the  CEO, refrained  from testing that relationship over hearsay.
The Boss now sounded much less friendly.
     "Is this true, Kevin?"
     Kevin remained silent.
     "Kevin, if  you've anything  to say  about this, I'd say it right
now.  I wouldn't want any unfriendly legal actions going on."
     Kevin still  didn't say  anything.  The Boss excused himself from
Jeffrey and  Cheryl, and  took Kevin out of the Lab.  Kevin would quit
the next day.  Jeffrey walked to Cheryl and shook her hand vigorously.
"Fantastic.  You knew he was still frazzled."
     "Thank you.  Wouldn't you have been frazzled if you were him?"
     "No," Jeffrey  replied, "not  any more.    I'd  be  savoring  the
     "But he thought it was for REAL."
     "As you said before, Cheryl... What's the difference?"

                                 Chapter 33
     It had  been three  weeks now,  that they had been together.  The
only magic that had faded was Jeffrey's lovesick feeling.  That queasy
feeling, he  had decided,  was beneficial ONLY in that it heralded the
love that  followed, much  like one's first dive into a swimming pool.
He was  comfortable with  Cheryl; she  was comfortable with him.  Each
cared more  about the  other than  anything else.   They were quite an
item at  work, and  a lot  of people were surprised when, after only a
week, Cheryl had invited him to move in, which he did after a few days
of discussion.   Jeffrey's  parents didn't  like the  idea  at  first.
Cheryl's parents  were happy  that she  had found a mate.  Deirdre had
given them  their privacy,  for the  most part, but they had seen that
she never  felt left  out.   Anyway, it  looked like  she was  getting
serious about a friend of hers that she'd known for a while.
     They hadn't  used the  Device that much.  Cheryl and Jeffrey were
too busy  getting to know each other, and fooling around in real life.
They had let Deirdre run it once with her boyfriend-- she seemed to be
proficient with  it-- after all, her boyfriend enjoyed the experience.
She hadn't  even rushed  sex on  him-- he  seemed to  appreciate that.
He'd get enough once Deirdre was familiar with him.
     The one  thing that  Cheryl and  Jeffrey had done with the Device
was prompted  by Cheryl's  experience as  a golden  retriever.  On the
weekends, Jeffrey would take a few hours with his computer and program
the Device  with the characteristics of a number of animals; then over
a few nights they'd spend ten or fifteen minutes as a pair of animals,
in the  environment that  was most fitting, experiencing sex each way.
The least  exciting were  birds and  fishes.   Although birds mated in
mid-air, the  transfer of sperm happened without much contact.  They'd
press belly  against belly,  and Jeffrey  would squirt  semen from  an
opening near  his tail  into the same opening on Cheryl.  That was it.
Fishes had  no contact at all, though Cheryl found it intriguing to be
able to  lay hundreds of eggs in one spot in a few minutes.  She could
feel each  egg leave  her body through the opening that neurologically
corresponded to  her vagina.   Jeffrey would then swim up to the eggs,
and seconds  later would  disappear in  a white  cloud of  semen.   He
didn't think it was exciting to him at all.
     Insects weren't  terrific either.  They had looked forward to the
praying mantis,  which copulates  for half  a day  at a  time.  Cheryl
promised not  to devour  Jeffrey afterwards.   But, once they got into
position and  started the  sperm transfer, it became boring after only
one or two hours.  They didn't try most of the others.
     The  reptiles   and  amphibians   were  better,   but  it  wasn't
comfortable.  The sex was alright, but everything not directly related
to intercourse  wasn't as  much fun.   There  were no  soft curves, no
quiet giggles, and no moans.
     The mammals  had it  the best,  they decided.   Dogs  (which they
tried first,  golden-retriever style)  were fun;  because they  locked
together in  real life,  just like  Cheryl had  locked Jeffrey's penis
inside the  first time  they made  love using  the Device.   His penis
would grow,  and her vagina would shrink, and they couldn't pull apart
until Cheryl came.
     The best part of the experience was that neither could talk until
it was  all over.   They  compared all  the things they had done.  The
best, of  course, was  as humans.   THEY  could stimulate  desire with
their voices and the images those voices could create.  Over the three
weeks, they  had made  love in real life many more times than they had
with the  Device, animals  included.  Deirdre had gotten quite used to
them  being  together.    And  Cheryl  and  Jeffrey  had  gotten  very
proficient together.   They  could make  love  in  any  position--  as
Deirdre found  when they  were watching television in the Living room.
Cheryl just  quietly unzipped  Jeffrey's fly, lifted her skirt and sat
in his lap.  Deirdre wasn't sure anything had happened until she heard
the distinctive sound of Cheryl and Jeffrey coming; they always seemed
to come together.
      The day after Deirdre finally made it with her boyfriend, Cheryl
demonstrated a  new invention of her own.  She liked the idea that men
could have  sex without  even taking  off their pants.  But she didn't
like wearing  a skirt  just for that purpose-- sex without undressing.
Even  with   men's-style,  front-zippered  jeans  on,  Jeffrey's  cock
couldn't reach her pussy.  Cheryl held up a pair of jeans identical to
the ones  she had  on.   They were clearly women's jeans, with no fly,
and two  zippers on  the side  that held  them  snugly  over  Cheryl's
shapely hips.   "They  can be  any slacks,  not just jeans", she said.
The crotch  of the  jeans had been modified-- with some elastic added,
and plastic  eyelets with  a cord  weaving through  where the original
stitching was  in the  crotch.   The original stitching in part of the
crotch area  was gone.   The  cord and  the elastic  together held the
crotch shut.
     She held  them up  to Deirdre,  inside out.   She pulled the cord
out, and  showed her  how only  the elastic now held the opening shut.
The opening  had a  plastic-film liner  so the rough denim wouldn't be
uncomfortable to Jeffrey-- he had suggested that part.  She threw them
to Deirdre, who took a closer look.
     Cheryl walked to Jeffrey, and lifted one leg.  Jeffrey tapped the
fabric around  the opening  as Cheryl  stretched.   The cord  held  it

     "See, Deirdre,  the cord  goes into one pocket.  There's a cotton
liner that  I didn't  put in that pair you're holding, yet.  You can't
pee through it, but it is good for something..."
     Cheryl reached  into her pocket and pulled the cord from it.  She
unzipped Jeffrey's fly; pulling his penis from it.  She rubbed it, and
even licked  it.   It grew quickly.  She kissed him once, deeply, with
her hands still on his cock, and his hands on her tits.
     She turned  around.  Deirdre was watching.  "Oh, yes, you have to
wear crotchless panties," she said.  Deirdre nodded.
     Cheryl lowered  herself carefully onto Jeffrey's lap.  The tip of
his rock-hard penis touched her pants.  As he pushed against them, the
elastic opening  yielded, and  his cock  sank into her pants.  It slid
through her  panties, past  her already-most  pussylips, and  into her
warm wetness.   Her  buttocks settled  down onto  him.   He  held  her
tightly, and  bounced her  slightly with  his knees.   The real action
wasn't visible  to Deirdre.   The  design was  working.   He was  deep
inside Cheryl,  and both  had their  clothes on.   They came, with the
usual noises,  and Cheryl  got up,  the opening  in her  jeans closing
tightly just  as the  opening in her body did.  The plastic liner kept
her fluids  from leaking  to where  they were visible, though some had
leaked onto Jeffrey's jeans.

                                Chapter 34
     Cheryl promised to make a pair of the jeans for Deirdre, who said
she'd use  them to  pleasantly surprise her boyfriend one afternoon in
the park.
     Jeffrey took  Cheryl  down  to  the  drugstore  after  the  jeans
demonstration, for  it was now time to renew the SBC between them.  It
went normally.   On  the way home, Cheryl remembered something she had
promised to talk about a long time ago.
     "Jeffrey, I  want  to  know  if  you've  been  feeling  something
     "Like what?"
     "Well, all  the times  we've made  love, as  humans, men,  women,
animals...  What's been in common?"
     Jeffrey didn't  know what  she meant.  "A lot of things.  What do
you mean?"
     "Well...   Let me  put it  this way.  What have you STILL wanted,
even at  the peak  of our  passion, no matter which way we've done it?
That you want all the time and isn't satisfied just by sex?"
     "Well, I want to be even closer to you than I am..."
     Cheryl was  pleased.  "Exactly.  You want to be ONE with me, more
than you can just by having sex.  Right?"
     "Yes, very  much.   You  know,  we  SHOULD  probably  talk  about
marraige sooner or later."
     "Well..." Cheryl  said, "Yes,  we should...   But that's not what
I'm talking  about.   I'm talking  about leaving this body and sharing
yours.  Or the other way around.  Fill the empty hole inside me."
     "Well..."   Jeffrey scratched  his head.   "YES!  I COULD program
the Device to do that.   Let's do it!"
     "Alright!" yelled Cheryl.
     Jeffrey spent  the rest  of the afternoon working on the computer
attached to  the Device; programming the Device to tie together neural
lines (he called them "ports").  She'd join him in his body; he'd hold
the box.  For once, they'd share the exact same experiences, and would
be able  to mentally communicate.  Either would be able to control all
of the  muscular actions;  and both  would feel  the results.   It was
actually quite  a simple  program, since  the same  basic  pattern  of
combination was repeated over and over.
     Finally the  time was  here.  He got Cheryl, went with her to the
bathroom where they both relieved themselves, and sat her down next to
him on  the couch.   "If  there's problems,  tell me.   I'll stop it."
Cheryl nodded.   "Here  goes!"   Deirdre looked  over  at  them,  then
returned her  attention to the dinner that was cooking.  Jeffrey, with
the device in his lap, pressed the start button.
     What happened  was not what either expected.  After the last beep
of the  Device, they  were together.   They  were one.  Jeffrey's mind
started wandering  through Cheryl's.   She  started wandering  through
his, examining  the memories  that were  stored there.    Neither  was
conscious of  the outside  world, or  tried to  open Jeffrey's eyes or
even move.   She  met, in  his mind,  his first  love, and the awkward
activites of  his first  sexual encounter.   Jeffrey looked at her own
memories of  him.   He suddenly  was aware, without thinking about it,
how lonely  Cheryl had  been before  she approached  Jeffrey  on  that
Friday afternoon.  She met his parents, his brother, knowing instantly
all that  Jeffrey thought  about  them.    Jeffrey  reviewed  Cheryl's
childhood; her  first training  bra, the  anxiety  as  her  classmates
developed ahead  of her;  frustration and  success at  school, and HER
first sex  partner and the awful events that followed.  He didn't have
to think  about them;  as long  as  he  let  his  mind  wander  inside
Cheryl's, he KNEW.
     Something was  definitely  wrong.    He  didn't  know  what;  the
experience was fantastic.  He was going through years in seconds.  The
frustration while she waited for her first period; the bother that she
put up with now, knowing that her next period would start tommorrow or
the next day.  It was all too much to put into words.
     But, something  in his  mind told  him he had to stop this.  Now.
He summoned  all his  willpower to  get out  of  Cheryl's  mind.    He
concentrated on  the word  STOP.   His  eyes  flashed  open,  catching
Cheryl's attention  while she  was exploring  his experience with her.
She watched  as her  own hand,  or Jeffrey's,  reached  for  the  STOP
button.  She didn't stop it.  The button was pressed.

                                Chapter 35
     Deirdre was  startled by  the sudden  irregular breathing  coming
from her  roommates.   She rushed over; their eyes were open, but they
weren't saying  anything.   The display  on the  box read  "IMAGE STOP
00:01:13", nothing  wrong with  that.   They weren't  talking, though.
Deirdre started to panic.  She grabbed Cheryl's hand.
     "Cheryl!  What happened??"
     Jeffrey now  realized what  was wrong.  He had made a programming
mistake, somehow connecting EVERYTHING, not just the nerves leading to
and from  the brain  to the  rest of  the body.  He had connected them
together mentally.   It wasn't supposed to be possible.  He had to get
the words  out to Deirdre.  Reality seemed a bit foggy.  He was having
trouble speaking.
     "Deirdre..." he said in a raspy voice.  Cheryl parroted him, word
for word, at the same instant; though not as clearly.
     "I connected...  us... together  inside.   We've been  in each...
other's... minds."   He  knew very well the textbook theory, which was
what he  realized gave  him the  will to  stop the Device.  Cheryl was
still speaking  along with  him, missing  a word  here or  there.  "We
have... to  sort ourselves  out from  each other.  We don't know who I
are... we are... no..."
     Deirdre looked  Jeffrey right  in the  eyes.   "Jeffrey.   You're
Jeffrey."   He told  Cheryl of  her identity, and returned to Jeffrey.
"What happened?"
     Jeffrey shook  himself.   He seemed  better now.   Cheryl  wasn't
repeating after him anymore, but she didn't say anything at all, now.
     Jeffrey turned  to Cheryl,  hugging her  tightly.   After a brief
delay, Cheryl hugged him back.  "Oh Cheryl," he said, looking into her
eyes... "You're  perfect.   I can't  believe what  I saw  inside  you.
Everything I've  always wanted.   No  wonder  I  love  you  so  much."
Cheryl, still  silent, squeezed  him tightly and they went into a long
kiss.   Deirdre, who had seen enough of this sort of activity over the
last few days, was getting impatient.
     "What happened?" she repeated.
     "Imagine," Jeffrey said with suddenly perfect clarity, "that your
mind is  a deck  of cards.   We  just got shuffled together.  I've got
lots... not all... but lots of Cheryl inside me.  It's fantastic.  You
wouldn't believe  it.   I'm so different!  It feels kind of like she's
right here inside.  I don't know if... No, I'll be okay.  I can handle
it.  I CAN handle it.  Cheryl..."
     He turned to her.  "Cheryl?" she answered.  "Jeffrey?   What am I
doing here?  In this body?"
     "Cheryl...  You're Cheryl.  You'll be alright."
     Jeffrey turned  back to  Deirdre.  "I think she got a bigger dose
than I  did.   She absorbed  more of  my mind than I..."  He looked at
himself, reassuring who he was; "...than I did.  She'll be better with
     Cheryl echoed  again.   "Better with time."  Then she added, in a
purely ethereal  voice, "Yes,  Jeffrey.   We're one  now.  What can we
     Jeffrey's eyes  pleaded to Deirdre for help.  "It's a disaster...
What can we do like this?  We're in two bodies... Apart but together!"
     "Together...", Cheryl whined.
     Deirdre had  good advice.   "Nothing now.  You're tired.  Sleep."
She helped  them into  Cheryl's room,  where they  disrobed.  They got
into bed  at the same instant.  Jeffrey curled up around Cheryl.  They
     Deirdre was  right; the  morning did make things a little better.
Some things seemed clearer now.  Cheryl and Jeffrey both knew who they
were; they  even said "good morning" to each other, and kissed as they
always did.   They  got up.   But it hadn't been a dream.  Jeffrey and
Cheryl both  realized that  when Jeffrey  told Cheryl  that her period
would be starting today, probably.
     "I know,  Jeffrey.  Today, probably.  I have some pads in the top
drawer there.  Darn nuisance sometimes.  Get them for me, OK?"
     Jeffrey got  them from  the drawer.  It seemed familiar, somehow,
and he  didn't like  the feeling  that it  would get  worse over a few
     No.  It wasn't him.  It wouldn't happen to him.  Just Cheryl.  He
had gotten more of a share of her than he realized.
     Cheryl dressed herself while Jeffrey did, and sat him down on the
bed.   She was  fully  rational  now.    "Tell  me,  once  more,  what
     "Dreamsharing, they  call it.   It  was only  a theory about what
would happen if two people's minds are linked directly.  We each could
recall each  other's memories  as if  they were our own.  Like sharing
dreams together.    Problem  is,  after  a  while,  we  lose  our  own
identities.  I stopped it before that happened."
     "That's right,"  Cheryl said. "It wasn't supposed to be possible.
You gave  the Device  commands to  link your  ports with mine, using a
repeat command.  It took longer to set up than it should have, because
somehow it set itself up to link everything, not just ports."
     "There's almost  no use  talking with  you," Jeffrey  said.  They
finished the  rest of  the sentence  together.   "...because you  know
everything that I know."
     Cheryl added  to that.   "Well,  almost everything.   You  didn't
explore me fully.  Let's see... you learned about my puberty, my first
period, dating, parent, school.  But you took yourself away before you
could learn it all."
     Cheryl was  right, of  course.    She  kept  talking.    "It  was
incredible.  All this time I've WANTED YOU so much-- and, for a minute
and a  half, I HAD YOU.  Inside me.  Inside you.  One.  Together.  And
now we're  apart.   I'm empty  inside, again.   I  NEED you,  Jeffrey.
Let's do it again."
     Jeffrey sounded  sad.   "We can't.   We  can't ever  do it again.
We'd never recover.  We'd lose ourselves in each other."
     Cheryl looked  him straight  in the  eyes.  Jeffrey knew what his
eyes looked like through Cheryl's... he knew exactly how she felt with
him.  He wanted to be one with her, too.
     "Think of  it, Jeffrey.   Together.   In  the world.   Twice  the
experience.  Your technical knowledge.  My business experience.  Every
bit shared between us.  We'd be unstoppable.  And we'd be together."

                                Chapter 36
     The idea that Cheryl had was, indeed, very tempting.  Their lives
could never be the same now.  In one minute and thirteen seconds, they
had learned  things about each other that they couldn't have done in a
lifetime without the Device.  If Jeffrey hadn't stopped the Device, it
would have  gone on  to completion.   They  would have  been  mentally
identical in  just few  more minutes.   They  were becoming different,
now, because  they were  apart, and  were  having  slightly  different
physical experiences.
     The idea  was still inviting.  But, they had a problem NOW, after
only 01:13.   Jeffrey  explained the  root of  it.  "Cheryl, no matter
WHAT we  do we can't really be together.  I want it more than anything
else.   But we have separate physical bodies.  Making our hearts-- our
minds-- one, will just make us want it more, and we can't have it."
     "Jeffrey--- I've  seen too  much of  you.   I know your feelings,
your thoughts,  and most  everything else.   You  didn't explore me as
well.   You're perfect  for me.  Nobody else can take your place in my
life, Jeffrey... YOU'VE GOT TO BE A PART OF ME!"
     Cheryl searched through the technical knowledge she had absorbed.
She found  what she  was  looking  for.    She  held  Jeffrey  by  the
     "Jeffrey... There IS an answer.  You know it.  The GenMod Lab."
     The  Genetic  Modification  Lab  was  developed  primarily  as  a
possible cure for cancer.  Using a computer modeling program, the gene
structure of  an individual  was reproduced externally and modified to
exclude the  genetic code for cancer.  A "carrier" virus was produced,
which would,  much like  the "virus" Cheryl had made up to scare Kevin
with.   She didn't  know, before  she read  Jeffrey's mind,  that   it
really  existed.     Jeffrey   had  learned   of  the  secret  project
accidentally, before  they involved  him in  the development of one of
the electronic modules.  The "carrier" virus carried its own code plus
the corrected  DNA for  the subject.  It would invade a body much like
any other  virus, but instead of replacing human DNA with it's own, it
would replace  it with  the "carried"  genetic code.  For that reason,
the virus  wouldn't reproduce  itself; that had to be done outside the
body by  a machine.  The genetic changes resulted in many entire cells
dying as  others grew  to replace  them.   That was  too much  for any
animal to  withstand.   All but  one  test  animal  had  died  in  the
experiments-- even  the control  experiments where  no real cancer was
     Cheryl was  still talking.  "We can do it.  We could create a new
body for us."
     "The test animals died, Cheryl.  There's no hope for us."
     "Jeffrey-- you're  WRONG.   The answer's  in  your  mind.    What
happened?  Think of WHY the animals died..."
     "Not enough  matter.   Protein.  Other stuff.  You know.  Half of
the animal's  body was  destroyed in  the  process.    Even  with  the
nutrient solution,  there wasn't  enough left for the body to rebuild.
The other  half was  excreted as  waste, or decomposed."  The previous
results really  were quite grisly.  Without enough cells remaining for
the  body  to  continue  functioning,  it  died.      The  cancer  WAS
eliminated, but nobody was going to be recommending THAT therapy for a
     "Wait a  minute."   Jeffrey found  what Cheryl was talking about.
"There's two  of us.  Twice the matter to build a body out of.  That's
what you mean, isn't it?"
     Cheryl smiled  proudly.   "I know I can't go on THIS way.  We can
melt ourselves together."  This raised a new question.
     "Into what?"  asked Jeffrey.   "If  we used my body, or yours, it
wouldn't be  fair.   You could be part of me, or I of you, but after a
while, we'd be either Cheryl or Jeffrey again, depending on whose body
we were  in.   Of course, we'd still be together.  That would be worth
it either way."
     "Yes," said  Cheryl.   "Either way.   Flip a coin.  Let's just do
     "We should  wait a day.  We wouldn't rush into marraige.  Cheryl,
this one is INFINITELY more permanent.  Wait forty-eight hours."

     "Okay.  Two days.  We have to try to explain this to our parents,
and Deirdre."  Cheryl pulled a quarter from her pocket.  "Okay.  Tails
and I move into you, heads and we're female for the rest of our life."


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                                Chapter 37
     She tossed  the coin  into the  air.   While it  was in  the air,
Jeffrey yelled out;  "No... Wait..."
     The coin  landed on  the bed.   It came up tails.  Cheryl sighed,
glad that Jeffrey had called it off.
     "Cheryl, I  know you  better than  that.  You'd never be happy to
have your  future decided  by a  coin flip."   Jeffrey  was right,  of
     "Now what?" asked Cheryl.
     "We need  a better  way  of  deciding.    Neutral.    Consistent.
     "How about  if we  combine our  genes ourselves?   We  hop in the
sack, and...   and  whatever the  baby would have been, we'll be.  The
GenMod tank will accelerate us to whatever age we choose.
     "Only if  you don't  mind waiting  two months for the SBC to wear
off.  We just got it, remember?"
     "Yeah.  Sorry."
     "Okay, here's  a better  idea.  We'll use the computer.  I have a
software cartridge for GenMod that I can use here.  We'll design a new
body out of what we've got now.  We can do it!  Create a new body with
whatever we want.  I can fix all the problems that most humans have...
perfect vision and hearing, immunity to disease, anything like that."
     Cheryl nodded.   "I  can get you into IDT at night now that I'm a
supervisor.   I've got the right card.  You can get us into the GenMod
Lab on...  Wednesday evening.   That's  two-and-a-half days  from now.
We'll work on the body tonight."
     Jeffrey looked  at the  clock.  "Holy cow, we're LATE!"  They got
up, and  bolted out  through the  apartment.   Deirdre, who was in the
living room  waiting for  them, asked  them how  they were.  "Better",
they both yelled, running.  "We'll tell you tonight."
     They got  to work,  Jeffrey running into the electronics lab, and
Cheryl to  her office.   Both  got reprimanded by their work-mates for
being late,  and both promised that it would "never happen again".  It
wasn't until  mid-morning that they both realized that this job was no
longer really  important; they'd  only be  at it  one more  day.  Then
they'd either  have to  explain what  happened, or  just disappear and
maybe apply for a job as a new employee.
     All their  friends were  around at lunchtime, and sat with Cheryl
and Jeffrey  so they  didn't have a moment alone.  The couple had been
quite an  item recently.   They had a number of friends in common now;
it was a great way to meet new people.
     Cheryl and Jeffrey rode home together as always.
     "Still want to do it, Cheryl?"
     "You bet, Jeffrey.  You do too.  I can see it."
     They started  discussing the  body they wanted.  By early evening
they had  settled on something novel;  a primarily male body with some
female parts  inside.   They could  live easily  as a man.  But inside
there would  be complete  ovaries, a  uterus, and a small passage that
led to a hidden opening on the outside.  They would be able to ovulate
voluntarily, so  there would  be no  telltale menstrual periods unless
for some  reason they  wanted one;  and a  duct would  lead from their
testes to  the uterus.  They could silently, invisibly engage in self-
fertilization, and would bear normal children-- the ovaries and testes
producing sex cells with the same genes as Jeffrey's and Cheryl's were
now.  They would be able to enjoy sex with women if they really wanted
to.   The decision  came from  the fact that they had to LOOK like one
sex even  if both  were inside.   With that concession made to Cheryl,
she agreed to the male body.
     Jeffrey was up very late, using the GenMod software to set up the
genetic patterns.   The  new body  would be very attractive.  It would
have superior strength and endurance.  When the time came, the vaginal
opening hidden  behind his scrotum could expand easily large enough to
deliver a baby; and once pregnant, breasts would develop on his chest,
and would  disappear once  the baby was weaned.  He spent the midnight
hour reviewing  the design  with Cheryl; she seemed less interested in
her future  self than he did.  She kissed him and hugged him, and they
went to bed.  They made love this time; realizing that it was probably
the last  time it  could ever  happen.  Unable to get the new body and
unknown future off their minds, they couldn't sleep easily.

                                Chapter 38
     The next  day went  by surprisingly quickly.  Hanging on to their
last day  apart made  it go  fast.  Both Cheryl and Jeffrey were a bit
nervous, especially  in the  last hour  before  five  o'clock.    They
couldn't say  anything to  their friends  yet.   Cheryl  mentioned  to
another department  supervisor that  she might be in for a while after
dinner, having  some work  to do.   That was an infrequent practice at
IDT, but for supervisors was necessary once in a while when work piled
up.  The other supervisor nodded approvingly.  That would add at least
SOME credibility to the trip she would be making later.
     Back at  home, Deirdre  was making  dinner as  Jeffrey and Cheryl
arrived.   They hadn't  explained to  Deirdre what  they had  planned.
They did  that over  dinner.   Deirdre took the news surprisingly well
once they  finally convinced  her that  what they  wanted  REALLY  WAS
     "Okay.  I won't tell anybody," Deirdre said.  "But you'll HAVE to
tell the  world of  this after you do it.  It's not fair to keep it to
yourself if others might benefit."
     Jeffrey still  had some explaining to do.  "We're not sure it's a
benefit, Deirdre.   Not  yet.  Cheryl's idea to become "one" using the
Device had  merit, but--  you saw  what happened-- the trip itself did
something to us.  I found that Cheryl was just what I wanted..."
     Cheryl took  over.   "...And I  found that I had to have Jeffrey.
We're too  far entwined.   I couldn't live without him.  It's hard for
us to be apart.  Now we won't have to be."
     "Why didn't  you just  marry each other?" Deirdre asked.  "That's
what people have been doing for years."
     Cheryl answered  her roommate.  "Yes, but we're the first ones to
have been united mentally, not just physically or legally.  We have to
take the last step."
     There was a minute or two where nobody said anything.
     "I'll miss  you," Deirdre  said.  "I've gotten used to having you
both around.   And  I guess  I'm kind  of jealous  of what you two are
doing.  Especially after I broke up with my boyfriend..."
     Jeffrey and  Deirdre were  both shocked.  "YOU broke up with your
boyfriend?  When?"
     "Yesterday.   He called.  I feel so rotten-- like there's so much
good stuff inside me, but nobody can ever see it."
     Cheryl answered.  "I can see it, Deirdre."  Jeffrey, who now knew
Deirdre as well as Cheryl did, knew that Cheryl was telling the truth.
She always told the truth.
     "I don't  know.  It's just that I feel... that if it looks like a
relationship is  going well,  there's no REASON not to sleep together.
If two  people can  make each  other mutually  happy, physically, they
should be  willing to  do so.  They can always stop if everything else
doesn't work  out.   But it's so... UNIMPORTANT compared to everything
else, and sex still gets in the way of so many things."
     "You mean you were too forward with him?"
     "No, Cheryl.   I  didn't do  ANYTHING!   I thought I wasn't doing
enough, so when HE brought the subject up, I talked about it.  I guess
he didn't like what I said."
     "Deirdre," Jeffrey asked, "what DID you say?"
     "Nothing specific.   I just told the truth about what I like, and
what I've done."
     Jeffrey was  surprised.  "And THAT was too much for him?  In this
era?   You ARE  uninhibited, Deirdre,  but I  thought the world always
looked UP to people like you."
     "Don't ask  me.   Really there's  nothing to talk about.  I'm not
too discouraged.  Cheryl gave me some hope."
     They had  finished dinner.    Cheryl  sat  with  Deirdre  at  the
computer terminal to show her the new body they had designed.  Deirdre
was impressed.  She went  into Cheryl's  room with Jeffrey to put some
things together--  some towels, a jogging suit that they figured would
fit their  new body.  They picked out some different sizes of sneakers
from a  boxful of old ones, figuring that some size would have to fit.
Meanwhile, Cheryl sat in front of the terminal pondering the new body.
She touched  up a  few things  that Jeffrey wouldn't mind, and removed
the cartridge with the new genetic code on it.  They were now ready to
go.  Deirdre, who had agreed to help, drove them to the IDT building.

                                Chapter 39
     Cheryl opened  the fingerprint-controlled outside door to the IDT
building.     Jeffrey  and  Deirdre  followed  her  to  the  personnel
department, which  again only  she could  open.   Deirdre carried some
other supplies, in a large shopping bag.
     Cheryl authorized the change that would let Jeffrey open the door
to the Genetics lab after hours.  That was one ability that she had at
her clearance level.  They went to the Genetic Modification Lab.
     This room  looked even  less like  a laboratory  than  the  other
areas.   It  was  very  modern--  with  diffused  lighting,  and  even
carpeting on  the half  of the  floor.  The other half of the room was
taken up by the tank and the machines that supported it.  The tank, of
a black  acrylic-like material,  was  far  more  formidable  than  the
haphazard-looking machines  connected  to  it.    The  machines  would
exchange the  fluid in  the tank several times a minute, replacing the
"dirty" solution  with a  fresh supply.   The solution had most of the
characteristics of  human blood  in that  respect, in  that it carried
everything that  blood did, but would not easily support certain kinds
of life, and was perfectly clear.
     The other  machines would  manufacture, and  add to the solution,
the "viruses"  carrying the  new genetic code to be installed.  As the
virus could  not reproduce itself, there had to be a continuous supply
of it.   There  were a  number of  stages in  the genetic modification
treatment, each  having its  own genetic code.  The stages allowed the
changes to  happen in  an orderly  manner.  You couldn't just dissolve
everything and  rebuild it  at once,  for the creature inside the tank
wouldn't survive.
     It only  took a  minute for  Jeffrey to  set up  and  insert  the
cartridge including  the design of the new body into the computer.  He
switched on  the machines connected to the tank.  It would take only a
few minutes  for the  genetic material  to be  created for each stage.
Then the machine would wait until the subject was in place.
     Those few minutes weren't long enough.  There was too much to say
and too  many feelings  to express  in the  short interval  before the
machine was ready for them.  They were all rightfully nervous, Deirdre
especially so, because she didn't know what she'd do if something went
wrong.   She'd stay  there, in  the Lab, for the few hours the process
would take.  Jeffrey pointed out the displays that Deirdre could watch
to see  how far  the process  had gone, and reminded her that under no
circumstances may  she open  the tank  until the  computer said it was
okay to.  Either they'd make it or not.  There was nothing inbetween.
     Cheryl and  Jeffrey both  gave Deirdre  a long hug.  Jeffrey gave
her a kiss.  They undressed.  For the first time, Deirdre was a little
embarassed in seeing them naked.
     Jeffrey turned to Cheryl.  "I won't ever see you again."
     "You'll be with me always."
     "I'll never  be able  to look  into your eyes again, to feel your
touch, or hear your voice.  I only hope we're doing the right thing."
     They kissed  once again.  Cheryl planted the moment firmly in her
memory-- so  she'd remember  his chest pressing against hers, the firm
grip of  his hands  around  her,  the  way  his  breathing  sounded...
     "Okay, Deirdre," Jeffrey instructed, "Remember to get those milk-
shakes ready  before the  time runs out.  They have some stuff in them
that the new body will be hungry for.  And don't touch the the machine
or let anyone else interfere with it.
     Deirdre nodded.
     Jeffrey opened  the tank  lid.  It was dark inside, and the clear
solution filled the tank to the top.  Cheryl looked inside.
     Deirdre still  didn't understand  fully.  "You just... both climb
in?  How will you breathe?"
     "We won't  have to,"  Cheryl answered.   "Not  until after we get
out.  All the oxygen comes from the solution."
     "Oh." said Deirdre.  "Good luck.  See you in a few hours."
     "Okay, Deirdre." replied Cheryl.  "Thanks."
     Cheryl turned  to Jeffrey.   "I  have to  get you  hard so we can
start."   With all  that was  going on, it seemed that this would be a
problem.   The program  they had developed depended on it, though, for
the first stage.  It was cold with no clothes on in the Lab.  The tank
would be warm.  Jeffrey's penis was quite tiny at the moment.
     Cheryl knew  what to  do.   She  held  her  body  close  to  him,
squeezing them  together.   She, too,  was too scared to be physically
excited.   One hand  went between  Jeffrey's legs.  She whispered some
words into his ear, which were obviously effective...
     When she  stepped away  from him, his penis was fully erect.  She
smiled, proud  of herself.   She  dipped a  hand into  the  tank,  and
moistened  Jeffrey's  penis  with  the  solution,  sliding  her  hands
sensually over  him.   He closed  his eyes  once and  sighed.  Deirdre
didn't know why they were doing this now.  SHE was impatient.

                                Chapter 40
     "Come on,  Jeffrey," said  Cheryl.   "Time to  go.   We're really
about to"   The words  had a nice ring to them-- erotic
and frightening at once-- like when Cheryl's body swallowed Jeffrey's.
That wasn't real.  This was.
     The scared feeling was replaced by anticipation.  Jeffrey stepped
into the  tank first.  It was long, but not very deep.  He lay down on
his back,  splashing under  the surface  for a moment and then bobbing
up, floating, shiny and wet.  He blew out enough air for a bubble.  He
was still  erect.  Cheryl's behind was facing him.  She had a terrific
rear, he thought.
     She backed  into the tank, stepping over Jeffrey's floating legs.
She pushed  on her  muscles, opening  her anus.  Her bowels started to
settle over Jeffrey's glistening penis.  He had never had sex with her
this  way,  even  though  they  had  done  virtually  everything  else
imaginable in the last month.
     She stopped  her approach  at Jeffrey's  words.    "I  love  you,
     "I love you too."  She sat down, her anus gently taking Jeffrey's
penis inside.   It  felt good.   Her  bowels spread  as  they  touched
Jeffrey's body,  letting her  down onto  him as much as possible.  She
faced away  from him  still.    Her  weight  pushed  Jeffrey's  pelvis
underwater.   She lay down on top of him, facing the ceiling.  Deirdre
started closing  the lid on the tank.  She set her legs on top of his,
and her shoulders pushed his under the surface.  Bubbles came from his
mouth as  her weight  pressed him  to the bottom of the tank.  Two wet
arms came from the solution and wrapped around her, under her breasts.
She felt  his penis  send her  a message, which she returned.  She let
the air  out of  her lungs,  and she  sank into  the solution, bubbles
coming from  her also.  Deirdre closed the lid, which locked shut.  It
was completely  dark.   The sound  of a  motor outside  the tank got a
little louder,  and another  motor started.   The new genetic material
started flowing into the tank.
     Jeffrey tightened  his grip  around Cheryl.   He could hear their
hearts pounding.   It was uncomfortable and claustrophobic, the two of
them motionless.   Physically,  it was  fine,  but  the  sensation  of
drowning underwater was disconcerting.
     The first-stage changes seemed to take forever to start.  Jeffrey
felt a  tingle in  his penis.   Cheryl's  anus tingled  also.  The two
openings joined together inside her body.  It was one of the shortcuts
they had taken with the program to save precious living tissue.
     Cheryl's skin  became soft  and pliable,  as did  Jeffrey's.  His
arms started  to sink  into her.   Her  body  was  becoming  soft  and
pliable, as  was his.   He  squeezed her, until his arms sank into her
body and  disappeared.   The separation  between the  two  bodies  was
dissolving.   New skin  formed around the two, sealing them inside the
shell of the new body that would soon be theirs.  Cheryl's pelvis sank
into Jeffrey's  as her  bowels joined  his pelvis.  Their bloodstreams
interconnected.   Their digestive  systems connected together; the new
body used  the first part of Cheryl's, and the last half of Jeffrey's.
The new  skin sealed  them together  part by  part-- two legs fastened
together, pelvis,  torso, and  head.   Within, they  dissolved as  new
parts formed.   Urine  and feces  passed from opening in the new body.
As the  old matter  left them,  the new body grew smaller.  This stage
took the  longest.   The new  combined body,  as the new parts formed,
would shrink  from its  previous size,  which  held  both  Cheryl  and
Jeffrey's original  selves, to  the ordinary  size of  only  a  single
human.   Inside that  body, the structure they had designed was taking
shape out of a nebulous form.
     In the  second to  last stage,  most of  the internal organs, now
unified, were solidified and started to function as normal.  There was
one heartbeat.   The  last of their old selves was eliminated into the
tank and washed away by the machines connected to it..
     Finally, the  skin around  them became  tight, taking  its  final
shape, and  started to insulate them from the nutrient solution in the
tank.   This was  the most  important step--  if it  wasn't  finished,
they'd die of infection or exposure when the tank was opened.  The new
body was hairless except on the head, and between the legs.  It wasn't
exactly as Jeffrey had designed.

                                Chapter 41
     A beeper  sounded in the Lab.  Deirdre, who had been watching the
clock, literally, for the last twenty minutes, already had her hand on
the tank's lid.  She waited about five seconds, and opened the tank.
     At first,  the glare  on the  surface of  the solution  prevented
Deirdre from  seeing anything at all.  Her friends' new body was still
submerged, lungs  full of  solution.   She waited over a minute before
Cheryl and Jeffrey coordinated themselves.
     A head  came bobbing  out of  the tank.   Liquid spurted from the
mouth; and  a  few  seconds  later,  it  was  coughing,  and  finally,
breathing.   A hand  reached up out of the solution.  Deirdre took it,
and helped  the person  out of the tank.  The person who left the tank
looked very  much like  Cheryl, but  was younger.  Deirdre looked into
the tank, to see if Jeffrey was inside.  The tank was empty.
     Cheryl looked  pale.   She  was  decidedly  skinny,  and  had  no
breasts.   The dark pubic hair between her legs prevented Deirdre from
seeing if anything was underneath.  She didn't say anything.  Clearly,
something was wrong.
     "Cheryl?"   she said  to herself.  She answered her own question,
     "Yes, Jeffrey,  I'm here."     Both had  the  same,  high-pitched
     Cheryl looked  at herself.   "Cheryl!   What  happened??    We're
     "You'll know  in a  few minutes,"  she answered herself.  She was
still dripping wet.
     Deirdre was concerned.  "You're both in there?  Two, not one?"
     Cheryl answered.  "Yes, for the moment.  I'll let Jeffrey talk."
     Deirdre shook her head as if she didn't get it. "W-what happened?
     "Yes?" squeaked  Cheryl.  "No, Jeffrey.  Try again.  You can make
your voice lower."  And, suddenly, it was.  "Like this?"
     Deirdre gave  Cheryl a  towel.   She started  to dry herself off.
"Your minds are separate?"
     Jeffrey's lower  voice answered.   "Only for the moment.  Once we
enter each other's minds we can't come back.  Cheryl, what did you do?
I have no... penis!"
     Cheryl's voice  was high-pitched  again.  "That's right, Jeffrey.
I changed us before we left.  It's the last surprise I could ever keep
from you."
     "You mean... We're a girl?" Jeffrey's voice asked.
     "You'll know in a minute.  Come on.  Let's get it over with."
     Jeffrey's voice answered.  "I thought you'd never ask.  But let's
have a  shake first.   You get it.  It's your body and you know how to
handle it."
     "No, silly, it's OUR body.  You know as much about it as I do."
     "Will you just drink a shake, please?  I'm hungry!"
     Cheryl walked  a few clumsy steps, picked up the shake, and drank
     "What are you doing?" asked Deirdre.
     Cheryl's voice  answered.   "Finishing what  we started, Deirdre.
We've got  to learn  the rest of everything about each other.  Then we
can stop talking to ourselves.  We'll be one.  I feel like-- he's here
with me  and we're  about to  make  love.    It's  so  exciting...  so
     "I am with you, Cheryl.  Come on inside."
     Cheryl sat  down on  a chair.   She  closed  her  eyes,  and  was
breathing deeply.
     She opened her eyes about four minutes later, and sighed once, as
if in ecstasy.  "It's done."
     "You mean Cheryl and Jeffrey are gone?" Deirdre asked.
     "Well, they're still here, kind of.  But we... or *I*... think as
one now.   I  can hardly  describe it.   I've learned so much about...
     "What happened to you?  I thought your body would have a... well,
you know, male parts."
     "Cheryl changed my body before we left."
     "But..." Deirdre  asked, "...How could she do that without asking
Jeffrey?  You both told me that you had agreed on a specific body, and
she made you into a female!"
     "She didn't  have to  ask Jeffrey.  She knew he'd agree.  And she
was right.  Remember?  She knew most of his thoughts.  It was the last
surprise she  could give  him.   We're  perfectly  content  this  way.
Besides, I'm not completely female."
     "Yeah... You don't have tits.  And you look kind of young."
     "I don't?  And I do?  I've got to see..."
     Deirdre gave her a mirror.
     "You're right.   The  changes Cheryl made took up more of us than
Jeffrey's plans  would have.  She made more changes, added more...   I
have some growing to do."
     Cheryl looked  between her  legs.  Deirdre looked too.  There was
what seemed to be the standard female genitals present.
     "I'm past puberty...  Maybe 14 or 15."
     "Then where's your tits?  You should have them by now."
     "Yes and no.  I don't have enough, yet, for them to show.  I have
to start eating to finish growing.  And..."
     Deirdre cut  her off.  "Here, drink this."  She handed Cheryl the
second of  the three  containers of milk-shake-like stuff that Jeffrey
had prepared.   Cheryl drank it, hungrily.  More color returned to her

                                Chapter 42
     Deirdre continued.    "What  happened  to  your  plans  of  being
     Cheryl answered.   "I  am, but in a different way.  Cheryl's idea
was very good."
     Cheryl put  a hand between her legs, feeling inside a bit.  "Yes.
Come here."  She stood up, and Deirdre walked over to her.
     "Feel.   Here.   Inside an  inch or  so,  in  back."    She  took
Deirdre's hand, and helped her get a finger inside.
     "I don't feel anything."
     Cheryl grabbed  Deirdre's hand, sliding it around a bit.  "There.
Feel that?"
     "A little depression...  No, it's like a slit inside.  I can push
on it... hey!"
     A smooth, slippery structure came from the opening, into Cheryl's
vagina, and  then pushed  Deirdre's finger  out.    It  extended  from
Cheryl's body,  wet and slippery.  It was stiff, and would have looked
exactly like  a penis,  only it  was smoother and had no foreskin.  It
extended from  her body  to the length of about seven or eight inches,
and as  it slid out, tilted upwards a bit.  Deirdre stood back, afraid
to touch  it.   Cheryl's voice  was much  lower, and  sounded,  again,
suspiciously like Jeffrey's.
     "It was  a good  idea.   Cheryl hid  the penis inside, behind the
vagina, and made it long enough to...  Well, you see."
     "That means you can do it either way, with someone else."
     "Well, if I did it right, I can do this, too..."
     The penis  slithered back  inside, disappearing.  Cheryl squeezed
her legs together.
     "Ahh...." she  sighed.   The penis  had extended  again, but this
time into  Cheryl's vagina  instead of out of it.  It could slide back
and forth  inside.   Any constriction outside the body would force the
penis in,  instead of  out.   She'd be able to, literally, have a good
time by  herself even  with pants  on.   Without even starting towards
orgasm (she was too tired anyway), the penis retracted and disappeared
once again.
     Of course,  Deirdre couldn't  see any  of this,  so Cheryl had to
explain it.  "It can go INTO me too.  We can have our own children, or
have one  with someone  else.  I can still ovulate voluntarily and can
start or  stop sperm production.  Cheryl thought ahead there-- because
binary contraception can't work on us (well, me) anymore."
     Deirdre understood.   "And  you've  done  one  very  good  thing,
Cheryl, Jeffrey.   You  not only have each other, forever, but you can
have anyone  else, male  or female.   There's twice as many people out
there for  you.  You can LOOK kind of male, and obviously can sound it
if you  like.   And you  could pass  for a  female with  the  voice...
except... where's the rest?"  Deirdre pointed at Cheryl's chest.
     Cheryl put  on the bottom half of the jogging suit.  "Give me the
next shake.  I'm hungry again.  We're going to do some hefty shopping,
because I'll  grow a year or two's worth in only a few months, and I'm
going to  have to  eat a  lot, or  I'll stop growing and it'll take me
five years before I look old enough."
     Deirdre handed her the next shake.  They weren't cold, and didn't
really have any ice cream in them.  Lots of carbohydrates and protein,
which Cheryl  would be able to pack away at amazing rates for the next
few months.   She  drank this  shake all  at once,  then panted  a few
     "Amazing", said Deirdre.
     "When I'm finished I'll be stronger than Jeffrey was."
     "Even more amazing", Deirdre replied.
     "Okay.   I should  have enough  now."  Cheryl took a deep breath.
Her breasts seemed to inflate, as though with air, but were heavy like
normal breasts were.  It took more than a few minutes for them to grow
to a moderate size.  They bounced, but didn't sag.
     "Good enough?"  Cheryl asked,  showing herself  off.  "I can make
them bigger.  I don't know if I can do it now, though."
     Deirdre, shaking  her head,  answered:   "No, no,  that's enough.
You'll make me jealous.  Are they permanent?"
     "No, I  can make  them disappear  again.  It will probably take a
     "Sounds like  you've got the reproduction business sewed up.  But
what would your children be like?"
     "Just like  me.   Even if  the other  parent is normal, the child
will still  have all this.  And their children too.  If we went to all
the work  to create  a terrific  body, I should be able to pass it on.
Besides what  you see, I fixed most everything else.  I can't get most
diseases, my bones are stronger, I have terrific eyesight and hearing,
and so on."
     Deirdre handed  Cheryl the  top of  the jogging  suit, which  fit
     "Come on... Next you'll be telling me that you'll live to 300."
     "Well, I guess I'll have to wait to see that one."
     Cheryl helped  Deirdre pack  everything  up,  and  clean  up  the
machine.  They giggled a lot.
     "We really did it, Deirdre... We really did it.  It wouldn't have
been possible without you.  You're terrific.  If Cheryl was a man, you
would have been her first choice."
     "Thanks..." said  Deirdre.   "It's been  fantastic  for  me  too.
You've shown  me, and  shared so  much.  You showed me the impossible.
Maybe, someday,  I'll get  to do  it too, if I have the guts. Oh-- you
ARE going to stay in the apartment, aren't you?"
     Cheryl laughed,  this time in the low, male voice.  They left the
building and headed for Deirdre's car.
     "Of course, Deirdre.  My name sounds so funny now.  I understood,
though, that  it was  easier to keep an existing identity.  After all,
*you* and *I* both know that I'm not only Cheryl.  And that's all that
matters.  Hey, if you're nice and feed me, we can..."
     They got into the car.  "What?" asked Deirdre.
     "Well, something that's much easier now that I'm in one body..."
     "What, Cheryl??"
     "I've got some equipment to try out and all this extra room in my
bed now, you know?"
     They both started laughing, and drove off towards home.

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From ucla-seas!ucla-cs!usc!rpi!!utgpu!utzoo!telly!erotica Mon Mar 25 04:50:23 PST 1991

Archive-name: bluebox/8

                                Chapter 43
     Cheryl and  Deirdre both  felt a  little  queasy  about  sleeping
together.   Before the original Cheryl had met Jeffrey, she had shared
several interesting  activities with  Deirdre, but  this was the first
time they had ever done it by themselves.  The fact that Cheryl wasn't
really Cheryl  anymore didn't  help too much.  She looked kind of male
now, but  not completely so.  Cheryl didn't really have an urgent need
to  lose  her  newly-gained  virginity,  and  so,  since  Deirdre  was
uncomfortable, she  didn't press the matter, and they each slept alone
that night.
     That  night,   Cheryl  discovered  some  disturbing  facts  about
herself.   She could  once again  be lonely,  kind of.    Jeffrey  was
inside; but since they were now one, there was nobody to talk to.  She
also found  that she  tended to  return to  a semi-female state if she
wasn't thinking  about it--  both physically  and mentally.   Cheryl's
contributions to  their new  sexuality had  somehow been stronger than
Jeffrey's.   She could  become a  man, enough  to pass for one in most
respects, but  it required  more concentration.   Being a woman seemed
somehow easier.   Jeffrey  was right.   The choice to use Cheryl's old
identity as  their new  combined identity  meant that they were not in
balance.   She could  forget, that  Cheryl and Jeffrey were together--
both inside,  and even  though  she  had  the  memories  of  Jeffrey's
boyhood, it  would be  all to  easy to  live the rest of her life as a
woman.   Those memories  of being male would fade, in time, if she did
so, as might any memory of Jeffrey himself.  She'd be Cheryl again and
life would return to normal, except for the physical differences.  She
might even forget that she DID have all the male parts inside...
     No.   Never.   She'd never forget.  She could be as much of a man
as she  wanted.   Maybe someday  she'd decide  to  remain  in  a  male
configuration, and then Cheryl would be forgotten...
     That was  reassuring.   The balance wasn't so bad after all.  She
would have  to work  out the rest of her life with this body, but that
could wait  until tommorrow.   She  was complete now-- two individuals
perfect for  each other,  now together  for eternity.  The empty space
inside had  been filled.  She was greater than all those other lonely,
separate souls  out there.  She could now tell the world...  There was
so much to say...
     Cheryl finally  fell off to sleep, dreaming of the events earlier
that evening...  of hatching  from an  egg after  having  been  joined
within the egg by her best friend.
     It was close to noon when she woke up.  She pulled the covers off
and looked  at herself.   No breasts, no penis.  Wet between the legs.
She must have had an erotic dream before waking.  Too bad she couldn't
remember  it.    She  looked  young  to  herself--  with  no  breasts,
     She got  up and  went to  the bathroom.   It  was quiet and sunny
outside-- it  was almost noontime on Thursday.  Walking to the closet,
she didn't know which of the two sliding doors to open-- with Cheryl's
clothes on one side and Jeffrey's on the other.  Undoubtedly they knew
that something  was wrong  at work now.  Deirdre was in the apartment,
having taken the day off.
     She slid open Cheryl's side of the closet.  A box on a shelf held
a few  clothes that  were too  small for Cheryl before, and should fit
her well now.  She put them on.  She had panties that fit, but no bra.
Then she  realized that she didn't need a bra.  She got one of her old
sweaters and  put it on.  Then, watching herself in a mirror, she took
a deep breath.  Her breasts swelled slowly, and when they looked about
right, she  stopped making  them grow.  She bounced up and down a bit.
Yup, nobody  would be  able to  tell she wasn't wearing a bra.  What a
pleasant difference!
     Deirdre didn't say much to Cheryl after Cheryl opened her bedroom
door and went out towards the kitchen area.  In fact, Deirdre was much
quieter than Cheryl expected.
     "Good morning, Deirdre", Cheryl said.
     "Is this  for me?"  Cheryl asked, pointing to a packet of oatmeal
sitting next to the thermal transfer unit.
     "Yup, left it for you."
     Cheryl threw  the plastic  packet into the thermal-transfer unit,
which looked  kind of  like the  old microwave  ovens,  but  was  much
larger, inside  and out.  TTU's, as they were called, were commonplace
now.   They worked  on an  interesting loophole  in the  Third Law  of
Thermodynamics, a  loophole which let you transfer thermal energy from
one  place  to  another  using  hardly  any  energy  in  the  process.
Basically,  you  could  take  two  objects  of  equal  mass  and  swap
temperatures.  A home-type TTU had two such masses inside the cabinet;
one cold  and one hot, with only a small electric circuit keeping them
that way.   Controls  on the front allowed you to instantly change the
temperature of  whatever was  inside-- heating OR cooling whatever you
wish to whatever temperature you wish.
     Cheryl closed  the door on the TTU and set the temperature of the
oatmeal at  95 degrees  Celsius, the  opened the door and took the hot
oatmeal out.  She ate it from the plastic bag.
     Finally, Deirdre was a little more talkative.
     "Sleep okay?"
     "Yes, fine," said Cheryl.  "How about you?"
     "Um... Are  you going to tell everyone what you've done?  I don't
think you should wait very long."
     "Yes, Deirdre.   Today.   I'll  drive to IDT and tell them there.
The media will want to talk to you also, so you should brush your hair
before you come along."
     "I DID  brush my  hair, Cheryl.   Oh, you're right.  Sorry.  I'll
go fix it again."

                                Chapter 44
     Deirdre had an unending supply of questions for Cheryl during the
trip to  work, which would be only a subset of what she would be asked
later.   Mostly, she wanted to know what it felt like.  Then she asked
Cheryl how she was planning to break the news to everyone else.
     "I don't  know, Deirdre.   I'll  play it by ear, I guess.  I know
the people at IDT twice as well as I did before, right?"
     "Guess you do," said Deirdre.
     Cheryl opened  the fingerprint-access  lock with  no problem (she
had copied  the original  Cheryl's fingerprints  for that reason).  It
was about  ten minutes before Cheryl and Jeffrey usually went to work.
They'd talk  to the  Boss himself, for that was the accepted procedure
for any  situation where  an employee  wasn't sure  who  to  talk  to.
Deirdre and  Cheryl walked  into his  office.   He had  a waiting room
outside, which was always impeccably clean.  A large monitor screen on
the far  wall had  the usual,  familiar words:   "The  Boss  is  busy.
Please state your name and business."
     Cheryl stood squarely in front of the display.  As she spoke, her
words appeared on the display.   "Cheryl Stillman.  Personal."
     The words  "Is this  OK?" appeared  below her name and message on
the display.  "Yes", Cheryl replied.  The display blinked "Please have
a seat"  for a  few seconds,  and then  switched to a local television
station which  was now  showing the morning version of the $25,000,000
     They sat  quietly, watching  the game  show for  at least  twenty
minutes before  the screen  went blank,  and then read "Please Enter."
Cheryl got up, coaxed Deirdre to her feet, and walked to the door just
as it slid open.
     "Come in,  Cheryl," the Boss told them.  "You're not Cheryl!  You
kind of LOOK like her, but she's older!  Who are you?"
     "I am Cheryl.  That's why I came here."
     Cheryl introduced  Deirdre to  the Boss.   They  both had a seat.
The Boss,  while in  his office,  seemed most  formidable.  The office
wasn't that  large, but  the Boss'  towering  presence  made  the  two
females (well,  one-and-a-half, at least) a bit uncomfortable.  Still,
the Boss  had a  great reputation  for  understanding  the  employees'
personal problems.
     "So, what's going on?  How did you get in here?" the Boss asked.
     "Mr. Dann-- it's about Jeffrey..."
     The Boss turned his eyes towards a display on his desk.  "Hmmm...
I noticed  that Landers  isn't here this morning.  What's wrong?  He's
not... sick, is he?"
     "No.  But he won't be here.  Or, in a sense, he already is.  It's
a long story."
     The Boss  got up  and sat on his desk in front of them.  "I think
you better  tell me."  He looked at Deirdre.  "That's not... he didn't
get a..."
     "No, Mr. Dann.  That's my roommate."
     "If I understood, Jeffrey was your roommate."
     "True, but  Deirdre was  my OTHER  roommate.  I brought her along
because she's the only other one who knows."
     "Relax.  You can tell me."
     Cheryl looked  at her feet, keeping her eyes off the Boss for the
duration of  her next  two sentences.   "I  know... I'm trying to tell
you.  I'm very different."
     "Intentionally?   Please go on..."
     "I better  start from  the beginning.  Quite a while ago, Jeffrey
introduced the  person YOU  know as  Cheryl me  to the  TA-12  Thought
Amplifier he  was working on.  We had great fun with it and... fell in
love.  Jeffrey built his own version of the Device, on his own time of
course, and we used it quite a bit."
     The Boss didn't seem upset, yet.  "And..."
     "Well, we  tried an  experiment with  it.  As a result, we became
tangled up inside each other, so much so that we couldn't exist in two
separate bodies.   I  have both  Cheryl  and  Jeffrey  inside.    It's
     The Boss  sat for  a second, then said:  "Let me understand.  You
and Jeffrey  somehow had  an accident  with the TA-12 and now he can't
come to work."
     Cheryl was short with him.  "No.  I look like Cheryl to you, kind
of.   But I'm  not.   I have all the components of the original Cheryl
and Jeffrey.  We are both sitting here in one body, together."
     "That's impossible,  Stillman.  The TA-12 can't manipulate matter
in the real world."
     "No, but the Genetic Modification Lab can."
     The Boss  stood up,  walked behind  his desk,  and fell  into his
chair.  "You mean that you-- and Jeffrey-- used the tank at once-- and
     "Together", replied Cheryl.
     "Incredible.   Of course it could work.   But you don't seem like
two people, Cheryl."
     "I'm not,  Mr. Dann.   Jeffrey and Cheryl are one.  I'm that one.
It's not like we're two people anymore."
     "And... What  inspired you to do this on your own, and made it so
urgent that you couldn't have told us?  What would have happened if it
didn't work?"
     "It WAS  urgent.   It was so painful to be separated after Cheryl
and Jeffrey  saw inside  each other.  And I didn't want anyone to know
just in the event that it didn't work.  IDT was not liable."
     "Hmmm..." said the Boss.  "Why don't you give me all the details.
Then we can decide what to do."
     Cheryl explained  everything, from  Jeffrey's programming  of the
Device, to the design and execution of the genetic changes themselves.
She couldn't help but sound excited, but the Boss failed to share that
     When she  finished, the  Boss called  several of  the  department
heads and  asked them to meet at 10:00 am in one of the meeting rooms.
Cheryl and Deirdre sat in the waiting room while the Boss handled some
other business,  then they  followed him  to the  meeting.   The  Boss
handed Deirdre  an  identification  badge  as  they  walked  down  the
     Cheryl explained  it all again in front of the supervisors at the
meeting.  These people were responsible, as a group, for many of IDT's
decisions, especially  those involving  problem-solving.    This  time
there were  many technical  questions for  Cheryl to answer, which she
did.   She hadn't  brought the cartridge with the design for her body,
and she felt a bit embarrassed when asked questions about her anatomy.
She explained  her design with a lot of euphemisms, and decided not to
mention the  cartridge-- the  cartridge that contained all the details
of her body.  That would be a REAL invasion of privacy!
     Finally, there  were a  few questions about how she felt now, and
what it was like to be "together".  She was very happy to answer those
questions.  It made some of the people present look envious, even.
     An agreement was reached to issue a press release immediately and
worry about how to make use of Cheryl and Jeffrey's "invention" later.
The Boss  asked that  Cheryl be  allowed to make final approval of the
press release, and that Cheryl and Deirdre would remain at IDT to talk
to reporters.   Cheryl  took Deirdre to the communications room, where
they could examine the press releases before they were transmitted.
     Reporters showed  up in  the late  afternoon.   They stayed until
well after  "quitting time",  along with  most of  IDT's employees who
were all  very excited  about what  had happened.  Deirdre, who hadn't
said a  word most  of the  day, was  most happy  to be  asked a lot of
questions about her soon-to-be-famous roommate.  At 9:00 that evening,
most of  IDT's staff  were still  around, waiting  to see  Cheryl  and
Deirdre on  the news.   It was the second story on the report, and the
longest one.   At  about 9:04  pm, the  world learned  about what  had
happened.   Just as  when Cheryl  had first  joined Jeffrey inside the
Device's world, things would never be the same again.

                                Chapter 45
     Cheryl and Deirdre went home right after seeing themselves on the
news.   The Boss  told Cheryl to take the next day off; and to show up
the next  day so  they  could  do  some  tests  on  her  and  document
everything for  the scientific  journals.   Cheryl figured  that there
would be more interviews and questions from the press, and that it was
her chance  to tell  everyone of  the benefits  of the invention.  Her
mind was racing with ideas...  Ideas that she could have, now, because
quite suddenly,  she had twice the knowledge she had before.  Problems
which somehow seemed insurmountable before, suddenly had answers.
     "Deirdre, I  got it!"  she shouted,  in the  car on the way home.
"Why didn't I think of it before??"
     "Got WHAT,  Cheryl?   Whatever it  is, I  know of  ONE reason you
didn't think of it before."
     "Oh, what's that?"
     "Come on, airhead!  You KNOW more things now than you did before.
Cheryl knew  half of  the stuff  needed for your idea, WHATEVER IT IS,
and Jeffrey knew the other..."
     "Yes, of  course.   Somehow it's  hard to remember that.  It just
seems like I never thought of it before and I can't tell why."
     "What IS it??"
     "A way  of solving the problem with the Device.  To eliminate the
air gap between the transmitter and the receiver with no feedback.  So
it will work better.  Technical stuff."
     Cheryl nodded.  Somehow it looked like this would be hard to live
     The next  morning, Cheryl stared at the frozen eggs that she made
for breakfast, while Deirdre ate hers.
     "Yes, Cheryl?"
     "How old do I look?"
     "I don't know.  Sixteen, seventeen, maybe.   Why?"
     "I'm not hungry."
     "What's that have to do with it?"
     "Deirdre, when was the last time I wasn't hungry?"
     "Last night.   You  didn't eat  much, you were excited over those
ideas you've been having."
     "No, I WAS hungry last night.  Before then?"
     "Come on,  Cheryl, you've  been pigging  out continously.  You've
said you were hungry ever since you came out of the tank."
     Cheryl continued staring at her plate.  "Exactly."
     "So what's wrong?  You've always liked eggs."
     "Yes, but I'm not hungry!"
     "So what??  Will you TELL me what's going on?"
     "Bad news,  I'm afraid.  I've been growing real fast the last few
days, right?"
     "Yup.  You looked older yesterday than the day before."
     "I think  I blew  it last  night.  I didn't eat right.  I stopped
     "Stopped growing??  Cheryl, that means..."
     "No, not  STOPPED...   The plan  was that I'd age more quickly as
long as the nutrients were available.  So when I got to the right age,
I could just skip a few meals, and then I'd be normal."
     "You mean--  if you're  sixteen now,  it will be TEN YEARS before
you're twenty-six again?"
     "I'm afraid so."
     "Don't sit there then!  Eat!"
     Cheryl tried to force down most of breakfast, but it didn't help.
     "Of course  you know,  Cheryl, people  would PAY you if you could
make them seventeen again."
     "Yes, Deirdre... but my body's not the proper age for ME!  I look
like I should be in high school."
     "Take a deep breath."
     Cheryl did.  Her breasts grew a bit.
     "That makes you look older."
     Cheryl picked  up her  dishes and  threw them  into the recycler.
She slumped against the counter, still upset.
     Deirdre got  up walked  over to  her.   Deirdre was  now slightly
taller than her, and gave her a hug.  "You're alright, kid."
     "Who are you calling a kid?"
     "Cheryl!  Stop it."
     Cheryl smiled  a bit.   Deirdre  made her  feel good...  She felt
like she could look up to her friend now, a real friend who had helped
her through many difficult times, and obviously cared for her.
     Later  in  the  day,  while  Deirdre  was  wandering  around  the
apartment with  little to  do after  having taken yet another day off,
Cheryl walked up to her and gave her another hug.
     "Deirdre, you've  been a  real friend.   I'm sorry for all you've
had to put up with."
     "Forget it,  Cheryl.   You've done  at  least  as  much  for  me.
Besides, I've got a famous roommate now."
     Then there  was silence  for a  moment.   Cheryl didn't let go of
Deirdre, and  it didn't  seem like  Deirdre was letting go either.  It
suddenly seemed like the situation was more than friendly.  Cheryl had
been waiting  for this  moment; Deirdre  figured it  would happen, but
wasn't expecting it this instant.
     Cheryl was  doing the right things to Deirdre, who squeezed her a
bit more tightly.  Cheryl felt funny; Jeffrey had felt a little guilty
when he  had made  love with  Deirdre  before,  and  Cheryl  a  little
jealous; and with those memories not only present but COMBINED, it was
hard to convince herself that it was alright now.
     Deirdre's resistance  weakened.   Of course,  THIS Cheryl had all
the knowledge of her weaknesses that Jeffrey did; and Jeffrey knew how
to treat  her.  And, unlike before, those energies were now focused on

                                Chapter 46
     Cheryl had  unleashed most  of the  seductive power  she had, and
suddenly felt  more masculine,  even though  her now-moist pussy would
have reminded  her otherwise.   She  felt Deirdre melt, and was unsure
whether she should proceed, Deirdre no longer making up her own mind.
     When Deirdre  realized what  was happening,  she had already been
half-undressed.   She was  wet between the legs, and suddenly realized
why.   Cheryl seemed  to have  her mind  set on  this, and  was  half-
undressed too, and had one hand on Deirdre's chest, the other about to
remove her bra.
     Deirdre's awareness  was only  momentary.  Her bra fell away, and
Cheryl's touch  on her  nipples sent  her back  into a  quiet,  dreamy
state.   Cheryl removed  Deirdre's panties,  and the  rest of  her own
clothes.  She wasn't going to give Deirdre another chance to stop her.
She would  have Deirdre now, and prove once and for all that she could
get what she wanted.
     But Deirdre  did get one more chance, and now found herself lying
on the  floor with Cheryl next to her, with one hand between Deirdre's
legs, trying  to keep her aroused and unable to stop Cheryl's actions.
Deirdre tried  to sit  up, and  fell back  again.   This  time  Cheryl
wrapped one  arm around  her.   She kissed Deirdre, her tongue quickly
exploring Deirdre's familiar (of course, Jeffrey did it before) mouth.
Deirdre  kept  her  tongue  in  her  own  mouth,  which  Cheryl  found
     Cheryl's breasts  were now  barely visible.   She  had done  that
intentionally, to  ease Deirdre's fears and make it seem a little more
like she  was with Jeffrey, and not a female roommate, because at this
moment, she wasn't.
     Deirdre rolled  over  onto  her  back,  legs  squeezed  together.
Cheryl climbed  on top  of her,  running her fingers through Deirdre's
hair, and  kissing her  lightly.   Deirdre was  nearly motionless, and
totally silent.   Cheryl  kept it  up, lying  flat on  top of Deirdre,
trying to  keep her  excited and relax her a bit.  Jeffrey appreciated
the weight on top of him; Deirdre probably did too.  Having an active,
naked body  lying on  top of you was exciting and made you feel secure
somehow...  But Deirdre wasn't participating like she did with Jeffrey
before.  She wasn't resisting, but wasn't making life easier.
     Cheryl's voice  was low  again.   It wasn't very low, not even as
low as Jeffrey's was before, but it didn't sound quite as feminine.
     "Relax yourself,  Deirdre.  I know you want this as much as I do.
It'll be easier after we've done it once."  Of course, Deirdre usually
felt more  comfortable in  a sexual  situation than  Cheryl did; which
made this  circumstance more  unnerving.   Cheryl herself was slipping
out of her aroused state; and considered giving up on it.
     Deirdre finally  spoke.   "The voice  won't help  you, Cheryl.  I
don't care  whether you  sound male OR female.  You don't have to play
that game with me."
     Cheryl understood.   She  was taking  advantage of abilities that
Deirdre didn't have, in order to seduce her roommate; Deirdre resented
     "Don't listen  to my  voice, Deirdre.   Listen  to  my  feelings.
Listen to  yours."   The voice  still had  a low  pitch; Cheryl didn't
bother changing it.
     Deirdre didn't respond.
     Okay, then, one last chance.  Cheryl propped herself up, with her
weight on  her hands  and on  Deirdre's pelvis.    Suddenly,  she  was
playful, licking  the tip  of Deirdre's  nose.    Cheryl's  weight  on
Deirdre's pelvis made Deirdre warm inside.
     It worked.   Deirdre  was playful  too.  "You can't have me," she
said, giggling.
     "And why not?" Cheryl asked with some insolence.
     "I hardly know you!" Deirdre answered, eyes closed, giggling.
     "You always lie on the floor naked with people you don't know?"
     "That was your fault.  I didn't do that."
     "Will you do THIS?"  Cheryl kissed Deirdre's nose.
     "Uh huh", answered Deirdre.
     "Or this?" Cheryl said before kissing her on the lips.
     "I don't mind that..."
     "Or... this?"  Cheryl played with Deirdre's breasts.
     Cheryl lay  down again, clasping Deirdre, who in turn wrapped her
arms around Cheryl.
     "Then you won't mind... this..."
     Cheryl pushed  a bit.   Deirdre  felt something  wet between  her
thighs, poking  up towards  her pelvis,  sliding between her legs.  It
pressed  against  the  lips  of  her  pussy,  Cheryl  shifting  around
slightly.   It was  warm.   It slid  down a  bit, suddenly finding the
opening into  Deirdre's body,  and  the  tip  of  it  slipped  inside.
Deirdre suddenly  opened her  eyes to discover that Cheryl's eyes were
closed.  She had gotten what she wanted.
     Cheryl, now holding on to Deirdre and remaining motionless to the
outside world,  pushed quite  a bit.   The penis slid out of her body,
and pushed  its way  into Deirdre.   Cheryl kept pushing until she had
reached the other end of Deirdre's vagina, and was fully inside.  Then
her penis  grew in  diameter, stretching  Deirdre as  her blood flowed
into it.   Deirdre  felt the  emptiness being filled.  She held Cheryl
tightly, and squeezed her muscles.  Cheryl felt it.
     "Do that again..." Cheryl said, whispering.
     Deirdre squeezed again.  "Like this?"
     Cheryl had  to share  her past  experience.   "We used to do that
with each  other all  the time.   I  remember when you were sitting on
Jeffrey's face... and when you came in while we were making love..."
     "You mean YOU two before you..."
     "Right.  We sent these little messages back and forth to let each
other know  everything was  okay.   Like this."  Cheryl's penis grew a
bit as she contracted muscles inside her body.
     Deirdre felt it.  "Neat..."
     "Nobody except us, now, can tell it's happening."
     Deirdre squeezed again.  Everything WAS okay.
     Cheryl started  sliding back  and  forth  now.    This  was  much
different than  it ever was before; she could not only feel the depths
of Deirdre's body, but felt Deirdre's crotch and her own penis sliding
against her  own parts.  She pressed her pussy's lips to Deirdre's for
a moment, then carried on as any other male might.
     Deirdre moaned.  Cheryl was panting, but otherwise silent.
     Cheryl knew  instantly when Deirdre starting her orgasm.  Deirdre
stopped  moving   and  squeezed   Cheryl  tightly,  pressing  Cheryl's
featureless chest  against her own breasts, and tightening the muscles
between her  legs involuntarily.   Cheryl  pushed deep  inside at that
same instant.   Then  she came  also, squirting  a clear liquid (which
really had  no function  now) into Deirdre.  Muscles inside her pumped
the liquid  for ten  or fifteen  seconds...  Then she collapsed, penis
still inside.

                                Chapter 47
     Five minutes  later,   getting a  little restless, Cheryl got up.
She loved  the sudden  release from  the sexual  frustration; as if an
immense fog  of passion had lifted, and she could think clearly, freed
for the  moment from  the cajoling  of her  own hormones.   Her  long,
somewhat deflated  penis felt cooler to Deirdre as it slithered out of
her tired, wet body, and across her legs.  As Cheryl started standing,
the penis  started to disappear within her.  It was wet inside Cheryl;
partially an  oversight in the design, partially to allow the penis an
easy trip  back into  its hidden resting place behind her vagina.  The
wetness was  kind of  annoying, since before now it was one thing that
didn't later bother an ordinary male.
     Deirdre lay  there for  another minute  or two,  and then got up.
"Now look  who comes  more!", she  announced, pointing  to  the  clear
liquid that  was now  dripping from  her, down  her legs, while Cheryl
wiped just a small bit of moisture from herself.
     "No fair, roomie.  That's mine too," Cheryl replied.
     "You mean you actually CAME inside me?  I don't know if..."
     "Relax.  No sperm, hopefully.  I didn't turn it on."
     "What do  you mean  'HOPEFULLY', lover?   I  said  I  liked  your
design, but that didn't mean I want to help reproduce it now."
     "Don't you have a general contraceptive working?"
     "Expires today.  But that's not the point.  Who knows if it works
against your gene structure?"
     "Good question.  Let me look..."
     Cheryl looked  between Deirdre's legs, saw that the fluid was, in
fact, clear,  and told this fact to Deirdre, who was satisfied at that
     "Tell me,"  she said as started to clean herself up, "just HOW DO
you turn it on and off?"
     "It's all  voluntary.  I pump one muscle long enough, supposedly,
and sperm production starts, at which point I'm dangerous for a couple
days.   I squeeze something inside--" she pointed just above her belly
button-- " ... and hold it for a minute or two, and I'll ovulate.
     "What happens after you ovulate?"
     "Well, after a couple of days I can be fertilized."
     "If that doesn't happen?"
     "Then it's  just like you.  I menstruate.  But just once unless I
decide to ovulate again."
     "Can you feel it--- when you ovulate?"
     "Supposedly... I put nerve endings so I'd feel it when the egg is
released.  But I haven't tried it."
     Deirdre was sitting on the couch, and Cheryl went over and sat in
her lap.
     "You're good, kid.  Real good.", Deirdre said, smiling.
     "Stop calling me a kid!"
     "Alright...   After all,  you didn't make love like a kid... Even
if you do look like one."
     "I do not!"
     "You do now!"
     "Look, Deirdre..."   Cheryl  took a  deep breath,  held  it,  and
     "Yes, squirt?"
     Cheryl bared  her teeth,  then swiveled  around suddenly.   There
were breasts  there now.  They were larger than Deirdre's already, and
still growing.
     "I'm not a kid!" squealed Cheryl.
     "Alright! Alright!   I  won't tease you anymore.  Stop before you
embarrass me, or blow up or something."
     Cheryl smiled a tiny smile.
     There was  a knock at the door.  Several knocks, followed by some
voices.  "Is Cheryl Stillman here?  It's the Video News..." "...Herald
Time Newsmonth..." all garbled together.
     Deirdre jumped  up, and  Cheryl  fell  backwards  to  the  floor.
Deirdre grabbed  her clothes  and started dressing.  Cheryl ran to the
window, and  upon opening  the curtain,  saw several  news-crew trucks
parked in  the lot  across the  street,  along  with  a  small  crowd.
Someone pointed  at the window, and Cheryl threw the curtains shut and
stumbled to  her room  to get  her clothes.   "Just a minute!" Deirdre
yelled towards the door.
     Cheryl, whose  body was  still wet  with  perspiration  from  her
previous activity,  grabbed a towel to dry some of it off, and dressed
quickly.   There was  a wet  spot on the floor that she'd have trouble
explaining.  No, they wouldn't ask that.  She turned the air exchanger
up so that the sexual scents they had left would disappear.
     Deirdre was  dressed and at the door.  Cheryl hadn't even put her
panties on yet, so (with the central area free of underwear now), went
into her  room and closed the door.  She locked it, which would be the
first time ever that she ever had locked that door.
     She dressed  in a minute so as to look somewhat presentable.  Her
breasts were  too large,  still, which she noticed as she tried to put
on the  shirt she  wore earlier; it would take a minute or two for her
form to  shrink to  the size  she had before.  She'd have to look just
right; normal  enough not  to shock anyone, but not quite so female as
to make  the story  unbelievable; of  course, she  wouldn't be able to
prove anything to the press.
     She brushed  her hair, and opened the door.  The room was full of
people; actually  it looked  like  only  two  news  crews  and  a  few
reporters.   The rest  were people  from the building; mostly friends,
but a  few people  who lived  there that Cheryl and Deirdre had hardly
ever seen.
     They had  all sorts  of questions  for her;  questions  that  she
hadn't been  prepared to  answer, but even under the pressure was able
to.   Most of  them  weren't  about  HER,  but  instead  how  the  two
inventions she  had used would affect everyone else.  Would two lovers
ANYWHERE who wished to combine their bodies be able to do so?   Cheryl
couldn't answer  that, saying that the use of the tank would of course
be up  to IDT,  and a  number of safety tests would have to be done to
approve it  for the  general public.  What about the Device?  How does
it work?  What can we use it for?  What about illicit uses of it?
     Those last questions were the ones that Cheryl could best answer.
She described what the machine did, and offered to take some reporters
on a  "tour" of  its capabilites  after she  was finished with the IDT
testing.   She had  to tell them of one of the best uses of the device
so far...
     "I'd like  to see  it used  in hospitals, for critically injured,
disabled, or  paralyzed individuals.  Because it communicates directly
with your  mind, a subject can forget about physical problems and pass
the time in a MUCH more enjoyable way than by lying in a hospital bed.
And while  the patient is on this voyage, the body is being taken care
of by  the medical  crews who  don't have  to worry  about the patient
doing something  that might hurt himself.  The patient would return to
find himself  all fixed  up...  Or, if he can't be fixed up, he'd be a
lot better off than in the REAL world."
     That brought  about momentary silence, followed by more noise and
a few people asking where the phone was.
     Cheryl had  a few  more things  she had  to say.  "Someone can do
things that  are impossible  in real life.  We can use it for testing,
training, therapy, or just plain entertainment."
     "As for the genetic modification lab...  Sure, it might be a cure
for cancer, or other diseases, or whatever.  But the fact that you get
to JOIN  someone PERMANENTLY  is worth  much more,  or at least it has
been to me, than those other changes."

                                Chapter 48
     Cheryl was  discovering, rather quickly, that with all of Jeffrey
and the original Cheryl inside, that having only one body between them
was a  bit of  a problem.   With  only two  hands and  one mouth,  she
couldn't get her ideas to work as quickly as she thought of them.  She
had completed  the tests  that IDT  administered to  her, though  they
wouldn't tell her what they were looking for or what they found.  They
took lots of pictures, one skin sample, gave her a battery of physical
and mental  tests, and  even had  her talk  to a  psychologist for  an
afternoon.   She cooperated  with everyone,  figuring there  had to be
some useful purpose to it all.
     IDT let  her work on her own projects.  IDT wanted the license to
the Device; in return, they'd provide the facilities for whatever else
she decided  to spend  time on.   Her first project was to build a new
Device, the  one she  thought up  on the way to IDT with Deirdre a few
days ago.   This  one didn't  get its  signals through  the  air;  but
instead, the  participants wore  a plastic "collar" which plugged into
the device  itself.  The collar could intercept signals from the brain
with far  less trouble  than  the  indirect  receiver  did.    It  had
connectors for  external devices  (like a  recording device).    While
various government agencies worked to approve that device for use, she
worked on the accessories for it.  Within a month she had finished two
inventions:   First was an audio/video interface, which let you record
music and/or images that you simply imagined in your head.  The second
was a  communicator-- a  device which  clipped to one's belt and could
transmit  thoughts   to  another   person  also   so  equipped.    The
communicator didn't  recieve agency approval right away; but the other
devices were put into production.  The first of them would be used for
therapy, and  it wasn't  for another  year or so that people could use
them for  recreational purposes.   Meanwhile,  Cheryl went  on to work
with the Genetic Modification people to see how that could be used.  A
number of willing volunteers went through the same process that Cheryl
and Jeffrey  had; Cheryl  was no  longer unique  in that respect.  The
government clamped  down on  Genetic  Modifications  without  specific
approval, fearing that with the tank, one man and one woman could turn
themselves into  a race  which could exterminate the rest of humanity.
They would approve specific biological designs on an individual basis;
a lengthy  process full  of  red  tape.    Only  a  tiny  fraction  of
applicants would live long enough to have that dream come true.
     Deirdre had  become famous  too-- though  she was  still known by
most as  "Cheryl's Roommate",  she had a growing business all her own.
Cheryl had given the idea for the elastic-crotch pants to Deirdre, who
patented it,  and the  pants couldn't  be manufactured  fast enough to
keep up  with the demand.  What made Deirdre really happy, though, was
that she  had found  a real boyfriend for herself, and in fact planned
to get married.
     Cheryl  seemed  too  busy  to  think  about  Deirdre's  impending
marriage.   Cheryl herself  had no  boyfriend (nor girlfriend, really,
now).   Success hadn't  treated her  very well  in that  respect.  She
didn't feel  upset at  all, until  about a  month before  Deirdre  was
leaving.   Cheryl had  gone on a few dates.  It seemed that the people
she went  out with  didn't like the fact that Cheryl could date people
of both  sexes; though,  in fact,  she had developed far too much of a
female physique to really look like a man.  She could appear as an 18-
year-old female,  or look  ambiguous, but was never a convincing male.
For that  reason all  but one  date she had was male.  She didn't like
it; she felt that only half of her talents were being used.  There was
one male  who Cheryl felt comfortable with, enough to sleep with.  But
Cheryl felt  constrained; he wanted a FEMALE, and one night, as Cheryl
was telling him how he really made her feel feminine, he told her that
he wished  she'd never be anything else.  Cheryl resented that so much
that she broke up with him right then, never seeing him again.
     A week  before the  apartment  lease  expired,  Deirdre,  in  the
apartment to  pick up  some of  her things,  heard some  panting  from
Cheryl's room.   Figuring that Cheryl had aroused herself, and wanting
to join her, Deirdre slipped into her room with a grin on her face, as
she unbuttoned her top.
     Cheryl was  lying on her bed, undressed and on top of the covers,
with her legs squeezed together.  Her eyes were closed, and she didn't
hear Deirdre  enter.   Deirdre planned  to surprise her one last time,
pouncing on her and letting Cheryl share herself... but as Deirdre was
about to  climb on  the bed, Cheryl suddenly went tense, then relaxed.
Her orgasm  was over; Deirdre missed it.  She heard a sucking sound as
Cheryl's penis disappeared from inside herself.
     Cheryl opened  her eyes, and saw Deirdre, half-undressed, sitting
next to her.
     "Darn, I  thought I'd  surprise you.   Is  it too  late?" Deirdre
     "Deirdre!  Thanks for thinking of me.  No, I can't."
     Deirdre ran  her hands through Cheryl's pubic hair, as if to coax
Cheryl's penis out.  "Why not?"
     "I'm dangerous.  You don't want to get pregnant."
     "Pregnant?   No thanks,  I'll leave  that to Robert.  Why are you
dangerous?  Turn on the sperm just so I can't have you?"
     "No.  I didn't expect you."
     "Obviously not.  You know, we still don't know if SBC's and stuff
work on you."
     Cheryl looked dead serious.  "I ovulated a couple of days ago."
     "What??   Cheryl, why?   You  know...   Wait a minute!  You could
make yourself..."
     "Pregnant," Cheryl concluded.  "That's what I wanted to do.  I'll
probably be  pregnant in  just a  few minutes,  once the sperm find my
     "You're going to have a baby?"
     "That's the general idea for pregnancy, isn't it?"
     "Cheryl... I don't believe it...  You, a mother..."
     "Father too.  Staying over tonight?"
     "I guess I might as well.  Geez, Cheryl, I never figured..."
     Cheryl and Deirdre talked with each other until they finally fell
     The next morning, they had breakfast together.  As Cheryl ate her
potatoes, Deirdre  noticed that  Cheryl's breasts, formerly invisible,
were growing.  That never happened when Cheryl wasn't paying attention
to them.
     "Cheryl, your tits..."
     Cheryl looked  down at  them.   She HADN'T done it intentionally...

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