Koensayr Y-Wing Starfighter --------------------- The Rebel Alliance has lost more of its rugged Y-wing fighter-bombers than any other spacecraft. This undesirable record is not due to any deficiency in the vehicle, but to the simple fact that the Rebels have flown more Y-wings into battle than any other starfighter. They bore the brunt of all the Alliance's early space battles. No longer as fast, maneuverable, or heavily armed as other starfighters, the Y-wing remains a potent craft able to endure and deliver tremendous punishment. The Alliance maintains two standard versions of the Y-wing, the single seat BTL-A4 and the two seat BTL-S3. Both carry identical weapons. Two Taim & Bak IX-4 laser cannons fire from internal mounts in the nose, bore-sighted to the flight path. These short-barreled lasers draw power from a single Novaldex generator at the rear of the central spar. Shielded power lines run along the outside of the spar forward to the cockpit module. When fired together, the cannons generate an impressive parallel pulse. For attacking heavily-armored targets, Y-wings carry two Arakyrd flex tube proton torpedo launchers. One launcher lies within a weapons bay on each side of the cockpit module. When the pilot or weapons officer activates the launchers, armored doors slide open to expose them. A central magazine feeds both launchers so either can fire the full load of eight torpedoes if necessary. Ground crews can swiftly and easily reload torpedoes by replacing the entire magazine, which form-locks into the bottom of the hull. A pivot mount at the back of the cockpit holds a twin barrelled light ion cannon. In the BTL-A4, a single seat Y-wing, a targeting computer was supposed to aim and fire the ion cannon. However, the computer's performance was so poor during production trials that it was removed. Now, single-seat Y-wings fire their ion cannons from a fixed position only. However, pilots set the firing position before each flight. Most pilots aim the cannon straight ahead for simplicity, but some choose to aim the cannon straight back. Koensayr equipped all Y-wings with an astromech droid socked about a third of the way back along the central spar. When in place, the droid, usually an R2 or R4 unit, connects directly to the fighter's central circuit matrix and monitors all flight, engine, and power systems. By regulating fluctuations and surges and adjusting trim controls, the droid provides a smoother flight and frees the pilot to concentrate on other, less mundane tasks. If anything malfunctions or the Y-wing sustains damage, the flight computer alerts the pilot and droid. If the pilot is too busy, the droid responds as needed, by engaging the fire extinguishers built into the engines or shutting down power-draining systems. The droid can also reroute circuitry to restore lost control, restart shorted equipment, and make fairly extensive repairs with remote servos and hydraulic actuators. Like most Rebel starfighters the Y-wing makes hyperspace jumps, but doesn't carry a powerful enough navigation computer to fully calculate the necessary course vectors and power settings. An R2 unit, however, can store the necessary data and make the final adjustments for 10 jumps. The simpler R4 droids can handly only a single jump safely, so they are seldom used for hyperspace travel. Two large Koensayr Ion Jet engines drive the Y-wing at sublight speeds. The engines are attached to either end of a cross wing at the rear of the central spar. Four strong pylons extend behind each engine to support disk vectrals in the exhaust path. The vectrals scatter and dissipate hot engine emissions to reduce the Y-wing's sensor signature. The vectrals also serve as steering thrusters by deflecting engine thrust. Even with the vectrals, the Y-wing's agility is mediocre compared with other starfighters. In emergencies, pilots can close the vectrals to reverse thrust the engines; such a stunt usually works only once, burning off the vectrals and their support pylons in the process. The engines power the deflector shields, which emanate from generators along the cross wing and central spar. The crew can angle the shields for maximum protection, or to cover a gap left by a damaged or destroyed shield generator. The Y-wing's shields are quite strong, but once penetrated, the exposed equipment on the wing and spar is easily cut to pieces. Two curved domes, one in front of each engine, cover the Y-wing's dual sensor arrays. Both domes hold duplicate active and passive sensor packages, the Fabritech ANx-y. Engine vibrations often throw the antennas out of alignment so the sensors seldom work at full potential. The passive sensors are particularly affected by engine vibrations. Skilled weapons officers can adjust the sensors in flight, but pilots in single seat Y-wings must make do with reduced information. Sensor misalignment is particularly problematic when detecting targets at long range; within normal weapon range, the active targeting sensors are seldom affected. A single canopy encloses the cockpit. Large flat armored transparisteel plates give the crew all-around visibility, but greatly restrict vision above and below the fighter. Many crews install cameras to cover those areas. Both crew members sit in armored crash-worthy Koensayr ballistic ejection seats. In the BTL-S3, either the pilot or the weapons officer can fire the ejection seat, but doing so launches both seats. The Rebel Alliance intelligence network uses several Y-wings as long-range couriers because of their small size and fast speed. The intelligence service ships have been somewhat modified; the light ion cannons have been stripped out to make room for baggage. A special canopy, split in the middle, lets the passenger jump in or out during a brief touchdown. Reportedly, some passengers have even bailed out at high altitude and paraglided down planetside! These customized Y-wings are so rare they do not have a separate designation. Three repulsorlift thrusters float the fighter off its landing gear for movement in the tight confines of hangers and bases. These repulsors operate only with the landing gear down. On the ground, the pilot controls the repulsors with a tiny joystick located under the left canopy edge. A duplicate control under the nose lets ground crewman direct the fighter while walking along beside it. -- The Y-wing is perhaps the most versatile of all Rebel starfighters. With slight modifications or different model configurations, this ship is capable of handling virtually any mission. This flexibility is a valuable asset to the Rebellion, since they cannot afford to invest in many specialized ships. (The highly specialized A- and B-wing fighters are produced in quite limited numbers.) The Alliance employs two basic Y-wing models, the BTL-A4 and the BTL-S3. The S3 is the two-man variant. It has superior shields to the A4, as well as better accuracy with its ion cannon (directly controlled by the gunner). The Y-Wing fighter-bomber was the mainstay of the Rebel fleet for many years and probably the Old Republic fleet before that. Hundreds of Y-Wings were produced during that time, and are still in wide use today. A well-rounded fighter, the Y-Wing makes up for it's poor speed with strong shields and heavy armnament. -- The Y-wing was adopted at the inception of the Rebel Alliance, and due to its versatility remains popular despite its old, almost outdated design. The ships are appreciated because parts for them are much more readily available than limited run ships, such as A- and B- wing starfighters. -- The Y-Wing was the heavy bomber for the Alliance. It has now been all but replaced by the B-Wing, and is rarely used by the Republic. Except for the B-Wing, the Y-Wing can still outgun any starfighter in the Fleet. Armed with a pair of laser cannons and another pair of ion cannons, it also packs eight proton torpedoes, which can deliver quite a punch. Although slow and unmaneuverable, it has enough shielding and armor to keep most pilots live long enough to carry out their mission. However, old technology has grounded this fighter. Only pirate and smuggler groups use the Y-Wing on a large scale now. -- Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-wing Attack Starfighter The Y-wing is an older design, predating the X-wing and TIE/In by several years. These fighters have a reputation for durability, and are in use ar countless Rebel bases. Their limitations were made abundantly clear at the Battle of Yavin: only one fighter from Gold Squadrron survived the battle. The Y-wing is easily recognized by its distinctive narrow central hull section and the two large engines set far away from the body. Before the superior X-wing was introduced, Y-wings were the flagship fighters of the Rebel Alliance. The played a prominent role in the Battle of Vnas at Duro and the First Battle of Ord Biniir. Rebel Alliance Y-wings saved thousands of lives by holding off Imperial TIE bombers during the Siege of Ank Ki'Shor. Two Squadrons of Y-wings were used at the Battle of Yavin, Where the first Death Star was destroyed. As the Alliance gets more X-wings, Y-wing fighters are increasingly being shifted to outlying Rebel locations, and are more often being used for raids on Imperial convoys, rather than engagements with TIE fighters. The Y-wing is a multipurpose vessel with a secondary mission profile as a light bomber. Y-wings are devastating in close-quarters combat, where their durability allows them to withstand several blasts. It isn't uncommon for a Y-wing to be stripped down for assault runs against Iperial convoys, only to be refitted for a heavy bombing attack on an Imperial base just days later. Y-wings also are used on diplomatic escort missions, while the BTL-A4 Y-wing (LP), or Longprobe, has extra provisions and more powerful sensors for long-range patrol duty. The Y-wing has three main components. The forward cockpit module is armored and houses the pilot's station and the weapons systems. A reinforced central spar stretches back from the cockpit module; the Y-wing's Novaldex power generator and Koensayr R300-H hyperdrive unit are crammed into this narrow frame. A cross-wing houses the Thiodyne O3-R cryogenic power cells, with two powerful Koensayr R200 ion jet sublight drives on either end of the cross-wing. Twin Fabritech ANx-y long-range sensor array and targeting computer located between the laser cannons on the nose of the ship. The pilot controls a pair of Taim and Bak IX4 laser cannons and twin Arakyd Flex Tube proton-torpedos launchers; a magazine of eight torpedoes can be fired from either launcher. In the BTL-S3, the most common Y-wing configuration, and ArMek SW-4 ion cannon turret sits directly behind the pilot and is normally handled by a weapons officer. The pilot, with the ion fixed directly fore or aft, to discourage close pursuit. As in the X-wing, an R2 or R4 astromech droid fits snugly into the droid socket behind the cockpit and monitors all flight, navigation, and power systems. The droid also can handle fire control, perform in-flight maintenance, reroute power as needed, and stores hyperspace jump coordinates. * Alternate configurations may mount Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons ** Combines Fabritech ANs-5d unit with long-range PTDA #PA-9r and short-range PTAG #PG-7u units *** Combines Fabritech ANc-2.7 tracking computer and SI 5g7 "Quickscan" vector-imaging system -- The Y-Wing fighter The Y-Wing fighter was the mainstay of the rebellion almost from its inception, profiding somewhat disorganised flight groups of the time with a versatile craft with which to fight the empire. The Y-Wings low speed is compensatrd by its strong shields, hyperspace capabilty and heavy load of varied weaponry; when flown in large numbers can stand up to nearly any type of small craft. The Rebellion has lost more Y-wings than any other craft, because of their great numbers in the rebel fleet. Until the recent B-wing fighter, the Y-wing was the only attack craft used by the rebellion with an ion cannon system. Unlike normal lasers the Ion cannon doesn't destroy the enemy craft. The Ion cannon interfers with a ships electrical systems causing a power failure, paralising the enemy craft. This was an important weapon for the rebellion, it abled them to disable imperial cargo frieghters withou damage thier drive systems or contents. Many imperial weeapons fell to the rebels this way. There are two models of Y-wings. The S3 model holds two crew and an astromech droid. One of the crew members are the pilot and the other operates the Ion Cannon. This model is used when pin point accuracy is required with the Ion cannon. The A4 model which is better equiped for deep-space, long endurance flights. It's advanced hyperdrive computer, deperate from the smaller pre-set unit within the astromech droid, gives the A4 model unlimited hyperjump calculation capability. The pilots of the A4 model lock their Ion Cannon into one position before lift off. Usually zero-forward, although some pilots prefer their cannons dead aft for use against pursuing craft. -- -- The Alliance maintains two standard versions of the Y-wing, the single seat BTL-A4 and the two seat BTL-S3. In the BTL-A4, a single seat Y-wing, a targeting computer was supposed to aim and fire the ion cannon. However, the computer's performance was so poor during production trials that it was removed. Now, single-seat Y-wings fire their ion cannons from a fixed position only. However, pilots set the firing position before each flight. Most pilots aim the cannon straight ahead for simplicity, but some choose to aim the cannon straight back. The Alliance employs two basic Y-wing models, the BTL-A4 and the BTL-S3. The S3 is the two-man variant. It has superior shields to the A4, as well as better accuracy with its ion cannon (directly controlled by the gunner). The A4 model which is better equiped for deep-space, long endurance flights. It's advanced hyperdrive computer, deperate from the smaller pre-set unit within the astromech droid, gives the A4 model unlimited hyperjump calculation capability. The pilots of the A4 model lock their Ion Cannon into one position before lift off. Usually zero-forward, although some pilots prefer their cannons dead aft for use against pursuing craft. -- --------------- Specifications: Name Y-Wing Model BTL-A4 Y-Wing Combat Designation Long Range Fighter/Bomber Designer/Manufacturer Koensayr Scale Starfighter Length 16 meters (20 meters?) Crew 1 pilot and 1 astromech droid Cargo Capacity ? Cost ? Power System Thiodyne O3-R cryogenic power cells and ionization reactor Propulsion Engines Two Koensayr R200 ion fission engines rated at 250 KTU Speed Rating 80 MGLT (1,000 km/h in atmosphere) Flight Control Systems Subpro NH-7 flight control avionics package Maneuverability Rating 50 DPF Navigation Astromech droid, usually R2 (or R4) unit Hyperdrive Koensayr R300-H motivator unit Sensor Systems Fabritech ANs-5d unit with one long range Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u (PG-9o?) Targeting Computer Fabritech ANc-2.7 tracking computer and SI 5g7 "Quickscan" vector imaging system Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or fire linked) Two ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannons (single fire or fire linked) (set to either fore or aft fixed position) Two Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each) Shields/Armor Forward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields (rated at 75 SBD) Titanium reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU) ------------ Name Y-Wing Model BTL-S3 Y-Wing Combat Designation Attack starfighter Designer/Manufacturer Koensayr Scale Starfighter Length 16 meters Crew 1 pilot, 1 gunner and 1 astromech droid Cargo Capacity 110 kilograms, 1 week of consumables Cost 135,000 (new), 65,000 (used) Power System Thiodyne O3-R cryogenic power cells and ionization reactor Propulsion Engines Two Koensayr R200 ion fission engines rated at 250 KTU Speed Rating 80 MGLT (1,000 km/h in atmosphere) Flight Control Systems Subpro NH-7 flight control avionics package Maneuverability Rating 50 DPF Navigation Astromech droid, usually R2 unit Hyperdrive Koensayr R300-H motivator unit Sensor Systems Fabritech ANs-5d unit with one long range Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u (PG-9o?) Targeting Computer Fabritech ANc-2.7 tracking computer and SI 5g7 "Quickscan" vector imaging system Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or fire linked) Two ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannons (single fire or fire linked) Two Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each) Shields/Armor Forward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields (rated at 75 SBD) Titanium reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU) -- The Alliance employs two basic Y-wing models, the BTL-A4 and the BTL-S3. The S3 is the two-man variant. It has superior shields to the A4, as well as better accuracy with its ion cannon (directly controlled by the gunner). In the two-seat BTL-S3, the weapons officer, who sits facing aft, operates the ion cannon mounted above him. The ion cannon pivots 360 degrees and elevates up to 60. By rolling the ship, the pilot can bring the guns to bear on any target around the ship. The standard S3 Y-wing holds a weapons officer who sits behind the pilot, and he has manual control of the ion cannon turret. In the BTL-S3, either the pilot or the weapons officer can fire the ejection seat, but doing so launches both seats. The S3 has no nav computer for making calculations for hyperspace (it relies on a R2 unit with pre-set coordinates instead). --------------- Name Y-Wing Longprobe Model BTL-A4 Y-Wing (LP) Combat Designation Long Range reconnaissance fighter Designer/Manufacturer Koensayr Scale Starfighter Length 16 meters Crew 1 pilot and 1 astromech droid Cargo Capacity 80 kilograms, 3 weeks of consumables Cost 142,000 (new), 73,500 (used) Power System Thiodyne O3-R cryogenic power cells and ionization reactor Propulsion Engines Two Koensayr R200 ion fission engines rated at 250 KTU Speed Rating 80 MGLT (1,000 km/h in atmosphere) Flight Control Systems Subpro NH-7 flight control avionics package Maneuverability Rating 50 DPF Navigation Nav computer Hyperdrive Koensayr R300-H motivator unit Sensor Systems Fabritech ANs-5d unit with one long range Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u (PG-9o?) Targeting Computer Fabritech ANc-2.7 tracking computer and SI 5g7 "Quickscan" vector imaging system Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or fire linked) Two ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannons (single fire or fire linked) Two Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each) Shields/Armor Forward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields (rated at 45 SBD) Titanium reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 43 RU) -- An A4 variant, the /Longprobe/, is designed for reconnaissance missions, with larger stores of supplies and a navigation computer. The A4 also has a special variant known as the Y-wing /Longprobe/ (model designation BTW-Ar Y-wing (LP) ). It is modified for deep-space missions with longer in-flight time. Whereas the S3 has no nav computer for making calculations for hyperspace (it relies on a R2 unit with pre-set coordinates instead), the /Longprobe/ is equipped with a sophisticated model capable of unlimited jumps, so the R2 unit can concentrate on in-flight maintenance. Because of the power drain of its stronger hyperdrive engines, the /Longprobe/ loses some of its deflector shield strength, though the hull is reinforced to compensate. The standard S3 Y-wing holds a weapons officer who sits behind the pilot, and he has manual control of the ion cannon turret. In the /Longprobe/, the space is taken up by a nav computer and hyperdrive back-up units. The /Longprobe/ pilot must fix his ion cannon in one position (usually directly forward), and cannon make use of the turret's rotation capabilities. Y-wings also are used on diplomatic escort missions, while the BTL-A4 Y-wing (LP), or Longprobe, has extra provisions and more powerful sensors for long-range patrol duty. ------------ The Y-Wing fighter was the mainstay of the rebellion almost from its inception, profiding somewhat disorganised flight groups of the time with a versatile craft with which to fight the empire. The Y-Wings low speed is compensatrd by its strong shields, hyperspace capabilty and heavy load of varied wepondary; when flown in large numbers can stand up to nearly any type of small craft. The Rebellion has lost more Y-wings than any other craft, because of their great numbers in the rebel fleet. Until the recent B-wing fighter, the Y-wing was the only attack craft used by the rebellion with an ion cannon system. Unlike normal lasers the Ion cannon doesn't destroy the enemy craft. The Ion cannon interfers with a ships electrical systems causing a power faulire, paralising the enemy craft. This was an important weapon for the rebellion, it abled them to disable imperial cargo frieghters withou damage thier drive systems or contents. Many imperial weeapons fell to the rebels this way. There are two models of Y-wings. The S3 model holds to crew and an astromech droid. One of the crew members are the pilot and the other operates the Ion Cannon. This model is used when pin point accuracy is required with the Ion cannon. The A4 model which is better equiped for deep-space, long endurance flights. It's advanced hyperdrive computer, deperate from the smaller pre-set unit within the astromech droid, gives the A4 model unlimited hyperjump calculation capability. The pilots of the A4 model lock their Ion Cannon into one position before lift off. Usually zero-forward, although some pilots prefer their cannons dead aft for use against pursuing craft. ------------ Max Speed: 80 MGLT Acceleration: 11 MGLT/second Agility: 59 DPF Shields: 75 SBD Hull: 40 RU Weapons: Dual Lasers, Dual Ion Cannos, 2 Warhead Launchers Std. Combat War head Load: 12 Hyperdrive: Yes Used By: Rebel Alliance Manufacturer: Koensayr Jane's Guide to Modern StarFighters: "The Y-wing is one of the few craft deserving the title of long range bomber. With it's larger payload and Ion Cannons, it can disable or destroy anything ranging from low level transports to mid-range capital ships. Their heavy shields and hull strength allow them to absorb rediculous amounts of punishment before taking serious damage. Their hyperdrive capability allows them to perform surgical strikes against Imperial installations. Which brings up its main problems. The Y-wing is a slow, unmaneuverable craft. It has probably the largest target radius of any front line ship. As a star fighter it is bulky, slow, and too large of a target for it's own good. The success of a Y-wing relys completely on the success of its fighter cover. If there are no fighters to worry about, the Y-wing can bomb/disable very well. But almost any fighter can, given the time to do so, tear a Y-wing to pieces." A Pilot's Guide to Flying the Y-Wing "The Y-Wing. To many pilots, it is considered a flying coffin. To a well trained bomber pilot, it is the enemy capital ships' worst nightmare. "This ship is slow. This ship handles like a pig. This ship is a huge target. But, if you remember this upcoming statement, this ship is one of the most powerful weapons in the Rebel fleet. It is not a dogfighter. It is a bomber. Leave the dogfighting to the escorts. Your job is to bomb Cap ships silly. "Recommended Usage: Turn down the lasers. This makes your ship faster and more manuverable. Activate your torp bays. Use your sensors to ping the target for range. Don't keep it on, or else the cap ship will launch missiles at you. [Think "stealth"] When you are within 5 klicks, start firing torps at the cap ship manually. Don't lock on, or else the cap ship will fire point defense missiles. Remember to lead the target. After shooting all your torps, make sure you are out of turbolaser range. Now you have a choice. Stay or fight. If possible, leave. If it is not possible, charge up your guns. Try to get the enemy into either a head on pass or get into the kill zone behind them. When firing, hold down the firing button and rapidly hit the 'W' key. This creates a huge barrage of firepower that will quickly destroy just about any starfighter relatively quickly. Attempt to clear an area large enough for hypering out. Once the enemy has been suppressed sufficiently, make your escape." Miri Teonum Ex-Instructor of the Training Squadron of Platform IK-60 Rebel Alliance Flight Training ------------ Koensayr Y-wing Technical Readout Class: medium fighter/bomber Manufacturer: Koensayr Starfighter Inc. Crew: 1 pilot + 1 navigator, 1 astromech droid. Hyperdrive: Yes Length: 25 meters. Maximum top speed: 90 mglt Weapons: Two medium laser cannons, two light ion cannons. Warhead payload of up to 8 proton torpedos. The oldest fighter used by the Rebellion, the Y-wing is now outdated. Slow, underpowered and underarmed our TIE Fighters can make short work of Rebels flying these antiques. Once the Y-wing was a favorite vessel of the Jedi Knights during the days of the old Republic. Mass produced for decades, the Y-wing was an ideal choice for the Rebellion. It was very inexpensive to buy and there were always ample parts. The famed durability of this craft made it perfectly suited for use with Rebel bases on Yavin IV and Hoth. ------------ While its shielding is a full 50 percent better than the X-Wing's and its hull is twice as thick, the Y-Wing is slow and sluggish and therefore a dangerous craft to fly. Unless it is escorted by faster craft, the Y-Wing is at a huge disadvantage: Competent TIE Fighter pilots can easily fly circles around it and strike at its vulnerable backside. To its credit, the Y-Wing is the only Rebel craft that sports ion cannons, good for disabling enemy starships, and a dozen warheads make the Y-Wing the Rebels' best bet against enemy capital ships. Because the Y-Wing is sluggish to begin with, you are advised to keep lasers and shields charged at maximum so as to emphasize its offensive power. Remember never to take this fighter's thick shield and armor for granted, as it won't be enough to withstand a concentrated enemy assault. In summary, the Y-Wing is an old starfighter and well past its prime. ------------ All components are subjective on these craft while repairs and modifications are constantly being made. Most warhead carrying craft can be outfitted with a myriad of ordinance. Any craft that can carry warheads such as torpedoes, can also carry missles, advanced missles, advanced proton torpedoes, and mag pulse warheads. The Y-Wing is usually armed with proton torpedoes for raids against capital ships and platforms. They can also carry heavy rockets or space bombs for such attacks. Because the Y-Wing is so slow and most ships (even a TIE Bomber) can out manuever it, it is usually accompanied by an interceptor squadron of X-Wings or A-Wings to provide support and eliminate enemy defence. The Y-Wing is also useful in rescue/capture operations where the ship is not to be destroyed. They can use their ion cannons to disable craft so they can be boarded. Besides capital ships and transports, the Y-Wing is the only craft with ion cannons, so it is indispencable. Although it is slow moving and slow reacting, the concentrated focus of the laser and ion cannons make it easier to obtain positive locks on small enemy craft. Unlike the X-Wing or A-Wing's cannons, which a TIE craft can fit between without receiving damage, the Y-Wings close cannons ensure direct hits. ------------ Name/Model#: BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter Designer/Manufacturer: Koensayr Combat Designation: Attack fighter Length: 16 meters Crew: 2 (plus 1 astromech Droid) Passengers: None Cargo Capacity: 110 kilograms Consumables: One week Hyperdrive model: Vorelk 119 moderate model Nav Computer: Droid is programmed for unlimited jumps Hyperdrive Backup: No Sublight Speed: 80 MGLT Maneuverability: 50 DPF Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields (rated at 85 SBD) Titanium Reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 50 RU) Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or firelinked) Two ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannon (single fire or firelinked) Two Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launcher (4 torpedoes each) Special Features: R2 unit, 2 Crew pilots, 85 SBD shields, 50 RU hull rating, ------------ Name/Model#: BTL-A4 Y-Wing Longprobe Designer/Manufacturer: Koensayr Combat Designation: Long-Range Reconnaissance Fighter/Bomber Length: 16 meters Crew: 1 (plus 1 astromech Droid) Passengers: None Cargo Capacity: 80 kilograms Consumables: Three weeks Hyperdrive model: Vorelk 119 moderate model Nav Computer: Droid is preprogrammed for 10 jumps Hyperdrive Backup: Yes Sublight Speed: 80 MGLT Maneuverability: 50 DPF Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields (rated at 75 SBD) Titanium Reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU) Weapons: Two Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (single fire or firelinked) Two ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannon (single fire or firelinked) Two Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launcher (4 torpedoes each) Special Features: R2 unit ------------