New Republic Capital Ships: Mon Calamari StarCruiser (hologram courtesy of Lts. Harry H. Chang and Andreas Engel, New Republic Intelligence) Name/Model #: MC80 Star Cruiser Designer/Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Designation: Capital Starship Length: 1200 meters Speed: Space: 10 MGLT Crew: Standard: 5,156 (includes 246 gunners); Skeleton: 1,230 Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons Consumables: 2 years Cost: Not available for sale Weapons: 48 Taim & Bak XV9 turbolasers (computer assisted targeting), 20 ArMek SW-7 ion batteries, 6 Phylon-Q7 tractor beam projectors Defense: Shields rated at 240 SBD and hull Armor rated at 140 RU Starfighter Squadrons: 3; 12 ships per squadron 1 X-wing/1 Y-wing/1 A-wing (pre-Hoth), 1 X-wing/1 B-wing/1 A-wing (post Hoth) Planetary Assault Troops: 1,200 Special Design Features: Multiple backup deflector shield generators ----- Standard Rebel Mon Calamari Cruiser Fighter Complement: Total Starfighters Embarked: 36 A, B, X, or Y-Wing Fighters 2 Stock Light Freighters One Wing on Each Cruiser The wing includes starfighters, pilots, all personnel and equipment. The fighter wing commander reports directly to the ship's captain as well as to fleet fighter command. Three Squadrons in Each Wing Three starfighter squadrons. Always include one recon squadron. Each squadron is made up of a different fighter type. Each squadron has a squadron commander who reports directly to the wing commander. Three Flights in Each Squadron Flights commonly consist of four fighters. Flight commanders report to squadron commander. Two Elements in Each Flight The element is the smallest tactical unit deployed. Each element consists of a leader and his wingman. Wingmen are responsible for each others' safety at all times.